Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Unfortunately I'm gonna have to agree with this sentiment. Though I think, for me, part of it is because it is so unreal. I'm not saying it's OOC or anything, it's just it's so fanficcy in that it's something you could totally imagine happening, but would never expect to actually air on the show itself.

I dunno. I think we're all on the defense in case people start bashing the scene like crazy, but so far? It looks like GSRs have been the toughest critics of it. I've seen a lot of people say it wasn't as bad as they thought, that they didn't mind it, but GSRs (ironically) have been picking at it the hardest.

I think we're trying to beat other groups to the punch now - say it before they can.

I wonder if while it did tie into the theme of this episode, that this scene isn't going to make more sense in context with Empty Eyes, when Grissom finally throws everything out the window and holds Sara in the middle of the break room. Trust, comfort, etc. I just mean... maybe it was showing a new place in their relationship right before the storm.
AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it. No other way to say it. LOVED IT. I fell out of my chair squeeing and clapping and rolling around and my mom was like "Great, now she'll be up til midnight."

chocolate_bunnys, you forgot me!!! I's unspoiled too!
And that made the scene all the better because i had NO IDEA it was coming. I LOVE BEING UNSPOILED!

Theatresporter i totally agree. GEEK PORN!! :devil: I died.
As much as I loved the scene I cannot help but giggle everytime Grissom says "Intimately"-it gets me everytime.

I actually liked the length of the clip, it leaves us to think what happened after. I seriously thought he was going to kiss her. That look in his eyes. PERFECT! I thought they could not out do the eye!sex from TOYD, but holy shiza, that was the most intense I have EVER seen them.

Even though it was scripted as Sara's apartment, I really think it was Grissom's just because of the framed butterflies, but my roommate argues and says that its just Grissom's Christmas gift to Sara. Who knows, and frankly I dont care because she fricken shaved his face!

Oh and by the way, my roommate now made theme music for everytime Sara comes onto the screen (because it can be so rare). It is quite hillarious.
I think the very quick end when she goes to shave him was supposed to be a big tease.

It certainly made me sit up and go, "Wait! Wait! Come back - MORE!"

I think everyone is hyper-aware of all of the shark jump rumors surrounding Grey's, and I wouldn't be surprised to see GA's ratings take a dive when March Madness is over.

So it's possible that they both wanted to keep their distance from a MerDer-type drawn out scene, to keep the antis from saying it was too much, and to make those who like it or don't mind it craving more but still giving us a "real" GSR scene.

It's also possible that they know the next one is such a huge Sara/GSR episode that they don't want to oversaturate it.
Hey GSR's, I haven't seen the ep yet cuz i'm in the UK but it sounds like a good scene, anyone got any pics of it?! I'm curious lol.
Someone has pics of it, because I'm already seeing avatars popping up, but the major photo sites haven't updated yet.

This scene does feel more like a trailer than a real moment. I'm assuming it's meant more to be set-up for later.
I've seen the video of it and its pretty darn hawt. And thats coming from me, die hard GCRer! Shorter than I expected though. I think by the end of this season you guys might get a GSR kiss!
Oh MY GOSH THAT WAS AMAZING! Played so well and I love the symbolism. I think this might be the most important GSR scene we've had ever (only possibly beat by Butterflied)

my only complaint is that it wasn't a wee bit longer. I understand they're trying to be subtle about this but I really could learn to hate Jerry Bruckheimer's name seeing as it seems to interupt ever good GSR scene

OMG a GSR kiss?! The thought! *faints at the hotness of imaginary GSR kiss*
oh my god. i tried to get in here forever! after the ep i was so hyper i went on Chatzy Geeklove and talked to myself how amazing that scene was!

the way Grissom says "intimately" is ... beyond me. i think this is going to be my new ringtone or something, lol. i also already made icons out of it yesterday (i had one made 3 minutes after 9, lol) but i have yet to put them up on my LJ.

so when i was watching it for the first time i was half listening to what they were saying. she's like "you trust me?" okay i got that one. but then i hear int...WHAT? intuitively? *replay* instrumenatly? inti ... nooo, no damn he didn't. *replay* intimately??? DID HE JUST SAY THAT FOR REAL?

and since then i watched it a billion times.

in the poll i picked the first option, period.

i've got a tennis practice now, but i promise that as soon as i'm back i'm gonna post the icons.

I LOVE GSR. peace V

--------> TS, hon, your mailbox is full<---------
oh my god. i tried to get in here forever! after the ep i was so hyper i went on Chatzy Geeklove and talked to myself how amazing that scene was!

Thank God. I thought I was the only one! haha.

That scene is just so......HOT! Even my mom who is not a lover of GSR called me and said, "That was a great scene."

Awww GSR love. The only thing that would make me happier is a kiss. Plain and simple.

But Ive been on Cloud 9 since last night... wheeeeeeee
Okay, for serious, guys? I can't watch the scene again. I'm busting up in fits of giggles when he says "Intimately".

The first time, it was fine, and I'm not suggesting it's cheesy, but I think after repition, it starts to sound odd - like all stuff does in a compressed time period.

I love the looks SO much more, though.

I recommend the scene on mute. lol.

I've seen the video of it and its pretty darn hawt. And thats coming from me, die hard GCRer! Shorter than I expected though. I think by the end of this season you guys might get a GSR kiss!

yay! I hope so, too. And thank you very much for your comments - I loved the Catherine/Grissom chastity belt thing as well.
theatresporter said:Porny porn porn!

I love it all. I just say, GIVE US MORE!

*hoses TS down with cold water*

When I got up early to watch the scene, all I got from the Tom was "porn! PORN!" - in truth, I expected to see the Geeks abandoning their shave in favor of a shower scene (and who would I be to begrudge them? :devil: )

Despite my obvious disappointment at no nekkidness (seriously, Tom, have you ever watched a porno where everyone's fully clothed? sheesh!) my thoughts on the scene were...

Holy Mother of all that is good and nasty!

Holy good green goddess on a stick!

Yeah. I LOVED IT!!!

The Eye!Sex was just so yummy (Hey, Sara should have had her Eye!Baby from the Eye!Sex in ToYD - she would have been due in early Feb. So, I'm thinking she must be having Eye!Triplets after last night's scene)

The "Intimately" - holy crap! It was just pure sex. Surely THAT is our next thread title, without question. GSR: Intimately. Oh yeah.

Clearly I've lost the ability to form proper sentences, so I'll just answer 19ams87's request for some caps. The goddess that is gglovebug posted some caps of the scene and they are HOT. So here ya go ;)



*bows down in worship* gglovebug rocks.

and here's one I capped...

Yay! It's woooorking! Talk about a bad night for a system crash. I was like omgomgomg - I have to tell someone! I have to!!! And then I couldn't get on! I was freaking out with nowhere to go!

I couldn't even call my sister and squee in her ear because SHE had to work and hadn't seen it yet and was therefore ignoring my phone calls. She's spoil free, but knew from my over exuberance this week that something was going down. At least she told me that she wasn't go to talk to me until she'd seen it. Meanie.

About halfways through the episode, my brain started making this hysterical little gagging/giggling noises because...

I'm a pervert.

No really. All I could think about was the fact that men can indeed get 'crabs' in their beards. And how horrible it would be to give them to Sara.

*cough* I told you I was a perv.

Nothing like getting rid of the risk before getting... intimate.

Aaaaanyways... Adzix I'll be looking for those icons. You know how I stalk you.

I loved it. Could have been longer. They could have chose a different word to describe how much he trusts her... I think I snorted pop out my nose the -first- time I heard him say it. I was like "huh? He didn't just say that. Oh my. He did. Wow."

And then she touched him. oh *gasp*. I seriously thought my TV was going to combust from the hottness. And wow. And that look on his face? Total trust. *melts*

Kudo's to two wonderful actors on a hell of a job well done.

I think I've officially watched it at LEAST 20 times. Over and over and over. And it's still hot. The 'intimatly' still makes me want to laugh... though I do recognize the significance of the scene. It was just wonderful.

Obviously I voted for number one in the poll.

Oh squeeeee!

I love GSR more then Adzix does. :p

That is all.
So, please vote, then post in here who you chose and why! Give chocolate_bunnys something to do with her life

'exscuse-e-mwah, are saying I have nothing better to do?

wow, I didnt expect that they would actuly have the shaving sceen, i was sitting there grining like an itiot, my mom was all like: 'that was weird'
Despite my obvious disappointment at no nekkidness (seriously, Tom, have you ever watched a porno where everyone's fully clothed? sheesh!) my thoughts on the scene were...

This is the last time I'm going to say it, but dirty coveralls and mountain men beards are NOT supposed to be sexy. Neither should yoga hoodies and plain blue t-shirts. They don't need to be nekkid. They don't need to make out, they don't need to be shown torridly ripping at each others' clothes.

There's a quiet sensuality, and there's also this sense of voyeur about watching GSR scenes that they do very well.

Not that I'd protest a make-out.

I never said that. lol.

The "Intimately" - holy crap! It was just pure sex. Surely THAT is our next thread title, without question. GSR: Intimately. Oh yeah.

Given that it's a month to the next episode, I think it's more than likely that it will have to be our next one.

Clearly I've lost the ability to form proper sentences, so I'll just answer 19ams87's request for some caps. The goddess that is gglovebug posted some caps of the scene and they are HOT. So here ya go

Thanks for the pics! My favorite shot is probably the one where she's trying to find the right angle and he just peeks through his half-closed eyes to gaze at her.

Kudo's to two wonderful actors on a hell of a job well done.

26 seconds, 10-15 of which were interaction, and we have a scene that just about every site is talking about, and?

Talking about favorably. Which is a bit of a first for GSR.

I mean, there ARE negative comments, but I've never seen so many positive ones from neutral viewers.
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