Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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I'm thinking that too, that she's someplace else. it'll give more mystery in such, but I just wanna know, is she gonna live or die or what!

Oh, I know I'm late, but congrats on the thread!

Hey you guys. I got a kankersore (I spelled that wrong) today. I asked my dentists why you get them and he said it is most likely from stress. Then he asked if I was under any stress. So I explained it to him, that CSI is my favorite show and Sara is my favorite character and she might die. So he said started laughing and shaking his head and he said that's probably it then.

I was also thinking that but I didn't want to be the one to mention it. I am pretty sure that Sara is not under the car. I think Grissom finds the car and she's not under there. Then he's talking with Catherine and she says "She's a survivor" and then he says "Where is she Catherine"? Then they find her hanging on to life by a thread. She ends up in the hospitol and she survives. Some of that is my own opinion on what I think should happen.
Hey guys! Congrats on #30, the title is very fitting ;) I haven't been posting but obviously you guys have no problem keeping the thread alive without me :lol: These new promos have been torture, haven't they?

Well, I was roaming my LJ, and a friend was saying that the song used in the latest promo ("This Woman's Work" by Kate Bush) was written originally because someone was pregnant, or it was about pregnancy. The line "I know you have a little life in you yet" refers to a child in the song. Makes you wonder, doesn't it? That could certainly explain how they would be trying to "smartly" end GSR (pregnancy). Probably reading into it too much but it makes you wonder ;) Not that I want GSR to end :D

And as requested by desertwind from the Grissom/Sara montage thread in fanart, I'm going to post a banner and its accompanying wallpaper I made yesterday :)

I just watched the promo for CSI on CBS again and it made it seem real this time, like it was actually happening. I cried again. It doesn't help that I watched 2 sad movies today and I read a sad book over the weekend.
Wow, I love your banners Quoth the Raven. I agree with what you said, the promos have been torture.

That makes a lot of sense. Maybe Sara is pregnant and she and Grissom will break up, that would be horrible. Or she loses the baby.
Thank you very much sidlewannabee :) And the promos are really well done, I agree, they are tear-jerkers.

Can you imagine the impact losing the baby (assuming pregnancy is the case) would have on Sara especially? I don't want them to break up, and I'm all for angst, but if that happened I don't think she'd ever recover. But then of course there is always Grissom left to comfort her :D Ugh, damn you TPTB! Damn you, September 27! Damn you all!
Your welcome Quoth the Raven

Quoth[/b]]I agree with you 100%. I don't think Sara would ever get over losing a child. I don't think she could ever get over breaking up with Grissom either. Especially with everything she has been through. I hate September 27th.
Hey guys,
I think they used that song because the lyrics mirror Grissoms POV really well. I also think Sara has parted company with the car & that they don't find her until the next night. And my guess is it won't be until the end of the ep & Sara's fate will we left open again until the second ep. So buck up guys, I think we'll have to wait until part way through the second ep to see she's okay & back at work.*fingers crossed on that*.
I just can't see CSI without GSR. Or maybe that is because she won't die, hmmm?

I get a little sick of the thought of them holding hands when/if Grissom finds Sara under the car. Don't get me wrong, I love any physical GSR interaction, but I just want more. I feel like a greedy little kid, "I want, I want, I want good GSR lovin'"
seattlegsrfan said:
Hey guys,
I think they used that song because the lyrics mirror Grissoms POV really well. I also think Sara has parted company with the car & that they don't find her until the next night. And my guess is it won't be until the end of the ep & Sara's fate will we left open again until the second ep. So buck up guys, I think we'll have to wait until part way through the second ep to see she's okay & back at work.*fingers crossed on that*.
didn't they say they were going to resolve everything by the end of the first ep?

"I want, I want, I want good GSR lovin'"
me too me too me too :lol:
to you quoth on the pics. fabulous, and I think you've hit the nail on the head!

Have any of you thought, that maybe this never happened at all :eek: and it's all in Natalie's psychotic brain, and Sara was NEVER under the car? but someplace many things don't add up, remember when the 'slit throat' to Grissom happened, and it really didn't?..just a theory

All of your theories are good. They could all be true. I want more thatn a hand holding, but I will give it up if Sara gets to live.

I agree with you desertwind, but all of the previews about Sara all looked like they happened, they looked real, but then again Grissom's neck getting slashed looked so real, but it wasn't. At this point I don't know what to think, my mind keeps going back and forth and now I'm confused.
sidlewannabee said:
All of your theories are good. They could all be true. I want more than a hand holding, but I will give it up if Sara gets to live.

Agreed. I can deal with a hand hold to save her life. I have a feeling that the writers would only show us a GSR kiss if Sara is heading out. If Grissom leans in, kisses her and Sara keels over dead, I would have to say no to a kiss. I would rather get limited GSR than no GSR at all.
Hi, guys. I need your help. When CSI come on in 2000 on Tv? Where can I find Billy said, that he want George to be his sidekick and He want Jorja on the job after the woman who played Holly didn't made it after first episode. I really appreciate it. You can PM me or whatever. If you can't find it, I understand.

I want the teams to save Sara and rush to the hospital. We probably get a kiss either season finale in May or 9th season. We just have to wait for it.
i'm starting to think you might be right. but waiting for a kiss will definitely be worth it if sara stays around. i'm not talking about lives and like goes away somehow, if she STAYS AT THE LAB W/ GRISS. even she leaves in any sort of way, i want a kiss...

do you think tptb will give me what i want/
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