Heroes, A Baby and A Bride; CSI NY / NCIS crossover

“Damn it!” Gibbs cursed as he identified the shoe as Jordan’s. “We never should have let them go on their own.” He reached out for his phone and made a call to Mike Franks, ordering him to head over to the villa.

“I smell chloroform.” Mac found a cloth and reached out for his phone. He called Adam to secure the villa. “Wait for Mike Franks; he’s gonna stay with Abby and the twins. Then bring your traveler kit.” Mac ordered.

After Gibbs had called Mike he made another call out to Ducky. Mac called Danny. He then secured the ladies room till Adam got there. Gibbs immediately informed the manager about the events. He then started questioning the staff. Yet no one had seen either the women or anything suspicious. One hour later Adam arrived with his kit.

“Mac!” Adam called out. “What the hell happened here?” Mac reached out for his kit and sat it down on the floor.

“We don’t know yet, Adam. Start collecting fingerprints.” Mac ordered while putting on some gloves. “We need to get them to Danny ASAP.” Adam went straight to work. Mac bagged the cloth and, Jordan’s shoe. He then collected Stella’s personal belongings and her purse. When he was done he helped Gibbs with interviewing the rest of the staff.


Jordan woke up with a major headache; she was lying barefooted on a cold floor. It felt like marble. Her hand went up to the back of her head and she felt the bump in her neck. She then felt brow and noticed a bruise and what seemed to be some blood. She tried to scan the room but it was pitch dark. A soft moan told her she was not alone in the room.

“Stella…?” She called out and crawled over the floor in search of her sister-in-law. “Stella… is that you?” Jordan tried again.

“Hmmm…” Stella slowly woke. “Jordan…? Where are you?” Stella tried to get up.

“Right here on the floor.” Jordan tried to reach Stella. “Where are you?” She crawled towards Stella’s voice.

“I think I’m on a bed.” Stella felt the blankets.

“Ouch! Damn it!” Jordan cursed as she bumped in to the headboard of the bed. “Ok, now I’m officially pissed!” She reached for her nose and felt some blood dripping. Slowly she got up and sat on the bed.

“You okay, Jordan?” Stella reached for Jordan.

“Yeah… just bumped in to the bed.” Jordan said. “Are you hurt?” She asked Stella.

“No… I’m fine. Just tell me what happened.” Stella was still confused.

“Last thing I remembered was smelling chloroform.” Jordan explained. “Then I felt a real pain in my neck and I must have passed out.”

“Welcome to a holiday in hell!” Stella shouted angry. Jordan got up in search for a door. “Jordan, be careful.” Stella warned.

“We’re gonna get out of here, Stell.” Jordan assured her. “One way or another.” She found a door and banged on it. “Hey! Give us some light here, you assholes!” Jordan kept hitting on the door. When it opened, she backed away.

“Keep that pretty mouth shut, senora Taylor!” a male voice warned. “Else I’ll shut if for you.” Jordan felt a blade on her neck. He handed her a storm lantern and a box of matches. “Better make yourselves comfortable. You’re not going anywhere for a while.” He pushed Jordan back and locked the door again.

Jordan kneeled on the floor and lit a match. Quickly she lit the lantern and walked towards Stella. There was a small table next to the bed and she placed the lantern on it.

“Jordan, you’re bleeding.” Stella noticed. Jordan ripped a piece of her dress and tried to stop the bleeding.

“It’s just a scratch, Stell.” Stella checked it out anyway. “I’m more curious why that guy called me Taylor. Not many people did or do.”

“Well, we’re not gonna get an answer tonight by the looks of it.” The bleeding had stopped. “What time is it?” Jordan checked her watch. From the burst glass she could tell that she was thrown on the floor hard handedly. But she still could tell the time.

“1:17…” She answered. Stella nodded.

“We might as well get a little comfy like that guy said.” She patted the bed for Jordan to sit down. There wasn’t much more Jordan could do, so she did as Stella suggested.

Gibbs, Mac and Adam returned to the villa after the ladies room in the restaurant had been swiped out. Adam had photographed every fingerprint and headed up the stairs so he could send the pictures to Danny in the lab back in New York. Gibbs and Mac walked in to the living.

“Gibbs! Gibbs!” Abby shouted and quickly strode over to hug him. “We need to find them; we need to find them real fast.” She was shed in tears. Mike got up from his chair as Kenzy started to cry. He walked over the play box.

“Abby didn’t want to leave them in the nursery.” He picked Kenzy up and tried to soothe her, so that Ryan wouldn’t wake up as well.

“She’s been crying and cranky ever since you called.” Abby mumbled. Gibbs took his daughter over from Mike. He held her real close to his face.

“We’re gonna find your mummy.” He murmured next to Kenzy’s little ear and tried to rock her to sleep. “We’re gonna find them both.” He assured her again. Mac scratched the back of his head.

“We’re not gonna find them tonight.” He summarized the events of the night.

“Haven’t you found any evidence, Mac?” Abby felt useless.

“Only over hundreds of prints, Jordan’s shoe and Stella’s purse. Oh and a chloroformed cloth. No sign of struggle.” He handed her the evidence bag.

“Ill help Adam with the prints first.” Abby sniffed. She patted Mac on his shoulder and left to go and find Adam upstairs.

“Anything I can do to help, Probie?” Mike offered. At the mention of ‘Probie’ Gibbs didn’t answer. “Jethro?”

“There’s a real load of prints, Mike.” Mac motioned for him to help upstairs. Mike nodded. “And maybe you can interview the staff of the restaurant again tomorrow.”

“Consider it done, Mac.” Mike went up the stairs. Mac approached the play box.

“Jethro… we are going to find them.” Mac tried to convince himself too. Gibbs nodded. “Maybe we should take the kids to bed.” Gibbs shook his head.

“No, I need to be with my kids tonight, Mac.” Kenzy had finally calmed down. Gibbs gently laid her down in the play box while Mac covered her with her little blanket. Both men then sat down, each wondering where the girls could be.


Next morning Abby and Adam washed and changed the twins. Abby then went downstairs where Gibbs and Mac were already brainstorming. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Gibbs motioned for Abby to go the kitchen. Mac and Gibbs drew their guns. Mac carefully opened the door while Gibbs held his hand on the trigger until he recognized the person in the door.

“God damn it, Duck!” Gibbs groaned as he lowered his gun. “I could have shot you.” He turned and walked back to the living.

“I’m so sorry, Jethro.” Ducky followed him. “Normally I would have made myself known, but Timothy found this on your doorstep.” He handed Gibbs a DVD.

“McGee!” Abby rushed out of the kitchen. “You brought high tech!” Abby hugged him.

“Abby!” McGee tried to breath. “You’re crushing me here.” Abby instantly let go.

“I figured we could set up internet connections with Danny in New York, Boss.” He handed Abby a laptop.

“Smart thinking, McGee.” Mac praised his knowledge. Gibbs handed Abby the DVD.

“How long till you can get this thing started?”

“Give me fifteen minutes, Boss-man.” Abby took the DVD from Gibbs.

“You’ve got ten!” he snorted as he went for the kitchen. “I need coffee!”

“Set it up in the dining area! And call us when you have a connection with Danny. He should have some results by now.” Mac said and Ducky followed Gibbs to the kitchen.

“Adam, get your bum down here!” Abby yelled up the stairs. McGee was a little startled to find out that Adam was her too.

In the kitchen Gibbs started the coffee machine. Mac took Ducky aside for a moment.

“Ducky, what risks could Stella be in with her pregnancy?”

“Psychological problems or stress could cause the baby to be born premature.” Ducky explained. “But I’d like to point out that Stella is a strong woman, Mac.”

“Under normal circumstances she is, Ducky.” Gibbs heard the worry in Mac’s voice.

“I’m sure Jordan will do anything to protect her.” Gibbs tried to convince Mac.

“Yeah, that is IF they are together.” Mac reasoned. “We’d better go and find out what’s on hat DVD.” Gibbs grabbed the coffeepot while Mac got them some paper cups.

When the three men entered the dining room Ducky was in charge of the coffee. Mac and Gibbs stood behind Abby as she started the DVD. The vision was dark as there was not a lot of light. But it showed
Stella in the corner of the room on a bed sleeping and Jordan pacing the floor.

“Abby can you do something about the vision?” Mac asked. Abby nodded and the film got a little brighter. Unfortunately there was no sound. Suddenly Jordan stopped and unknowingly faced the camera. Gibbs bolded his fists as he took her bruised face in. Ducky noticed Gibbs’ anger, but he had to ignore it as Jordan appeared to be talking.

“What’s she saying, Abbs?” Gibbs wanted to know. Abby stopped the film and played it back. She then zoomed in. Gibbs motioned for Ducky to come closer, so he could study Jordan’s injuries.

“Abby!” Gibbs got impatient. Mac gave him a pat on his shoulder to calm down.

“Lip-reading is not as easy as signing, Gibbs!” She nearly snapped. “Now gimme a moment.” She pushed him out of her way and started to follow Jordan’s lips again. “Something about… someone… ‘why does that guy… keeps calling me… Taylor’.” Abby made out of it and looked up from the screen.

“Why would anyone call Jordan ‘Taylor’? No one calls her Taylor.” Mac reasoned. Then the film went black and ended with a message. ‘You two took it all, guys. Time to collect!’


Back at their improvised prison Stella woke up from Jordan’s banging on the door again. She slowly got up to stretch her legs and strolled over to Jordan.

“Give it up, Jordan.” She reached for her arm. “Who ever they are, they choose to ignore us.” Jordan took her hand from the door and looked at Stella. “You look a mess, Jordan.” She gently touched her bruises.

“You look tired, Stell.” Jordan helped Stella back to the bed.

“Yeah, you try sleeping on a hard bed with a little over 8 months pregnant.” Stella dryly joked. “God, I’m hungry.” She moaned.

“They could at least could give us something to eat and to drink. I think I’m dehydrating.” Jordan rubbed her red skin.

“Teaches you to stay out of the sun from noon till three.” Stella quipped.

“You know, did Mac ever tell you that you can be really grumpy in the mornings?” Jordan groaned at Stella’s mood.

“I’m sorry, Jordan.” Stella. “I just didn’t sleep to well.” Jordan sat next to Stella on the bed.

“At least they gave you a bed.” Jordan put an arm around her shoulder. “My bladder is about to explode.” She grinned. “Hey guys.” She shouted again. “Unless you don’t want mop up this floor I’d suggest you give us a bucket or something!”

Suddenly the door opened. A little old Mexican woman set a tray with fruit and water on the little table. She then silently walked out to appear again with a bucket. Jordan was about to say something, but Stella held her back.

The woman approached Stella and laid her hands on her belly. In protection Jordan pulled Stella back. The old woman slammed a hand in Jordan’s face and returned to the door.

“El bebé no ha cambiado. Ella todavía no ha.” She yelled at a man waiting at the door. After she’d passed him, he locked the door again.

“Jordan, what’s going on?” Stella asked while she protectively laid her hands on her belly. Jordan hesitated to answer. “Jordan?” Stella pushed.

“She said that the baby hasn’t completely turned. You’re not ready yet.” Fear appeared on both women’s faces.

Patience Melly :lol: I'm sure the guys will work it out. We're not in the movies :guffaw:But we'll get there tomorrow :D
Hi Catu, I hope that Spanish was ok, if not you may and can correct me. Google isn't alway right. :guffaw:
On with the story. We're getting there. :)

Back at the villa Mac had Abby played the film once more. Mac was staring at the message again. ‘You two took it all, guys. Time to collect!’

“God damn it!” He fumed. “The coward even doesn’t have the guts to show himself.” He knocked over a chair out of anger. Gibbs grabbed his arm and walked him outside.

“Mac, we can’t lose it. Not now!” Gibbs hissed. “The girls need us. Now this clown is after the both of us. So let’s find out what Danny’s got.” Meanwhile McGee had set up the connections with the New York crime lab.

“McGee, how’s that connection coming along?” Mac and Gibbs walked back in to the dining room.

“Danny is standing by right… now, Boss!” McGee hit the enter button of his keyboard.

“Yo boss…” Danny showed up on the screen. “Got ID’s to 57 out of 154 fingerprints.” Danny reported.

“Danny, we’re almost certain it’s a man we’re looking for.” Mac filled Danny in.

“Reducing the search to males.” Lindsay piped up and was seen next to Danny.

“Mac, have you heard anything from Stella and Jordan?” She asked in concern.

“We got a dvd, Linds.” Mac informed her. “No sound, but the girls are alive.”

“Mac…” Danny interrupted. “Search is down to 17 males being in the ladies rooms.”

“That’s gross.” Abby chipped in. “What guy would go to a ladies room?”

“This is Mexico, Abbs.” Gibbs reminded her. “Danny, go to the males over 45.” He drew his attention back to the screen.

“Jethro, how were Stella and Jordan holding up?” Lindsay asked on the other side.

“Stella was ok, she was sleeping on a bed.” He answered, the vision of Jordan being hurt played through his mind again.

“And Jordan?” Lindsay asked. Gibbs turned away from the screen and poured himself another coffee.

“She was pretty bruised, Linds.” Mac took over and kept an eye on Gibbs. “How’s that search coming along, Danny?”

“I got 3 guys over 45, Mac.” Danny answered. “Sending the ID’s as we speak. Give it one minute.” Mac nodded and poured himself a coffee as well. When McGee’s laptop beeped, he quickly printed the ID’s and handed them the Mac and Gibbs. Mac spread them out on the dining table.

“Gibbs?” Abby asked from behind. Gibbs looked up. “Is it okay if we get ourselves some breakfast now?” She asked uncertain as her stomach growled. Gibbs gave her a little smirk.

“Sure Abbs. Can you make another pot of this stuff?” He handed her the empty coffee pot. Abby nodded. The youngsters left for the kitchen. Adam handed Ducky the print outs of Jordan’s bruises, which didn’t go unnoticed by Gibbs.

“Who do we have?” Gibbs turned back to the pictures lying on the dining table.

“Recognize this joker?” Mac held out the picture. Gibbs took it from him and studied the face. Visions of years back drifted through his mind. Three friends enlisting to the army, going through training together. And then one of them hit rock bottom when he started harassing two women. Women that were known as Claire Taylor and Shannon Gibbs.

“Jethro?” Mac brought Gibbs back to the presence. “I haven’t seen Jim Cabot since he was discharged from the army.”

“Apparently he’s been following our careers ever since.” Gibbs studied his file. “Can you ask Danny about his whereabouts?” Mac nodded and got in contact with New York again. In no time Gibbs was behind Ducky and faced the pictures of a bruised Jordan.


“Ah Jethro.” Ducky tried to turn the pictures but Gibbs got his hands on them first. “It’s not as bad as it seems, my friend.”

“You sure?” Gibbs studied Jordan. Ducky nodded and left for the kitchen to get himself a cup of tea. Gibbs dropped the pictures on the dining table and went to the nursery. There he felt closer to Jordan than anywhere else in the house.
