"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

oh and another thing... why did sara say the print powder was effecting her? that was a little odd to me

It most likely was the marijuana in the basement that was affecting her rather than the print powder. That's what I figured it was.
See this is what I figured too. I remember when my older siblings threw a party (mom was gone) and there was pot in the house; I couldn't go into the living room because the smell made me (and the kitten) sick. That's what I assumed, once they found the pot, it was the pot and not the print dust making her sick.
At least that's what I [i}hope[/i] it was, WildCherry. I'm loving that we're getting into the character's heads this season and season 5, but I don't think I'm quite ready for CSI!Baby. Much as I think Jorga would look beautiful carrying a baby, I don't think the character of Sara is in the right place just yet to have a baby.

Thanks for the banner comment :) I get a kick out of yours, it's the perfect touch of Greggo-ness.
I took the comment that "when bad things happen you don't remember them," to heart, that Nick has suppressed so much, and that's why he seems to easy going at work....'most of the time.'

I sat back thinking...is this his 'closure", his self actualization that he has come out of this stronger and therefore is going to move on? But, I think...no he's suppressed most of it, or doesn't even recall half of his ordeal, the mind does funny things to protect itself.

So, maybe this case just served to open things, to show that Nick is not and has not be dealing with things and all along as time passes we'll see more instances of bugs, underground caverns or any other matter of 'trigger' b/c Nick has just moved on, without dealing with everything.

I'm curious what the writers will do in the future with this storyline and if the second voice in the tape will be the ultimate continuation later...and all of this just comes to a head.

When Nick said that he knew "when bad things happen, it's hard to remember," that definitely made me wonder if he's blocked out a lot of what happened to him, not only in "Grave Danger," but with his molestation, stalking, etc. It's possible that he doesn't even remember a lot of it. I don't get the impression that he is in any kind of therapy, therefore, the only way I see him being able to get by as well as he has been, is for him to be suppressing everything. He seems to do that every time something traumatic happens to him.

I'm also betting that the tape, and/or some type of confrontation with the accomplice, will be where it all culminates and he finally has to confront everything.

I honestly think that as strong a person Nick is, he is gonna blow. We are only seeing glimpses of it.

However, having said that. I still say Sage's comments were helpful to him in terms of getting by.

But then again, this is the CSI world where a guy is thrown from a window one week and is smiling the next. Gee, I'd like to know what kind of happy drugs these guys are on, so I can get some of them myself.

Or my other theory about Nick is that he's really a cat who just looks like a guy. He's used up six out of nine lives already. In the series finale, we will see the truth, Nick will morph into a cat, jump out of the window only to be carried off by a buzzard-I mean, this is Nick guys..there's bad luck, then there's Nick Stoke's luck..

Oh, sorry, I thought I was in the fanfic section..s'cuse..

*sound of footsteps proceeded by slamming door
Definitely my favorite episode of the season so far. I love the caring relationship between Nick and Sarah and was so happy Cassie survived. I thought the case was really good, very interesting and not just an open book. A++
See this is what I figured too. I remember when my older siblings threw a party (mom was gone) and there was pot in the house; I couldn't go into the living room because the smell made me (and the kitten) sick. That's what I assumed, once they found the pot, it was the pot and not the print dust making her sick.

thanx, it make sense now, lol, i was a little confused
It most likely was the marijuana in the basement that was affecting her rather than the print powder. That's what I figured it was.

But wouldn't that be only if the pot had been smoked and their were fumes in the air? I'm not expert on marijuana, certainly, but I'm fairly sure that the plants don't cause any reaction. Even if they're dried.

I figured she was just sick of dusting for prints and was delegating the dirty job to a junior CSI.
yeah i was wondering about that, i mean i didnt think unsmoked stuff had an effect either, maybe sara just wanted to have a break.. poor greg, so gullable lol
It most likely was the marijuana in the basement that was affecting her rather than the print powder. That's what I figured it was.

But wouldn't that be only if the pot had been smoked and their were fumes in the air? I'm not expert on marijuana, certainly, but I'm fairly sure that the plants don't cause any reaction. Even if they're dried.

I figured she was just sick of dusting for prints and was delegating the dirty job to a junior CSI.

Even without fume in the air, marijuana give some smell (disgusting or not, it depends of people..) but if it was these smell, they would have guess that there were some stuff somewhere ???
It something you can spot easily .. anyway when you are used to.. :confused:

Maybe it was the mix with the blood?
hu knows, its a little odd thing that they put in to get us interested , lol.

yeah coz i know that the unsmoked stuff still stinks, boy does it stink, lol.

the dried stuff is normally what smells thogh not the actualy plants, and there was no dried stuff left.. hmm
People at work were talking about the 'great CSI' episode the other night. I haven't heard that much about the show since Grave Danger
Re: Incredible episode

I absoultly loved this episode, I was actually on my way to Las Vegas when this aired. My grandparents live in Las Vegas and I was on my way out for the NHRA Drag Races. So bless my grandmother, she taped it for me. So I watched it on Friday Night. I knew from the screen-caps I saw in another thread the this would be good. But I didn't think the episode would be the best of the season for me so far. I missed a few along the way so far. So for me this was by far the best episode of the season. I love the whole Nick vs. emotions thing. The fact the he went all tough on the kid was great ;). I was sitting there watching that part going OMG!! :eek: :eek: Go Nick. I mean u just don't see that out of Nick. The whole part about Nick and Sara talking about Nick getting rescued and all that. I was awww, this is freakin awsome. Anyway cheers to the Cast and Crew of CSI for yet another awsome episode. Bring on the rest of Season 6, I think I will be another awsome season. I can't wait. Especially since I am moving and by the next episode I will have digital TV and I will actually be able to see CBS. WHOOOHOOOOOOO..... :D :D :D :D :D ;)

Re: Incredible episode

Yeah! This was an amazing episode..
I particularly appreciate Nick's line in the beginning (to the Sherif) and in the end (to Cassie)... Begin with the beginning ...