"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

This episode was Great!!
* the opening with Nick's sentence was sooo great!
* only the youngs turks... change is good sometimes!
* Greg was funny as usual
* Sara's worries and behaviour with Nick.. it's really nice...
* Nick ... Oh man you really amazing !!(Bravo! to GE for his performance!).
-> the way he apologized to Sara was really sad... When I don't want to talk about something or when I'm disapointed.. I smile. (by example: When someone tell me a personal sad story or when I have to announce some bad news.. I smile) I've read somewhere, it was a way of "protection" ..
-> the Sage's discussion with him was really well-done. She was like an angel.. only there to give Nick some comfort..
-> Nick's anger against Mark... woaw
-> Nick - Cassie, they were so cute!

* I love Grissom and Brass.. but I've not miss them.
I think that I would also enjoy the episode if Grissom was the one "hoping".. It would have been really different but interessant as well.
Thanks for the idea, peoples... I just sent CBS positive feedback, too. Not sure how much impact our messages have but ya never know! :)

Here's what I wrote (not that it matters, but just thought I'd share, too)...

Hello, I suspect mine is just one among many messages sent in praise of the most recent CSI: Crime Scene Investigation episode, Gum Drops. CSI has been my favourite television show for some time now but Gum Drops just blew me away. I'm excited by the way the story lines are improving and the characters are growing. And it cannot go without being said: George Eads absolutely nailed every scene he was in. Excellent choice to have him take the lead in this episode. He is quickly becoming one of the finest actors on television and I believe he is a huge asset to CSI. That said, I should add that the rest of the cast is also top-notch and the four young CSIs worked wonderfully well together in this latest episode.
Congratulations on a fantastic job. Keep up the good work! You've got thousands and thousands of fans who eagerly await Thursday evenings.
Wow. Just wow. This episode was so amazing. It's right up there with Grave Danger for me.

And I sent CBS a feedback letter as well. I can't remember what I said, but it was all good things for GE. :)
Although I really liked the Nick/Sage scene, I couldn't help but be bothered by the fact that she came to check on Nina (the mom), but Nick never told her that Nina was dead. Then she just left without any further inquiry about why Nick was there. That just seemed odd to me.

I was wondering the same thing, Sage comes to the house worried and never asks Nick what happened or where the family was.

I also agree, I can't believe the police didn't find the basement - aren't they supposed to clear the house - they sure didn't do a good job and it's not like the door was hidden or anything.

mhmm...sage was a bit weird...i'm guessing since everyone here saw the Season 6 premiere that you all know about walter gordon's accomplice...sage maybe?...
Wow. Just wow. This episode was so amazing. It's right up there with Grave Danger for me.

And I sent CBS a feedback letter as well. I can't remember what I said, but it was all good things for GE. :)

i prefer gum drops to grave danger!
holy crap this episode was amazing. i thought it was really creepy how the girl's voice sounded and how she was like telling the story. it was great. the thing with the gum drops was a cool idea and GE played his part really well. i liked when he busted in and was like where is she. the kid was crying. that episode was really good.
i LOVED this episode, my friend hates me cause she missed it and i recorded it and she and i are both grounded until we finish cleaning our rooms this is the best episode of anything ever
So there will never be a "motel room scene"? :( Maybe they will put it in another episode?-that would be great :D
My take on the "Gum Drops" scene: Sara told Nick she was concerned about how his behavior might affect the case, and more importantly how the case was affecting him. Nick's reply was that he knows and he's sorry, addressing the fact that he's aware and regretful of how he might have comprimised the investigation. But he completely dodged the second half of the question, which he couldn't possibly have answered without owning up to his feeling of vulnerability. And I think Sara realized Nick was clamming up on the more personal side of the issue, and being the socially awkward person that she is, she wasn't eager to press the question, so she just stared at him for half a second before abruptly changing the topic.

Yeah, he definitely wasn't opening up to her there. He was honest about the fact that his own ordeal was affecting his actions regarding the case, but he wasn't about to discuss how he was being affected by the case, which I think is what she really wanted. We've seen him do the exact same thing in "Overload," when Catherine confronted him. He admitted the reason that he was reacting the way he was, but that was the end of it, he wasn't going to discuss it with her any further.

I also don't think his apology to Sara was completely sincere. Immediately, as soon as she said that she wanted to talk about what happened at the station, his expression said "I'm not really taking this seriously," and then, as lemon said, he completely dodged her question about how the case was affecting him.

When I first watched this episode, especially considering the scene with Sage and the discussion Nick had with Sara about how he was rescued, I thought it was pointing towards his recovery, but now I'm not so sure. Later on he just seemed to be brushing it all off. I definitely don't think he is dealing in a healthy manner. He's bottling it all up and not really confronting the real issues, and I wonder where the writers are going with this.

The only thing that really worries me is that, since this episode wasn't originally written for Nick, as I think it should have been, is whether they will follow through with what happened in later episodes.

RE: Mistakes in the episode.

I was one who mentioned a couple of things that bothered me, but they certainly didn't detract from my enjoyment of the episode. This is definitely my favorite episode, after "Grave Danger," and a few little nit picks aren't going to change that. My comments were just that, comments.
Wow what a wonderful ep… it was touching, funny, clever and had some nice twists to it- the cast’s chemistry and acting was spot on- especially GE, bravo!. A good all rounder, definitely the best of the season (so far).

A few things bothered me though:
Even though I knew that Grissom wasn’t going to be in the ep, I only realised that he wasn’t there halfway through it- and that felt weird.
To me Catherine’s scenes at the lab felt ‘hollow’, usually the solo scenes don’t seem this way- it was weird.
Greg’s sudden disappearance towards the end, shoud’a been explained the way Warricks was.

I’m glad the hotel scene was cut, it just wouldn’t have fit without WP in the lead. I think we will see a similar scene in another ep before long, because it was supposed to be really important moment in Grissom and Sara's relationship... They really need to have 'the talk' sometime, otherwise GSR will never be resolved ;)
mhmm...sage was a bit weird...i'm guessing since everyone here saw the Season 6 premiere that you all know about walter gordon's accomplice...sage maybe?...

That would be a bit of a stretch, wouldn't it? That a friend of the family in another of their cases just happens to be Nick's attacker?

I prefer to think of it as a moment of confirmation that Nick is doing all right, even though I don't believe in third eyes or past lives, either.

And a general request to posters...please spell out your posts and avoid netspeak. It's impossible to understand.