Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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*gg* well I prefer settling for my own GSR marathon *gg* the advantage of DVDs is that there are no commercial breaks :D
I am sooo sick and not up to going out tonight and Dick Clark is boring.

Yay, I am not the only one. I seriously stared my mom down till she handed over the remote. I really need to get my own TV :(.

They should have done a complete GSR one instead! lol! With every episode that has a HINT of GSR playing

If only. In a perfect GSR-y world maybe :rolleyes:.

the advantage of DVDs is that there are no commercial breaks

Jealous of you. I only have season 1 on DVD. :mad:
I bought the first 4 seasons on ebay for 63 euros two years ago :D paid 100 euros each for season 5 and 6 though (those DVD boxes are way too expensive IMO)
*lies in bed and tries to remember what the hell i was doing yesterday around 5 am*

*squints eyes*

*tells my dog NOT TO F*****N' BARK*

so how was everybody's New Year night? mine was ... pretty cool, lol.

i was wondering lately if G and S go shopping together. like, shopping for clothes. Grissom wears a couple of new things this season. not that he was wearing always the same for 6 first years, but i'm sensing that something changed, and i cannot pinpoint what exactly.

so it would be really cool if they went to the mall together, Sara helping him buy new shirts, pants etc and he being a patient boyfriend helping her choose the right court clothes. would it be OOC? well, i came to conclusion that it wouldn't; everybody goes shopping (unless they buy things online, but since they have each others company now, i doubt it). so it's something that cannot be OOC - everybody does it.

another thing is, that somebody could notice them. i wonder how much in general they care to keep their relationship a secret and if they talk about it a lot. i'd actually like to hear a conversation between them about it.

And Nice avies Adz
thank you chocolate :)
of course it is. i love my dog, and look how spoiled he is.
*tells my dog NOT TO F*****N' BARK*

That sounds like a real loved dog :rolleyes:.

I am going to take a wild geuss and say you are drunk and/or hung over Adz.
lol :lol:

Random Rambleings from Chco Bunnys:
I dont think i stayed up till went to sleep at 11:45.I got fed up with all the girls gone wild ads on spike that where on every 5 mins.And went to bed 15 minutes before new years.Now why in the world did i do that?
That sounds like a real loved dog
oh i do love him but he was LOUD.
I am going to take a wild geuss and say you are drunk and/or hung over Adz.
the second one, it's 3.15 pm in here right now, and i just came back two hours ago. that's how you do it in Europe! *throws out chest with pride*

ummm *tries to figure out something GSR-related*

their fave would be H&M?
Adz, with you all the way! The day is young... but the hangover and beer sweats are kicking in... Europeans KNOW how to do New Year!

Happy New Year to you all and may we have a year of geek worship! :D

In the poll, I voted sex, sex and more sex... what else would do when you've got a studmuffin like Grissom in your life?!
*tap dances into the thread purely in an effort to freak out TS* :p


Great poll, Sarah. As you all know, my mind is pure and innocent, and therefore I in no way voted for the megatons of sex option. Nope. Not me… *tries to look innocent*

Maybe i'm a masochist or maybe i'm just being uncharacteristically optimistic (don't worry, I'm sure it'll go away eventually) but i'm really looking forward to this weeks new ep. I'm hoping for a juicy, if somewhat angsty, GSR scene. However, four weeks of no Grissom is NOT something to look forward to at all... *weeps*
*blush* Thanks for all the compliments on my crazed rant. I appreciate it. :)

As for New Years, maybe I'm an oldie, but it's not New Years if there's no Dick Clark. No, I don't watch the whole thing, but I have to watch the ball fall with him.

OK, someone on YTDAW said they saw a new version of the promo last night, which I have yet to see or find anywhere on the net, but they said that it makes it much clearer that, yes, he is saying goodbye to Sara. If this is true, I'm going to get a great giggle out of it, because I know I've been one of the negative nellies when it comes to who Gris was saying goodbye to. Are they trying to woo GSR fans back to trusting them? Because, you have to trust someone to begin with for them to woo you back...

So, if anyone sees that, please share it... in boxes, of course.
I don't think they go shopping, they're too busy doing something else...

Just kidding, sorry, couldn't help it. :p

I think seeing them shopping would be very cute. I agree, it isn't OOC, yeesh.. it's like you think they don't have a life. Well, they didn't, but they do now. I think they probably have talked about their SECRET RELATIONSHIP. But, I think it's kind of like, if someone asks them about it, they say 'yeah, we are, keep it to yourself' kind of deal. Or everybody knows already and they are just making us think that no one knows. That would be funny.

I just got a funny thought in my head, it has to do with the shopping thing.

SARA: C'mon, it's nice.
GRISSOM: *turns around, looks in mirror, has a funky shirt on* But I don't like it.
SARA: Honey, please!
SARA: *whines* Grisssssssssssssss
GRISSOM: *looks at her*
SARA: *puppy dog eyes*
GRISSOM: *sighs* Fine.
SARA: GREAT! I found some pants to go with it.
GRISSOM: *insert face-palm moment here*

edited because the funky shirt is ON, not OFF.
I think seeing them shopping would be very cute.
oh yeah, it would. anybody fancy to write a fanfic on that? i'd pay by making a special icon :rolleyes:
But, I think it's kind of like, if someone asks them about it, they say 'yeah, we are, keep it to yourself' kind of deal
that's exactly what i think too. as far as they don't give anybody any basis to be suspicious, nobody's gonna ask them. but IMO, they both don't really know what to say after people find out or start getting suspicious.

and here i agree sXs, that i don't see them lying or sneaking a lot. so, yeah, their most natural response would be to just confirm, and not make a big deal out of it.
I just got a funny thought in my head, it has to do with the shopping thing.
you're insane, lol.
edited because the funky shirt is ON, not OFF.
oooooooooooh, so now we know what you are thinking of. WPHS stage ... 6 maybe? MissDee?

new batch of icons!

Adzix said:
I think seeing them shopping would be very cute.
oh yeah, it would. anybody fancy to write a fanfic on that? i'd pay by making a special icon :rolleyes:

*raises hand and waves it around frantically* OOH! Can I? Can I? I think it'll just be One-Shot. I'll put up the link when I post it. :)

Adzix, your icons, are LOVE. They aren't about love, well, yeah they are, but still, they ARE love. *nods*

So, is anyone else overly excited for Leaving Las Vegas? I started the countdown to it before I started my Christmas countdown, and I was too busy with obsessing over LLV than to start my Christmas countdown. I've been thinking about it, and I'm really sad that with Grissom going, that means that for four weeks, we get no GSR interaction, at all. Well, I suppose there could be telephone calls, and AWWW they could text each other.

SARA: *cell phone beeps*
NICK: *looks over*
SARA: *looks down at the message:* ilu <3 -Grissom.
*SARA giggles* *She puts the phone away*
NICK: What was that about?
SARA: *purses her lips to stop laughing* Nothing!
First, I'd just like to say that Alyssa very nearly made me cry. Well said.
Adzix, those icons are freaking awesome.
And Happy New Year.
Catherine: Grissom has been acting weird lately.
Warrick: Yeah. He's, like, moderately cheerful.
Nick: So is Sara. And they're both late.
Greg: Holy sh-
Sara: Hi, guys, sorry I'm late. Where's Gil- umm, Grissom? I need to talk to him.
Greg: About what? And why are you late?
Sara: I left my shirt at his house. And it's none of your business why. My personal life is MY business. <leaves>
Greg: Holy sh-
Grissom: Hey, have you guys seen Sara?
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