Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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GSRfanatic25 said:
i'm starting to think you might be right. but waiting for a kiss will definitely be worth it if sara stays around. i'm not talking about lives and like goes away somehow, if she STAYS AT THE LAB W/ GRISS. even she leaves in any sort of way, i want a kiss...

do you think tptb will give me what i want/

I think if we enforce GSR lovin' enough (which I think we have been doing very well) TPTB may make us happy. I mean, we fans are the reason CSI is still airing. Our ship is obviously the most popular among all CSI ships and not just becuase they are canon. They have THE GREATEST chemistry for God's sake!! Geez I don't see why they wouldn't do injustice to the most supreme ship of all television history!

Sorry guys, when I'm tired I get fustrated at people who dare to threaten the life of the only person Grissom has ever loved.
awww *hugs* i totally agree. very passionate argument steph. i want some major gsr lovin, but wouldn't you rather sara live and get a hug or a hand hold, than have an i love you passion moment, and then she like.. cough and die? that's all i was saying

[She's not going to die... she's not going to die... she's not going to die... continues mantra in corner] Sorry I think it will take a long time before we get a kiss if Sara lives, but I think I will settle hearing Sara telling Grissom she loves him IN FRONT OF THE TEAM. Maybe a lot of cases together and a couple of hugs along with a cocoon.
Steph said:
GSRfanatic25 said:
i'm starting to think you might be right. but waiting for a kiss will definitely be worth it if sara stays around. i'm not talking about lives and like goes away somehow, if she STAYS AT THE LAB W/ GRISS. even she leaves in any sort of way, i want a kiss...

do you think tptb will give me what i want/

I think if we enforce GSR lovin' enough (which I think we have been doing very well) TPTB may make us happy. I mean, we fans are the reason CSI is still airing. Our ship is obviously the most popular among all CSI ships and not just becuase they are canon. They have THE GREATEST chemistry for God's sake!! Geez I don't see why they wouldn't do injustice to the most supreme ship of all television history!

Sorry guys, when I'm tired I get fustrated at people who dare to threaten the life of the only person Grissom has ever loved.

Hear-Hear Steph we all feel the same.. except those 'other fans' who think he'll end up with Lady Heather.. gag me.. :mad: I won't say any thing else on that subject.. :eek:

I agree 100% with you guys. The GSR ship sticks together. If we hold tight, I think we can convince tptb to side with us.
Sara already kinda told him she loved him on the show. In Way To Go, Grissom said he wanted to "at least have time to say goodbye to the people I love" and Sara said "I'm not ready to say goodbye". If you think about it, she told him she loved him, and he indirectly told her he loved her in Ending Happy. I still want them to say the words "I love you" but at leats we know they DO right?

In response to Quoth's theory, I don't really think they'd do that. I hate tptb right now, but I don't think they would do something like that right after Sara got kidnapped and stuck under a car.

I guess it's possible that it's all in Natalie's mind, but I kind of don't think so, Again, I don't think tptb would do that to us. Actually they probably would. Yeah, nevermind, I like that theory.
. Ugh, Lady Heather... I'd rather he was with like Teri Miller or something, she was actually nice. If Grissom had to be with someone else, I think I'd pick her. Sure, she's married, but she could suddenly discover that she's in love with Grissom or something and get divorced.
I would prefer Grissom being alone for the rest of his life. I know they already told each other they love each other but I want them to say it in front of the team because I want to see their reactions again.
Well, yeah, I'd prefer him being alone for the rest of his life too, but if he absolutely HAD to be with someone other than Sara, I would choose Teri Miller. I don't WANT them to be together, she's just not as bad as Lady Heather. I want Grissom to find her, they say they love eachother then they kiss, with everyone staring at them. If I was writing the episode, that's what I would do. Oh, I forgot something, then later in the hospital he asks her to marry him.
I would prefer Grissom being alone for the rest of his life.
Seriously? I most definitely wouldn't want that. I wouldn't particularly like to see it play out in the show because there can only possibly be 2 (max) more seasons, and that's just not long enough. Heck, it took 6 seasons for GSR to become cannon.
I love Grissom, I'd want him happy.
It's like I'm dying. :lol:
As I was saying... I forgot.
Oh yeah, I think it would have to be a new person, a fresh character.
Teri Miller? :eek: Did peeps not see her leave him in the restuarant? Bitch.
LH, well that's the only character I can see plausibly working, but it seems she's not interested anymore IMO.
Catherine? Err, do I have to explain?
Oh, and Sofia is totes gay. :p

*sigh* I hope they find Sara in time. :(

Edited, 'cause I was a tad mean. :rolleyes:
Hi, guys! Wow, so we've reached #30, huh! It's a proud moment for GSR shippers - we should be proud of ourselves :) And the title rockz, too. It's smart and simple, just as we like it :)
Aaanyway, I read the last three pages very quickly, as I am recently SF, even though I saw the promos(I don't consider them spoilers, just charming little teasers). I'm relieved to know that I wasn't the only one on the edge of crying, even though my family and friends think I've gone troppo.
As for who can Grissom date if Sara... you-know-whats, I also think it should be a fresh character or no one at all. Although I don't really see him with anyone else and I wouldn't care that much either. They just wouldn't have the past these two had and I think Grissom wouldn't be able to open up again after such a loss, especially if he has a hard time doing it anyway.
I can't imagine what the show would look like if Sara dies and I'm ashamed to admit that I'm a little curious. I mean, it's the third or fourth time we've had a CSI's life on the line and every time everything turns out okay. But what happens when it doesn't? I would really like to see how CSIs deal with loss - especially one of a main character.
Nevertheless, I absolutely forbid Sara to die this or any other season.
And if she does, Grissom is forbidden to smile 'til the end of this one. I'm terrible, I know.
yay new thread! :D :D :D
dang school, havnt gotten the chance to get on what so ever!!

dang i am dying for my GSR!! :( i miss it and i want it now! ;)
countdown time!

There are roughly 21 days, 7 hours left until the big event

yay GSR!! And I would not like to see Grissom with anyone else...I don't want him to be emo and depressed for the duration of the show but I can't really see him getting with anyone else either. I definately see his and Catherine's relationship strengthening friendship wise though
I can't imagine what the show would look like if Sara dies and I'm ashamed to admit that I'm a little curious. I mean, it's the third or fourth time we've had a CSI's life on the line and every time everything turns out okay. But what happens when it doesn't? I would really like to see how CSIs deal with loss - especially one of a main character.
Ditto. I'd love to see Anguished!Grissom... however, I'm not willing to give up Sara to see it. They can't kill one half of my OTP.

As for who...if... gah. I can't even finish that thought. There should be nobody else besides Sara. Though, I will admit to being a multishipper of sorts (I primarily consider myself to a Grissom Shipper because lets face it, I'm madly in love with WP.) and do tend to ship him with LH. Because she's hot. And he's hot. And he gets her. And whether or not we like it, she gets him too. I like Heather. Yes I do.

But that's it. Almost. Ok - honestly now? Anyone but Catherine. Not because I don't love Catherine. Because I do. I just think that every man should have a woman friend that he hasn't been romantically involved with. And Catherine is Grissom's right hand woman... I love them like that and wouldn't want a romantic involvement to come between them.

Whereas Grissom and Sara weren't really friends per say... more like almost friends that wanted to be friends but couldn't be friends because they were too busy lusting after one another and thinking about what they could have, should have, would have; had. You know?

Makes it hard to be just someone's friend when you keep imagining them naked.

Huh? I said what? Noooooooooooo... not me.

Although I don't really see him with anyone else and I wouldn't care that much either. They just wouldn't have the past these two had and I think Grissom wouldn't be able to open up again after such a loss, especially if he has a hard time doing it anyway.
You got the nail on the head with that. I wouldn't love to see him end up with Catherine or Sofia or well... even LH. Because I like I've said, I'd love to see a distraught Grissom. It would be awesome and hott and just oh so squee worthy I wouldn't know what I would do with myself.

And I think that distraught Grissom would probably turn inside himself instead of to someone else.

And either way, no matter how much I love (and will always love) Grissom - I wouldn't care who he was 'dating' so to speak. Because she wouldn't be Sara. And I can't be passionate about someone else. I would fail to care I think.

Quoth! Welcome back to the Gutter! You reaaaaalllly should post more. I know I know I know what you're thinking. Who is this crazy person and why does she want me to stick around here? *runs*

Really, I'm nice. I'm Turtle, Turts, or Turt. Or occasionally, when peeps have been drinking, Turd. I let that slide. I've been the resident crazy for longer then I care to admit and strangly enough remember you posting here more often BEFORE I was anything besides a obsessive lurker. Yes. *cough*

Aaaaaand now that I'm done rambling like a loon... I'm gonna go. Right now. Before I start up again.

That is all.
Whereas Grissom and Sara weren't really friends per say... more like almost friends that wanted to be friends but couldn't be friends because they were too busy lusting after one another and thinking about what they could have, should have, would have; had. You know?

Makes it hard to be just someone's friend when you keep imagining them naked.

Huh? I said what? Noooooooooooo... not me.

haha, totally agree. you're entire post, turtle, cracked me up. you've got good insight and opinions, adn props for admitting the gg/lh thing. i have to say i sorta kinda ship them, it's just i could see them together if sara had never entered the picture.
i thiknk cath should stay platonic. a playful, honest friend to our bugman.
that and i'm a yobling shipper in my downtime.

hmm... lost my train of thought...

oh well

p.s. turtle, ur funny, if i didn't say that
I too am all about GSR but there was a time when I though LH would be great with Grissom while the writers prolong GSR relationship because that was all it was, Hank, Sofia,LH,Teri, were all about the writers need to keep Grissom and Sara apart for as long as possible, so that they would not put them together too early in the show but from the start I knew that in the end it was going to be GSR forever. So I was okay with Hank/Sara until I find out he was cheating, than I wanted him dead. The only one of Grissom's love interest that I actually enjoy him with was LH, I though Sofia was too perfect, Teri too boring. But I stopped enjoying him and LH when he betrayed her in LHB. What he did to her was just wrong on so many level it was not even funny. I was very mad at Grissom during that episode for what he did and the way he did it to LH. And TGTBTD totally ruined LH for me.

And I can deal with Grissom being with anyone but Catherine,just like I can deal with Sara being with anyone but Nick. But since I am and always been a GSR girl, I will say LONG LIVE GSR WITH KISSES AND ALL THE GOOD STUFF.
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