"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had the thought of Nick adopting Cassie.

The scene of Sara driving reminded me of the end of Grave Danger when Nick was driving to the prision to see Kelly Gordon.

I liked the scene when Nick was looking under the bed and they showed Cassie as it might of happened. They've done it before in other episodes.

Greg was really funny in this episode "Sweet Mary Jane", "Its a ganja graveyard" and of course "Yoko Ono".

Warrick took the teasing about Tina very well.

I didn't miss Grissom at all and even though Catherine is my second favorite I didn't mind not seeing much of her.

Sara's my least favorite character but I really liked her in this episode especially the scenes with Nick and talking to Luke Daniels "Did it make you feel like a man..to kill a little girl."

Nick was great from beginning to end, especilly the hospital scene with Cassie.
this was an extremly good episode and i really like GE, but more than that i loved how sara handled herself, i could have totally seen her go ballistic on a suspect, or cry, but she composed herself very well and even was willing to confront nick when he blew up. I think she has grown up a lot and with her nice comment to nick "it wasn't your day" she just did a really nice job, but her great performance was overshadowed by GE, because it was really about him beliveing that the girl was still alive because he thought if he could be rescued then so could she.
I didn't see the episode,but I watched all clips from omaetoy's clip site. Where was Grissom? And what's the thing with the gum? :p
i was looking forward to seeing Grissom attack a suspect.. darn... :(

Me too :(, I've waited for years seeing Grissom get violent :(

okay, so he hasn't attacked a suspect, but he DID attack Cath's ex, Eddie, when he (Eddie) brought Lindsey in to the lab to tell Cath something and also tried to physically assault her. Grissom attacked him.
I have to say if there is no motel room scene...someone will pay!! But Nick does throw someone against the wall!! Grrr... Manly Beast LOL

sorry...no motel room scene! but nick DOES throw someone against a wall...but...then he yells at them...
I loved Nick's "attachment" to Cassie. I know CSI would never do this, but I wouldn't be surprised if Nick adopted Cassie.

:eek: Oh no! Now you've done it!!! I hadn't even though of that but... gah!!!! I can so see it!!!!

*dissolves into a bowl of mush*

ohhh...i hope he does!!
Sounds crazy, but I did fill out the comment section on the CBS website commending the show, GE and the writers..so Ihope they get it.

I actually did the same thing. I told them that this eppy was everything that I watch CSI for.

I had visions of them getting inundated with upset GSR fans whining about how the hotel scene was cut and I wanted them to know I loved the eppy exactly as it was presented.

No offense to the GSR fans but not everyone wants to see them hook up and CBS needs to know that.
i wrote to them too, i sed

i would like to thank and congradulate you on the csi ep GUM DROPS! it was an amazing episode, i luved how nick dealt with everything and i was literally in tears at the end.

but mostly the sara and nick scenes made me giddy like a schoolgirl! i have been waiting for snickers scenes for AGES!!! as i am a hardcore shipper!!! they are perfect for each other, and its so obvious they are in love from their chemistry!!! and this episode was amazing, the lines has so much underlying meaning!

i really hope that they end up together, coz i know if it end up sara n grissom i wont be able to bare watching it, and i know that there are others with me. GSR shippers think they are the best and only ship, but they are also the most hated ship. and hooking sara up with grissom would loose loads of veiwers and ratings would drop. where as sara and nick have a huge following and people that arent exact snickers shippers can deal with it, like they cant deal with GSR.

thanks for taking the time to read this, and im hoping for more snickers in the future!!! GUM DROPS really made my day!!! and week!!! i cant stop watching it, and snickers interaction makes me :D

i cant believe how good GE was!
I think those mistakes on the episode are details that can be overlooked. they had to basically shoot the whole episode in such short notice and I'm amazed how they managed to still make the episode what it is.

If CSI/GE doesn't get an Emmy for that, heads will roll! :lol:

I was thinking of sending CBS a feedback too! We need to let them know how incredible amazing the episode was, even being shot all over again.
I also wrote to CBS congratulating George Eads especially, but also the entire cast and crew. This was a truly special episode.
When it's all said and done, my favorite scene was them eating at the table together and discussing the case. They looked like they LIKED each other and the acting and the writing was great.

Mine too! I loved how comfortable they are with each other. The camaraderie is really nice to watch, and it was really nice that there was no boss-man or woman around to get in the way of the easy-going chat. I almost choked on my food I was laughing so hard when Greg did the "cough - Yoko Ono - cough" bit. Kudos to the writer who thought that up!
yeah, that yoko ono line was classic greg, and i luved how they all laughed at it, even warrick! and then when sara (i think it was) goes, does yoko want a job?

i was laughing so hard