GSR - One Life To Live

everything isn't, this has like really traumatized me to the point where I feel like sara in most of the GSR fics, where I want to end my life as I sit here trying to cope ......
I did, we all had to talk and we all learned that we jumped to conclusions and sh** like that. SO anyway i have a few mins before my dad shows up to take me to write my dam learners again.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grissom part 2

After Sara and Gil had left the church to change they gave each a long passionate kiss and got ready to go to the reception at the same place that Greg's and Cath's was held.

They drove down the road in there Bran New Tahoe that Sam bought them. It was black, had a Dvdplayer and six disc player with a third row, the dogs sat in the back, naturally they would be at the reception too.

They arrived at the reception ten minutes later and walked in with the dogs in toe. Over the load speaker they her "anoucing Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grissom!" Everyone cheered and clapped like they had for Cath and Greg and then they went to sit down. They had decided to do the wedding gifts first and the dinner a little later.

Sam had also given them a half million dollar house, just like he had for Cath and Greg, he had also got them a new tahoe that they could drive around in and it wouldn't be the labs. They recieved so many gifts, thanking everyone they welcomed them to some food and then a night of partying.

Sara and Gil had had a wonderful time at their reception but they were now getting ready to go on their honey moon in hawaii. Cath and Greg drove them to the airport, promissing that they would find a mover and have everything in the new house and ready for when they came back, they also said they would find someone to rent the other house. They dogs would be going with Gil and Sara naturally.

The flight lasted for five hours, and finally touching down they were able to find their guide and be taken to their luxury hotel. They ahd a wonderful room, that had hot tub in it, seperate living room and a fireplace. rate outside there was a huge pool and Sara was changed and ready to go tanning and swimming with her new husband.

Gil came out of the room in his swim trunks ready to go, the dogs had doggie sunglasses on and were ready to relax by the pool and swim in the pool too. It had taken them forever to find a hotel that allowed dogs let alone, let them swim in the pool. The hotel was actually very dog enthusiastic.

The pool area contained other people with dogs too, the pool had a fence around it so the dogs could not run off and only dogs that were extremely socialized, and woiuld not harm other dogs and people.

Sara lay there tanning for a bit, till Gil picked her up and threw her in the pool, the dogs happily jumping after. She came up sputtering and Said, Oh you'll pay, and she pulled him in with her.

it was quick so it might have bad spelling and stuff but there we go another chapter... and more to come on the honeymoon
I can't wait for more! *thinks Sara should strip Gris naked so we can visualize him skinny dipping* :devil:
Alright so I wrote the learners and passed but I have to go get a medical form signed by my doctor cause I am a Diabetic. I got so sick of the hot weather I went and got a slurpee, not so good.... high blood sugars suck... they make me feel sick *sad face* and thats cause I forgot to take my levemir yesturday an by the time I realized it, it was too late. Anyway I have lots of time now, I don't work till Wednesday so here we go lets see the rest of the honeymoon.

They honeymoon in Hawaii

Thursday March 13th

Rain had started pelting down the night before, it was persistant and wouldn't stop, the weather forcast said it would do this for at least two days this week. That was fine with Sara and Gil they had at least two weeks out here.

They sat in the living room of their hotel suite, a blazing fire raoring in the grate of the fireplace. The dogs were curled up next to it. Gil and Sara, sat watching movies, curled together on the fold out couch, curled under a fleece blanket.

It was around noon and they paused the movie, whistled to the dogs to come, and headed to the restuarant located in the rear of the building. It was a nice resturant with seperate little rooms, the walls were made of rice paper, a method they had adopted to be enthnically friendly from the asian heritage.

They were shown to their little room and looked at the menu. Their menu had several different dishes from all over the world. Sara decided today that she would try a dish of rouladen*, and a pot of borsch, both dishes of a german enthnicity. She decided that her precious dogs would eat a gourmet meat dish prepared specially for dogs. Gil in the end had decided to order weinkraut and weisswurst. They orderd and then waited for their food.

Fifteen minutes latter the food arrived and the enjoyed with a nice bottle of white whine. The dogs enjoyed their meal equally, and once they had paid, made their way back to their room to finish watching the movie they had begun to watch.

Curled before the TV Sara slowly drifted to sleep in the comfort and protection of Gil's big strong arms.

Friday, March 14th

Rain still lightly drizzeled outside as thunder claps where herd from the skies above. Sara and Gil put on some rain gear, latched the leashes onto the dogs collars and went for a slight walk.

They were enjoying their romantic rain filled walk, when Gil's phone rang. "Mr.Grissom, our staff need you and your wife, at the front desk please. We have a slight problem, and we don't have Crime Scene investigators on this Island, and they can't fly in until the rain stops which it won't for a week now they say." Gil nodded saying "I understand, we'll be there shortly."

Gil looked to his wife. "They need us in the main lobby area, there's been a murder and then can't fly their CSI's in until the rain stops, we're the only people that can help."

Sara sighed looking at her rapidly expanding belly, her and Gil's children lay nestled inside. "Do you want me to help Gil, you wouldn't let me do crime scenes at two months, but your willing to let me at six and a half months?" She said with a teaseing smile.

They took the dogs back to the room and rushed to the lobby. A female DB lay in the middle of the lobby. She was in her early twenties, and had a fair complexion, Gil could tell she was a native to the island. Her skin was a deep golden brown, her eyes the color of hazelnuts.

Sara looked over to the manager, who was in a downright distraught mood. Sara walked over to her. "May I talk to you for a second Miss.Haulano?" She asked inquiringly of the manager. "Yes you may" The manager was far off in a whole different world, barely able to comprehend the scene before her.

Sara led her to a seat in another room. "Now do can you tell me about your employee, Miss, Lilo Hanaochi?" it took the manager a few minutes before she answered. "She was my best employee, always puntuial, came in on her days off if we needed her. Her boyfriend, wasn't as together as her, but we hired them anyway. They were engaged to be married, she was helping him get his life in order. They were a perfect couple, you couldn't find two happier people." The manger paused at this point. "She asked me if she could go home, she wasn't feeling well, and I let her go, her boyfriend asked her if she needed a ride, but she refused, said that the fresh air would do her good, I had just waved goodbye to her and turned around when I herd her fall to the ground, I called a ambulance and began CPR, the paramedics told me my efforts where not worthless but there was nothing I could of done."

Tears had begun to fall after she finished. Sara nodded her head, I will need to fingerprint you and all your remaining staff, even those who are off shift today or went home already. The manager nodded and went to page her employee's, and call those who weren't there, her legs were so undstable from the shock that she collapsed to the floor and Sara rushed to her side, calling for Gil.

Gil came rushing in from the other room, afraid that something had happened to Sara. He glanced around and saw Sara on the ground next to the manager who had violently began to vomit. Gil looked at his wife and then as he rushed off said "i'll find her husband" He ran off. Sara called in the paramedics to give her a mild tranquilizer that would relax her.

Gil walked in, the womans husband in pursuit, he rushed to her side and grabbed her hand. "Honey I'm here. Its me hanoinoi." Tears came to his eyes as Sara said, "Sir I need you to call all your employee's, those who are here, have gone home and even though they weren't here today, as well. We need to finger print everyone, including your wife and you, anyone who works here or is a guest here, including yourselves and Me and my husband are all suspects at this time.

The man nodded and got up to call his employees and guest, and tell them all to go into the convention hall, and to not leave.

After all had gathered they had the people get in two lines, and Sara and Gil began to fingerprint each person. It would take them four hours to do everyone, the hotel was huge and there were alot of guests.

Same day, Midnight

Sara looked at her exhuasted husband, and sighed. "do you want to go for a swim in the outdoor pool, the lights are dimmed by now and everyone else have stayed in there rooms?"

Gil looked at her for a minute, then without changing they walked out of their room hand in hand towards outside, where the rain slowly began to stop.

Saturday, March 15th

The sun shone threw the curtains, just as Sara and Gil were getting to sleep. They had almost been caught ten times skinny dipping in the outdoor pool. The phone rang sunddenly and Gil groggely answered "ello?" "The CSI's can fly in today they should be here in about a hour, can you come down to meet with them in about forty five minutes?" Gil nodded said "yes" and hung up the reciever.

Sara snuggled close to Gil, "we aren't going to get any sleep today are we?" She asked with a smile sneaking onto her face. "It appears that way, I only want you to talk to them about what you know, and then I want you to go back to the room, I will handle the rest with them." "But Gil its our honeymoon, you shouldn't be working while we're here.

Gil caresed Sara's delicately soft face, "I know, but I want to see this solved so that we aren't harassed the rest of the honeymoon." She stared into his deep blue eyes, lost in the moment, when the phone rang again.

Gil picked up the receiver "Room 501, how can I halp you?" "The CSI's arrived early we need you down here in twenty" Gil sighed, "Alright we'll be there." He hung up layed back and sighed again.

"They need us earlier, it seems the plane got here earlier the expected, get dressed honey, we have to be down in twenty." Sara nodded and got up, walking to the closet to get proffesional looking clothes, for her overlarge belly.

She choose some nice black maternaty dress pants, and a black dress shirt. She dressed and then walked to the bathroom where Gil was taking a quick shower. She pulled out her makeup and began to apply it, she tied her hair back, and then slid on a comfy pair of black skate shoes.

She fed the dogs, some food that had been delievered via room service, and had a quick bite to eat while she waited for Gil.

Gil arrived a minute later, dressed in some black slacks, and a loosely buttoned shirt, he ate quickly and they were on their way to the lobby area.

Later on that day

Sara had told them what she had found out from the manager then, had been relieved to go back to her room. She grabbed Ceara and her sister, and went for a walk. Her back really hurt these days and decided she would call Catherine when she got back to the room, just to check in and make sure everything was okay.

Gil processed the lobby, he found some trace, a nut substance of sorts. There was also a short black hair on the body, longer then a pets but shorter then another females. He lifted it, and placed it with the other evedience. They body was removed from the lobby and taken to the lab just down the street. He requested that he be notified about anything they found on the evedience and proceeded to find the boyfriend.

"Sanders residence" Sara herd Lindsay's voice on the other side. "Hey Linds is your mom around?" "Ya, she and Dad just got back from finishing putting things together in your house, I'll get her" Sara thanked her and waited for Cath's voice to come on the other line.

"Sara, is that you?" Catherines voice was full of excitment. "Ya Cath thats me, how are things up there?" "Everythings good, me and Greg just got back from setting up your house, I hope you like how we did it, we'll pick you up and take you there. How are you?" Sara sighed "My back hurts like shit, my feet feel like they are gonna fall off, I am too large to be pregnant with only twins, I think I may have triplets, I'm gonna go see a doctor here tomorrow." "Let me know whats up, I'll buy another crib if need be when we know. How's Gil?" Sara sighed again, "he's working a case, some gurl no older the twenty two, droped dead in the hotel lobby, we had to sedate the manager, she was so traumatized and shocked then had to fingerprint every employee and guest. It took us four fucking hours." "So why aren't you helping now, I thought you were a workaholic!" Catherine said with a small laugh. "Ya the other local CSI's flew in and Gil didn't want me to over exert myself."

They talked for two hours before Sara hung up with Cath when Gil walked in the room, looking uderly stressed and Exhuasted.

They shared dinner and Gil told them how they had solved the case already, and that he was now free to spend the rest of the honeymoon with his beloved wife. After dinner the sank into the water bed, snuggled close, and watched a movie until they fell alseep. In turn the TV watching them, as they drifted into a dreamless sleep......

It was two weeks later, and Gil and Sara were packing to leave, their limo would be at the hotel in about half an hour to pick them up and take them to the airport, they had found out it wasn't just twins but triplets, and so Catherine had rushed out to buy another crib.

As much as they enjoyed their honeymoon, they were happy to be going home. They missed their friends and their own bed. Next to nother the limo was there and Sara and Gil were rushed to the airport and onto a plane, to be on another five hour flight.
Alright so I woulda updated earlier but power was lost to my neighbourhood cause the circuit overheated but I will update now, so we are gonna see Gil and Sara coming home and see their new house!

Good to be home

The plane ride was alot quicker going home then it was going to their first destination. All to soon they were landing at the airport, and disembarking the plane.

Catherine Greg and Lindsay were waiting for them at the gate, they couldn't wait to see their friends although it had been only two weeks that they had been gone it felt like months. They would also be taking them to their new house.

Gil and Sara walked through the gate, hand in hand, smiles spred wide across their faces. They saw the trio and went as fast as they could over to them, hugging each in turn.

Sara's belly had definately grown, and soon would be on bed rest. Catherine was happy for her though, her belly had grown a bit too but she was only having one child. Greg grabbed Gil's and Sara's luggage and carried it to the Tahoe for them.

They piled in, buckled up and were soon heading to one of the most exspensive parts of town. It took half a hour to get to the new house but when they pulled up, Sara and Gil were wordless.

There was a beautiful rustic gothic fence that barred off the poperty, a nameplate on the front read "The Grissoms" and a sandstone fence completed the marking of the property. The house, was built new, never lived in before. There was a long curving driveway leading to a turnabout in front of the house, and a four car garage off to the right. A wide curving staircase, lead to the front door, which was a double french door, the glass frosted. Catherine walked up behind Sara, who was taking in the archtecture of the four story house. Catherine pressed a set of keys into Sara's hand while Greg pressed a set into Gil's hands, who was equally impressed by the size of the house.

Gil looked to Sara, inviting her to unlock the door and welcome them into their new home. Sara placed the key into the lock, her hand shaking with excitment. She turned the key until it clicked, then opened the door.

They walked into a excentric foyer that had a curving staircase leading to the upper floors of the house. Catherine and Greg followed closely behind, lugging Gil's and Sara's luggage with him. Placing it down, he asked "should we give you the grand tour?" With a grin on her face, Sara agreed taking Gil's hand as Catherine and Greg lead the way.

They took them into the large professional style kitchen first. "Well, as you can tell Sam had this house and they one we have built new. The kitchen had state of the art appliances, including a gas stove." They continued to walk. "The dining room, features large bay window, looking out over a back yard that was profesionaly developed." Greg smiled and kept walking. "Next we come to the Family room, or entertainment room, featureing its own little bar for entertainment purposes. Gas fire place that two ways into the dining room." The walked down a little hall to a work or den room. "Here we have like a office/ computer room." Indeed there was a state of the art computer in here as well, so at least Sara, while off on maternatiy leave could still keep up with the cases they had, and if so help Gil somewhat with the paperwork. They continued to the staircase that again was a rustic gothic look, and went up to the first floor. "Up here we have four rooms, each with their own bathroom, including soaker tubs, overlarge soaker tubs may I add." Sara was overwhelmed, how could someone, who knew her and Gil so little buy them something, so exspensive?

They continued onto the third floor, where there was four more bedrooms,a laundry room, second living room, and excersize room. Two beedrooms shared one bathroom, while the other two shared another one. The excersize room, had all of the equipment in it too. They continued to the fourth and last floor, which was nothing but the master bedroom. It was huge, and Sara had to take a steading breath of air, and look twice around.

The main bedroom area, had a little sitting area with a small couch, and a wall boasting a three way fireplace. There was a seperate work area, with another computer, and then a large washroom, and private laundry room. The bathroom had a large soaker tub big enough for ten people in the center, and a overlarge shower that was also a steam room. There was two sinks, a his and a hers and a walk in closet for each of them. There was a gas fireplace that four wayed next to the soaker tub.

Sara took a deep breath and sat down to take it all in. They hadn't even seen the back yard or basement yet. Gil helped her to her feet so they could go see their basment.

They slowly walked downstairs, Sara was beginning to get tired, after all she was around seven an a half to eight months pregnant now. They reached the basement, which was a giant rec room to the left, and to the right, a private pool area, with a overly large pool for a house, and a hot tub, complete with steam room and sauna. Their last stop was the back yard.

The house had a large deck with a few different levels to it, slowly getting lower till it reached the ground, there was a central fenced area, with a large dog run streching as far as the eye could see of the property for the dogs who were happily running around in it. There was a patio area with built in firepit, and a pond off to one side of it. The pond had a waterfall that led to it. There was a exspansive garden, desinated areas for flowers, herbs and veggies, and a area for fruit as well. After the yard type area was a path leading to a barn, and a fenced area, that had five arabian horses.

After walking the distance of their property and back, Sara and Catherine went to sit down and watch a movie while the bois cooked dinner in the kitchen. Sara had a sudden idea, she would love to meet their new tenants and decided to invite them over for dinner, she called to Gil. "We should invite the new tenants over for dinner honey," she said to him and he agreed. Catherine and Greg shared a little smile while they weren't looking they didn't need to get to know their new tennants they already knew them.

Gil rang them up and invited them over, they agreed to be there for seven thirty. The two couples had decided it would be nice to have dinner out on the deck. Their guest arrived when they had agreed and to Gil's surprise, it was Nick and Lady Heather, who suprisingly was dating nick, and Archie.

Gil led them through to the deck and they all began to eat and talk, Gil and Sara shared their honeymoon with them, and the talked lasted late into the night. How good it was to be home Sara thought.

alright I hope that satisfies you all for a few mins or so LOLZ I'll update soon enough
I hope you do update soon. Interesting twist with Nick and Heather. *wonders if baby stuff will be coming soon since Sara's so far along*
Awww, this is such a great story, and very intriguing(sp?) about that Nick/LH twist, but with happiness comes heartbreak. When and where will it strike again?! **Over dramatic background music with a crazed laugh** Alright, I need to calm down, too wrapped up in my own fic...he he he.
K so in this chapter Sara is about eight months along, so we are gonna see the excitment start to build as the due date of teh babies comes closer... catherine at this time is about five months now... i would believe... so here we go

Rain Rain and expectidly more Rain

Sara awoke to a sudden flash and a large crack of thunder over the house. Glancing at the bedside table, and seeing it was four in the morning, and Gil would be getting up in a hour to go to work.

She waddled down the three flights of stairs to the main floor and off to the kitchen to make some breakfast for Gil. She started by grinding them brewing some Hazelnut cream coffee, then searching the kitchen for other breakfast items and dish ware.

They had been in this house for two weeks and they still couldn't find all of their belongings nor the belongings that Sam had filled the house with. Sara was on bed rest now, but still got up to make some meals and such. Gil wouldn't allow her to do much more and Catherine usually helped out for now.

Sara found what she was looking for and began to cook breakfast for Gil. Scrambled eggs, honey and brown sugar sausages, and hash browns. Gil came down the stiars wiping sleep from his eyes, and yawning a sleepy good morning, before letting the dogs out into the run and going to get his morning paper.

Sitting down at the table, Sara walked over to Gil and gave him a hug, and then they shared a heat filled pasionate kiss, before sara broke it to finish making breakfast.

A few minutes latter, Gil and Sara sat down to a nice hot breakfast while the rain outside lashed down in all directions. Another bolt of lightening and thunder cracked the air, leaving Sara with the feeling of the electricity running through her body.

Gil helped her take the dishes to the sink and went back upstairs to dress for his day at work. He came back stairs quickly kissing Sara goodbye before running out the door to his tahoe.

It was a hour till Catherin would be at the house, so Sara did the dishes quickly, and went to sit on a sofa in the foyer and begin to read the second harry potter book in the series.

Sara was half way done the book when a very drowned looking Catherine walked in the front doors. They put some laundry in the washer, and then were off to the spa for the day.

There was a day a month, when Sara and Catherine would go to the spa an get pampered. Today was such a day. They bundled up against the weather and got into Catherines Tahoe, and they were on their way to the most luxurious spa in the city.

Gil sat at his desk, decideing who was going to get what assignment. They had two temp CSI's in to take the place of Catherine and Sara while they were pregnant. Nick and Katie would take a B&E on the strip, Warrick and Geni would get a DB found in a room at the tangiers, and greg and Him would take a DB in a home a block from the strip. He got up and walked to the break room to hand out the assingments. None of Gils team were looking forward to going out in this weather, Gil had just finished handing out the assignments when a lightening bolt flashed, thunder cracked and the electricity went out......

Okay, so I want to leave this chapter where it is at the moment i have some updates to catch up on.:D