Heroes, A Baby and A Bride; CSI NY / NCIS crossover

Like I said Melly, wait and find out, I've done my homework. :lol:

Next morning Gibbs had gotten out of bed early. He checked in on the twins when Abby walked in with the babies’ formula.

“Good morning Boss-man!” Abby greeted him cheerfully. “All set to go?” She handed him a bottle. Gibbs smirked at her bright start of the day and took one of the bottles.

“When Jordan gets up.” He lifted Ryan out of his crib and handed him to Abby. She gratefully took Ryan. “Ziva and Tony will be here in an hour.” Gibbs informed her.

“Great!” Abby smiled. “You mind if Adam and me spend the morning on the boat?” She carefully asked. Gibbs rolled his eyes.

“Just don’t break anything.” He warned. “You seem to be happy with the working arrangements, Abbs.” He smiled at her.

“Yup! How did you get Jordan to agree on the schedule?” She grinned and watched Ryan drink his bottle.

“Silent agreement, Abbs.” Gibbs removed some milk that dripped out of Kenzy’s little mouth. “If it’s up to me Jordan will have her hands full with our family.”

“Planning on the next set of twins?” She beamed at Kenzy.

“I don’t want to keep Jordan away from the lab. She loves the work too much.” He laid Kenzy back in her crib. “But… I’m working on it.” He nearly sang.

“You’re not making plans for my womb again.” Jordan walked in and gave Gibbs a good morning kiss. “Let’s get married first.” Jordan grinned at her groom and Gibbs smirked. “What are you doing up so early, Abbs?”

“Taking care of the twins before Ziva and Tony get here. And you need to get dressed, Jordan.” She looked at Jordan’s negligee. “I’ve laid out your clothes for today in the bathroom.” Abby pushed Jordan to the bathroom. Jordan watched Gibbs doubtfully.

“Trust me, Angel?” He asked. Jordan’s smile told him she did. “Now hurry, we need to be down at the beach in half an hour, and the clock’s ticking.”

“Half an hour?” Jordan shrieked. “You’d better wait for me, Probie.” She warned him before she disappeared in to the bathroom.

She took a quick shower, got dressed in the clothes that Abby had laid out, wondering why she was wearing a pair of long jeans, a long sleeved top and flat shoes when they were going to the beach. Once she appeared in to the kitchen Gibbs held out his hand and together they walked down to the beach.

“Jethro… wanna explain my outfit for this field trip?” Jordan asked as the reached their destination. Gibbs was about the answer when she heard the horses behind her. Jordan turned at the sounds and looked surprised at Gibbs.

“Ever been riding?” He smirked as he took over the reins from the man. Gibbs thanked him with a little nod.

“In Chicago?” Jordan negatively shook her head. “You gotta be kidding me?”

“First time for everything.” Gibbs held out a hand and helped her up. “Keep your back straight.” Jordan patted the horse. Gibbs then got in the saddle himself. “Real nice and slow, Angel.” He cautioned. Next to each other they rode down the beach.

“Where are we going?” Jordan relaxed in the saddle. “

“See that mountain up there?” Gibbs pointed at their destination. Jordan nodded. He stopped both horses. “There’s a little cabin up there with a little lake.” Jordan’s eyes glowed.

“How long have you been planning this?” She grinned at his sinister look.

“Not my doing, Angel.” He confessed. “Credit goes to Stella. Wanna speed it up a little?” Gibbs mentally thanked Stella and Jordan followed Gibbs’ lead as the horses galloped faster.

You just wanna win that pool, you nutter. :devil: Okay, here we go again.

Meanwhile back at the villa Stella was relaxing in the outside living and ordering everyone around. Mac was pleased that she did as promised. When he and Ducky finished the decoration in the outside living Danny, Lindsay and Madison arrived.

“Trust you to show up when the work is done, Messer.” He snorted with a grin. Danny patted Mac on his shoulder.

“You’re doing a great job, Boss.” Mac handed Danny the ‘just married’ board. “Ok, where does this go, mum?” He asked Stella.

“It needs to be on the back of the boat.” Stella was pleased with the board. “Abby and Adam are in charge over there.” She reached her hands out for Madison. Danny left for the boat.

“Logan’s asleep?” Lindsay asked as she handed the little girl to Stella.

“Yup. He was crying early this morning.” Stella grinned at Madison. “He kept Mac up for 3 hours.” She waved Madison’s hand at Mac.

“Well, I’m having a little problem with this one.” Ziva walked in with a crying Kenzy, followed by Tony and Ryan.

“I think she misses her mummy.” Mac took over his little niece and rocked her.

“Then we have a big problem after the wedding.” Tony piped in. “I mean, I’m gonna be stuck with a crying baby all week.”

“C’mon Tony.” Stella encouraged him. “It’ll be good practise. Look at Mac.” All eyes went over to Mac when Kenzy had stopped crying.

“If it’s going to be a problem with you and Ziva taking care of the twins while Jethro and Jordan are honeymooning.” Mac tickled Kenzy. “They can stay with us in New York.”

“No need, Mac.” Ziva said. “Stella doesn’t need to be overloaded. We’ll stay with them at Gibbs’ house, so that they are more comfortable.’

“Sounds like a plan to me, Taylor.” Stella jumped in. “Now can you guys do the settings at the bay, please?” Stella got up from her chair. “I don’t want Danny to get sunburned.” She giggled as she watched Danny sleeping on the deck of the boat.

Mac, Adam and Tony headed over to the boat and dropped Danny in to the water before the men started to set the bay for the wedding ceremony. And Ducky… he helped the ladies with the children as feeding time had arrived.


Up on the mountain Gibbs and Jordan had arrived at the cabin. They both saddled off and took care of the horses. When they were done Gibbs went in to the cabin and fetched a kettle. He then walked over to the outside fireplace and started to boil the water for coffee. Jordan had gone for a quick swim to relax her muscles from the ride.

“Skinny dipping?” He approached the lake.

“It’s not that we have an audience.” Jordan yelled back while she floated in the water. “It’s so peaceful here.” Gibbs undressed and swam towards Jordan.

“You ok?” He gently laid his arms around her waist. Jordan nodded.

“Just a little stiff here and there.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Then I’d better take care of the here and there…” His hand slid down to her butt as he claimed her mouth. Jordan suddenly broke off the kiss as she felt movement on her legs.

“Woops… lots of fish here.” She laughed. Gibbs pulled her back to his chest.

“That’s not fish, Angel.” She looked at Gibbs in question. “That’s lunch.” He grinned.

“Lunch can wait.” She sneered. Gibbs held her close and made their bodies disappear under the surface.

“Lunch can wait.” He agreed and hands were roaming over their bodies. Gibbs tenderly took claim of Jordan’s mouth. When they broke off for air, Jordan breathed heavily.

“Jethro…” Jordan said as he made her shiver in the water.

“Hmmm…” He answered as he went for her neck.

“That’s not a fish…” She gave him a mischievously grin.

“Then I think you got bait.” He smirked softly next to her ear and sat her up on his hips. Next the couple in the water floated away in their own little paradise.

Afterwards both were lying half in the water and half on land till Gibbs got up and let his hand travel over her body.

“You wanna practise these vows again?” He grinned at Jordan.

“I think I know them by heart by now.” She giggled. “I, Jordan, take you, Jethro, to be…” Jordan didn’t get far as Gibbs claimed her lips again. As he flipped her over they were half in the water again just to finish what they had started earlier.

Yeah me too :)

mmm water smex lolol

DiNozzo isn't gonna ride the horse again is he? That didn't work out well the last time lol
I think Tony forgot to bring his boots, Mel :lol:

Back at the villa the men had set up the place were the wedding ceremony would take place. When they were done Ducky and Stella inspected the wooden patio and the festive decorations. Stella was pleased with the results. She quickly made a call out to the local priest that would marry Gibbs and Jordan and informed him that all was set. After she was done she joined Ducky again, who had been accompanied by Mike Franks.

“Mike!” Stella greeted him cheerfully. Mike gave her a small peck on her cheek. “You came out of your shell.” She joked.

“Well anything for these two.” Mike handed her a little box. “For you.” Stella was surprised. “You just had a baby, ma’am. And pretty unexpected.” Mike grinned. “So I’d figured I could be the first with the presents this time.”

“Thanks Mike.” Stella opened the present and laughed at the contents. “Better not show Mac that NCIS badge. He’d prefer his son at NYPD.” She joked at the little badge Mike had made for Logan.

“You are gonna stay in town till after the wedding, Mike?” Ducky informed as they walked back to the villa. Mike nodded.

“Damn straight I am.” He mocked. “Someone’s gotta make sure these two get married without anymore trouble.” He grinned. “Speaking of which, where are Probie and the misses to be?” Mac looked around.

“Up in the mountains.” Stella nodded in the mountains’ direction. Mike drew a face. “Don’t worry. They’ll be back before the bachelor’s party tomorrow.” She grinned when she saw Mac coming up.

“They’d better. Never believed I would get to see the Probie married again.” Mac handed him a beer.
“I’ll bet he’s pillow talking her into the next set of off-springs as we speak.” Mac nearly choked on his beer at that thought.

“Don’t you worry, Taylor.” Stella laughed. “I’m sure Jordan isn’t in that much of a hurry.” Then the three of them headed back to the pool where the youngsters were cooling off after the hard work they’d produced.


In the early evening Gibbs was cooking the fish while Jordan fed the horses. They actually did go fishing that afternoon and Jordan beat Gibbs in the fish count.

“How’s dinner coming along?” She handed him a beer and she sat next to him. Gibbs held an arm out for her to lean in.

“Getting there.” He grinned while Jordan leaned her head on his shoulder. Softly he kissed the top of her head. “Do we need to go back tomorrow?” He asked while he turned the fish.

“The guys want their bachelor’s party.” She smirked as she knew that was the one thing Gibbs wanted to skip.

“Don’t remind me, Angel.” He gave her a little kiss. “At least you girls have a nice evening at the villa.”

“It’ll be fun, Probie.” She said amused gave him a little punch.

“Fun?” Gibbs exclaimed. “With Tony and Danny organizing this thing?” Jordan drew a funny face.

“I’m sure Mac will supervise and keep them in line.” She handed him the plates.

“He’d better.” Gibbs filled the plates and handed Jordan hers. When she didn’t take it, Gibbs got a little worried. “Jordan?” He lifted up her chin to get her attention back.

“Sorry…” She apologized and took the plate. “It was as if I could hear Kenzy cry.” She smiled and took a bite from the fish.

“She misses you fast, cried when you were kidnapped.” Gibbs put his plate down.

“It’ll be ok, she’ll get used to it.” Gibbs was surprised at Jordan’s reaction.

“Ok, she’ll get used to it how?” He smirked knowing there was a story behind it.

“Ok, when I was two months.” Gibbs could see Kenzy in Jordan. “My mother got a new house and had little time for me with moving. So she left me in the care of my grandmother for a week.” Jordan took a drink and grinned. “I cried for about two nights in a row.”

“What did your grandmother do?” Gibbs finished his fish.

“She set out the pram downstairs in the living room and let me sleep in there, so she could get some sleep herself. She was bushed after one night already.” Jordan remembered the story from her mother. “And apparently I was exhausted after two nights of crying for attention that I gave up.”

“That’s cruel.” Gibbs grinned and snatched some of Jordan’s fish.

“Not cruel. It’s letting go.” She took his plate and got up. “When I went back to my mum, I never cried again.”

“So you think a week without the kids wouldn’t do them harm?” He carefully asked.

“Dunno, I turned out to be ok. Why?” Her gaze didn’t leave his.

“After the wedding I would like to get the boat back home by myself.” Jordan laughed.

“Have a nice honeymoon then by yourself.” She teased. Gibbs pulled her in.

“And my wife.” He rolled his eyes and kissed her softly. “So what do you say?”

“Who will take care of my kids?” She asked.

“Probably Ziva and Tony. God knows he needs practise.” Jordan smirked at the idea of Tony running around with the twins. “And if they need help I’m sure the team will pitch in.”

“Ok, Probie.” She leaned in and pinched him. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” Gibbs didn’t let go of her. Instead leaned back to the ground and drew Jordan back with him. “Jethro, I’m getting seasick already.” She giggled. Yet Gibbs ignored her comment and tickled her back.

The next day Gibbs and Jordan headed back to town. After saddling the horses Jordan once more looked over the lake. Gibbs came up from behind and rubbed her arms. Gently she lay back in his chest and silently they savoured the memories they’d made here. They then saddled up and rode back to town.

Meanwhile back at the villa Stella still needed to have that talk with Ducky. Her heart went out to him, but she’d hoped that Ducky would understand. She got Logan up and walked over to Ducky.

“Ahh… here’s the little fellow.” Ducky greeted them. “Come to Uncle Ducky then.” Ducky held out his arms. Stella already felt really guilty. In the time they had spent together Ducky had gotten to know Stella to notice something was troubling here.

“Stella, my dear.” He took Logan from her. “Tell me what’s wrong.” Stella was surprised by Ducky’s sharp view of knowing people. She handed Logan over.

“Can’t hide anything from you, can I, Ducky?” She smiled.

“Well, you and Jordan have become open books to me this last year.” He grinned. “Which is a good thing, my darling. Now why don’t you tell me what’s troubling you?” Stella smiled at Ducky’s concern.

“The wedding…” Stella admitted honest. “Jackson is flying in today.” Ducky smiled at that. “I think it’s important for Jethro that his father will be here.” Ducky handed her Logan.

“Yes.” He nodded. “Jack wasn’t at Shannon’s and Kelly’s funeral. I think this would mean a great deal to Jethro.” He lifted her chin. “And I think it’s important that he gives Jordan away.” Stella was surprised that Ducky knew what she wanted to ask. “But only under one condition.”

“Wow Ducky, I really am an open book to you.” She smiled at him. “What’s the condition?”

“That I get the first dance with Jordan after she does the opening dance with Jethro.” He grinned. Stella giggled.

“I’m sure I can manage that. Jethro doesn’t dance.” She got up to settle Logan in the maxi-cosi.

“You might be surprised, my dear.” Ducky laughed. “You might be surprised. Now what time does Jack arrive?” Stella checked her watch.

“Yay, cool!” Abby walked in and clapped her hands hearing the last bit. “I’ve missed Papa Gibbs far too long.”

“Erm… in about an hours time. Why?” She followed Ducky.

“I’ll drive over to the airport and bring him in. Abigail, would you like to join me?” Ducky chuckled at Abby.

“You try and stop me, Duck-man.” She shrieked. She weaved her arm in to Ducky’s and the two of them headed off to the airport.


After Ducky and Abby had left, Stella walked over to Gibbs and Jordan’s bedroom to get the wedding gown. When she entered her own bedroom she got it out of the dress bag. Lindsay and Ziva walked in.

“Oh my…” Lindsay breathed when Stella held the dress in front of her. It was an elegant antique ivory chiffon strapless gown with a beaded and embroidered bodice. From the waist down it went wide and ended just above the ankles.

“Gibbs is gonna be blown up.”

“You mean blown away, Ziva.” Lindsay corrected Ziva. “But in this case you could be right, Ziva.” She giggled. “It’s a killer dress. Where do you want this?” She carefully took the dress from Stella and placed it back in the dress bag.

“My closet. I don’t want Jethro to see Jordan in this before the wedding.” She grinned. “We might not have a wedding.” She wiggled her brows. Ziva grinned.

“So what about the something old, something new thing?” Ziva asked as she sat on the bed. “Isn’t that custom in America, yes?”

“Jordan doesn’t care much for tradition, but I got the blue covered.” Stella opened a drawer and a soft blue satin garter with the crystal heart appeared. “This garter is sure to please!” Stella sniggered when Danny and Mac walked in.

“Is that an offer, Stell?” Danny quipped.

“In your dreams, Messer!” Stella squinted her eyes. “But if Taylor offered…” She slowly swung the garter in front of Mac’s face and lifted a brow.

“Give it a few days, Gorgeous.” Mac kissed his wife. “Now where can I put this?” He held out Gibbs’ dress bag. Stella wanted to take a peek, except Mac held it back.

“Back to Jethro’s room.” Stella smirked. “We’re getting Jordan dressed in here.” Mac returned to Gibbs’ room. “Oh Mac, there’s a hair band on the dresser. Could you bring it, please?” A few minutes later Mac returned with the hairband and held it next to Stella’s head.

“Looks great.” He smirked and stole a kiss.

“Thank you, my darling.” Stella studied the tiny pearls. “Ok, I think we got everything covered.” Stella looked around.

“What about shoes?” Lindsay asked when she noticed there were none. Stella shook her head.

“No shoes… With the sand it’s easier to walk barefooted.” Stella enlightened. “Ok, who wants to go for a swim and who wants to make us girls a nice drink?” The girls jumped up from the bed and chased the men out to get changed. Mac and Danny headed downstairs to kitchen to get some soda’s.

haha Gibbs father!!! I didn`s see that coming!!
I bet he would be happy, cant wait to see them finally married!!!:)
Lol Melly, remember English isn't my native language, sorry for getting you distracted here :lol: But I'm sure you'll get the drift :devil:

A little after two Gibbs and Jordan had gotten back at the beach. After they returned the horses. Gibbs wanted to go back to the villa. Jordan suggested they’d make a coffee stop first. Jordan made a phone call to Stella to check on Jack’s arrival. When she’d told Jordan that he had arrived an hour ago they headed back home.

“I’m gonna check on the twins.” Gibbs gave Jordan a quick peck on her cheek. Jordan nodded.

“According to Ziva Kenzy had a rough night.” Gibbs walked upstairs in to the nursery.

“Dad…?” He asked in surprise and stopped in the doorway. Jackson Gibbs turned around with his granddaughter on his arms.

“It’s what you called me last, Leroy.” Jack laid Kenzy back in the bed and walked towards Gibbs. “Now, you weren’t about to marry without your old man present, right?”

“Didn’t think you would leave the store. Never did for my other weddings, except Shannon.” He smirked. “Good to see you, dad.” Gibbs greeted.

“Those weren’t real weddings, Leroy.” He was dead serious. “Like Shannon, Jordan is a keeper.” Father and son hugged. “Thank god that future wife of is a smart one.” Jack smiled. “Good to see you too, son.” Both men walked over to the twins.

“She’s ok, Leroy.” Jack grinned as Gibbs lifted up Kenzy. “Stopped crying the minute I walked in to the nursery.” Gibbs smirked at this dad.

“Yeah… Jordan was a little worried that Kenzy would cry for attention.” Jordan stood at the doorway, arms crossed, watching the men.

“She’ll grow out of it.” Gibbs smirked as his dad’s comment. Jack picked Ryan up. “Now where is that lovely bride of yours?”

“Downstairs.” Jack and Gibbs turned to leave the nursery when they were met by Jordan.

“Hi Jack.” She walked in and kissed him hello. “Glad you made it in time.” Kenzy looked up at her mother’s voice. “Hi Jethro.” She smirked at his goofy look.

“You are an angel, D’Angelo.” He kissed his future daughter-in-law. “And don’t you think it’s about time you started calling me dad?” Jordan smiled appreciatively.

“Dad it is then, but you gotta stop calling me D’Angelo.” Jordan laid her arms around Gibbs’ waist. “It’s bad enough Jethro does.” She mocked.

“Then it’s about time you married me.” He handed Kenzy over to Jordan.

“Now that we’re all complete, there’s nothing stopping me.” Jordan smirked. Together with the kids the three of them went downstairs to join Stella, Mac and the rest of the gang in the outside living.


Later that evening the guys were getting ready for the party. Mac handed Gibbs his costume for the night. Reluctantly he took the bag and peeked in it. But when Gibbs saw the G.I. Joe outfit, he grinned.

“Knew you could live with that.” Mac smirked and handed Gibbs his ‘Bachelor’s last night out’ cap.

“Supporting our troops is important and nothing says it better than to dress up in military garb.” Gibbs remarked. Mac nodded and showed Gibbs the money collecting box.

“It is also great to raise money for our troops families by donating to the Red Cross.” Gibbs took the box from Mac. “Goes great on the bar in stead of the tip money.” Mac knew Gibbs wasn’t the person to beg.

When the men were dressed they headed over to Mike’s local cantina that had been turned in to a poker palace. Danny and Adam took care of the first round of beer, while Gibbs swapped the tip box for the fund raising box. Then they all took place at the poker table.

“There are two secrets to success at Poker. Rule #1: Never tell your secrets.” Jack said. McGee looked at Gibbs.

“Isn’t that something like your rule #4, Gibbs?” Gibbs gave him a glare. Don got up for the round of Tequilas Danny and Adam had forgotten.

“Wanna show these youngsters how poker is played?” Jack asked Mac and Gibbs. Mike and Ducky joined in too.

“I’ll be the dealer.” Ducky offered.

“Wanna show these oldies how it’s done?” Danny punched Adam as they all sat down. Don passed the Tequilas over.

“Wait up for me.” He hurried back to the table.

Ducky dealt the cards. Tony put on his sunnies while he checked out his cards. Don, McGee, Mike, and Adam passed. Mac called and Gibbs raised the pot. Tony and Danny didn’t give up on each round. Eventually Mac won the first pot. Don took the chips and turned them in for real money and donated Mac’s winnings to the Red Cross.
