Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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i agree, snogging would be weird. a little juvenile for such an older couple, and mature show. but a good, *loving* kiss would be great!! i dunno.. i just really can't wait 17 days! for whatever it is we're going to get
GSRfanatic25 said:
i agree, snogging would be weird. a little juvenile for such an older couple, and mature show. but a good, *loving* kiss would be great!! i dunno.. i just really can't wait 17 days! for whatever it is we're going to get

Yeah, your right on the ages, he's 54 and she's 39.. but there's a lot of teenagers on here, so that's cool for them.. but thank's Serious_Snoggle on the explanation ;) I'll go for the word "KISS"

but there's a lot of teenagers on here, so that's cool for them..
Well I am a teenager(I know shocker!) but I am kind of against the whole snogging idea, but yeah des I would rather have a 'Kiss' or a sweet peck. as much as I love this ship there is a line between InCharacter and OutOfCharacter, and this isnt Greys Anatomy, the focus is the cases. and like des said he is in his 50's ans she in her late-30's , I dont see them making out in the locker room or any other high school-like things.
a little juvenile for such an older couple, and mature show
older couple? gaaah, please don't say that. it sounds like they're ... 80.

they ARE 80 but if put together. but that's it.

anyway, i don't think they would ever hollywood make out on screen but uh ... i mean i don't think billy would mind, lol. he'd be all *WOO make out! jorja, c'mere* and she wouldn't have anything against it either.

the thing is that the original CSI is a very unique show but i'm pretty sure that if sara lives they're going to take some risks before the show ends.
, I dont see them making out in the locker room or any other high school-like things.
lmao, they surely do not make out in the locker room, but at home? sure they do. and we've seen them at home like twice already. so i'm all for the kissing scene. it would be hotter that all the GA make-out's put together.
i'm a teenager too. i didn't mean ancient old. just... sophisticated.... or mature... i dunno. it is out of character, i guess that's what i'm trying to say. i don't think i would mind too much, just don't know how likely it is that snogging will occur.
i think it'd be great too se a lil makeout scene, especially for those of us who like to fantasize.. put a visual to all those smutty fanfics!!
If Grissom and Sara want to snog - then by God, let them snog.

I might fall out of my chair and go into convulsions - but as soon as they had passed I'd watch it again. And Again. Then I'd pass out again.

Can any one of you really say you WOULDN'T enjoy it if Grissom and Sara just randomly started snogging in the locker room of the lab?

Sure, it's ooc, but still - hott.

If they want to get a tad tipsy during a speech being made by our own Conrad Ecklie and interrupt the entire thing because the randomly start making out at the groups table? Hell Yeah and Bring it on.

It could go down in history as the single weirdest CSI episode ever. It could turn out that the entire lab had been doses with some interesting love gas.

Catherine goes at it with Mr. Married. Greg and Nick start hooking up in the janitors closet. Ecklie finds Sofia and professes his love. Wendy and Hodges make out over plates of micobacteria. Brass wanders in to get an update and finds everyone paired into twos, kissing and giggling. He in turns find some cute little receptionist.


I think I would almost pay to see that.

That is all.
We need a Star Trek style episode, where all their inhibitions are erased. Maybe we could get the entire lab on meth for an ep. LOL.

Seriously, though, a kiss would be most welcome between Gil and Sara at some point. Though, I'm not so sure it'd be right if they find her alive in the season opener. I mean, I just can't see Gil being the kind to smother his bloodied, crushed girlfriend in kisses... Holding hands? Yeah, that I dig. :)
Turtle your still a riot.. :lol:you need to post this on "THE FAKE SPOILER THREAD" for sure.. some good, funny..fake scenerios! "will she stay, or will she go" the never ending question, what's all of your take on this?


You guys make me laugh everytime I visit this thread. I think it would be interesting to have a flashback episode of Grissom and Sara "snogging" when they first met and started going out. That I could see, but right now it would be out of character.
My computer is seriously messing up right now, I just wrote something and it didn't come up! F***ING computer!

If they have a snogging scene, I will be grinning like an idiot for the rest of the episode (and the month). But for the record, loving kisses would make me grin even longer, maybe years. Eventually someone would make me go to a doctor and they'd have to surgically move my mouth back into a normal position. Then I'd see the episode again and it would happen all over again.

I caught the very end of Fallen Idols today, and man, that shaving scene was HOTT! I was never so crazy about before, but now, it's my second favourite GSR scene in season seven. Right behind the one in Leaping Lizards. Oh, I forgot about "You make me happy". And I can't forget the arm sex! Nevermind, there are too many for me to pick favourites.

I agree with what Adzix said, they would never actually make out at work, but I'm sure they do it a lot at home. Why else would they have such a ridiculously large bed?
First off... snogging makes me giggle. The word is just funny.

And also don't want any 'snogging'(dude that is one British word that I know what it means) between Grissom and Sara, that's just to much. That is what I like about the couple, they don't go around grouping ans grabbing and being all over each other. I think stuff like that is best kept in fanfiction.

I had this really entertaining dream one time that I was watching CSI and Grissom and Sara were doing their normal flirting deal. Then out of no where when Grissom turns to walk away Sara pinched his butt and he didnt protest! haha. Now if that ever made the screen I would roll over and die.

I just think that this is one of the rarest relationships on TV where we do not see really anything truely intimate, save for the shaving but how many shows do you really see someone shaving off their boyfriend's beard? haha.

Thats why I think we have waited long enough for a darn kiss or a hug. We got a half way hug/support in Empty Eyes but to me thats nothing compared the real deal "I'll never let go" or "I know baby, I love you."

Ok maybe not. lol

Maybe I am just being greedy because I want to watch a scene like that over 100 times in one night and see endless signatures and avatars for their big moment, but gosh darn it we have waited so long.
I just watched the end of "FALLEN IDOLS" as well, and it's got to be one of the most provocative..sensual..tantalizing..romantic scenes in CSI history, romatically speaking, it took my breath away.. again.. the way they look at each other.. lord have mercy

I would love to see Grissom tell Sara when he finds her, "just hold on Sara, don't let go, you can't leave me here" and then he starts crying as she tries to tell him something.
Yes, I saw the end of Fallen Angels on Spike tonight and I gotta say, I still giggled helplessly when he said "Intimately." That's gotta be the single best line ever.

I don't know why I felt compelled to tell you all that.

I love GSR.
GSR rocks my evil Alien socks.
Yay for Season 8 and all the GSR goodness that it WILL BRING BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT KILL SARA BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE just plain evil.



That is all.
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