What is up with this board? I tried to get back on last night and it was dead again 
MissDee, you kill me. I never thought about the straight razor as being a kink of Grissom's, but now you can bet I will everytime I watch the scene :devil:
I absolutely love this description, and it's true. I think it was Jorja that said it after Way To Go aired, that amid all the darkness of their work, Grissom and Sara are bringing this little bit of light into each others lives, and it's really beautiful.
This is part of the reason I'm really glad they toned down (to the point of being almost none) the angst surrounding Grissom's time off. I think, as written, it would have gone against the relationship the Geeks have now built. Would it have been in character for Grissom and Sara two or three years ago? Absolutely. But they've grown and evolved now, and they have this closeness that seems to be cutting through all the rest of their bullshit. And it's bloody awesome.
Anyway, reason why I was trying to get back on here last night is I was inspired to write another poem. It's been over a year since the last one (well over a year, in fact), but the scene inspired me.
MissDee said:
look, Grissom shagged a dominatrix; of course he'd be aroused at the idea of some woman holding him hostage with a straight razor to the throat;
In that brief glimpse, we saw the people they are outside of work, when they're alone and can remind each other of the joy and light and goodness that exists beside the darkness in human nature.
I absolutely love this description, and it's true. I think it was Jorja that said it after Way To Go aired, that amid all the darkness of their work, Grissom and Sara are bringing this little bit of light into each others lives, and it's really beautiful.
This is part of the reason I'm really glad they toned down (to the point of being almost none) the angst surrounding Grissom's time off. I think, as written, it would have gone against the relationship the Geeks have now built. Would it have been in character for Grissom and Sara two or three years ago? Absolutely. But they've grown and evolved now, and they have this closeness that seems to be cutting through all the rest of their bullshit. And it's bloody awesome.
Anyway, reason why I was trying to get back on here last night is I was inspired to write another poem. It's been over a year since the last one (well over a year, in fact), but the scene inspired me.