Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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Reeble said:
Yeah, Ceindreah, thanks for saying that. I also love the way the writers have been handling GSR up to this point. It's subtle, just like GSR is, but now since we're so far into season 6 I'm craving angst. Something that will make me go "whoah". Something that will make me -for lack of better word- give a shit about what's happening in the show. Right now (for me at least), CSI isn't a show that I "can't miss". If I miss an episode, I'm not that disappointed. I want the pizaz CSI had back to make it the #1 show on television.

I know that just sounded like I was contradicting myself, but I wasn't. GSR is great right now, but what' I'm looking for is completely awesome like it used to be. Half of GSR is built on angst. They can still keep the subtle-ness of it, but throw in a couple of scenes like the Pin Me Down scene. They show that it's not completely taking over the show, but it also shows that they haven't forgotten about GSR either. Hopefully I made sense there.

Turtle, I'm positive that you wouldn't be the only one on the ship if it started to sink. I know I would be standing right next to you if it did. :p

Anyway, I'm sorry this is so late, but I'm finally here with my Christmas gift! And since it's almost New Years, i've included a bit of that in it too. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Krazy Kwanzaa/Anything else and Happy to be New Year!


Grissom's thoughts? I just had to.

fantastic REEBLE really awesome.. and Happy New Years to you..all of you.. and DON'T jump ship :p

Reebs, that is just awesome. Lovely work, gal!

I am not about to jump ship anytime soon. This is our ship. We've been onboard this ship, going through the darkest of nights, holding tight to the sides of our little boat as it was tossed through hurricanes and storms. We are not going to let a small thing tear us apart. And, as dark and pessimistic as I get about TPTB's handling of our ship in the future, I'll be the first to admit that I think they've done a good job thus far on what has aired. I'm just worried they'll get stupid. Better to prepare myself for that than to put too much faith in television producers.

"I'm not a human being. I'm a television executive producer." Thank you Nigel from SYTYCD.

So, I'm all for our little ship, and I think we'll be fine. We've pulled out lifeboats before, but if things get really bad, I know we'll band together and start rowing. If TPTB get stupid, we'll make sure they know what we think of them. And, hopefully, we'll also let them know when we really appreciate what they're doing.

There are so many relationships on so many shows out there, but this one is ours. This is the ship that started so many years ago when the simple sound of Sara Sidle's voice spread a smile across Grissom's usually grim face. Turning around, he beheld a beauty, finally getting to see her face to face after a phone call brought her to Las Vegas.

My fiance, who deliciously acknowledges our beloved ship, was watching the first scene with Sara, and had his own interpretation. When Grissom said, "I like to see it" Matthew thinks he wasn't just talking about the case, but talking about Sara. He gets to see her. She's here, before him, flesh and blood, not just a voice over a telephone, which really is just a manufactured version of what the telephone thinks we sound like. Instead, she's before him, in front of him, close enough to touch if he dared. I love my man. I really, really do.

I say it, again. This is our ship. They can throw unwanted, gratuitous love interests at us til we're blue in the face. They can shower us with angst and dispair. They can throw Grissom to the other side of the country, but we're not going to let up because this is our ship. We've been through our ups and down, crashing along the waves, salt water stinging our eyes. We didn't stop then. Yes, the waters are a little more uncertain now that those in charge have done what was previously deemed unthinkable; they acknowledged and developed our ship prior to the eleventh hour of the seventh season. We now have a beautiful ship, decorated from bow to stern with art, music, and other forms of adoration from the multitudes of fans. We've danced on this ship, held ourselves off the side of it, our bodies wracked with sobs. We've suffered through the blistering nights. We're not going anywhere. This is our ship.
Well said Alyssa
write a book girl.. that gave me inspiration for sure..good job. and hip-hip-hooray for us :lol:
Ohhhh.Those are actuly realy hot.I had no clue what exactuly you were talking 'bout
tooold ya!
yay! Adzix loves me.I think.Wait is that a good thing?
of course it is. i love my dog, and look how spoiled he is.


'Lyssa, *bows* that was terrific. after reading your post i feel:
a) peaceful
b) melancholic/poetic
c) positive about future

i'm sending you my unconditioned love.

and you know what i think? we got our ship canonized pretty early actually if you look through the prism of the future, what, one season and a half? two and a half maybe? so although we've waited an eternity, it could've been worse. we would've gotten it in the end of S8 for example. this is a TV show, it's gonna run for two more years maybe, so it would be really something wrong if they didn't give us any GS angst post-canon considering how long the show's still going to last. and again, if they made it canon in the middle of S8, with Grissom being in the limited no. of eps, they would just give us a couple of veggie burger scenes, maaaybe some Ecklie angst and that's it. but we're in a different situation. it's almost like we've gotta "pay" for how early it got canonized. early in the meaning of - not in the very end of the show.

okay, i just got a PS (yaaaaay) and i made a couple of icons using it. please note, that i got it two days ago and i'm still lost in it. so here are my first tries:


lately i've noticed some pretty open anti-GSR-ness on Talk and i wanted to respond somehow. but i'll post this icon only in here cuz i don't wanna get lynched, lol.

follow me to see more
Steph said:
People really need to suck it up and realize that GSR is canon. It's like when Greg was made a CSI, everyone was pissed off because they wanted him in the lab as a techie. Well, they got over it and Greg has more fans than he did when he was a techie. If TPTB let GSR go on long enough, others will get used to GSR. These anti-GSR people are sooooo stuborn!!! :mad:

While GSR may be canon on the show, not everyone has to like or agree with it. Besides, this thread is not the place to talk about the "anti-GSR" people. Please keep it out of here.
Dude, a velvit Elvis painting? You are one effed up chica, Sarah. :p

Anyways, I picked other. As always, I can't make up my mind. I really don't know what he's going to give her. I'm hoping they show it in the show though. Lots of sex would always be entertaining.

Sarahvma said:
Reebs, that picture is too horrifying for words.

YOU'RE too horrifying for words. Nah, I'm just kidding. You know I love ya.

Thanks everyone!

Adz, I snagged one of your icons. Credited in my bio. :)

And AL? Rock on!
Sarah you never cease to amaze me with you polls, I LOL :lol: when reading this one. the Elvis the wall. Those are so goulish/garish, saw them in Tijuana, Mexico, horrible :(. and I'm an Elvis fan.. so if Grissom picked that one he's weirder than I ever thought, maybe the joke factor!!! :eek: HMMM, another plant.. boring.. a book..also boring.. lots and lots of sex... YEAH :p :p :p but, maybe the "butterfly framed" thing..who's knows what's up with him, he's impossible to figure out!!! we'll soon find out ;)
While GSR may be canon on the show, not everyone has to like or agree with it. Besides, this thread is not the place to talk about the "anti-GSR" people. Please keep it out of here.
i actually didn't refer to people who don't like GSR, but to those who bash it. i see a difference between not liking something, which is ok, and being active in openly bashing it everywhere. and lately, as i've been aware of a number of people who aren't biggest fans (they absolutely don't have to), i've also seen some being agressive towards GSR (which ain't cool, cuz this is only a TV show). i know you didn't refer to my post (or maybe you did, lol), i just wanted to make it clear.

Da Poll! i picked sex, cuz this is one thing i'm sure he gave her, lol. about some other presents, well, i think a plant and textbook are things that he found safe to give her pre-canon, and now it's all different. so i have no clue. and Elvis ... no, not Elvis, lol.
Adz, I snagged one of your icons. Credited in my bio.
oh, i'm happy. i'm also glad you liked your b-day icon ;) one more thing - you do parcour??
of course it is. i love my dog, and look how spoiled he is.

Lol ,I am loved like a dog, I guess that’s good, my dog is spoiled, at the moment she has begged her self into getting a bowl of oatmeal. So yhea, loved like a dog, good thing. :)

A velvet Elvis painting with acrylic paint set. Sexy.
WTF? You are starting to scare me.
Um. I picked other because, Grissom is Grissom because he is unpredictable, I am sure all you spoiled people have an excellent idea of what’s going on, but I choose to be obvious so there. :lol:

And Nice avies Adz
I chose the butterfly one :p Just because, in a perfect GSR world.. he so would :p Or lots of sex :devil:
I really didn't know what to pick...probably shoulda picked other but I decided on the sex one. Actually in my world, he'd get her that plus other gifts too :)

I love that present you gave us, Desert...wheeeee *grin*
He, he. Geek-sex wouldn’t be bad either :devil:.

Just curios am i the only one who is watching the CSI marathon on spike instead of Dick Clark or going out for New Years?
Great I officially have no life :rolleyes:.
Wait I think this is my Hundredth Post :p.
Yay Me :D :D :D!

Edit:It was! But I have no clue how to put my avie on. :eek:
I am watching the marathon. I am sooo sick and not up to going out tonight and Dick Clark is boring.

It's too bad there isn't many GSR episodes in this marathon. They should have done a complete GSR one instead! lol! With every episode that has a HINT of GSR playing, IN ORDER, from season 1-7. Oh, and POTTR because I like it. And Maybe LHB too.
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