Hi!! Nice to see y'all back!!
@ horatiosangel: It's going to be a surprise, but
BG knows a bit about it too.

Hotness alert!!

I'll post it on the Yahoo! Group, and PM it to all of you.
miamirocks! My vid is up on YouTube under 'mcee07', and I've started a petition to bring back DuCaine if you'd like to sign it. And if anyone is interested in making banners for the petition and fan campaign, please let me know.

I have 32 siggies, but we still need more!
One eppie I would like to talk about is 'Under the Influence', which I thought saw the two sides to their relationship: the good and the bad(never the ugly!! :lol

Calleigh knew she was taking a huge risk when she made her father take the drink so the blood alcohol testing wouldn't work. Horatio knew her so well, becasue she was protecting her father and trying to make his case, but he could see what she was doing could be risky. He needed her to trust him when he put Ryan on the case, and I suppose Cal had reason to be mad, becasue Wolfe was new and had no experience. But in the end, she realised that Horatio truely was looking out for her father, and for her in turn.
That final scene always tugs my heart, because it's so intimate with the two of them and their voices are so soft when they're talking to each other. I could see in Calleigh's eyes that she was so grateful to Horatio for not letting her down, and she knew in her heart that he would never let her fall. That shows a real bond there.
Horatio looked so sad when he watched her walk away: could it be that he almost lost her? What if putting Ryan on the case had been a mistake, and he had messed up? He's thinking about all the 'what-ifs', or he could be thinking 'There goes a wonderful, selfless woman who I can never have. I'm not good enough...' Soo sad and soo not true...
Anyhoo, great eppie for the two of them, where we see conflict, chemistry, trust, resolution, and that wonderful scene at the end. Here are some caps:
The disagreement...
You do realise you're riding the line on this one, right?
'Don't tell me that, I know already...'
Do me a favour and go with me on this one...
It's your order...
Ooohhh! b***h-slap coming up!! :lol:
I'll take you home, but there's somebody I want to say goodnight to first...
Here he is... H: Hey, how are you doing?
Cal: Better...
H: Better, but not great...
Cal: No, not great...
H: You know, they say that one day at a time works both ways...
Cal: I'll remember that...
H: Okay... (soft smile)
H: Goodnight. (Cal waves, or else she would run back and hug him so tight!)
He looks on after her... H: *You're always on my mind, Calleigh. Know that...*
I think that it was so soon after Speed's death, that it was nice that we saw a bit of closeness between them, especially after their hug. That was as good as it got sadly.
There's always hope that things can improve, and I will not stop supporting this ship, not for all the money in the world.
Please sign the petition if you haven't already, and bring back our scenes for S6.
Here's the link:
Bring back DuCaine petition
Please show your support, it is greatly appreciated.