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@ EyeHeartH: Loving those pics!! And how could Horatio resist her when she looks so gorgeaus all the time?? The mind boggles... he must keep repeating, 'Look at her face, don't notice the all-black' that she wears all the time!! :devil: :lol:
I loved your '10-7' fanfic a lot!!

We ought to collaborate together on a new script and submit it to the writers together with our postcard campaign!! What do you think?? Something that'sll skaje 'em up, get them to LISTEN!!!

@ TracyLynn: At this point, anything is possible for the future. I would be willing to wait until the very end for Horatio and Calleigh to come togethger, and it would be so worth the wait... until then, we'll continue to watch and wait and pray... and write loads of fanfiction!!

I've actually written a 'Dead Zone' missing scene after the credits of that episode. Remember Calleigh's bruise on her shoulder... and Hagen giving her that ice-pack??

Well, a certain someone comes by to check on her...

I'll say no more! Have a read!!
CSI: DuCaine - 'Dead Zone' missing scene
It always breaks my heart and turns my stomach to see H with another woman or Cal with another man, but they are looking for love after all, just in the wrong places... look in front of you... please??
Just to talk about our campaign for DuCaine(oohh, that rhymes!

) I have already submitted a request to CBS, saying how much I miss Horatio and Calleigh working together, and that their partnership is one of the main reasons I watch the show. If each one of us on this thread, and all the 800-odd members of the H/C Yahoo! Group sent in a request, or indeed a stingin complaint, I'm sure we could get their attention!! It's not just the power of 1, it's the power of many!!
Here is a pic that I non-intentionally capped from 'Bunk', which shows Horatio wearing a not-too common expression:
Who's under the table? :devil:
I've got a few more of these, but I'll post them one at a time... don't want any heart attacks!!

I'm going to post my first DuCaine fic, 'Days of Thunder' in a little while, both here and on the H/C Yahoo! Group. Will post the link soon!
Back at the weekend!