Heroes, A Baby and A Bride; CSI NY / NCIS crossover

Well nocited, Melly. :) We are about to find out soon enough. :devil:

Meanwhile at the Taylor’s Mac had started dinner. Stella joggled in from the living room. She lifted the lid of a saucepan and smelled Mac’s cooking. She smiled at the scent and placed the lid back and walked over to the sink.

“Who was on the phone?” Mac asked as Stella enveloped him from the back.

“Abby.” Stella kissed his back. “Jethro and Jordan will be half an hour late.” She grinned. Mac could feel her smiling.

“And you’re happy about that, Gorgeous?” He wondered while he washed the vegetables.

“Abby told me that Jordan was about to unpack. So Jethro had to come up with something to distract her.” Mac smirked at the thought. “How far are you with those vegetables?” Stella rubbed his back.

“Nearly done. How far are you with the packing?” Mac countered.

“Done, why? What have you got in mind, Mr. Taylor?” Mac kissed Stella’s soft lips.

“Hmmm… I’ve got a few things on mind… Mrs. Taylor.” Stella started unbuttoning his shirt and kissed his chest while she tenderly rested her hands on his shoulder.

“Ok, just follow my waggle.” Stella lifted a brow. Mac turned down the stove and followed Stella to the bedroom.


Seven o’clock sharp Adam was standing at the, what now was the temporarily Gibbs’ residence. When the doorbell rang Abby rushed out of her room, but she was stopped by Gibbs. He didn’t speak, he nearly signed to her to go for the living room. Gibbs opened the front door and was met by Adam holding out a single black rose.

“Black is not my colour, Ross.” He gestured for Adam to step in.

“Special Agent Gibbs.” Adam shyly greeted him. “Is Abby in?”

“Living room.” Gibbs crooked his finger for Adam to follow him. “Abbs, you got company.”

“Oh hey, Adam.” Abby jumped up from the couch. Adam held out the black rose. “Oh Adam, you shouldn’t have.” She gave him a quick peck on his cheek an took the rose. “Gibbs can you find a vase for my rose? Thank you, my hero.” Abby beamed and handed him the rose. Gibbs gave her a stare but took the rose.

“Hey Adam.” Jordan came out of the bedroom, clipping on an earring. “Make yourself at home.” She was then dancing on one leg while putting on her shoe. Gibbs rolled his eyes and went for the kitchen to get a vase, followed by Jordan. “Behave, Jethro!” She slapped him on his shoulder. “I know Abby’s like a daughter to you, but Adam’s a good guy.” Gibbs stuck his head around the corner to check on Abbby and Adam, except Jordan pulled him back.

“So, what was the movie called, Abby?” Adam reached for the box.

“Midnight Meat Train, but we’ve got to wait till Gibbs and Jordan are gone. She gets nightmares from scary movies.” Abby grinned.

“You do?” Gibbs grinned at Jordan in the kitchen. She gave him a kiss to shut him up.

“That’s ok, Abby. I think we should make sure the twins are fast asleep before we do. I read somewhere that babies in their subconscious are affective to all kinds of sounds.”

“I can live with that.” Gibbs remarked in the kitchen.

“See, Adam is smart, now we’d better get going.” Jordan pulled Gibbs along. “Your kids are in safe hands, including Abby.” She pushed Gibbs to the door.

“Abby, one more favour before we go.” Jordan called out from the hallway.

“What?” Abby called back.

“Could you hang out my wedding gown before it’s totally wrinkled?”

“Sure Jordan.” Abby called back again.

“Ok, you two have fun now.” Jordan shouted.

“Other than that, you also behave!” Once more Gibbs stuck his head around the corner, and once more Jordan pulled him back and dragged him out of the apartment.

"I read somewhere that babies in their subconscious are affective to all kinds of sounds.”

So sweet!!!
Mac and Stella had woken up after a little nap. While Mac took a quick shower, Stella made a phone call overseas to check if everything was in order for the next day. After she’d hung up she went to the bathroom to inform Mac and took a quick shower herself. On his way to the kitchen the doorbell rang. He changed direction and went for the door.

“You certainly took your time.” He smirked at Gibbs and checked his watch. Gibbs innocently shrugged his shoulders and followed Mac to the kitchen. Jordan tried to lift a lid of a pan.

“Hey!” Mac slapped her hand and she let go of the lid. He then handed Gibbs a coffee and poured himself a cup of tea.

“Now make yourself helpful and set the table.” Mac grinned. “No food for free.” Jordan snagged Gibbs’ cup and took a quick sip.

“Good coffee, Mac.” She handed Gibbs his coffee back, gave him a big smirk and disappeared in to the dining room.

“Where’s Stella?” Gibbs grinned as Jordan had left.

“Right behind you.” Stella tapped him on his shoulder.

“You’re getting good at this.” Gibbs laughed at Stella sneaking up on him. She walked over to Mac and grabbed his cup.

“Good tea, Mac.” She complimented after she drank the rest of his cup. “Where’s Jordan?”

“Setting the table in the dining room.” She gave him back the empty cup and thanked him with a kiss.

“Great. I’ll see if she needs a hand, you fill in Jethro.” Stella left for the dining room.

“Those two are more a like than they know.” Mac grinned before he informed Gibbs about the overseas phone call.

When dinner was ready the men carried in the plates, while Jordan poured them a glass of wine and water for Stella. During dinner they caught up with everything that had happened the last two months. At 11pm Stella started yawning. Jordan knew what the last month of a pregnancy could do and hinted to Mac to take her to bed. Gibbs and she cleaned up and filled the dishwasher. They then quietly left the house.


Next morning Gibbs was still in bed, while Jordan got the twins. She laid them in bed with Gibbs, so she could keep an eye on them while she unpacked their luggage. She was about to open the first suitcase when the doorbell rang.

“I’m never gonna get this unpacking done!” She groaned as she put her negligee over her nightgown. Gibbs opened his eyes and grinned at her complaint.

“Mummy’s in for a big surprise.” Gibbs smirked at the twins. He then quickly got out of bed, put on his pyjama trousers over his boxers and picked up the twins. He stopped in the hallway when Jordan opened the door.

“Let’s get this show on the road!” Stella squealed enthusiastically as she strolled in to the apartment. Jordan’s eyes widened. Abby and Adam came out of Abby’s room at Stella’s shriek.

Mac smirked at Stella’s cheerfulness and followed with two large suitcases. “Time to get married, Peaches.” He said dryly. He quickly pecked Jordan on her cheek and passed her.

“Would someone explain to me what the heck is going on?” Jordan closed the door with one hand on her hip.

Stella took over Ryan from Gibbs and grinned like a Cheshire cat. Gibbs handed Kenzy over to Abby. She swiftly placed something between Gibbs’ back and his pyjama trousers. Adam felt somewhat awkward.

“Jethro…?” Gibbs approached Jordan with a wicked expression on his face.

“A little bird knew you didn’t want to marry in New York.” His voice sounded serious as he placed his hands on her arms. Jordan looked speechless at Stella and then back at Gibbs. “You feel up for another trip?”

“T-Trip?” She almost stuttered. Gibbs’ right hand went to his back and when it came back Jordan was facing two flight tickets. She silently reached for them and opened one.

“Mexico?” A tear rolled from her right eye. Gibbs lifted her head and with his thumb he removed the tear.

“There’s a beach waiting for you to say ‘yes’, Angel.” Gibbs whispered next to her ear. “What do you say?”

“Yes, yes, yes!” She squealed and threw her arms around his neck. “Jethro, I love you oh so much.” Gibbs enveloped Jordan and held her tight.

“I love you more.” He chuckled. He then removed a strain of hair out of her face and set her back on the floor. Lovingly he claimed her lips which voluntarily opened for him. Their tongues duelled for what seems to be minutes.

“People, people!” Abby clapped her hands. “We have a plane to catch!” Adam smiled at Abby’s enthusiasm and was surprised when she showed him another ticket. “And you… you’re coming with me!” She squinted her eyes. Adam gave Mac a questionable look and smiled gratefully when he nodded a ‘yes’.

Gibbs and Jordan broke off the kiss and Jordan signed a ‘tank-you’ to Stella. A tear fell from Stella’s face at Jordan’s happiness and satisfied she laid her head on Mac’s shoulder.

“Well, no bikinis for me, Taylor.” She sighed as she rested a hand on her stomach.” Mac smirked at her comment.

“No… But you’ll look wonderful in those tankinis I packed for you, Gorgeous.” Stella was speechless and stared at his sinister look. Mac in response grinned and passionately kissed his attractive wife.

Two hours later they all were boarded and on their way to Mexico.

Mexico - Vallarta

After the plane had landed the two families went for the luggage arrivals. Stella, Abby and Jordan were waiting with the twins while Mac, Gibbs and Adam collected the baggage.

“Ouch.” Stella said as a man bumped in to her back.

“I’m sorry ma’am.” He smilingly apologized to Stella and continued his way.

“Could it be?” Jordan wondered and held on tight to Kenzy.

“You know him?” Stella wondered. Jordan shrugged her shoulders.

“He looks like that guy on the flight to New York.” She pulled Abby and Ryan closer to her.

“Well, this one gave me the strangest look when I was calming down Kenzy.” Abby got a little scared.

“Abby, have you told Gibbs?” Stella required.

“No, but I told Adam.” Abby answered instead. “Gibbs overheard us when I mentioned you, Jordan.” Abby apologized.

“Don’t worry about it, Abbs.” Jordan assured her. “We’re good now.”

“So, who’s gonna tell the guys about this one?” Stella and Abby both looked at Jordan.

“Ok, ok. Since Jethro already knows, I’ll carry that monkey.” Jordan offered. “But I’m sure Jethro didn’t recognize him, else he would have told me.”

“Just bring it mildly to him Jordan, else we’re gonna spend this holiday like in Gitmo.” Stella joked.

“No worries Stell. Now come on, those beaches are waiting for us.”

When the guys had collected their luggage, they all headed outside and were met by Mike Franks. He had two cars ready to take them all to his place on the beach, much to dislike of Stella.

“Taylor, no way in hell we’re gonna stay at Mike’s shack.”

“I thought you planned all this.” Jordan looked at Stella.

“Hey, I took care of the wedding part.” Stella piped up. “The accommodation arrangements were Mac and Jethro’s task.” She glared at both men. Mac and Gibbs where holding the twins and kept quiet. Although Stella could tell that they were having trouble to keep straight faces.

“Women!” Mike snorted. “If you lovely ladies will follow me.” Mike led them back to the cars. Abby and Adam took a ride with Mike. The Taylors, Gibbs, Jordan and the twins followed in the other car.

After a fifteen minute bumpy drive, Mike and Mac parked at a private bay. When they all had gotten out of the car Mike led them to a small white villa. He opened the door and motioned for Stella and Jordan to get in. Stella took the lead.

“Wow…” She exclaimed as she took in the luxury of the villa. “Taylor, you’ve outdone yourself.” She snaked her hands around his waist. Mac smirked satisfied.

Abby and Adam decided to do a tour of their own in the villa. While Abby and Mike took the twins over from Gibbs and Jordan, Adam took their luggage upstairs. Stella and Jordan grinned at the pair. Mac led Stella to the kitchen, followed by Jordan and Gibbs. The kitchen was complete with every modern appliances including a built-in coffee machine, ovens and microwave.

“Is that a hint, Taylor?” She was stunned at the possibilities it offered. “You know I don’t cook.” She smiled sweetly.

“We know you don’t, Stella.” Mac grinned. Gibbs wrapped his arms around Jordan.

“But Jordan loves to cook, and if not we can always barbeque in the outside living area.” Gibbs and Mac led the girls outside.

“Oh my god, a pool.” Jordan wiggled her brows at Stella. She passed the pool looking over the bay. “Hey, there’s a private dock and… Is that your boat, Jethro?” She held a hand above her eyes. She wasn’t sure if she read the name of the boat right. Gibbs grinned at her analyzing. “So that’s why I wasn’t allowed in the basement the other day.” Jordan said mischieviously and pushed Gibbs in to the pool.

“How and when did you get that boat out, Jethro?” Stella shouted at him as he hit the surface. She sat down in one of the rattan chairs and rested her feet on the ottoman.

“Most important thing is that it’s out.” Gibbs smirked and climbed out of the pool. “And the house is still in tact.” He had a sinister look as he approached Jordan and grabbed her arm.

“Jethro…” She warned him.

“We can take her out tomorrow.” He played innocent and gave Jordan an apologetic kiss for not letting her know how he got the boat out. “But right now..." He lifted her up. “You’re gonna have a little dive yourself.” He let got of her and dumped her in the pool.

“So, how long can we stay in this luxury?” Stella wanted to know. Mac helped her up.

“For now… till Jethro and Jordan get married.” He said between kisses. “And then… hmmm… whenever you want… for how long you want.” He kept Stella in the dark.

“Now what is that suppose to mean?” Jordan reached a hand towards Gibbs and he lifted her out of the pool.

“That’s means, Angel…” He pulled her in close. “Mac and I bought this villa…” He gently kissed her.

“And now it belongs to the four of us…” Mac continued. Stella enthusiastically and wrapped her arms around him.

“You got to be kidding me, Taylor!” She shrieked.

“Well, with you wanting luxury…” He softly kissed her.

“And Jordan disliking hotels…” Gibbs lifted Jordan up.

“We figured this would be the solution for all our holiday problems.” Mac finished for Gibbs.

“I’m gonna show you the rest of the villa.” Mac kissed Stella’s hand led her back in to the villa.

“And I’m gonna take you for another dip.” Gibbs jumped in the pool with Jordan in his arms.
