Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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forensicsgirl - thanks for the caps, i'm wondering if she's gonna of shaved him buck a nekkid on the facial, I think i'll be crying if she does, I like my Grissom with the beard!!

I thought 'intimatly' was a strange responce to 'do you trust me?' still, Billys eyes were to die for lol.
forensicsgirl - thanks for the caps, i'm wondering if she's gonna of shaved him buck a nekkid on the facial, I think i'll be crying if she does, I like my Grissom with the beard!!

According to sources, Jorja actually shaved the whole beard off, but they only wound up using the first stroke.

Sorry! lol.

But I preferred the Season 4/5 beard. This beard was too scruffy.

I thought 'intimatly' was a strange responce to 'do you trust me?' still, Billys eyes were to die for lol.

Perhaps he was having trouble thinking due to a lack of blood in his brain :D lol.
19ams87 said
forensicsgirl - thanks for the caps

You are most welcome :)

I like my Grissom with the beard!!

Oh I do too. I'm bifacial, but I do love the beard. I am, however, willing to make sacrifices for the greater good ;)

I thought 'intimatly' was a strange responce to 'do you trust me?'

Quite a few people have said this, but I don't think it was strange at all, especially when you consider one of the meanings of the word:

"Very deeply or inwardly; In a way that affects one's inmost self or moves the deepest feeling."

(definition nabbed from restless)

I think that sums up his trust for her perfectly.
Okay - I think we've squeed long enough. *schoolmarm glare*

What did everyone think of Sara's reaction to Warrick telling her he hoped that she had better taste in men?

I have three possible explanations:

1) Sara was trying to play it off casually, so as to not let on that she WAS seeing someone.
2) She was giving a bit of a remembering glare to both college guy and Hank, and the Grissom factor wasn't a part of it.
3) She was still somewhat miffed with Grissom, but him trusting her freed up a lot of that, and THAT was what the final scene was about - letting things come full circle for Sara.
Okay - I think we've squeed long enough. *schoolmarm glare*

Nuh-uh. I haven't squeed enough. I haven't had a good squeeing moment in a long time. Let me enjoy this one, thank you very much. Sarah is trying to rain on my squee parade. :p

Anyways, I think that scene with Sara and Warrick was A) totally sweet. And by sweet, I don't me "awwww... Nick and Greg in footies!" I mean sweet as in awesome.

Yes, I have to talk like a teenage girl. Why? My sisters are both still teenagers and talk like that. And they were just here. Which means that for the next 12 hours or so my vocabulary is going to be horrible.

I don't think it was Sara being miffed at Grissom. I don't think it was Sara brushing Warrick off either though. It was more like number 2. lol.

It was Sara remembering a not so pleasant part of her past. That's it. Same way Catherine relates to 'shaking her ass in four inch heels'. Or Greg mentioning that his backseat gotta lot of play in HS.

Btw, either he's lying - or the writers missed a canon moment.

Just another case of a CSI playing connect the dots.

But then again, I'm still determined that he had to shave for the prevention of crabs. ;)

No, I don't have any personal experience with the little bugs... but I do have a doctors word that because the hair folicles on the face are so widly spaced that you can indeed get crabs in a beard, moustache, eyebrows, and even your eyelashes. *shudders*

But then again, she's a respitory therapist who thinks I'm nuts for calling her to ask if someone can get crabs on their face. She's also my aunt.

Who is probably telling my family that I have crabs. Great.

I mean, lets think of this from Grissom's point of view, not Billy's.

He goes away, grows a beard. Comes back with said beard. Finally takes the time to properly groom the thing - even dying it. Just to turn around and shave it off? Reasoning? You know, besides Sara's complaints of beard burn.

But you know that if they really were together for most of season 6 (if not all of it) that she had to hae discovered a way to handle that. Scarves anyone?

Because I can't really see Sara being all "You're hiding from me behind that beard again." I don't think. Even if that is what he was doing.

:rolleyes: I'm obsessed with the beard on a level that is probably unhealthy. It's like a character all on it's own. One of my favorite characters. That keeps leaving only to make guest star appearances. I need therapy.

And I need to pick a Beard team. Billy's hot. That's all there is to that. But I love the beard. And I love the beard more then I love the cleanshaven. But I love that dimple in his chin to much to not love the cleanshaven.


It must really suck to be that good looking.

Okies. I'm going to stop rambling now. Promise.

That is all.
Last night episode made me drop my mouth! Way to go Jorja and Billy!! They played the end scene... Perfectly. The love is in the air! hehe.

I looked a bit puzzled when she gave that look after Warrick told her "I hope your taste in men has improved since then". She was probably just thinking in her head "I've got the perfect guy, I got Grissom" ya know? She was probably thinking the same thing "I hope my taste has changed". She hasn't exactly had the best of luck in past relationships, but Gil is... grreatt.

Loved the end scene. I must've replayed it like four or five times!
HEY EVERBODY ;) this site has been down for two days. WHY? anyway I LOVED IT LOVED IT :p it was just right, perfect.. not to much, well done. their so in tune, and so magnetic, the scene gave me chills, my gawd he's so "sexy" and her to, and it didn't at all, in my opinion, take away from the show, in fact it showed the continuing continuity of them as a couple, as the title states "it's obivious isn't it" great the eye sex, overwhemlming, geez their great actors, the ep. was also good, lots of twists and turns :eek: good job!!! MORE-MORE :Dso guess he's coming back, again with no beard!!!

(I'm new...) I'm so happy for a GSR scene like in Fallen Idols. My mom was about to shut off the television and I kind of shouted accidentally, "No! They said there'd be a GSR scene at the end..." Boy was I right...
Also, my mother thinks Sara and/or Jorja Fox is pregnant. Whenever I ask my mom is she still thinks so she just replies, "Why do you think she's wearing that jumpsuit...?" Or, "Why do you think she has that bag over her stomach?"
...what do you all think?
Before I said it, Welcome to the board, kaylarose. Jorja/Sara is not pregnant. She always have that stomach stick out since 3rd or 4th season.

Anti-GSR are worry about that the ending. Oh, please. It was only few or more second of that. I love it and I love the whole episode. I got what I wanted, Nick and Grissom working, least Grissom didn't make fun of Nick like he usually do.
i jimmy rigged the tv at work and i must say, even in black and white, very fuzzy, from a table across the room, and at very low volume, that scene was HOT!! when i finally got to watch the full epi, i kinda wish the scene tied in a little better, but ill take whatever action i can get ;P
Annika said:
Is it just me or is Grissoms face quite red . Sara looks so pale compared to the redness

RED.. I thought his face looked gorgeous.. go look at the shaving pics over on the Wlliam Petersen pic thread, it's under ebuzz post, and it's not red at all maybe it was your TV :eek: and welcome kaylarose and Sara is NOT preggie.. she's always looked that way, a bit of a pouch
Oh Fogi... I really, really thought that I was totally cool with the scene and all, didn't squee when I watched it, just grinned and enjoyed it... and then you post those awesome pictures and now I'm just all SQUEEEEE! inside. Man, but those two rock the stares, don't they?

I think it's because in real life WP and JF are friends, and they do trust each other a great deal (look, Grissom shagged a dominatrix; of course he'd be aroused at the idea of some woman holding him hostage with a straight razor to the throat; I'm guessing WP, not so much) that those scenes have such a electricity even though by current TV romantic standards they really aren't composed of a lot of "action". That picture in Fogi's avatar is seriously one of the hottest, sexually charged scenes I've seen on television in recent memory.

May I suggest an amendment to the proposed #27 thread?

GSR #27: "Do you trust me?" "Intimately."

'Cause you really can't have one without the other. ;)

God, I'm happy this thread is back. This is seriously my favorite spot in all of CSI fandom....

ETA: I haven't seen anyone bring this up yet, but I still have to read a lot of the threads.... Anyway, in addition to the whole "trust" theme, I thought that the briefness of The Shavening was deliberately meant to invoke the feeling of a photograph. With those youngsters, we saw them in their best light in those photos, and the episode proved that in real life that wasn't who they were; they were much uglier than that. As the voiceover said, it's like those pictures, showing them in all their beauty, robbed them of that beauty... robbed them of their souls... and left nothing but ugliness behind.

With Grissom and Sara, it's different. We see them at work, when they're wearing weird microscopic glasses and gunk-stenched overalls and dirt on their faces and bugs in their hands and the worst of human darkness on their minds.... but that's not the sum total of who they are. In that brief glimpse, we saw the people they are outside of work, when they're alone and can remind each other of the joy and light and goodness that exists beside the darkness in human nature. But, lest the mystery of them ebb away with too much inside knowledge, and the GSR be consequently robbed of its charm and "soul", we fans get that brief glimpse of love and trust and intimacy, and then... credits. That's it for tonight, folks, the show seems to say. The soul of GSR retreats again, once more elusive and hidden and private, and the truth of what Gil and Sara are really like together remains an secret... but a tantalizing one, to be sure.
I'm 3736363 times sorry this is so late, but...


*catches the Jerry beads thrown by Adz*

Adzix beads! Yay!

Congrats guys! I know I didn't really contribute to the last thread at all, but I'm still here! GSR shipper forever! :D


Right then I went "No freaking way". Could anyone imagine Grissom saying it? It's something you have to see to believe. Completely awesome. Did anyone else other than me get reminded of Shakespeare the way he said "intimately"? Grissom sounded like it was reciting a poem in front of an audience with bongos and everything in the background.

...Just me, alright.

Anyways, I just wanted to pop in to say yay for GSR, yay for shaving cream, and yay for Jerry beads!
Reeble said:
I'm 3736363 times sorry this is so late, but...


*catches the Jerry beads thrown by Adz*

Adzix beads! Yay!

Congrats guys! I know I didn't really contribute to the last thread at all, but I'm still here! GSR shipper forever! :D


Right then I went "No freaking way". Could anyone imagine Grissom saying it? It's something you have to see to believe. Completely awesome. Did anyone else other than me get reminded of Shakespeare the way he said "intimately"? Grissom sounded like it was reciting a poem in front of an audience with bongos and everything in the background.

...Just me, alright.

Anyways, I just wanted to pop in to say yay for GSR, yay for shaving cream, and yay for Jerry beads!

I noticed.. as well, that's Billy Petersen, for you. the ultimate actor, that's part of his "charm" the delivery of his dialougue ;)so perfect and precise, it's always been there, Sara brought it to the surface.. magnetic
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