GSR - One Life To Live

sorry it took me so long to update, i couldn't think of what to write.

Homa again

Sara had been kept under close watch for a week and they were still waiting to hear back about what she was allergic to. The doctor had noted she was recovered enough to go home, but the babies would have to stay at least another three weeks.

Sara called Gil after stiffly walking around and gathering her belongings, and packing them. Gil arrived to take her home, they each looke at their girls, saying a tearful goodbye till they could come to see them again.

The doctor spoke briefly with Gil before allowing him to take Sara home. He recomended that she have lots of bed rest and to bring her for a check up in two weeks. Gil gathered Sara's bag and carried it to the new Suburban he had bought.

Sara got into the vechile to be greated by her beautiful dogs. Tears running down her cheeks, missing her babies already. Funny, she thought, how one can become so attached to the children a woman carried for so many months, only to be seperated from them.

Gil noticed her tears, and instantly became worried. "baby whats wrong?" "I feel so, mean, leaving those precious little gurls there, I should be there with them."

Gil leaned over the seat to embrace his wife. They hugged in silence for what felt like hours until Gil broke from her to start the engine of the vechile and take her home.

The ride tooked what seemed like forever as they drove in silence. Sara lost in her thoughts of what had happened, and worry for her children. They arrived at the house and gil drove up to the step, getting out of the vechile running around the front to help Sara get out of the truck without hurting herself.

She walked ahead of him as he grabbed her bag. He would give her a little space if she wanted. It must be so hard on her, he thought, seeing what the girls have to go through, her and my flesh and blood, in so much pain.

Tears threatened to overtake him, and he took a deep shuddering breath to calm himself. He needed to be strong for Sara, to help give her the cofidence that she needed.

When Sara walked in, Catherine, Greg and Lindsay was waiting for her, and were all quick to give her a hug. Sara felt the tears stinging her eyes again, and felt all the greif overtake her and weaken her.

Gil came in and saw that she was weakening, looking at greg he said, "Greg help me get her upstairs, well carry her up. Catherine can you make her something to eat, and Lindsay can you bring the bag up?"

They all complied, eager to help Sara however they could. Catherine was showing more now, she was coming up to her sixth month of the pregnacny and so they didn't want to do anything to hurt her or her baby.

Catherine grumbled as her hip began to bug her. It had since the accidnet, because the bone had been bruised. She made Sara up a bowl of borsch that had been made earlier that day, and carried it up to her.

Gil and Greg were just finishing settleing her into the bed, the dogs laying on a blanket off to the right. After being assured by Sara that she would be fine, she told Gil to go back to work. Gil in turn told her that Catherine, Greg and Lindsay were staying with them for a bit to help care for things.

Gil gave her a quick kiss and left with a sorrowful look. Catherine emptied Sara's bag and went to put the dirty laundry into the wash. Leaving Sara alone to read one of her favorite books, and eventually she fell asleep.

hope you like it i still have a bit of a writers block.
Well I think its time for a update, ya'll deserve it.

Worries and woes

Sara woke a few hours leter to tremendous thunder over teh house, bringing back the memories of the accident, bringing Gil running into the room.

"honey..honey whats wrong?" Tears were streaming down Sara's face and he ran to her side, taking her into his arms and letting her cry into the comfort of his chest.

They sat in silence, the sound of rain pounding down on the house and surrounding landscape penitrating their minds. Both lost in thoughts all their own.

Sara's sobs, stopped and turned to little hickups, and she looked at Gil. "Stay by my side for now please, I can't bear to be alone."

Gil nodded, he wouldn't leave her rate now, even if she wanted him to. He lifted her out of the bed, and took her to the sitting room in their bedroom. He turned on the fireplace, wraped a blanket around her, and put in one of her favorite movies, The Perfect Man.

Gil quickly went downstairs to get more borsch for her, it had become her favorite, and for the time being, her comfort food too. He walked back up the stairs to her, handing her the bowl. He sat down beside her, and they cuddled together watching the movie.

Catherine was aking a large dinner for everyone. Cath wanted to ensure everyone, especially Sara had a healthy meal in their stomachs. Their health meant so much to her.

She was cutting potatoes when a tremendous clap of thunder sounded above the house, and Sara began to scream. Catherine watched Gil, run past the kitchen and up the stairs to their room.

There was silence for a bit, then Gil came down, warmed up some borsch and went back upstairs. There was once again a silence, but this time, Catherine guessed, a sereen silence this time.

At that moment Greg walked through the door, and Lindsay ran up to him. "Daddy how was work today?" Greg had finally gotten use to being called daddy by Lindsay, she had listened more to her mom since Greg had come into her life. "Good sweetie how was yours?" "Mommy took me to get my learners today while Uncle Gil went to get Sara."

Greg looked to Catherine "Sara's home?" "Ya her and Gil are spending time together though, you can see her at dinner." Greg sighed, "How long to dinner?" he asked his wife. "Bout another hour, the roast isn't quite cooked yet. "Alright, Lindsay did you pass your learners?"

Lindsay nodded. "Well how bout you and me go out to the tahoe, and we have a little driving lesson till dinner, sound good to you?" Lindsay's eyes lit up, "alright lets go" She grabbed his hand they were out the door.

Alright we'll go to the dinner scene in the next chapter
heres another update, haha my new kitten is sleeping on my lap

Driving lessons and Dinner

Lindsay, sat in the drivers seat of the Tahoe. Greg had told her where to find everything, and now it was time for her to start the vechile, she had to admit that she was a little nervous.

She turned the key in the ignition, and listened to the vechile's engine purr, felt the power in the vechile. She put the transmission into reverse, and gently pressed on the gas petal.

A hour later Greg and Lindsay, pulled back into the drive way with a small dent in the side of the vechile, Lindsay had turned to sharply, and had run the side of the vechile into a pole.

They walked into the house, and saw Gil, helping Sara down the stairs. They joined Lindsay and Greg, the four of them walking to the dinning room just off the back of the house.

Catherine had prepared a very healthy... feast to say the least. A wonderful roast, marinaded in a tangy sweet sauce, lay on a plate in the middle, a dish of steamed veggies, lay to the right, mashed potatoes off to the left, neatly minced chives and real bacon lay beside them.

They sat down to eat what Catherine had made. It was delicous and Sara was thankful that she had a friend like catherine. Hospital food was always so bland.

They finished their meal, and helped themselves to a triple chocolate cake with chocolate moose, and a strawberry geletin. It was very enlightening and after the desert was ocer with, they decided to put in a movie and have a movie night.

there we go nother update
I'll try to update the best i can while my kitten sinks his claws into my body, hes a little hyper

A visit and good news

Greg, Gil, Sara, Cath and Lindsay had all fallen asleep on the huge couch in the upstairs family room. Sara, had to go to her check up today. Waking Gil and trying not to wake the other three she got off the couch and wandered to her room.

Catherine's great meal last night had definitely given her some strength, at least she could walk around on her own now. Sara stepped in the shower, letting the streams of hot water hit her. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. She felt someone slip their arms around her, and she turned to see Gil.

Catherine woke with a start, no reconizing the surrounds she wondered where she was, then it hit her, she was at Sara and Gil's and they had fallen asleep on the couch. Gil And Sara were gone, and then she herd the shower turn on.

Catherine got up and wandered downstairs to make breakfast. She let the dogs into the run, and began to pull out breakfast items from the cupboards.

Lindsay walked into the kitchen while Catherine was making breakfast smooties. Lindsay sat at the table, grabbing her school bag. Pulling out her bags, she finished the little homework she had.

Greg was next to wander in. "I'll take Linds to school today, you go to you appointment then take it easy k?" He gave her a kiss and walked over to the coffee pot, disappointed to see there was no coffee in it.

"Cath, you forgot to make the coffee this morning." "No I didn't, we're having smoothies today, instead of coffee, they're way healthier then coffee. Besides you can have some coffee after breakfast."

Sara and Gil walked in and sat at the table. Huge grins on their faces. Greg and Catherine just looked at them, then laughed. Catherine brought the food over to the table, and everyone dug in.

After breakfast, Greg grabbed his coffee fix and took Lindsay out to the vechil. He was gonna let her drive to school. He got in the passanger side, as Lindsay got in the drivers side. She gave him a big grin and started the vechile just like yesturday.

They were off to Lindsays school, then Greg would meet Gil at work. Sara and Catherine had appointments to go to, they got ready and headed out the door.

Anybody know what lindsays bday issuppose to be?