GSR - One Life To Live

alrighty I have a bit of a writers block so my forgiveness please if it isn't the best chapter lol, plus i have to keep my kitten from attacking my feet and hands whili i wam typing.

It will be our secret

Catherine and Sara had a realatively easy drive to the hospital, there was hardly any traffic at all, and most of the lights were in their favour.

Sara and Catherine agreed to meet up after their appointments in the little coffee shop off the lobby area. They gave each other a quick hug, then parted ways.

Sara wondered off to her appointment with the doctor that had taken care of her after the accident. He was also the doctor takeing care of her babies, and so she could ask how they were doing.

She waited in the reception area for her turn. Wondering if Catherine was already in her appointment yet or not. He mind was starting to wander when her name was called.

"Miss Sidle, could you please follow me to the exam room." Sara got up from her chair and followed the kindly old nurse to the room. "The doctor should be with you momentarily."

Catherine waited patiently in the room for the geinicoligist. The nurse haad said that he would be with her momentarily. Her mind started to wander to what Sara must be doing this very moment.

The doctor walked in. "Mrs. Sanders, how are you today?" The doctor was nice enough. Her old geinicologist had retired and so now she had this new guy and was kinda nervous.

"We are gonna start with you full exam today and make sure that everything is developing nicely."

Sara was so lost in her thoughts that it took her a second to realize that the nurse had called her Sidle, not Grissom. She would make a point of telling the reception later about that.

The doctor walked in, "Ah miss Sidle...." Sara cut him off "Its actually Mrs.Grissom doctor." She said with a slight blush. "Alright Mrs.Grissom, lets take a look at that collar bone. It was only a slight fracture so it should be healed by now." He took off the neck brace she had been burdened with for three weeks now, and examined her neck. "It has healed but take it easy still, we don't want it doing anything funny on us" he said with a smile. "Have you had any other irratations since the accidnet?"

"Just my Hip, it bugs me every so often but I think that is from a old injury I got when I slipped on some ice." "Alright I will just take a look at that then I have some very good news for you." He examined it, then had her go to get some X-rays. "Yes its bruised and there is evedience of the old injury, it should clear up in about two weeks. Now I Have some very good news for you.

Catherine had been just about finished with her exam when her phone started to vibrate. "Excuse me, I really need to take this call" she said to the doctor.

The doctor agreed to give her a minute and went to get some charts that needed to be filled out and a print out of the ultrasound he had just taken for her.

"Sanders" she answered with a brisk tone. "Cath, its Sara, I have some great news, I can bring the babies home today, but I want it to be a surprise for everyone when they get home so don't tell anyone." Catherine agreed said goodbye and hung up, just as the doctor walked back in.

"Alright I have all I need to fill out these charts, you can take this copy of the ultrasound with you. Have a good day Mrs.Sanders and I would like you to come back and see me again in two weeks."

Catherine thanked him, leaving quickly to meet with Sara in the coffee shop to see the three girls that she had brought to the world.

It seemed to be taking Catherine forever to get down to the meeting spot, she had told Sara that the appointment was over and she was eager for her to meet her three beautiful girls.

Catherine finally walked up, well more like ran. She sat down a little out of breath. "So introduce me to these little wonders" She said with a little laugh.

"This one here is Elizabeth Marie Grissom, the middle one is Laitlynn Ann-Marie Grissom, and this little one is Jaqlienne Marie Grissom." Pride was evident in Sara's voice.

"Well come on lets get back to the house and get them settled in, so that they will be well rested to meet everyone else later today."

Sara and Catherine gathered their stuff, Catherin took one of the Car seat carriers and they were on their way home. After securing the car seats in, Sara jumped in the passanger seat, and Catherin into the drivers seat, and they headed for home, again with barely any traffice and the lights in their favour.

They put the gurls down to a nap and went to make dinner, excited for everyone to come home and see the babies.

hope you enjoy the new chapter
I have a bit of a writers block again lol, I think its cause I have to keep chasing a kitten around my room and its a little messy rate now and he keeps getting into trouble lol
Alright the kitten is sleeping, so how bout another chapter before I have to get ready for work lol

Secrets revealed

Sara and Catherine had been laboring in the kitchen for most of the day after their appointment. They were having friends and family over. It would be the first time that Sara would be meeting Gil's mother.

Gil's mother had been ill during the wedding, and in result had had to miss the wedding and was terribly sorry. Gil had tuaght Sara how to sign so she could have a conversation with her herself.

"Gil should be at the airport rate now." Sara commented, soon after the phone rang. "Hello, Grissom residence" "Sara it's me, I just picked my mom up we are about a half hour away from the house, Greg should be their shortly." Sara nodded then said "alright honey I will see you when you get home then."

Shortly after getting off the phone with Gil, Greg and Linddsay walked in the door. Almost at the top of his lungs greg yelled out "Hey everyone we're home!"

Sara came rushing from the kitchen. "SHHHHH you'll wake the babies!" Greg looked at her then noticed a crying sound coming from the second floor. His eyes lit up and asked "Can I see them?" "Ya I have to go get them for feeing anyway" She laughed a little.

After telling Catherine she would be back in a minute she walked up the stairs with Greg and Lindsay to the babies nursery.

They walked in the door to tremendous crying, all three of the gurls had woken up. "Alright, introductions." Sara said with a smile of pride on her face. "This is Elizabeth Marie Grissom, this middle one is Kaitlynn Ann-Marie Grissom, and the last little one is Jaqlienne Marie Grissom."

Greg picked up Elizabeth, and started rocking her gently. Lindsay picked up Kaitlynn, and Sara picked up Jaqlienne. All three walked carefully down the stairs to the kitchen putting the newly quite gurls into their high chairs and preparing them for feeding.

Sara prepared the bottles for the babies. Because they had been in the hospital for so long they didn't breast feed so Sara had to pump the breast milk into bottles for them. The doctor had told her it would be the healtiest thing for them.

They herd the door open, and Sara put the bottles down and went to greet Gil and his mother. Gil had no idea everyone was coming over to see a "surprise" that Sara had for them.

Sara greeted them with a kind kiss to Gils cheek and Sara signing her welcome to his mother, welcoming them into their home.

She turned to Gil I have a surprise for you. She smiled slyly and head to the kitchen, Gil and his mother following.

sorry got to cut off there I have to get ready for work I will finishe the rest later tonight
I would love to update for Ya'll although you guys might not be up rate now, Cause I am a insomniac LOLZ

The secret revealed

Gil took his mothers hand and led her off to the kitchen. A gasp excaped his mouth, as his mother signed her shock. There in front of him...... no it couldn't be ..... could it?

"Sa....Sara am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" Sara wandered up to him, giving him a deep passionate kiss. "Yes it is dear, when I went to the appointment today, I was told they were well enough and strong enough to come home today."

Gil smiled sweetly, his deep blue eyes penetrating her deep chocolate brown eyes. He placed his hands around her wiast and shared another deep passionate kiss that seemed to stop time until Elizabeth gave a small giggle.

Gil and Sara looked over at her, and she gave a very amusing and cute baby grin, and clapped her hands a little. "I better go feed them" she said to Gil, walking away slowly with Gil still attached to her hip.

She giggled slightly. "Gil are you going to help me feed them" she turned around and giggled into his chest. He looked down into those inticeing chocolate brown eyes again. "Of course I will my sweet, and I'll ask mom if she wants to feed one of them too."

Gil let go of Sara and turned around sign to his mom, asking if she would like to help feeding them. She agreed, but Gil could see the hurt in her eyes at the request.

Gil was a Triplet, and like Sara she had been in a accident, but wasn't so lucky, his brother and sister died, he was the only one left for his dear mother.

He walked over and wrapped his arms around her mother, after pulling apart, she signed to Gil that she was alright and would love to help feed one of her Grandaughters.

Gil took Elizabeth and grabbed a bottle. She took it greedily into her mouth. Sara walked over picking Kaitlynn up and showing the bottle to her, she tried to take it in her tiny hands, Gil's mother walked over to Jaqlienne picking her up and putting her silently into her arms, resting the bottle gently onto her lips until they closed around it and a look of happy abliss came upon her face.

Everyone was lost in the minute. A happy little silence, until the doorbell rang. The dogs ran to the door, they were trained so well by Heather that they did not bark unless they needed to.

"I'll answer the door" Catherine looked to Sara and gave her a little smile. Walking from the room they herd the doorbell ring again, then they herd Catherine yell "I'm coming I'm coming!"

Gil looked at Sara, and she looking back, shared a silent laughter. Catherine walked back into the kitchen, Nick, Heather and Archie following.

Sara looked at catherine and stated "Now all we need is Warrick, and we can begin our dinner on the backyard deck" She gave a quick wave to Heather, as she came over to see Kaitlynn.

"She looks like Zoey." Silent tears faught to fall from her eyes. Sara and Gil as well as the rest of their friends were familiar of the death of Heathers daughter, and how she missed her.

The doorbell rang again, this time Nick wandered to let Warrick in. They returned a moment later.

"Gil" Sara said looking over at him, "can you grab the heated playpen, its a little cool out tonight and I don't want them catching cold, especially after all they have been through."

Gil placed Elizabeth back in her high chair. She hicc uped and look around at everyone, Sara and Gils mother placeing the other two back in their high chairs as well. Gil wandered quickly upstairs, and was back in a flash to help the gurls bring dinner outside.

He took the playpen outside and brought the gurls out, Gil's mother, Heather, Nick, Warrick, and Greg sat down, but upon a look from Gil, Greg instantly jumped up again, mumbling something to the others about he had to help with dinner.

They all shared a silent laugh, the Gil could see in their eyes. He walked inside to help gather the several dishes the gurls had made.

"Okat bois, could you guys help take out this stuff, while I go check on the roast thats cooking out on the Barbeque?" Sara looked at them.

They all agreed and she wandered out to get the roast set up on the plate. She turned off the Gas supply and took the roast of the rack. Placing it on a plate and putting it in the center of the table.

Gil, Greg, Catherine, and surprisingly enough, Uncle Sam as she called him walked out with the rest of the dishes. They set them on the table and sat down.

Gil stood up, "I would like to introduce you all to my mother, Viviane Marie Grissom." They all nodded to her and He quickly signed that he had introduced her.

Okay writers block agian so I will have to leave it here for you, so I guess there will be a third part to the dinner LOLZ
Alrighty lets try to finish the dinner scene shall we

The anouncement

Gil looked back at his wife and Friends. "My mom is moving in with me and Sara. She is getting on in age and I have offered this place be her home for the rest of her life."

He turned to his mom and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Sara stood up, walked over to his mom, quickly signing her joy and welcome to her and giving her a loving hug which she shared back.

Sara sat back down, her friends looking over at her. "So you gonna introduce the gurls to us Sara?" Nick asked. Sara sighed. "Of course, Alright this little one here is Elizabeth Marie Grissom, this one here is Kaitlynn Ann-Marie Grissom, and this one is Jaqlienne Marie Grissom." She gave a slight smile then sat down to eat.

Laughter and chatting filled the crisp night air, as the sun began to go down. It starting to get cooler and Sara glanced at her watch. 8:00pm. It was time for the gurls to be put to bed.

Sara glanced to Gil. "Honey the gurls need to be put to bed, would you help me." She turned to her friends "We will be back as soon as we can alright, you all just enjoy yourselves."

Gil and Sara gathered their little gurls into their hands, and walked inside. Carring the gurls up the stairs they placed them on the change table. Sara looked at Gil. "Can you go and heat up the milk bottles please baby?"

Gil kissed her "Sure thing honey." He walked out of the room to get the bottles. Sara stripped the gurls of their day clothes and proceeded to change their diapers, once that was done she dressed them in their Pajamas and Gil walked back in with the bottles.

Hand two of the bottles to Sara, Gil kept one taking one of the gurls into his hands and giving her the bottle, Sara feeding the other two. After all three had falle asleep and had been placed in their cribs, Sara and Gil went back downstiars to be with their friends, Sara keeping hold of the baby monitor.

They chatted and lit a fire in the fire pit, eventually Gil and Sara led everyone to seperate rooms, except for the couples who got a room together. Gil and Sara wandered to thier room, the night was young, and they were still very much in love......

hope you enjoy
How bout an update eh?


Sara woke early in the morning to the cries of her babies, noticing that she had nothing on at all, and that her and Gils clothes lay all over the room. Thinking back to the last night she smiled a little then grabbed some pj bottoms and a tank top, then throwing a silk house robe over top.

She wandered down to the second floor, to gather the gurls and take them downstairs. I would take her three trips by herself. She didn't want to wake Gil yet, they had had a long night, and her being a mother, he biological clock could handle the getting up early staying up late. Well somewhat.

The something hit her. They hadn't used protection, of any sort. She swore quitely to herself. After gathering the gurls in the kitchen, and letting the dogs out into their run and feeding them. She heated the bottles for her babies and then proceeded to make breakfast when a voice behind her shocked her.

"Morning Sar" It was Heather and Catherine. They walked into the kitchen and took over making breakfast for the adults while Sara sat down to feed her babies, feeling a little uncomfortable around others at the moment.

She looked over to the island where Catherine and Heather were busy preparing fruit for a fruit salad. "Hey Cath, Heather, I...I have to tell you something, but you can't tell Gil, or anyone else. Yet."

Catherine and Heather gave her a fleeting look and almost instantly knew what was wrong. "You guys didn't use protection did you?" Catherine was the one to speak up.

Sara nodded looking at the floor. "I am suppose to get my period today, and I haven't got it yet. I am hoping its just a few days late. I am thinking I should still go see the doctor though."

Her triplets were barely two months old and she may already be pregnant again. Catherine would have her child in a few weeks. What would Sara do if she was? Least of all how would she tell Gil?

Rate at that moment Gil walked into the Kitchen. "Something sure smells good!" He looked around at the three women, noticing their facial exspressions. "Whats going on in here?" He demanded.

Sara looke at Catherine. "Can you finish feeding them, I think now is as good as any time to talk to him" Catherin nodded and Sara led Gil out to the back deck.

She sat down, him sitting beside her. She couldn't think of the words to say, she felt sick to her stomach having to tell him, no she wasn't sick to her stomach. She leaned over and vomitted onto to decks sleek surface.

Gil pat her back. What did she have to tell him that made her so nervous she would throw up. Then it hit him. Like a truck coming towards you on a one way street. They were most likely pregnant....again.

Gil put his face in his hands. Taking a deep steadying breath. "Oh Sara, what will we do? What will everyone else think?"

How could he be thinking about what others would think at a time like this, she wanted to slap him, no rip him to shreds. Oh god, she thought, I'm hormonal already, this pretty much clarifies the situation.

She looked to Gil her skin whiter then the Tank top she was wearing, she opened her mouth to speak but instead threw up again, all over her husband, the passed out.

I will see the reactions to that first before I go any further. LOLZ
argh, come on, give us more! I think they'll do okay with four, as long as it's not multiples again lol.