horatiosangel, you taught dancing??

Cool!! And you competed as well!

And I agree, with the rumba we can see Horatio move those hips!! :lol: :devil: And I ought to take lessons, but I'm content to watch for now.

I have to see 'The Tango Lesson' by Sally Potter, 'cos it looks so romantic and passionate.

And the song 'Libertango' always moves me it's so amazing!! I keep seeing H and Cal dancing the tango!!
Anyway, enough about dance and what-not, it's time to get back on topic.

Though imaging Horatio in those chest-revealing costumes... *drool*
Loving the new pic,

My favourite moment from 'Under Suspicion', or one of them!

Horatio looks so vulnerable, like he's about to cry, and I think that's why Calleigh turned her face away for that moment so she wouldn't cry as well. She had to be strong for both of them. And she proved that in buckets!
And what's this about 'confronting' him??!! I read in a synopsis of the eppie that Calleigh 'confronted' Horatio about being injured, and again after Resden pointed a gun at her! Of course she wants answers, but she didn't CONFRONT him! She was firm, yeah, but not confrontational! You can't be all, "OMG! Your blood's everywhere! What the crap is going on!!??" or else H would put up that wall again. Calleigh may be tender, amost maternal, but she's no soft-touch. And I think that's why she's suited to Horatio so well, because she can stand and weather the storm like the rock of support that she is, and which Horatio so desperately needed. She needed Horatio to open up to her, and she needed to be quite firm with him, i.e 'I need you to tell me the truth, Horatio.' Horatio's stubborness would probably be an obstacle in any relationship he has, but not with Calleigh, because she's gotten past that wall so many times, i.e 'After the Fall', 'Lost Son', 'Simple Man' this eppie. And there are other examples of Horatio being there for Calleigh as well, i.e 'The Best Defense', 'Lost Son', 'Under the Influence', 'Dispo Day' and 'Going Under'.
And it wasn't all firmness and toughness either. There was deep concern for his well-being and his safety, because she asked him, 'Are you in danger?' And later on, she practically held his arm as he poured his heart out to her! Certainly no confrontations there!! I don't know where they got that from! She was merely asking a question about his past, geez! Lending her support to the man she adores.

You'd think they'd never seen the two having a convo before. It was obviously hard for Horatio to tell Calleigh all of this, but he trusted her enough to allow her to see his past. That shows a deep bond right there.
That statement about her confronting him got me really annoyed when I read it, but I decided to meditate over it before I posted. If I hadn't I'd be practically screaming!! :lol:
To answer
BG's question, I would probably be a victim's relative who got closure after the team solved the case, so I'd become a friend of theirs, or even a new receptionist. Then I'd see H and Cal working together, and try to get them together. Drop little hints and such, then I'd ask them both to go to the coral quarry to discuss rifles and sniping and the Harwood case, because I'm interested in ballistics, but I wouldn't show up!! :lol:
In the fic, 'Black and White and Good all over', a year after 'Kill Zone' they're alone there and have a passionate encounter, so that would be the desired effect!! :devil:
I'd leave a note attached to one of those poles. I'd start it with, "First off, please don't hate me. I was simply listening to my head and following my heart, blah blah blah.' Then they'd talk and hug and kiss and fall into the Hummer and... *looks at meter* You know what I mean.
I'd be total matchmaker. I could spot their chemistry a mile off!
@ Elwood21: Very nice!!

Some more pics for the DuCaine shrine!

My computor will overload with all the hotness and exp[lode if I'm not careful!! :lol:
Your poetry always inspires me,
LMH! Keep up the fantastic work, and get some rest too!!
Still working on the video for 'Against All Odds', but it's turning out well.

Keep you posted! And if you're a fan of 'Say It Right' by Nelly Furtado, check out my new 'Simple Man' slideshow on YouTube!
*looks up at post* Wow, I had a lot to say...

Oh well, if I can't speak my mind here, where can I? :lol:
I'll leave you with a final staement from the H man himself:
'The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind'.