Heroes, A Baby and A Bride; CSI NY / NCIS crossover

Back at the villa the girls were having a little party of themselves. Stella, Lindsay, Jordan and Ziva had taken care of the children while Abby had set everything ready at the whirlpool in the garden. Jordan had given Ziva some suggestions for when she and Tony were staying with Kenzy and Ryan.

“Ok, let’s race to the pool.” Lindsay suggested.

“Drinks first!” Abby yelled, but Ziva and Lindsay were already off. Abby poured four non-alcoholic cocktails and one very rich alcoholic one for herself.

“Jordan, can you take care of the music, please?” Ziva asked. Jordan nodded and set the stereo to a sound that didn’t wake up the babies. Stella appeared in a new tankini that Ziva had bought her at the airport.

“Wow Stell.” Lindsay whistled. “If Mac knew you were walking around like this, he surely would give up that hand of poker.” She joked.

“Well, Mac will just have to wait a few more days.” Stella quipped. “I’m still a little sore. How long did you wait till you had sex again, Linds?” Stella wanted to know.

“Erm… I think about four weeks, you Jordan?” Jordan handed over the cocktails.

“A week and a half.” Jordan answered. Stella and Lindsay looked surprised. “Hey, what can I say.” She adjusted her tankini. “The quiet moments Ducky suggested were too quiet pretty soon. We had to live it up a little.” Jordan hopped in to the whirlpool. Abby was still about to undress.

“Hurry up, Abby.” Ziva urged. “Or else I am gonna start on that cocktail of yours.” She drew a face at the non-alcoholic ones.

“Don’t you dare, David!” Abby had a little trouble with lifting up her top.

“Wwoooww…” Lindsay exclaimed when she saw the tattooed cross on her back. “It’s more beautiful than on those pictures of you and Danny.”

“Danny let you see those pics?” Stella questioned.

“What pics?” Ziva took another sip of her cocktail. Stella and Abby told them about how they’d set up Danny after he walked in on Mac and Stella having sex.

“It wasn’t funny at the time.” Stella laughed now when Lindsay was checking out Abby’s other tattoos.

“Jordan, show them yours.” Abby suggested. Jordan mouth fell open when Abby blurted out the so well hidden tattoo.

“You have a tat?” Stella exclaimed and checked Jordan out. “Where? I can’t see it.” Jordan smirked and jumped out of the pool.

“I think we need another round of cocktails here.” She mocked. “And as for that tattoo, it’s private, thank you very much, Abby.”

“Chicken!” Abby dared. And while Jordan took care of the next round, Abby filled the girls in about the tiny three little angels tattoo on Jordan’s hip.

“When did you have that done?” Stella asked as Jordan came back with another round. Lindsay and Abby took the drinks from Jordan.

“Two weeks after Ryan and Kenzy were born. It was a present from Abby.” Jordan jumped in the pool again. “And it’s for Jethro’s eyes only.” Abby grinned.

“Ohh… we won’t tell what we see or hear.” Stella chattered, causing the girls to burst out in laughter. Abby earned herself a little slap from Jordan, and much to the girls’ dislike she still didn’t show the tat.


A few hours later at the cantina Jack, Tony, Danny and Adam were out of chips and had moved the party from the table to the bar. Mac, Gibbs, Don and Mike were still at the game till Don was wiped out. He took the chips from Gibbs’ win and changed them for cash. He then dared McGee for a game of pool.

“Seems to me the youngsters are getting full.” Ducky nodded over at the bar. Mac turned and agreed.

“Maybe we should just turn in the chips for cash and buy ourselves another round.” He shot back the Tequila. Gibbs swiped the chips together and stumbled over to the bar to make sure the money was safe.

“Just when I was winning.” Mike snorted over his beer. He got up and strolled over to the bar as well.

“That’s a lot of money, G-Gibbs.” Danny hicced up and slapped him on his shoulder. Tony looked over Danny’s shoulder.

“W-Wasn’t me, Boss.” Tony gave Danny a little push. “That a new tattoo, Messer?” Danny held up his shoulder and showed Madison’s name. “N-Nice…” Tony complimented. “Don’t break that pool table, McFlee.” He shouted at Don.

“Yup.” Gibbs threw a new Tequila down his throat. “But not a nice as Jordan’s.” He blurted as he set the glass on the bar. The bartender poured him two other ones and Gibbs handed one to his dad.

“Jordan has a tattoo?” Tony chirped with a dazed face and was very interested.

“Oops.” Gibbs sighed and looked at the time. “Isn’t it about time for that stripper, DiNozzo?” He tried to distract Tony. Jack gave his son a warning glare.

“No… no… no, Boss.” Tony waved his index finger. Mac slapped him on his head.

“Apparently it’s private, T-Tony.” Mac enlightened him. “And no s-s-stripper, Jethro.” He warned. “It’s late as is it.” Mac checked his own watch. “We need you sober tomorrow at noon.”

“Party’s over!” Jack shouted to gather the group. “We’re moving to the villa.” Gibbs and Mac gave the bartender some pesos and grabbed two more bottles of Tequila to take back home. Mike stayed behind in the cantina.

When the men arrived at the villa the girls could tell by the noise that they were pretty drunk. Lindsay cautioned them not to wake up the babies and she took the two bottles of Tequila from Mac.

“I think you’ve all had enough for today.” She snapped and stored the bottles in a cabinet.

“Sshhh… M-Montana.” Danny hushed her. “You’re waking up the b-babies.”

“Danny, you’re drunk!” Lindsay whined. Danny tried to apologize with a kiss. When Lindsay avoided him Tony laughed at him and got hiccups as well.

“I think they’re all drunk, Lindsay.” Ziva tried to hold Tony up straight. “Hey… where’s Abby and Adam?” She said as he missed them.

“I think Adam …hic… is having more luck… hic… than us tonight.” He too failed poorly at stealing a kiss from Ziva. Stella got up from her chair and strolled to a drunken Mac who trying to figure out how to strip Stella down from her tankini.

“I’m taking this guy to bed.” She laid his arm around her neck. “See you guys at eight.” Mac slid down one of the halters and kissed her shoulder.

“Make that n-nine.” He corrected her while his fingers tried to slid out the other one. Stella lifted it up again and gave Mac a little push.

“Make yourself move, Taylor.” Stella mocked. Both disappeared upstairs.

“Ok, David, DiNozzi…” Gibbs said half drunk. “You can sleep on the boat.” Gibbs ordered.

“Not the boat, boss.” Tony whined. “I might get seasick.” Gibbs rolled his eyes.

“Messer, Lindsay, you take the boat.” Lindsay didn’t have to be told twice.

“Get going, Messer.” She pushed him to the dock. “See you guys at eight.”

“McGee!” Gibbs looked around for McGee.

“I took the liberty of calling us a taxi, Jethro.” Ducky chirped in. “We’ll take Timothy and Donald to their rooms and Jack and I will finish those two bottles of Tequila.” Jack held up the bottles that Lindsay had stored away. Ducky patted Gibbs on the shoulder and followed Jack out to the taxi.

When all were gone, it was quiet in the living. Jordan got up and nicked Gibbs’ bachelor cap. Gibbs’ gaze fell on the new tankini and after he lifted her up, he silently carried her up to their bedroom. That night he said farewell to his bachelor’s days as he made love to his soon to be bride.


The day of the wedding Gibbs was up early and lay next to Jordan, his eyes fixed upon her body. The bruises had healed pretty good and he was sure that the girls could cover up the little bit that was still to be seen. He interlaced his hand with her right one and he smiled as Jordan slowly woke up.

“What are you doing, Probie?” She opened her eyes and stared in to his blue once. Gibbs slid the ring off her right hand.

“Moi et toi…” He held out the ring to her. Me and you… I’m gonna need this today…” He kissed her good morning. Jordan tried to reach for it.

“No way, Angel.” He laid the ring on the night stand and turned back to her. “Today that ring is moving to your left hand for always.” He gently stroked the tattoo on her hip.

“What time is it?” She smiled at his touch while she ran her hand through his hair.

“Time for us to get up and take care of our children.” He exhaled as he felt his head bump. Jordan tried to get up. “One last kiss for a free man, D’Angelo.” He begged. She silently placed his head between her hands and granted him his wish. When their lips parted the two of them got up and went over to the nursery.

After the twins were bathed and fed Abby and Ziva abducted Jordan away from Gibbs. They were not about to see each other till the ceremony now. Jordan hopped in the shower and shaved her legs while she was under the shower. When she was satisfied with the result she let the water run to cool her nerves. Her mind drifted off to the time since she met Gibbs. She smiled at the happiness she felt since that day. A soft knock on the door reminded her that she needed to get out of the shower.

“You finished in there?” Stella called from outside. Jordan got a towel and wrapped herself in. She opened the door for Stella, who held out a new set of white lingerie.

“Thanks, Stell.” She took the lingerie and after she dried herself off, she then put the set on and came out of the bathroom.

“Let’s do your hair first.” Stella held out the hair dryer. Jordan followed Stella. After she’d blown it dry she made a French hair roll and pinned the hair band in to the roll so that the pearls contrasted with the colour of her hair. Jordan did the make up herself while Stella covered up the few bruises that were just about to be seen. When she was done she wanted to take out the dress out of the closet.

“Wait up, D’Angelo.” Stella stopped her and gave her the garter. Jordan shook her head when she took it. “I know you left that out on purpose, Jordan. But this is one tradition you cannot skip.” She smiled like a Cheshire cat.

“Ok, you win, Bonasera.” Jordan teased her back by using her maiden name. “But we’re not playing the game after the ceremony.”

“It never crossed my mind.” Stella fibbed and handed Jordan the ivory dress. She carefully stepped in it and lifted it up. Stella closed it from behind and when Jordan turned a tear dripped from her eye. “Jethro is one lucky man.” She sobbed.

“Don’t you start crying on me.” Jordan warned Stella.

“Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?” She just turned Jordan in front of the mirror, so she could see herself. Jordan was speechless. “It only misses one thing now.” Stella took the antique necklace from the drawer and put it on Jordan. “Perfect.” She said and carefully dried the tear in Jordan’s eye.

Meanwhile on the other side of the villa Gibbs had taken a shave and a shower as well. After he’d dried off he dressed in a linen sand coloured suit with a white shirt. He didn’t want it to be too formal, so he had decided not to wear a tie. Instead the first two buttons of his shirt were open. When he was finished he smirked at the results.

“You ready?” Mac asked him as he entered the room. Gibbs took a deep breath.

“Almost.” He handed Mac Jordan’s and his ring. “As my best man I’d like you to hold on to it. I’m afraid I might lose it in the sand.” He said. “I’ve only been nervous like this once before.” Mac knew what Gibbs meant.

“We’re two lucky guys.” Mac said while sitting next to him. Gibbs nodded in agreement. “I never would have believed that we could find happiness again.” Mac thought about Stella.

“I wanna make her happy, Mac.” Mac looked up.

“You already are doing that, Jethro.” Mac assured him. “Now let’s get Stella and head down to the beach and make an honest man out of you.” He grinned. Gibbs went downstairs while Mac went over to his room to collect Stella. He softly knocked on the door.

“Wow…” He was stunned when Stella opened the door. She was wearing an ivory dress as well. “You’re a knock-out.” He kissed her hello.

“Wait till you see your sister.” Stella let him in and Mac was speechless for a few seconds when Jordan turned.

“Don’t just stand there.” Jordan now got really nervous and nearly jumped. “Say something… anything.”

“I got something for the bride and her maid of honour.” He handed both a bouquet of ivory flowers. “And you’re gonna give Jethro a heart attack.” He kissed her on the cheek.

“We can’t have that.” Jordan joked. “Maybe I should change.”

“Don’t you dare, D’Angelo.” Mac teased. “This guy has been waiting long enough for you. We’re heading down to the beach now.” Jordan nodded kissed Mac and Stella her thanks. They both went downstairs and walked up to the beach. Then Jack knocked on the door and gently opened it.

“My son is one lucky bastard.” Jack said as he saw his daughter-in-law. “If he wasn’t marrying you, I would marry you myself.” Jordan beamed at his compliment. “Ready to go, Mrs. Gibbs?” He offered her an arm. Jordan nodded.

“Ready to go… dad.” She accepted his arm. Then both of them went downstairs and walked to the beach themselves.


Gibbs was waiting nervously next to Mac on the beach when the music started to play. He was not sure if he saw Ziva and Abby holding his twins or Lindsay and Danny with Madison or Logan for that matter. When Jack walked up on the beach with his bride he had only eyes for Jordan.

Jordan was stunned by the music Stella had chosen. It was so typical her and Gibbs. When they reached the patio Jack kissed her on the cheek and handed her over in the care of his son. He shook Gibbs’ hand and silently made his son clear to hold on to this treasure. Gibbs nodded. Jordan gave her bouquet to Stella. They then turned to the priest who started the ceremony.

“Dear friends, we have gathered together today to witness and bless Jethro’s and Jordan’s mutual vows that will unite them in marriage. To this moment, they bring the dreams that bind them together. They bring those particular personalities and spirits which are uniquely their own, and out of which will grow the reality of their life together. Let our rejoicing be the outward symbol of an inward union of hearts, a union created by friendship, respect and love.”

Lindsay held Danny’s hand while the priest spoke his words. Madison held on to her daddy. Danny remembered his own wedding to Lindsay. Even though they married at the justice of the piece, he was happy with his Montana.

Ziva and Tony listened carefully to the words of the priest. It wasn’t Ziva’s religion but it all had a meaning. She had grown in to this family, just like Jordan had. Tony took over Ryan as Ziva reached out for a tissue when it was about time for the vows.

“Now, would the witnesses please come forward?” The priest asked. Stella and Mac stepped forward with the rings.

“Jethro, do you here in the presence of these witnesses declare your commitment to Jordan and choose her as the one with whom you wish to spend your life? Do you pledge to endure all of the difficulties which life may offer, even as you look forward to sharing the joys to be experienced together?

“I do.” Gibbs said firmly and held on to Jordan’s hand.

“Jordan, do you here in the presence of these witnesses declare your commitment to Jethro and choose him as the one with whom you wish to spend your life? Do you pledge to endure all of the difficulties which life may offer, even as you look forward to sharing the joys to be experienced together?”

“I do.” Jordan smiled at Gibbs, happy to have finally said the words.

“Jethro and Jordan, are you now ready to be married?”

“We are.” They both said in unison and interlaced their fingers.

“Will you who witness these pledges do your utmost to uphold this marriage?”

“We will.” Mac and Stella vowed.

“I, Jethro, take you, Jordan, to be my wife, and in doing so, commit my life to you in all sorrows and joys, all hardships and triumphs, all the experiences of life; a commitment made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and eternally made new.” Jordan was touched by his vow and took her turn.

“I, Jordan, take you, Jethro, to be my husband, and in doing so, commit my life to you in all sorrows and joys, all hardships and triumphs, all the experiences of life; a commitment made in love, kept in faith, lived in hope, and eternally made new.” Gibbs smirked at Jordan speaking her vows.

“What pledges do you offer that you will fulfill these vows?” The priest asked.

“These rings.” Mac handed the priest the rings.

“These rings are the symbols of the vows here taken; circles of wholeness; perfect in form and one very special in form.” The crowd laughed. “These rings mark the beginning of a long journey together filled with wonder, surprises, laughter, tears, celebration, grief and joy. May these rings glow in reflection of the warmth and the lives that flow through the wearers today.”

“Do you, Jordan, accept this ring?”

“I do.” She beamed and Gibbs placed the ring on Jordan’s finger. “In token and pledge of our abiding love, with this ring I’ll be wed.” His gaze never left hers.

“Do you, Jethro, accept this ring?” He gave the ring to Jordan.

“I do.” Jordan placed the ring on Jethro’s finger. “In token and pledge of our abiding love, with this ring I’ll be wed.” She spoke the words softly.

“Jethro and Jordan, having promised to live together in marriage, and having declared the same by the giving and receiving of the marriage rings, I, by virtue of the authority vested in me, do now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride, Jethro.” The priest finished.

Gibbs leaned in and softly claimed Jordan’s soft lips. What seemed forever were actually moments, till Mac patted Gibbs on the shoulder.

“Hello, Mrs. Gibbs.” He whispered with a grin. Jordan beamed at her new name.

“Goodbye, Ms. D’Angelo.” She whispered back and claimed on more kiss.

He then reluctantly let go of Jordan as the crowd applauded. Mac hugged his new brother-in-law and kissed his sister his congratulations till Stella made her presence known and did the same. Ziva and Abby walked up and congratulated them. They then handed over the twins to the new Gibbs’ family and joined Stella and Mac to let the other congratulated the newly weds.
Haha Melly, I knew that was coming :)
For now there's a little Easter story with lots of kids for Mac and Gibbs.
Go check it out in a new thread called Heroes and Easter Bunnies.

After the congratulations from their guests Adam did a photo shoot of the couple, their kids, the best man and maid of honour and the groom’s father. Abby assisted Adam. The other guests went back to the villa.

When Adam had enough pictures they headed back to the villa, where they were welcomed with champagne. Mac held up his glass and started the speech.

“Jethro, Jordan…” He addressed the couple. “After Jordan showed up on my doorstep…”

“Pretty knocked up.” Danny taunted and winked at Jordan. The crowd started to laugh. Lindsay slapped him on his back.

“Thanks, Messer.” Jordan grinned at the memory. Gibbs laid his arms around her waist and pulled her in. He softly kissed her neck.

“Right.” Mac continued. “I’d never have believed that my buddy here…” Mac pointed at Gibbs. “… Was the father of what later seemed their twins. And when they decided to give this relationship a chance, Jordan made me very proud of her courage to start a new life Jethro in a new town.”

“And a new team.” Tony reminded him.

“And a new team.” Mac said again. “Anyway, I couldn’t have wished for a better man for my kid sister and a better father for the twins. So here’s to Jordan and Jethro.” Mac toasted towards the couple and the crowd followed his lead. Then the music started and Gibbs collected his Jordan for their first dance as husband and wife.

“You made me the happiest man in this world, Jordan Gibbs.” He softly whispered in her ear while they danced to the music.

“We serve to please.” Jordan rested her head on his shoulder. “Any other requests?” She grinned.

“Hmmm…” Gibbs mischievously lifted up her chin. “Maybe we can work on a brother or sister for the twins.” Jordan grinned and tiptoed to get to his level till she was next to his ear.

“Before we came to Mexico… I’ve…” She spoke softly and whispered the rest only for Gibbs to hear. His stare was dazed as he smirked at her. He pulled her in and held her hand to his chest while they kept dancing. He rested his forehead against hers.

“You mean…” Jordan wiggled her eyes.

“Maybe, who knows…” Gibbs tenderly claimed her lips when the song ended. Then Ducky patted him on the back for his turn to dance with Jordan.

Reluctantly he let go of Jordan and went over to Mac and Stella’s table. He held out a hand for Stella inviting her to dance. Stella frowned her brow but smiled as she got up.

“Thank you for everything.” Gibbs spoke as they started to dance. Stella smirked at his thanks.

“You can thank me by doing me a little favour.” She said with a small mischief. “I’m not completely done yet.” Gibbs was surprised and waited for Stella to go on. He was astounded by what she had in mind. And on any other day he would have given her a good glare, but not today. He silently nodded agreeing on Stella’s suggestion.
