H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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Hahaha don't we all wish that's what it really were?
It's spelled Duquesne. I'm guessing it's Acadian since she's from Louisiana.

Holy crap...Cal was wearing this very low top, and it was hard to look at her face, it was that plain-to-see. I wish there was a scene with our lovers-to-be in this one because I would have loved to see how H talks to her and if he would be able to keep his eyes focused on her eyes :D
:lol: I was laughing so hard when I heard that! Maybe Emily has been spending some time in this thread?? Or maybe it was her subconscience (sp?) speaking :lol:
:D I wish!!! Although I hear David made contact with the DuCaine Yahoo group, so it does leave something to the imagination if the stars really do come here to see what people are talking about. I wish either David or Emily could come to this particular thread and become so inspired by our wishful thinking of DuCaine becoming canon that they'll march into the writers' meeting and demand that a romance develop betwixt the two.
We'll just have to rely on our imaginations for now, I suppose :(
Lol, EyeH in regards to your spoiler you know H wouldn't have been able to focus on anything...he'd probably start stuttering and get red and then refuse to meet her eyes...and meanwhile she'd get that mischevious grin of hers on her face, like she knew exactly what she was doing to him, which of course she does! :devil:

Okay I just finished watching "10-7" and can I just say, I love H, but right now I'm a bit pissed at him! Seriously, Hagen just killed himself in Cal's lab and she is seriously blaming herself and hurting so badly inside and so of course as any good man who loves her more than anything H is there for her, to hold her and comfort her and let her cry on his shoulder...wait he's not? :eek: NO! PTB or not, that was so not believable! They should have at least shown H checking in on Cal, once people at least come on!!!! Rar!
Oh you know it. I just wished they would have put something like you mentioned in the ep >_<
Haha...'10-7' is on right now. You have a point there, Mo...why was he not there for her? Let's just hope he comforted her later, after he was done seeing Yelina off with Ray perhaps? Awww...perhaps either one of us or Emer should write a short fic in continuation of '10-7' just for that scene. *runs off to her trusty pad and pen because she's inspired again...*
I know huh...you know I bet they knew they couldn't because they knew that would happen! They knew even if they didn't write it into the script, Emily and David would KNOW that H and Cal wouldn't be able to resist eachother in that situation, so to avoid a steamy smex scene they had to keep DuCaine apart! ;) Silly of them, but still! :D

He dang well better have comforted her later...seriously! Maybe that's why he didn't go with Yelina...that I could handle...sort of! :p
Yeah I agree...it would turn into a John-Kelly-NYPD-Blue-shower-scene situation...but their glorious union is inevitable!!!
Okay I'm not sure what scene you're talking about hon...but knowing you I'm sure it's Hot! :devil: Heehee! :lol: Heck anything with DuCaine and a shower is freaking HOT! :devil: I would LOVE to see them even processing a scene in the shower...CatNip had a scene like that and it was awesome! Wasn't it Lynny! ;) Hey where is you, get in here hon! :lol:
IDK what the rules state, but the mods wouldn't let us post a link to this pic in the David Caruso thread because it has nudity in it. Do you think you could remove the link since minors come to this site? I just don't want you to get in trouble. You could say that the pic is on davidcaruso.org and it's up to the individual user to go to the site.
What are you talking about?? that's not nudity, that's pure hotness!! :lol:

OK sorry, won't do it again. Thanks for the heads up!
hi, all! I can't really see my screen properly at the moment... (damn eyes problems :( ) so could someone please PM and tel me what the hell all of those spoilers mean? I mena, I can read them, but they're getting me so god damn worried... :eek: I get myself worked up over everything... :lol:
HKingOfKool said:
What are you talking about?? that's not nudity, that's pure hotness!! :lol:

OK sorry, won't do it again. Thanks for the heads up!

Totally understandable, but that's a mod rule, not mine...I would say 'hey, it's cool', especially since it's David!!! :lol:

PM coming your way...
Okay so the eppy is halfway through here and can I just say...OH MY....WOW...We were so right...they didn't show H having a scene with Cal because if he saw her in that "here's-cleavage-just-for-you-shirt-and-suit" (which was GORGEOUS on her by the way!!) he would not have able to resist pushing her onto the table and having his way with her right then and there, glass walls be danged! :devil: :devil:

*Mo giggles and runs from the gutter police!* ;)
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