Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustang

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To prep myself for the new season, I've been watching the highlight moments from last season on my computer. Have to say, the reveal of GSR is still a crowd-pleaser.

For the longest time I thought I liked Cath's reaction to Grissom proclamation of love best, but quickly realized that Greg's is my favourite.

Catherine's look is: Wait, what?
Warrick does a: Well that woke me up.
Nick's is the most subdued: Oh, ok.
Greg: Am I going crazy? Seriously, did anyone else hear that?

I mean, it gets me every time. Gil loves Sara. He loves her. He Freakin' Loves her. Gets me every time. :)

Edited: Because writing after no sleep and a lot of work leads to typos.
Haha, I love your interpretaion of the looks. George Eads said he thinks that Nick thinks Grissom loves everyone, and is a little thick headed when it comes to stuff like that. Either he doesn't get or he does and he just doesn't want to believe it. Something like that anyway, it was in some interveiw.

Good ol' Greg, I hate that they didn't do so much of the Greg/ Sara stuff in season 7. Season five was hilarious because of them. Greg would flirt, Sara would make some sarcastic comment and I'd laugh my head off.

Greg: I had a dream like this once. Except it wasn't in a garage, and Grissom wasn't watching. That was a different dream.
(Grissom lifts the dummy and places it over Greg, He lets go.
Sara: How's it feel, dreamer?

If I was a Sandle shipper, I would go crazy over that episode. But I'm not, so it just cracks me up.
i love that scene
if i was sandle i'd flip out over fannysmackin
as it is GSR IS THE BOMB
wow, do they say bomb anymore? i am sixteen, i swear.
got to haver to gsr lovin, got to have our sara back
come on tptb 16 days, make us happy!!!
Alyssa said:
To prep myself for the new season, I've been watching the highlight moments from last season on my computer. Have to say, the reveal of GSR is still a crowd-pleaser.

For the longest time I thought I liked Cath's reaction to Grissom proclomation of love best, but quickly realized that Greg's is my favourite.

Catherine's look is: Wait, what?
Warrick does a: Well that woke me up.
Nick's is the most subdued: Oh, ok.
Greg: Am I going crazy? Seriously, did anyone else hear that?

I mean, it gets me every time. Gil loves Sara. He loves her. He Freakin' Loves her. Gets me every time. :)

"The Biggest WTF Moment Heard 'Round The World."

That has got to be like, one of my favorite scenes...EVER. Greg was like "Dude, did, wait...::looks around:: Did he just say what I think he said?"

Catherine was my second favorite. Like "What. The. F...?"

Nick's was priceless. Kind of like "Huh...what?"

Warricks head turned and shook like "Did I just hear that right?"

The best part of it though? He Freakin' Loves her. (Thanks Aly. :)

::sigh:: I freaking LOVE this show. And GSR. :D

16 more days. Can you believe it? I added a countdown on my MySpace. With all these clips and things coming out, I seriously want to gouge my eyes out with a fork because I can't take the suspense.

There is a new clip. It's a sneak peak from CBS. Kind of like a Cold Open. It's basically, Sara. In the desert. Alone. All the clips that we saw of her pulled into one. I swear I'm glad I know the outcome...otherwise...yeah...

Fallen Idols= Hottest scene in television history. :)

I think that's all I have to say. I had something else, but I don't remember. I swear I have the worst short term memory ever.

Ha! I remember now! I was checking my Guide on my TV to see what episode was on tonight and it's Empty Eyes. I was reading the description it gave for it and you know what? They spelled Sara's name with an 'h'. :mad: Stupid people. They don't know anything. :rolleyes:

Anyway, yeah.

GSR rocks my Kelly Clarkson cardboard stand-up.
GSR rocks my now non-box filled room.
GSR rocks my pink socks.
Ah, yes, the revelation scene. Priceless. Better than all fanfiction revelation scenes put together. I think the reactions were hillarious.

Catherine's is like: "What the... you know"
Warrick is all: "I bet I just heard it"
Nick's reaction - my, oh, my: "Oh, thank God, he finally let it spill"
And Greg is just wandering how he should react. Genius
how do you know what happens? huh??
i'm dying to see empty eyestonite, i've watched all the major clips online, but seeing them in context is much better. especially the end scene.
i loved cath's reaction the best. but i hope the repercussions for his reveal aren't bad. you know, w/ the higher ups or like causing problems w/ the team. that would be so sad :confused:

16 days, still seems too long
GSR rocks my beautiful eeyore shirt
GSR rocks the rock collection i had when i was like six.
GSR rocks my FREAKING WORLD!! :)
GSRfanatic25 said:
how do you know what happens? huh??

A certain source that a lot of people on here know about, that we're not suppose to say...well, anymore...
could you pm me and tell me... the source at least. unless you don't want to or can't. or you don't think i should know for some reason. it's up to you, just curious!
Hey, only 16 more days. It is killing me already. I really can't wait anymore.
I want to know the source too. I think I know what it is. Is it YTDAW?
pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease... lol, i'd really like to know!!

16 days, i'm sixteen years old. as long as it's taken me to get to this age, i feel it is taking longer for the premiere to appear
wow, i'm not making any sense.

i can't wait either
You make perfect sense GSRfanatic. At least it makes sense to me.

It has been 6 years since the World Trade center collapsed. I'd like to pay my respects to those that died.
oh yes, it happened on a tuesday, and today is tuesday, that gave me the heebie jeebies. i was in fifth grade and i remmber it like it was yesterday. if anyone on here lost someone then, or even if they've got someone overseas now, i'm sorry, my thoughts go out to you!
You guys are making me feel old!

All my french lessons in the world want me to put an E on the end of "cart." LOL. Anyway, in the pictures they show Grissom having a great time. I can't picture Grissom go-karting with Sara dead. It just doesn't jive for me. So, I'm thinking our girl lives, though I already thought that. I guess, this just affirms it a bit for me. :)

Ok. Do you guys think Grissom realized later what he said to the team about loving Sara???

Because, Mr. Petersen allegedly once said of the "honey" remark that Gris wouldn't notice, Sara wouldn't realize til later because she was so spazzed out, but the audience would get it immediately. So, do you think Gil later realized what he said?

Or, do you think he gets to the car scene and finds Sara gone and it just hits harder and harder the whole episode, so it doesn't matter if he realizes he said it, he realizes he means it... if that makes any sense.
I think at this point Grissom wouldn't care what anyone knows. I think he'd parade around naked at work for a month if it got him Sara back. ( theres a picture for you). I've also always thought that "Honey" is not always some deep romantic nickname, I mean have you ever gone to a diner & had an older waitress you don't even know call you honey?
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