GSR - One Life To Live

I think Ya'll need a update hmmm?


Muttered swearing was herd as the lights shut off again. Greg and Gil practically walking into each other ever five minutes, because the lights decided to come on then go off again, due to the storm.

Eventually they just kept their flashlights on, so they could finish processing the scene. They had a dead hooker, found in the sphere, no id, no belongings. Gil tweezered some hairs and collected them, they looked presumably like dog hairs. There was some trace in her hair, it looked like semen. The coroner came in at the moment.

"Hey doc" Gil said half heartidly. Doc Robbins kneeled down with great difficulty "By the looks of her, I'd say she died to to asphyxiation, see the marks on her neck?" He asked looking up at Gil as Greg snapped some photos.

Doc pulled out a meat thermometer, sticking it into her liver and waiting a moment he mumbled to himself, looking up he said "By her tempt, She died about two hours ago."

Gil thanked Al, as the Doc nodded for the paramedics to take the body and transfer her to the lab for the autopsy. "I'll let you know more about it once I open her up"

The rain was coming down so steady that Catherine and Sara, could barely see out the windsheild. "We should go back to the house Cath, the rain is too thick."

Catherine agreed and tried to find a good spot to turn around. She thought she was clear, when a vechile t-boned them, pushing them into a street pole. Both women were knocked unconcious.

Okay so lets have some fun with some cliffhangers shall we? :devil:
I am sixteen going on seventeen in march next year, and don't worry i have some .. fun comin up. TEEHEE

Tragedy is always one step ahead of me

Gils cell phone rang suddenly, frightening him a little. Picking up he answered "Grissom." His face fell as Brass told him what had happened.

"Gil theres been a accident with both Sara and Catherine. They were both taken to the hospital, Catherine and the baby are fine, she was able to move fast enough to get low impact, Sara got caught somewhat in it, she was rushed to suregery. Gil you need to be there for your wife, and children, they said the only way to save the triplets, is to perform an emergency cecarian on Sara."

Gil cleared his throat a little. "What...wh...what happened.... how did the accident happen?" Gil's voice was barely audible.

"The rain was so thick that they had decided to turn around and go back to the house, Catherine found a spot where she thought would be safe to turn around, when a vechile came out of no where and T-boned them into a light pole. The vechile is completely written off"

"who will continue our crime scene though?" Gil inquired of Brass. "I'll find someone, pull on of the others off a case they're on now to help with that one while you and Greg go to the hospital."

Gil thanked Brass and hung up, turning to Greg, he said, "greg we need to get to the hospital NOW, thre's been a accident..... involving Sara and Catherine."

Catherine woke in a hospital bed, the last thing she remebered, was the vechile hitting them and she getting to the back before the front was totally compacted into a light pole.....but Sara.....Sara had not been so lucky, she got caught half way, and now Catherine was left to wonder where and what had become of her friend and her babies.

Silent tears began to slide down her cheeks, as two people entered the room. It was Greg and Gil. Greg rushed to her side, takeing her into his arms and embracing her. She cried into his chest and then looked up at him "is our child okay?" she asked him, her voice barely above a whisper, afraid of what the answer may be.

He watched her for a moment and then answering her said "Our child is fine, although they want to keep you for at least a week to make sure your okay" She began crying again, relief for their child flooding through her.

She turned to Gil, "what have they told you about Saar?"

"The had to rush her to surgery, the only way to save our babies, was to have a cecarian. She has a broken collarbone, and fractures to her right arm, her tibia also fractured in the impact."

Catherine noticed tear stains on his cheeks, and new tears springing forward. Catherine, with Gregs help, sat up, got off the bed and walked over to Gil, giving him a loving and motherly hug.

Just as she brok from him to turn to her husband to seek comfort and support in his arms, Gil was paged to surgery. Gil said a hurried Goodbye as her nearly ran from the room.

He arrived at surgery a minute later to find a doctor waiting for him. "Mr.Grissom, I Have some good news, and some, well unhappy news. Is Sara allergic to anything that you know of? She went into a anapheleptic shock on the operating talbe, we were able to stabalize her, but she has gone into a comatose state, the babies are doing well, but will need to be in the intensive care unit for probably a month depending on how they do. Would you like to see them?"

Gil gave a small nod, and followed the doctor to the ICU where Sara, and the babies were being kept.

dadada cliffhanger...
*sigh* alrighty here we go, I am really bored so I will update for ya'll

I'm here, waiting for you

Gil walked into the privat ICU where his wife, and children were being kept. He sighed with a heavy heart, and sat down, taking Sara's hand in his.

There was a soft knock on the door, thent he doctor entered. "I have to check the vitals of the babies and your wife, I'll be quick, and then you will be left alone with them" He smiled reassureingly, did what he needed to do, and then left the room. An erie silence ingulfed Gil, until all her could hear was the quadruplet beeps of heart monitors, and the hiss of ventilators.

He lay his head donw on Sara's lap and began to weep, when the alarming beep of a flatline sounded in the room. It wasn't Sara's so he looked over to the babies. Sure enough the middle child, a little girl, had flatlined. He ran from the room calling for the nurses and doctors, who jumped into action and stabalizing the infant within a minute, the steady beep once again apeared and a calm came over the room.

"Mr.Grissom, may I talk with you please." The doctor looked over to Gil. "S...sure" he answered dejectidly. He walked to a chair and sat down, afriad his legs would hold him no longer.

"For your children, Mr.Grissom, it will be a rough month. There will be close calls, and potentially they may not be strong enough to get through this, you need to know that thehospital, is prepared to do everything in their power, to help them through, as for Sara, are results show that she should wake up in a day or two, she will be sore, and she'll be very medicated. If thigns go as we hope, there should be no comlecations and Sara, and the babies should make it out of this situation with flying colors." He smiled, pat Gil on the back, and left the room.

Gil again layed hi head on Sara's lap where he fell asleep.

There you go nother chapter up
I'll think bout it MAHAHAHAHA *cough cough* oh god that hurt the throat...*takes drag off cigarette* ya umm so I guess I can make this chapter somewhat happy for ya... just to ckiffhang ya again hehehe....

Drowning in doubt

Sara awoke, groggy and sore, and feeling slightly disoriented and naseaus. She leaned over the side of the bed, vomit spilling from her mouth. Gil came rushing to her side, from what apeared to be no where.

He rubbed her back as she continued to vomit, spitting up blood and stomach acid. Gil rushed out of the room to find a doctor, then a minute later rushing back in, doctor in hot pursuit.

"She's having a allergic reaction again." He called in a team of nurses and they gave her an injection that stopped the vomitting. "We need to run a battery of tests to find out what is causing these allergic reactions, if she goes into another anapheliptic shock again, it could be the last thing she every experiences."

Tears stung Gils eyes. Poor Sara, he thought, she has had so many hardships in this lifetime alone to make anyone leave this earth to find a better place.

Sara staired straight at the roof, the last thing she remebered was the accident before she blacked out, the a thought hit her and she felt her stomach, it was no longer round and plump. Tears came to her eyes and Gil rushed to her side, takeing her into his arms and asked "baby, whats wrong?"

"The babies, we lost them didn't we?" She began to cry harder. "Shhh baby, no we didn't, their asleep rate here beside your bed."

Sara slowly lifted her head off Gil's shoulder and looke around him, sure enough there was three little incubation beds.

"They're all girls honey, three beautiful baby girls that have to get pass this month and should have no complications after that."

Sara smiled up at Gil. "Do they have names yet?" Gil smiled back to her. "No I wanted to wait for you before they were given names so we could decide together. I was thinking you name one, I name one, and then we both name the third little girl together."

"Alright, I will name the first one" She said with a small smile. "Lets see, Elizabeth Marie Grissom for the first one." Gil nodded, "How about, Kaitlynn Ann-Marie Grissom, for the second little girl." Sara nodded "I will pick the third girls first name you pick the middle name" Gil nodded his agreement "Anni, that will be her first name" Gil smiled "Jaqlienne Marie, for a middle name" They embraced each other, and Gil went to find the doctor, to tell him they had decided on the names.

Six hours later, Gil and Sara had the birth certificates for their little girls in their hands. Gil said he needed to get back to work, and would call in and check on her later, she gave him a quick kiss before he appolagized for having to leave and rushed out the door.

Sara tried to stay up to read a little but everything had worn her out and she was still very sore, she decided to fall asleep and was soon drifting into a uneasy sleep.

okay I am tired so that is it for, this morning I guess since its one thirty in the morning here. Hope you enjoy the new chapter :D
oh there will be more LOL, lost more, once i shake off the writers block

I'll try to update before i got to work but i can't garentee, there will be a update by the end of the night though.