Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Yay for #26!!

How do I get on a team??

Oh - and I'm leaning towards Catherine finding out first! So throw me on that list! :p
i just went on Norman and read the spoiler boxes. goshhh, y'all. you were all SO pessimistic! it was DOOM written all over y'all's faces!

and no angst happened (yet), lol. see? it's SO much better to be spoiler-free.

thanks for the lists, choc. you can put me on ... bi-baby i think. i'm not against babies, cuz those people are humans and someday they may feel like having a kid. tis not a big deal. i don't think it will ever happen on CSI anyway, so i'm not gonna be so harsh on them. bi-baby then.
perhaps by the next thread we will all be looking back at certain spoiler boxes from now and laughing at ourselves for thinking it would get cut? *crosses fingers*
You're so right. My anxiety level shot up when Grissom left and there was all this talk of angst and breaking up. ARGH. I put myself through all of that for nothing. I try so hard to be spoiler free, and then I have days when I just can't stand the wait!!!

I have been reading sporadic theories about the MCSK and GSR at the end of the season, and I can't tell what is based on speculation and what is based on snippets of spoiler information.

Can anyone clarify?

zupa_fly said:
You're so right. My anxiety level shot up when Grissom left and there was all this talk of angst and breaking up. ARGH. I put myself through all of that for nothing. I try so hard to be spoiler free, and then I have days when I just can't stand the wait!!!

I have been reading sporadic theories about the MCSK and GSR at the end of the season, and I can't tell what is based on speculation and what is based on snippets of spoiler information.

Can anyone clarify?


This article seemed to fall by the way-side, lots of info from WP, on everything!! so I'm re-posting it, for all of you who didn't read it!! from the horses mouth, so to speak, about all of the things your all asking about..


William Petersen says "they've been in a relationship, for "a while" but have to keep it a secret, which he thinks they are, because he's her boss, she a subordinate" also talks about the MCSK and the killer, and his sabbitical, and Keppler, amonst other related CSI chit-chat.. gawd, he's so brilliant
Yay for new thread!


Too bad we couldnt have waited one more day for a new thread title. Razors and shaving cream, oh the possiblities!

Put me down for Team BiFacial and Team No Babies. I wont go into detail on which beard I like and which clean shaved I like, but WP does a good job keeping me happy. lol.

As for who is going to find out first. I think Brass will be the first just because he is Brass and next to Grissom, he has the best one liners. He'd be perfect to express his knowing. hehe.
SQUEEEE!!!!!!!!!! New thread! I love our new thread! Thanks for starting it, Adz!

And just in time for the shaving scene. Seriously, we needed a new thread before we got into that madness. Can you imagine trying to create a new thread whilst we're all losing it?! And you guys better be on tomorrow night, because it's going to be WILD.

I like being spoiled, personally, but, for the occassional GSR scene, I like to be completely clueless. WTG, for example, I knew something was coming. I just wasn't sure WHAT. When they showed the shot of Grissom on Sara's bed, I about lost it. As soon as the camera started to circle, I screamed. Those of you who were around here before the finale, who read spoilers, know I wanted a circle shot to reveal Sara. Of course, I wanted her in bed with him... but, I don't care. It was a circle shot. I lost it.

I love you guys!

ETA: Someone posted this at YTDAW, and I'm bringing it here...


Gil Grissom (William L Petersen) and Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) are unable to keep their emotions in check, and the whole crime lab watches. Warrick (Gary Dourdan) almost stumbles upon them when he shouldn’t.
Late to the party... Happy 26th, y'all. Now I got some scores to settle....

TS MissDee, are you coming on to me? You can't win the competition that way
You're Tom Frickin' Selleck. Rosie O'Donnell would come on to you.

Sarah Dee is a bigoted trollop and she knows it.
That's My Lady bigoted trollop to you, minion!

Sarah She's prejudiced against Team Bifacial.
I'm on Team Bifacial, peasant! May I point out that you're the one that was all "Oh, no, I'm Team I'll take the beard if he's put on weight and shave it off if he's not but that's totally a question of mass and has nothing to do with secretly mooning over him all ways from Sunday" and consequently making a headless chicken out of Choco-B? Oh yeah! Who's the bigot now, beyotch?

*self congratulates*
There's another word for that. *cough*
I believe the phrase "tooting her own horn" would work admirably here in both capacities.

Yeah, according to the girls who went to his play, he told them that he had signed, but he wasn't allowed to say anything for a couple more weeks, and then an official statement was sent out that a few entertainment organizations ran with.
Is this the same girl who went on the Chicago Tribune thread crowing about how WP told her that TPTB and he were all looking for a way to end the relationship between Grissom and Sara? 'Cause if so, I'd rather not take her word on WP's signing just yet, actually.
W00, new thread!


Remember, people, if you have yet to vote for WHO YOU THINK WILL BE THE FIRST TO FIND OUT ABOUT GSR, you can do so in the poll in the old thread, here.

So, please vote, then post in here who you chose and why! Give chocolate_bunnys something to do with her life :p And if you want to chip in your thoughts on when you think someone's gonna find out (or how) do that here, too. Mmkay? :)

MissDee said:
You're Tom Frickin' Selleck. Rosie O'Donnell would come on to you.
Please no :(

PS: Thank you, Fogs, for defending my sheepshaggless honor against the tyrranical Canuck, Sarah (passport shmassport. Mine says I'm Irish. Is that true? :p) *muah*
yeah, me too. you know i was kinda surprised at this b/c they seem to NEVER EVER talk about somebody else's private lives without the presence of that person. and especially if this person is Grissom. it looked more like a fanfic material to me, ya know. but i'm so glad it aired cuz i love other people talking about GSR (or half of it) on the show.

You know, everyone keeps saying fanfic, fanfic, fanfic, especially about the upcoming scene, but really - isn't it possible that GSR just has really good writers? lol. I'm not beint pretentious, I'm just saying that if we get all of these scenes that are close to something we've seen in stories, isn't it just that some of our favorite fandom writers are adept at being in-character, rather than seeing it as a trait of the CSI writers?

*crosses fingers* hope he's right this time.
Not to puncture the hope balloon, but he said there would be no GSR in last year's finale.

exactly. that's how i react to this lack of information too. i'd really love a finale like this, with Sara surviving, and with a reveal of GSR to the team.

oh, it would be cool if next season the team knew and Ecklie/sheriffs didn't. he would suspect (read: keep "of course you do"-ing) and the team would play dumb, lol.

I don't know that I want Grissom to completely freak out if she's taken or something, but I do want the feeling to be, "To hell with everyone knowing, my job, etc. my no.1 priority right now is Sara."

funny that my boss at work had a talk with me lately about talking to boys too much. his exact words "they're like bees to honey" cuz they always keep coming and talking to me. i'm serious. lol.

i need a boyfriend.


Damnit, Adzix we have TALKED about you hitting on married men before.


Bad Adz!

Why do I love that your idea of a thread party is charts, chocolate_bunnys? Soul mates, perhaps we are? lol.

(well, the footie pajamas idea came from Sarah)

Picture it and tell me it's not the cutest thing in the world. You can't do it. You can't.

i just went on Norman and read the spoiler boxes. goshhh, y'all. you were all SO pessimistic! it was DOOM written all over y'all's faces!

and no angst happened (yet), lol. see? it's SO much better to be spoiler-free.

Well, there was supposed to be major angst in his homecoming scene, but Billy wanted it to play that he was happy to see her and vice-versa instead. So they basically dropped the intended angst. In essence, what was supposed to happen was that rather than backing up because she smelled bad (she was always supposed to go the dump, but...) she was actively avoiding him, and he was hurt that she'd returned the twig to his office.

WTG talk starts about page 17

You rock!

That's My Lady bigoted trollop to you, minion!

Forgive me, Empress.

I'm on Team Bifacial, peasant! May I point out that you're the one that was all "Oh, no, I'm Team I'll take the beard if he's put on weight and shave it off if he's not but that's totally a question of mass and has nothing to do with secretly mooning over him all ways from Sunday" and consequently making a headless chicken out of Choco-B? Oh yeah! Who's the bigot now, beyotch?


Uh... no. It definitely was NOT. lol. I believe it was puppypower, actually.
ok now that i've completely caught up on everything!

i voted for brass to find out first. he always throws that "you dont have to pretend, i already know" kinda smile to grissom. and he would probably have the best line to say when it finally comes out in the open.

as for teams.. team bi-facial, team bi-babies
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