Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mus
So, I'm going to try to write this out while I have a few moments before work, but I may not make it...
Anyway, last night I touched on it, this discussion that's been on-going in the anti- and pro-GSR camps for quite a bit, ever since the relationship was revealed at the end of season 7.
Some people are wondering why we haven't seen more reaction to their relationship, that we haven't seen people more shocked, or lecturing Gil and Sara, or any of that mess.
My theory is this: GSR has always been there. It always has.
My husband always says GSR is a part of CSI, so much so that if you don't like GSR, he doesn't understand how you like CSI. "You can't like CSI if you don't like GSR" he says.
So, if we take that into consideration, I believe the reason no one's completely squicked out, or critisizing is because it's been there since the beginning.
Catherine even once encouraged Gil to pull his head from his tail and do something about Sara. He made the phone call to send her vegetation because Catherine was there to egg him on.
Greg has always seen that there was something between Gil and Sara, as many moments as he's been there for. We can talk Sara/Greg in another thread, but I think he was aware of Gil's affection, especially after that stink-eye in "Committed."
Warrick has been present for more GSR moments than any other, and has even picked at Gil, when he checkmated his boss while cooing, "She needs me." It was a direct jab at Gil and his affection for Sara, and that's what made it work so brilliantly.
Brass was there for the famed "Butterflied" confession when Gil admitted he could allow himself to love Sara, but let the barriars keep them apart.
Nick's a bit clueless, but Mr. Eads asserts this is part of his character. He's just a bit thick-headed about it, possibly that's why he's the only one we've seen really searching for answers a little by asking Greg what he knew, but it's not as though he's out for revenge. There's this level of understanding.
I think it's like when you've been in a tight-knit group of friends for years, and you know these two people like each other, but neither one of them is acting on it when they should, and you're all sitting there rolling your eyes at them, but when it finally happens, you're thrilled. Ok, they didn't tell you, and while that bugs you a bit, there's a reassurance in that they didn't tell ANYBODY.
And I think that's what's really kept Gil and Sara in the clear is that NO ONE knew. It can be argued that Brass or Greg maybe knew, but we don't know that for sure. As far as we know, everyone was in the dark, and they kept it to themselves.
And now that they're outed, it's just as it always was, except the team's not rolling their eyes anymore at the two people who are obviously meant to be but aren't yet together.
Instead, there's this ease and relaxation, and everyone's excited that it finally happened. We've all been waiting forever for you two get together! Thank the Lord the back and forth is over and you've finally found one another!
So, in short, I don't think there's a lot of hullaballoo about it because everyone knew that Sara had a thing for Gil, and he had one for her. They've known that for years. All that's changed is that they finally ACTED on it. So, the team's not going to be up in arms about it.
At least, that's my opinion.
It's a mini-novel, but that's because I'm under a bit of a time crunch to get to work! LOL! Hope it makes sense!