Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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Oh happy day! How I love the fresh smell of a new Gutter.

*inhales deeply* *quirks eyebrow*

That ain't freshness ya'll.

Love the title. Love the lists. Love the friggin' GSR.


19.5 hours till aksjfl;ksajflk;sdaj!!!

See how excited I am? I can't even be bothered with spoiler boxes. Ya'll know what I'm talking about anyways. Yay!

And *crosses fingers* So far it looks like I won't have to work!!! Yippee!

I swear I'll have something more productive tomorrow afternoon. It's past my bedtime and I gotta get up and go to work at 7. So I don't have to work tomorrow night.


I'm way to keyed up to sleep. Seriously - wicked dreams this way comes.

That is all.
Man, you unspoiled peeps don't know the craziness we were going through right before and during Gris' sabatical. I mean, there was this GIANT Angstball planned... and that's pretty much gone, and I'm glad, because, while it would have been fun in some respects, it might not've been the brightest thing to do with less than half the season left...

I can't believe it's officially Thursday. I'm off to bed, soon, since I have to be up, early. But, I'm still freaking about the shaving scene. Last night I dreamed of demented Gremlins and Cats. I hope I dream of Sara softly touching her man's face. *sigh* The razor has never looked so appealing. Seriously. GSR can make blades sexy.
Yay for the new thread!

On who figures out first, I picked Brass. For one because I love him and for another...I love him. Hee hee. I don't know why I picked him really. It just sounded logical. But now that I think about it depending on how TPTB want it to play out it could really be anyone.

Ok, so last night I had like the best GSR dream ever! I think it could totally be tonight's episode. I mean, nevermind the fact that it was incredibly dis-jointed and had like 6 crossovers. It was flippin' awesome. It's too long to really explain the whole thing but basically Sara got attacked by this lady who like had a pimp threatening her or something. I don't know, like I said it was dis-jointed. But so Sara is gettin' choked and Nick and Grissom come to the rescue and save her in the nick of time. Then, PDA people! Yeah! A Grissom/Sara hug right there in the middle of my dream for all eyes to see. That's only the half of it. This was like the Cadillac of GSR dreams. I mean, it even had the (editied for spoiler)! And Brass wearing a bra? Ok, that part was weird but the rest was wonderful. *sigh* Then, there were these wacky crossovers. Sara was married to Vaughn from Alias but they weren't living together and she was cheating on him with Grissom. Then Sara's mom showed up but instead of being a psycho who killed Sara's father, she was Claire Mead a psycho who killed Faye Summers, Ugly Betty crossover. I don't even remember the rest of the crossevers. Phew!


ETAOops, sorry. Actually I'm spoiler free and I accidently found that one out so I didn't really think about the spoiler factor. lol my bad.
Emul: Awesome dream, but you may want to edit it. You have a spoiler in there that needs to be taken out because we have some spoiler free maidens, here. Or, you could just put it in spoiler tags.

I just called my fiance, and I have officially dubbed today, "Shaving Scene Thursday." I'm not obsessed. :p Actually, it's funny. When my fiance accused me of only being interested in the GSR on the show (not true), I immediately pulled out information on all the other characters. I can't help it that this is the single biggest GSR moment we've ever been given and if it happens, it's going to be tonight! I can't help that! So, I can't help it that I'm obsessing!

Since we have NO information on this, I wonder what the last five eps of the season will hold for our Geeks. Last year, in the last five eps, we found out Sara's opinion on marriage. Grissom boasted about his ability to perform "mouth to mouth." We had the craziest table eye sex in the world. (You. Me. Table. Now.) That was all followed by the most adorable camera duel, the supportive hand on shoulder, the sex talk, and finally, THE SCENE.

I mean, we were spoiled (as in, spoiled, rotten children) last year in terms of how much GSR we got right at the end of the season. So, NO SPOILERS INVOLVED, what do YOU think we'll get for the last five eps?

Personally, I think everything will be quiet for a little while, with little hints dropped, and then something huge in a two hour finale. And, yes, I want a two hour finale rather than a two part final because two part finales suck. They never roll into each other, and might as well be billed as seperate episodes.... So, big finale with BIG GSR, please. :)
You know, everyone keeps saying fanfic, fanfic, fanfic, especially about the upcoming scene, but really - isn't it possible that GSR just has really good writers?
i agree after a visit to Geekfiction and this years Smutathon, lol.
I'm not beint pretentious, I'm just saying that if we get all of these scenes that are close to something we've seen in stories, isn't it just that some of our favorite fandom writers are adept at being in-character, rather than seeing it as a trait of the CSI writers?
yeah, but i didn't mean that the scene was OOC, but that CSI never shows scenes like that. we know so many things happen with the characters outisde of the show that we are used to not getting conversations this personal about Grissom in particular. we know they have place sometime when the camera is switched off, and we see them in fanfics mostly. so that scene was for me very unexpected, yet truly great.
Not to puncture the hope balloon, but he said there would be no GSR in last year's finale.
didn't he also guess in the beginning of S6 (when the writers didn't leak ANY information yet) that GSR would be/is canon? well, to be honest, i don't care what he says. if i cared i would be long time crazy.
I don't know that I want Grissom to completely freak out if she's taken or something, but I do want the feeling to be, "To hell with everyone knowing, my job, etc. my no.1 priority right now is Sara."
yeah, i'd love that. i believe Billy's got it covered you know. after Committed and i'm sure many more, he won't play Grissom OOC. i'm not worried about this really.
Damnit, Adzix we have TALKED about you hitting on married men before.


Bad Adz!
but but ... WE LOVE EACH OTHER

Well, there was supposed to be major angst in his homecoming scene, but Billy wanted it to play that he was happy to see her and vice-versa instead. So they basically dropped the intended angst. In essence, what was supposed to happen was that rather than backing up because she smelled bad (she was always supposed to go the dump, but...) she was actively avoiding him, and he was hurt that she'd returned the twig to his office.
poor y'all. and instead we've got one of the cutest, if not The cutest, scene ever. i love our actors. i'm so happy it didn't air, YAY.
A Grissom/Sara hug right there in the middle of my dream for all eyes to see. That's only the half of it. This was like the Cadillac of GSR dreams. I mean, it even had the shaving scene! And Brass wearing a bra?
lmao, Emul_webs, hilarous. *chokes on PJ sandwich*

oh and THEATRE, your PM box is full, mah dear.
*wishes she could snatch the razor from Sara and defend DaBeard*

Wow Alyssa, what ep is that tidbit from?

*throws confetti and candy around for new thread*

btw I'll go on the bi-baby group
i agree after a visit to Geekfiction and this years Smutathon, lol.

lol. Considering every story starts with, "Grissom looked magnificent" or something to that degree, I'm suspicious as to your voting motives.

yeah, but i didn't mean that the scene was OOC, but that CSI never shows scenes like that. we know so many things happen with the characters outisde of the show that we are used to not getting conversations this personal about Grissom in particular. we know they have place sometime when the camera is switched off, and we see them in fanfics mostly. so that scene was for me very unexpected, yet truly great.

Precisely. The other issue I have is that how can anyone say that a relationship between the two (I mean how they act, not the relationship itself) is OOC when we've never seen either in a long-term dating situation before.

didn't he also guess in the beginning of S6 (when the writers didn't leak ANY information yet) that GSR would be/is canon? well, to be honest, i don't care what he says. if i cared i would be long time crazy.

I think his method is a combination of real spoilers from CBS, and then his own presumptions. For instance: the way he wrote the spoiler about Jorja's contract was in such a way that he knew that she was in talks, and he guessed that she was going to sign.

I think the finale thing may have been that he got information that didn't contain any GSR, and therefore he felt solid in saying it wouldn't have any. *shrug*

yeah, i'd love that. i believe Billy's got it covered you know. after Committed and i'm sure many more, he won't play Grissom OOC. i'm not worried about this really.

Yeah, you know... even though I know people have been disappointed that he's toned down other scenes, in truth he typically does what's best for the show overall.

If he had done a scene with them coming home from dinner, and he tells Sara that he's leaving - just like that - Grissom comes off as clueless. And it also seems like he has learned nothing since Burden of Proof. Instead, he changed it to Grissom writing her a romantic letter, and thus a great deal of angst was cut out.

And the base of it was the OOC'ness of Grissom not "getting" why not telling your girlfriend well enough in advance was a bad thing. The way his leaving was shown, he could've told her around Happenstance, but she may still have felt insecure about his motives, rather than she felt as if he was running away at the last second.

but but ... WE LOVE EACH OTHER


Okay, everyone? Gutter Alert. What we're going to do is...

Yes, I know I'm a dork. Anyway - we need to send CBS letters to warn Billy in time lest she break free from the hospital and stalk him. Y'all? Time is of the essence. We all know he'll be beard-free soon, the way she likes him...

poor y'all. and instead we've got one of the cutest, if not The cutest, scene ever. i love our actors. i'm so happy it didn't air, YAY.

AND the letter scene.

A Grissom/Sara hug right there in the middle of my dream for all eyes to see. That's only the half of it. This was like the Cadillac of GSR dreams. I mean, it even had the shaving scene! And Brass wearing a bra?

Was it La Pearla?
Was it La Pearla?

You're just so bad...

I better NOT be the only one on here screaming like a little girl. Usually, no one is on. Considering even the unspoiled are in on tonight's big moment, we better have some squeeling and screaming and cool conversation and analysis in here! I mean, if this airs, it's the scene where Grissom is giving himself to his woman. He is trusting her completely. I take it as a sign of no more running off to the other side of the country without getting her perspective on it first! YAY!

So, I was in Barnes and Noble with Matthew the other day, seeing if they had a Braille section (long story), and I ran across "Metamorphosis" by Kafka. That reminded me that we still don't know what's in the freakin' cocoon. Think we'll get any answers on that tonight? Or maybe next week? I mean, does anyone actually know how long it takes a butterfly/moth/snake creature to hatch? Hatch, already, darn it!

ETA: YAY! Matthew's plans got changed, and he's going to be here tonight for the episode! Squeee.

That makes it even better. Because, while the beard shall be mourned, I can place my hand on my fiance's cheek and be reminded that beards, indeed, do grow back.
You're just so bad...

C'mon. They just released a new line of intimates.

It's a fair question.

If it doesn't suck and isn't completely corny, and if I can get my mom out of the room so it isn't uncomfortable, I promise to scream like a girl.

Matt? Run for it.

Yeah. I still haven't made up my mind if it's awesome or awful, so I'll just have to wait for the scene itself.
So, I found this by searching for it. Why isn't it showing up in my main 'shipper central page?

Sorry mods... after what appeared to be a talkCSI byebye yesterday...

Edited because now it's there... did it just really need to be bumped or what?

Wow. I should really put on my glasses before I attempt to post, huh?

That is all.
For some bizzare reason (probably highly technicial) the last five posts seem to be posted from 2002, so no doubt the thread was buried under five years of shipping. (Has the board even been going that long? Weird)

What was the state of GSR five years ago? Had the plant been sent?
OMG, I loved last night's episode, when Grissom told Sara that he trusted her 'intimately' I was so happy, I love those too.
I think we couldn't have get a better ending!!! That scene made my day, my whole week, actually and the next as well - I am sure of it! *goes to watch it again, and again, and again,
the way Billy says "Intimately" is sooooo sexy!

The butterfly motif in the bathroom definitely made me flash back to "Butterflied

I liked the beginning though, with the narration and then the all time stop thing. Grissom's "out of bed on a Saturday lol
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