Okay - I think we've squeed long enough. *schoolmarm glare*
Nuh-uh. I haven't squeed enough. I haven't had a good squeeing moment in a long time. Let me enjoy this one, thank you very much.
Sarah is trying to rain on my squee parade.
Anyways, I think that scene with Sara and Warrick was A) totally sweet. And by sweet, I don't me "awwww... Nick and Greg in footies!" I mean sweet as in awesome.
Yes, I have to talk like a teenage girl. Why? My sisters are both still teenagers and talk like that. And they were just here. Which means that for the next 12 hours or so my vocabulary is going to be horrible.
I don't think it was Sara being miffed at Grissom. I don't think it was Sara brushing Warrick off either though. It was more like number 2. lol.
It was Sara remembering a not so pleasant part of her past. That's it. Same way Catherine relates to 'shaking her ass in four inch heels'. Or Greg mentioning that his backseat gotta lot of play in HS.
Btw, either he's lying - or the writers missed a canon moment.
Just another case of a CSI playing connect the dots.
But then again, I'm still determined that he had to shave for the prevention of crabs.
No, I don't have any personal experience with the little bugs... but I do have a doctors word that because the hair folicles on the face are so widly spaced that you can indeed get crabs in a beard, moustache, eyebrows, and even your eyelashes. *shudders*
But then again, she's a respitory therapist who thinks I'm nuts for calling her to ask if someone can get crabs on their face. She's also my aunt.
Who is probably telling my family that I have crabs. Great.
I mean, lets think of this from Grissom's point of view, not Billy's.
He goes away, grows a beard. Comes back with said beard.
Finally takes the time to properly groom the thing - even dying it. Just to turn around and shave it off? Reasoning? You know, besides Sara's complaints of beard burn.
But you know that if they really were together for most of season 6 (if not all of it) that she had to hae discovered a way to handle that. Scarves anyone?
Because I can't really see Sara being all "You're hiding from me behind that beard again." I don't think. Even if that is what he was doing.

I'm obsessed with the beard on a level that is probably unhealthy. It's like a character all on it's own. One of my favorite characters. That keeps leaving only to make guest star appearances. I need therapy.
And I need to pick a Beard team. Billy's hot. That's all there is to that. But I love the beard. And I love the beard more then I love the cleanshaven. But I love that dimple in his chin to much to not love the cleanshaven.
It must really suck to be that good looking.
Okies. I'm going to stop rambling now. Promise.
That is all.