Heroes, A Baby and A Bride; CSI NY / NCIS crossover

In this fic you sure can, Melly. We'll take turns. :lol:

Later that evening Adam and Abby went out. After Jordan and Gibbs had fed and bathed the twins they took them to the nursery that Mike made on Gibbs’ request. Jordan was a bit quiet.

“You ok, Angel?” He approached Jordan after he’d laid Kenzy down. Jordan was leaning over Ryan’s crib.

“I don’t know, Jethro.” She knew she had to be honest. “Us girls had a de-ja-vu today at the airport.” She stroke Ryan’s little face to get him to go to sleep. Gibbs wrapped his arms around her.

“Wanna tell me about it?” He calmly gently turned her to face him. Jordan drew a worried face.

“Well, you already know about that guy that gave me the goose bumps on the flight to New York.” He nodded at Jordan to continue. “Abby had a similar experience today, but you already know that.” She paused and let go of Gibbs.

“Jethro, what Jordan is trying to say…” Stella interrupted from the door frame. “… Is that I too had an incident like that at the luggage arrivals today.” Gibbs’ mind went back to the man on the airplane. “Now this could be a coincidence-”

“Jordan knows what I think about coincidences.” He interrupted her. She nodded at his statement. “You told Mac?” He wondered.

“Told Mac what?” Mac walked in to the nursery as well. And the girls told them what had happened so far.

“Adam took some pictures during the flight.” Mac remembered. “Maybe they can tell us more or give us a face.” He reached for his phone and speed dialled Adam’s number. Gibbs and the girls waited for him to end the call. Mac had ordered Adam not to let Abby out of his sight.

“Camera’s on Abby’s bed.” Mac informed them. “I’ll send the pictures over to Danny. Meantime you two don’t leave this house without one of us.” Mac told Stella and Jordan. Mac and Gibbs left to and find the camera.

“You were right, Stell. Gitmo all over.” Was all Jordan said in disappointment. Stella sat down in the rocking chair.


After dinner Jordan was sitting at the pool, her legs in the water and her mind seemed miles away. But she was totally aware of Gibbs’ sudden presence when the lights in the pool dimmed.

“You’re tensed, Jordan.” He kneeled down and massaged her shoulders.

“Yeah… what do you expect?” She sighed. “Here we are in this beautiful place, and prisoners of our own house.” Gibbs got up and sat next to her, dropping his legs in the water as well.

“I know, Angel. But it’s only till we know for sure there’s no danger.” He smoothly slipped in to the pool. Then he turned and placed himself between her legs and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. “If nothing turns up tomorrow we still can go out.” He then lifted her in the pool and his hands softly wandered up to fumble with the strings of her bikini top.

“Jethro… what are you doing?” She asked surprised resting her hands on his shoulders. The strings fell apart as his hands travelled to her neck.

“You’re overdressed, Angel.” The other two strings fell apart and he removed her bikini top. His ice blue gaze fell on her naked skin as he tenderly kissed her. Thumbs caressing the side of her breasts.

“Are you sure?” Jordan trembled as he left a rain of kisses on her bare shoulder and worked his way down.

“No one around for a while.” He coolly remarked and suddenly dived under water. Jordan giggled when she felt him remove her bikini pants.

A few seconds later he was above the water again and threw both their clothes on the side of the pool. Jordan floated in the water as Gibbs gently backed her to the side of the pool. He had a rebellious grin.

“I want you now, Angel…” He quietly whispered next to her ear. He then lifted her up and sat her down on his hips.

“God Jethro…” A soft moan escaped from her lips as he plunged in to her. Jordan held on to Gibbs as groaned and he found the rhythm, nibbling on her breasts.

“Let yourself go, Angel.” He whispered. Then his tongue reclaimed her breasts again.

He increased the rhythm and brought them to the highest level of their love play till both reached their peak. Not wanting to wake anyone up, Jordan quietly cried it out. Both satisfied for the moment Gibbs held her in position, so together could savour the moment of their intimacy. After what seemed minutes they were drawn back to reality by sounds of Abby and Adam coming home.

“Sshhhh… Angel.” He rested his index finger on her lips. Jordan nodded and pumped her lungs full with air. She then placed her mouth on Gibbs’ and together they lowered themselves beneath the surface.

“Something wrong, Abbs?” Adam asked as Abby faced the dark pool? She shook her head.

“Nope, everything’s just fine, Adam.” She smiled as she recognized the wet clothing. “Why don’t we head up? I’m bushed.” She wiggled her brows at Adam. He took her hand and led her in to the villa.

Desperately in need of air Gibbs and Jordan came up to the surface again. Gibbs grinned at Jordan for their hiding skills. She then pumped her lungs full and disappeared under water again to play hide and seek once more.

Next morning Mac had gotten up early to check with Danny for any results on he pictures they’d send. He passed the nursery where Gibbs was dressing Ryan. Mac knocked on the door and entered the room.

“I contacted Danny. No results on those pictures. They were all of us.” Mac smiled at Ryan. “There was one of Abby and Kenzy though, but the person in the background was too blurry to come up with a face.”

“The girls won’t like that.” Gibbs lifted up Ryan and handed him to Mac.

“Tell me about it.” Mac held Ryan high. “Stella was complaining about how she wanted to go shopping today.”

“Yeah, Jordan feels like she’s a prisoner in here.” Gibbs placed his hands in his pockets.

“Well, maybe Stella was right and it is nothing.” Mac considered.

“Mac… you don’t-”

“I know Jethro!” Mac snapped. Ryan started to cry as Mac raised his voice. He immediately soothed the little guy. “I don’t believe in coincidences either.” He had lowered his voice.

“Well, taking the boat out is off for sure.” Gibbs wanted his family on land. “Maybe we could leave the twins with Abby and Adam and take the girls out shopping.” He suggested.

“Oh goodie.” Mac chided. “Stella wants me in one of those Hawaiian shirts.”

“This is Mexico, Mac. It’s way too hot for those black shirts of yours.”

“Look who’s talking, Polo-man.” Mac countered back and heard Stella move. “Stella’s up, where are your girls?”

“Downstairs. Jordan started breakfast for the twins after she dressed Kenzy.” At the word of breakfast Ryan started to cry.

“Hold your horses, little man.” Mac soothed Ryan. “Daddy’s gonna feed you in a moment.” He handed Ryan over to Gibbs and both men waked down to the kitchen.

When Mac and Gibbs had told the girls they could go shopping the atmosphere in the villa was up again. Stella was excited to get some new shirts for Mac while Jordan was thinking about the last item she needed for the wedding.

“You sure you don’t want to take the twins along?” Stella asked Gibbs.

“Those marketplaces are way to busy for them.” Gibbs said. “Abby won’t mind watching them.”

“Yeah, but what about Adam?” She pointed out.

“I’m sure he won’t be disappointed when the twins are asleep.” Jordan joked.

“My kids are gonna be troubled.” Gibbs groaned. “Now move you bum.” He hit Jordan on her ass.

“And it’s said that you don’t kick ass.” Jordan grinned.

While Jordan and Stella got ready Gibbs and Mac checked their guns. Mike had dropped them off after he’d heard about what had happened the last few days. He had grown fond of Stella and Jordan and ordered Mac and Gibbs to keep the ladies safe.

The walk to the open market took about 15-20 minutes. Stella had fun picking out some colorful shirts for Mac, while Mac resented trying on every shirt she got her hands on.

“Don’t even think about it, Angel.” Gibbs cautioned as Jordan took out one herself.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Jordan smirked. “I’d be divorced before I’d even gotten married.”

“You’re getting sassy, Mrs. Gibbs.” Gibbs whined.

“Yeah, and I’m not Mrs. Gibbs yet.” Jordan countered and gave him a quick peck. “Hey Stell, how’s the shirt on Mac?” Jordan went for the row back where the shirts where hanging out. Mac showed himself in a Hawaiian shirt and Jordan nearly freaked.

“Not one word, Jordan.” Mac warned.

“Jeez Mac…” Jordan was laying double. “Do the world and us a favour. Stick to black.” She then handed him a black polo. Stella wasn’t that amused by Jordan’s remark. “Hang on Sis.” She assured Stella. “Wait till he comes out next.” Mac changed and came out in the black polo Jordan had handed out to him.

“Wow Taylor.” Stella exclaimed as Mac came out in the polo. She opened one more button. “Got to hand it out to you, Jordan. He looks like a hunk in that polo. Look at that neckline.” Stella lifted a brow.

“Ok, I’m out of here. That is my brother Stell.” Jordan joked. Yet Stella decided that Mac should look more casual and bought ten black polo’s.

Near lunchtime Mac and Gibbs had enough of the shopping and suggested to get some groceries to take home for lunch. The girls agreed and Jordan promised them lunch at the pool when they would get back to the villa.

I'm sure Stella will have her ways to get him shirtless. :devil: Ok, big update this morning :)

In the afternoon Gibbs, Jordan and the twins took a nap in the outside living while Mac and Stella took a walk down the bay. Holding Stella’s hand Mac stopped and turned to take in his beautiful pregnant wife. Stella looked at him questionably.

“What Taylor?” She grinned at his smirking face.

“You know how attractive you look in that tankini?” His palm gently touched her stomach and felt some movement.

“That’s a foot.” Stella giggled. “Your off-spring’s been doing a lot of kicking lately.” She took off her pareo and spread it on the sand. Mac warmly kissed her and helped her to sit down. He then sat next to her.

“Don’t hassle your mummy.” He spoke to her stomach. He looked up and faced a bright smile.

“You know that you look awfully cute when you do that, Taylor?” Stella gave him a little kiss on his nose and pulled Mac in to lay back with her. Half on top of her his hand he caressed her belly.

“I am so lucky to have you, Stell.” Mac spoke gently. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Stella smiled at his loving words.

“Well, for one thing you wouldn’t be able to do this…” Her lips touched his and she demanded entrance to his mouth. Mac lifted his body up so he wouldn’t hurt his unborn child. “I’d always dreamt about making it out on a beach.” Stella grinned. “So what do you say, Taylor?”

“Time to silence you, Gorgeous.” Mac smirked at her raising a brow. He then leaned in and took control of her tongue, his hands roaming over her beautiful body.


Abby and Adam had found a nice little restaurant the day before and Abby had insisted that the two couples should try it out. So after the twins were settled, Jordan and Stella got dressed for dinner. Mac and Gibbs were waiting for their ladies outside in the living area.

“Come on, Jordan!” Gibbs called upstairs. “How long does it take to get dressed?” Mac grinned at Gibbs’ impatience. Stella appeared in a white summer dress that showed her big belly.

“She’ll be right down, Jethro.” She patted him on his shoulder. She then moved over to Mac and turned her back to him. He got the message and helped her with the last part of her zipper. Jordan appeared in a light ocean blue dress.

“I have slight sunburn.” She mocked as she entered the outside living. “Good thing that parasol protected the kids this afternoon.” Gibbs checked her out.

“Maybe you should use that parasol yourself.” He kissed her hello. “Other than that you look gorgeous.” He took her hand so they could get going.

“Jethro is right, sis.” Mac handed Stella her purse. “That’s no minor sunburn.”

“I want to have a tan on my wedding day. It won’t be that bad.” Jordan took Gibbs’ hand.

“Not having a touchy tomato for a week. Now move it, Angel.” Gibbs sighed as he pulled Jordan out of the door.

“They sound like a married couple already.” Stella chuckled at their little banter. Mac smirked and hit her bum to get moving.


The restaurant Abby had advised was pretty full, but there was a lovely table on the terrace. During dinner Stella told Gibbs and Jordan the plans she had made for the wedding day. Jordan was very pleased with Stella’s effort.

“Why don’t you redo your vows as well?” Jordan wiggled a brow at Gibbs when she picked up her glass of wine. Mac and Stella looked at each other.

“Not a bad idea, Jordan.” Mac agreed. Stella nearly choked in her glass of water.

“No way! I look like an elephant!” She shrieked as she set her glass back on the table.

“No you don’t, you just look very pregnant, Gorgeous.” Mac disagreed. “But I do love the idea.”

“Then you’d better not keep telling her that.” Gibbs dryly advised Mac.

“Ow come on, Stell!” Jordan whined. “You’d make a beautiful pregnant bride.”

“D’Angelo...!” Stella got up. “Conference room!” She ordered.

“Excuse us, gentlemen.” Jordan got up and followed Stella. Mac and Gibbs grinned at the little convo the ladies were about to have.

“I wonder who’s gonna win this round.” Mac took another sip of his wine.

“Not going there to find out.” Gibbs grinned at both women’s stubbornness.

When Stella and Jordan hadn’t returned fifteen minutes later, Mac started to feel uneasy. Gibbs too had a strange feeling in his gut. Silently he gave Mac a nod for them to check it out. They arrived at the ladies room and found Stella’s purse, her belongings spread on the floor. There also was a right shoe. Yet no sign of Stella or Jordan...
