"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

Yeah, Grissom's hands! :lol: Maybe tptb sneaked that shot in there so we can't say that Grissom was completely absent from the episode.
I just had to rewatch that.... and see the hands, and they really did look more like Mr. Petersen's hands than Mr. Eads. I wonder if that means they had to bring the little girl back in... they could keep the shots of her alone, and her writing, but whatever two shots they had would have been reshot... interesting to ponder.. :)
I thought of the whole "Nick adopting Cassie" thing but that's never going to happen. Not in this show. I would love for her to come back at some point. Nick and Cassie really had a great connection. *sigh*

I thought the same thing, it would be so great if he adopted her. I wish someone would write a fic about that. And it'd be so great if they brought her back.
(hey PMS happens to stars to) :lol:

If it doesnt, hell then I wanna be a star! :lol:

Hee I don't suffer from PMS, everyone else around me does :devil:

I don't think anything was meant about Sara not being able to handle the print dust. I think it was just a clumsy way for her to be able to explore and find the marijuana and I'll forgive the writers their clumsiness seeing as they had to re-write virtually the whole episode.

BTW was the only one who immediately thought about "ooh their growing marijuana in their house" when Greg mentioned the $2,000.00 power bill? Or do I just know too many dodgy people :D
BTW was the only one who immediately thought about "ooh their growing marijuana in their house" when Greg mentioned the $2,000.00 power bill? Or do I just know too many dodgy people :D

It's either that or I've led a very sheltered life because it never even crossed my mind. I guess I need to get out more.

I did love Greg's reaction though: Sweet Mary Jane...Ganja Graveyard. He's such a cutie! :D
yeah his reaction has :lol: he was almost like... think we can take some without ne1 noticing??? lol.

and i thought that immediately too when i heard him say bout the lighting bill
LOL yeah! the "sweet mary jane" part was hilarious... well that whole scene was hilarious! XD
*btw i rewatched it and still didn't see WP's hand... ok i admit it: i'm blind!*
oooooh... do they mean when we c over the shoulder of nick with cassie... coz i noticed nick didnt have his ring on... maybe thats when!!!

coz they sed they looked like WP'a not GE's and thats the only scene i can think of where we only saw GE's hands... AND HE DIDNT HAVE THE RING!!!

BLOOPER!! hehe

correct me if im wrong

oh and another thing... why did sara say the print powder was effecting her? that was a little odd to me
Though I LOVED the ep. The Young Turks! Yay! With Muffins! Big Bonus! And all that Sara/Nick! Awww.

It can´t get any better. :D

I just have a tiny semi-negative thought. Am I the only one who thinks maybe the "attacking the suspect/CSI loosing control" is getting a little old? Though I love them getting personally involved etc. How common is it that real life CSI´s actually jeapordise the cases? I dunno. Maybe it´s really common and the show is being realistic.

Grissom: 1) Gentle, gentle 2) Ecklie (knocking the coffee pot out of his hands etc.).

Catherine: 1) Justice is Served- the carnival owner
2) Eddies girlfriend.
(She sort of lost it w the sleezy club owner too).

Sara: 1) An abusive husband (S1) 2) Another abusive husband (ND S5)

Nick: 1) Kristy´s pimp 2) The female psychiatrist 3) The swim coach- GumDrops.

Warrick: 1) The prison cop S5 2) Grave Danger S5 3) The S1 case where Sara had to take him out and calm him down (what ep was that?)
Hey they're only human. Sometimes people have had all they can take. ANd it's not like they're taking it out on people who don't deserve it! :lol:
*Sigh* Oh well, poor Billy! Thank ya though, I hope maybe they can squeak it in somewhere!!!

Just wondering, were Sara and Grissom not supposed to share a bed in this eppy? What the heck happened to that? I was so mad!!! :( GSR!

Hail GSR! Yeah, this was supposed to be the episode where Grissom went to Sara's room, TPTB never specified beyond that. I was mad too. Supposedly, the plot-line was supposed to be Grissom instead of Nick. But as you may have noticed Grissom wasn't in the episode at all. Apparently his nephew had died and William Petersen had to attend the funeral.
And it may be hard to come up with interesting material if the writers can´t use that "this time it´s personal *dun dun* for one of the CSI´s!" concept. :)