"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

When I first watched this episode, especially considering the scene with Sage and the discussion Nick had with Sara about how he was rescued, I thought it was pointing towards his recovery, but now I'm not so sure. Later on he just seemed to be brushing it all off. I definitely don't think he is dealing in a healthy manner. He's bottling it all up and not really confronting the real issues, and I wonder where the writers are going with this.

The only thing that really worries me is that, since this episode wasn't originally written for Nick, as I think it should have been, is whether they will follow through with what happened in later episodes.

I went through the same thought process. I honestly don't think Nick realized that their was a connection to him and Cassie. He was so in charge, he didn't act like a man fighting his "demons" except when someone would mention something, to me he just shruged the notion off. It wasn't until she was found and his mind wasn't so focused that he even thought about his ordeal...I think his own abduction was added motivation, but under the surface, he wasn't telling himself that...it was driving him without him realizing it.

I took the comment that "when bad things happen you don't remember them," to heart, that Nick has suppressed so much, and that's why he seems to easy going at work....'most of the time.'

I sat back thinking...is this his 'closure", his self actualization that he has come out of this stronger and therefore is going to move on? But, I think...no he's suppressed most of it, or doesn't even recall half of his ordeal, the mind does funny things to protect itself.

So, maybe this case just served to open things, to show that Nick is not and has not be dealing with things and all along as time passes we'll see more instances of bugs, underground caverns or any other matter of 'trigger' b/c Nick has just moved on, without dealing with everything.

I'm curious what the writers will do in the future with this storyline and if the second voice in the tape will be the ultimate continuation later...and all of this just comes to a head.

Don't you guys think it was a bit odd that Cassie was still alive? If I got the timeline right, the whole thing happened on friday and they took a few days to find her??? Weird, or is it just me?
Excuse me if someone else has already asked this-- I've found reference to this general topic from last spring but not in the most recent posts...

Did anyone else get the impression the Sara might be pregnant?

In the "Gum Drops" episode she becomes nauseous from the print powder and the smells from the fridge while processing the kitchen (asks Greg to finish), and when the sheriff puts the basket of homemade muffins on the picnic table (breakfast scene) she's a bit too excited especially considering that it appears she is about finished eating. Nick and Warrick give her "muffin mania" just the slightest "what's with you?" glance.

What do you think? Writer's foreshadowing? My overactive imagination?

She has had an actual love/ sex life beyond her feelings for Grissom, even though forum discussions tend to focus there, and all of the characters have been given individual, unique reactions to what happened to Nick.

Warrick fully recognized his reaction, but such recognition/ self reflection is not in character for Sara. Perhaps her unwillingness to hold out any hope for Cassie and her attention to trying to get Nick to explore and express his feelings masks her inability to understand and express her own. If he opens up to her maybe then she'll feel permitted to open up to him.

Good grief! I hadn't realized how much thought I'd given to this. Enough.
Did anyone else get the impression the Sara might be pregnant?

In the "Gum Drops" episode she becomes nauseous from the print powder and the smells from the fridge while processing the kitchen (asks Greg to finish), and when the sheriff puts the basket of homemade muffins on the picnic table (breakfast scene) she's a bit too excited especially considering that it appears she is about finished eating. Nick and Warrick give her "muffin mania" just the slightest "what's with you?" glance.

Interesting... I wouldn't have thought of this, although I did notice the strange behaviours you've mentioned.

Off topic, sort of: I watched "Butterflied" for the first time today. I had no idea Grissom had ever expressed in so many words his feelings for Sarah and his regret over missing his chance with her.

Anyway, I'll be watching Sara a bit more carefully from now on... If she is pregnant, she won't be able to hide it much longer. I wonder if something else is going on -- some kind of illness? Well, you certainly piqued my curiousity! :)
Just wondering, were Sara and Grissom not supposed to share a bed in this eppy? What the heck happened to that? I was so mad!!! :( GSR!
I took the comment that "when bad things happen you don't remember them," to heart, that Nick has suppressed so much, and that's why he seems to easy going at work....'most of the time.'

I sat back thinking...is this his 'closure", his self actualization that he has come out of this stronger and therefore is going to move on? But, I think...no he's suppressed most of it, or doesn't even recall half of his ordeal, the mind does funny things to protect itself.

So, maybe this case just served to open things, to show that Nick is not and has not be dealing with things and all along as time passes we'll see more instances of bugs, underground caverns or any other matter of 'trigger' b/c Nick has just moved on, without dealing with everything.

I'm curious what the writers will do in the future with this storyline and if the second voice in the tape will be the ultimate continuation later...and all of this just comes to a head.

When Nick said that he knew "when bad things happen, it's hard to remember," that definitely made me wonder if he's blocked out a lot of what happened to him, not only in "Grave Danger," but with his molestation, stalking, etc. It's possible that he doesn't even remember a lot of it. I don't get the impression that he is in any kind of therapy, therefore, the only way I see him being able to get by as well as he has been, is for him to be suppressing everything. He seems to do that every time something traumatic happens to him.

I'm also betting that the tape, and/or some type of confrontation with the accomplice, will be where it all culminates and he finally has to confront everything.
The pregnancy thing as far as we know is a really huge rumor. IF she were they could hide it, Louise (Sofia) didn't look to pregnante and they shot her at odd angles.

This isn't the first or second time that she was walking and suddenly the shot pans a bit and bam she looks like she might be, mostly it has to do with Angle, Clothing, and heck sometimes bloat (hey PMS happens to stars to) :lol: watch her from other angles in the same ep, she only looked that way in the one that i remember and even then i just thought it was how she was approaching and her clothing.
Just wondering, were Sara and Grissom not supposed to share a bed in this eppy? What the heck happened to that? I was so mad!!! :( GSR!

Hail GSR! Yeah, this was supposed to be the episode where Grissom went to Sara's room, TPTB never specified beyond that. I was mad too. Supposedly, the plot-line was supposed to be Grissom instead of Nick. But as you may have noticed Grissom wasn't in the episode at all. Apparently his nephew had died and William Petersen had to attend the funeral.
I loved this episode, especially Greg's "cough...Yoko Ono...cough." For Tina=Yoko Ono and we all know she broke up the Beatles.
isn't gum drops the episode where greg is supposed to snore and grissom goes to see sara in her room or something? it sux they didn't put *even though it's coz billy's nephew died* but still that sux! coz i was really looking foward to that part... :(
Oh, come on people, we should've learned not to trust the spoilers by now. :)

I just love the opening shot with the camera slowly panning through the house. Add in the whisling wind and the girl's voice-over, it still sends a shiver down my spine every time.

The musical score is truly wonderful, as well.
I thought "Gum Drops" was going to be the episode in which NIck approached Grissom about withhelding the info on Walter Gordon. See, I should not trust spoilers!!!! :devil:
I thought "Gum Drops" was going to be the episode in which NIck approached Grissom about withhelding the info on Walter Gordon. See, I should not trust spoilers!!!! :devil:

That scene was supposed to be in "Shooting Stars," the ep before "Gum Drops." Most of us have guessed that it was cut out when Nick took over the lead in "Gum Drops." Hopefully, they'll have it on later. Since they already mentioned the accomplice on the tape in the first ep this season, they'd look really lame if they just dropped it (although I wouldn't put anything past tptb!). :)
I've been thinking and watching about this episode a lot this weekend and just have this to say.

To me as CSI fan Gum Drops was sublime television but even to an ordinary/casual viewer Gum Drops was still a well mastered and emotional hour of television. The story, filming and acting were all of an incredibly high standard.

I liked all the characterisations in this episodes and to be honest didn't realise Grissom wasn't even in the episode (expect for his hands :)) till someone else pointed it out.