Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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ok. i just got done watching some of season 2. and i am very confused. :confused:

so i have a question-i would appreciate some opinions.

i watched season 1, and though Sara and Grissom had some nice, cute, flirty scenes together, Sara was flirting with just about everyone, nick i would say more so than Grissom in that first season. and Grissom asked that bones lady out to dinner, so apart from being good friends, and getting on well, i dont see that either of them, had a crush on each other then. :(

season 2 is confusing me big time though. they again, have some nice scenes in season 2, some cute flirty ones. and the first intimate one i noticed was her stoking his cheek outside. but Sara flirted with that guy Hank, and after that case with the two sisters, she rang and asked him out and ive read grissom finds out about this in season 3. Grissom in turn looks very preoccupied so far in season 2. she said she wished she was like him and felt nothing, and when she came in his office asking for a leave of absence, he kinda looked like he didnt understand why she was so upset, he just looked incapable of saying what he needed to say to make her stay. and then told catherine she was very emotional and wasnt even going to do anything about it. but in the next ep, when she asks him when hes ever been interested in beauty and he says since i met you. he says it so fast, and she looks shocked, but this seems to be the first encounter where he expresses some kind of interest towards sara. it seems weird though, cause i didnt notice a build up where he started acting like he was. and afterwards i noticed no change in how he was around her.

i cant think when sara first has showed interest towards grissom. anyone???

i know though that in season 3 when he finds out, he kinda seems a bit jealous, and then tells her on the next case to work solo. so he pushes her away from then on, throughout most of season 3. i dont understand why.

one theory i came up with was, that he had became increasingly interested in her, and when he found out she was kinda dating someone, he pushed her away, because he felt like what he felt was one sided, and she probably wasnt interested. or...*sigh* i dunno? opinions??

but another thing i couldnt stop thinking about, was how in later seasons he basically says some guys, we know hes talking about himself, are intimidated by beauty. when has he ever acted intimidated around sara? never. and in season two, he basically is saying, he thinks shes beautiful. and it got me thinking.

does he just think theres no chance of a relationship in earlier seasons and that she couldnt possibly be interested in him?

she is very beautiful, she could have any guy she wanted, half the guys there, i bet would jump at the chance to date her, so why does she choose the significantly older middle aged guy, whos lived half his life and is married to his job. what is it about him that shes drawn to?

why in the BF speech, where he finally says how he feels, and sara unknown to him heard it all, does he say he'd have to risk everything hes ever worked for to be with her? why couldnt he do it?

why would it be a risk professionally? would he lose his job? i dont understand

basically, im confused about a lot, can someone explain to me please? :)
why in the BF speech, where he finally says how he feels, and sara unknown to him heard it all, does he say he'd have to risk everything hes ever worked for to be with her? why couldnt he do it?

why would it be a risk professionally? would he lose his job? i dont understand
i think it'll affect the cases they've worked on together.

remember that episode they where mostly all in court and the 'lawyer-person' (i'm so clever *ahem*) was trying to discredit them all?

well, with sara she brought up her relationship with hank, then she brought up a supposed relationship (sara brushing chalk off his cheek at a crime scene) with grissom, saying sara would do anything for reconition from him. insinauting sara would tamper with evidence to keep him happy... (evil lawyer person)
i watched season 1, and though Sara and Grissom had some nice, cute, flirty scenes together, Sara was flirting with just about everyone, nick i would say more so than Grissom in that first season. and Grissom asked that bones lady out to dinner, so apart from being good friends, and getting on well, i dont see that either of them, had a crush on each other then.

True. And it's possible that, as the new girl on the block, Sara didn't want everyone to feel like she and Grissom somehow had a special connection - she really seemed to want to independantly establish herself, rather than it just being "She's here because Grissom likes her".

I think the pig scene in Sex, Lies and Larvae, along with the "Tape Me Up" scene in Crate and Burial, though, went beyond simple flirting to a clear attraction with the desire from both of them, to go further. But I doubt they would have. And I think Grissom, just like Sara, didn't want everyone to think that she'd been recommended due to attraction rather than ability.

season 2 is confusing me big time though. they again, have some nice scenes in season 2, some cute flirty ones. and the first intimate one i noticed was her stoking his cheek outside. but Sara flirted with that guy Hank, and after that case with the two sisters, she rang and asked him out and ive read grissom finds out about this in season 3. Grissom in turn looks very preoccupied so far in season 2. she said she wished she was like him and felt nothing, and when she came in his office asking for a leave of absence, he kinda looked like he didnt understand why she was so upset, he just looked incapable of saying what he needed to say to make her stay. and then told catherine she was very emotional and wasnt even going to do anything about it. but in the next ep, when she asks him when hes ever been interested in beauty and he says since i met you. he says it so fast, and she looks shocked, but this seems to be the first encounter where he expresses some kind of interest towards sara. it seems weird though, cause i didnt notice a build up where he started acting like he was. and afterwards i noticed no change in how he was around her.

First off, I think that this was the point at which it was clear the writers themselves were not sure of whether they wanted to continue with GSR. But the actual line "Since I Met You" was ad-libbed by Billy, and never intended by the writers, however he liked it and thought it would have a much more honest impact than the original, which was some non-commital spouting about bugs, according to WP.

However, the other thing is that in Season 2, we see Grissom, I think, starting to look WAY older out of nowhere. The age difference between the two is far more pronounced, ironically, even moreso than in Seasons 4-7.

His hair is pretty much white in certain scenes and WP himself put on some weight.

So it's possible they were playing off of that - him backing off because the age difference is so apparent, and Sara not really understanding why.

After all, just about every time they interact in Season 2, it goes well. It wasn't until Season 3 that he seemed to start physically shutting off towards her, which may have partially had to do with Hank and the hearing loss.

i cant think when sara first has showed interest towards grissom. anyone???

Tape Me Up is probably the clearest indication, also the warm smile she gives when she wraps him in the blanket in SLL.

i know though that in season 3 when he finds out, he kinda seems a bit jealous, and then tells her on the next case to work solo. so he pushes her away from then on, throughout most of season 3. i dont understand why.

Sara dating Hank, I think, confirmed his fears. Sara would eventually grow bored waiting for him, and move on to a younger, fitter guy. Also, he found out about it through someone else - he got blindsided. You'll notice that a couple episodes on from there, he keeps trying to hold her arm, or place his hand on her back. Possibly to continue to establish that at work, she's still "his".

one theory i came up with was, that he had became increasingly interested in her, and when he found out she was kinda dating someone, he pushed her away, because he felt like what he felt was one sided, and she probably wasnt interested. or...*sigh* i dunno? opinions??

He knew she was interested, but he most likely assumed, just like Dr. Lurie did, that it was more of an infatuation. That the excitement of dating the boss, the guy with power, had more to do with it than the man himself. Or maybe he felt that she had pulled away when he got less physically attractive, making Sara shallow.

Grissom kind of seems to like torturing himself. He dates women who he has flirted with briefly, maybe more out of a sense of normalcy, and the women he actually seems genuinely attracted to, he pushes away - by arrest warrants or case delegations.

Maybe the old addage of his hoping that if he pushes them away, and they're still interested, that it means they truly like him. Who knows?

but another thing i couldnt stop thinking about, was how in later seasons he basically says some guys, we know hes talking about himself, are intimidated by beauty. when has he ever acted intimidated around sara? never. and in season two, he basically is saying, he thinks shes beautiful. and it got me thinking.

does he just think theres no chance of a relationship in earlier seasons and that she couldnt possibly be interested in him?

The intimidaton line... well, he is. He nearly choked when she asked if he would sleep with her, he seemed taken aback in the pilot when the lab tech told him to shove her against a wall...

While WP may know that women find him attractive, I don't think Grissom does, and if he does, I think he assumes they have ulterior motives in general. So he, perhaps, has found it easier to have dinner with women that he feels the same way about - they're attractive, but there's no real sense of commitment.

she is very beautiful, she could have any guy she wanted, half the guys there, i bet would jump at the chance to date her, so why does she choose the significantly older middle aged guy, whos lived half his life and is married to his job. what is it about him that shes drawn to?

I think for someone like Sara, who was treated badly in her childhood, who always felt like an outsider... I don't think she could date conventional people. Like Grissom dating Teri Miller, Hank was just a fun distraction for her. But I think they just get each other. They get that sense of wanting to stay in instead of going out dancing.

Of the real commitment to the job, which was the downfall of his relationships with Teri and Heather.

I think she just likes... him, though. And also - when she first met him, he was somewhat younger, somewhat thinner, and more attractive. For a lot of people, just because that person doesn't continue to look the same doesn't mean you just stop liking them.

why would it be a risk professionally? would he lose his job? i dont understand

He says "work" and I think that partially he IS talking about his job, but not 100%. Most of the reason people disliked that final scene was because they said it was SO out of character for Grissom. But the thing is... everyone accuses him of being shut-off, everyone accuses him of being cold, and yet he freaks out over a dead body... so we know he's not, actually, a robot.

I think what Grissom has worked so hard to do is kind of build a facade around himself. He can't get hurt if he doesn't show anything important about himself.

That final scene is probably the most open we've ever seen him, maybe with the exception of telling about his father's death, but even then it was very matter-of-fact.

That final scene showed that he does fear death, and that he's really put some thought into it. And that he can love, which is always nice.
i think in the beggining of the series, TPTB didn't want to close any doors for the next seasons in terms of relationships between the characters. firstly, they didn't know how long the series will survive, so they couldn't make predictions for 6,7th season that early. secondly, they didn't know the reaction of the fans to certain possible pairings. so they put chemistry between most of the characters to see which one will work out the best and also to give the series more human aspect. when it became clear that Grissom and Sara, over the years, are the most shipped pairing, that they have the best chemistry and the biggest number of shippy moments, i think they just decided to risk and make it canon. again, in 6,7th season the risk is much smaller than in for example 3rd, when the ratings are the highest and the show doesn't have a stabilized position in TV shows market. right now, they are a brand. right now, they can make a ship canon, b/c people will know for sure that they won't transform into a soap.

the harder thing to do is to interprate the behavior of our characters throughout the years through the prism of latest events. grissom was always an enigma, he's not an open book, when you can say for sure "in season 2, he is completely not interested in sara, it's 100% provable". you can't say this, b/c you never know what this guy thinks, and his actions, other than those related to his job, often contradict his feelings and/or his desires. there was one time that we truly got to know a part of him - Butterflied. it was then, when we became certain that GSR in not one-sided, and why it couldn't work out at that time.

they both tried dating different people, they both wanted to move on with their lives. they saw that even if they like each other, the difficulties they were to face if deciding on a relationship, would be too hard to handle at that time for both of them. sara showed readiness in PWF, but grissom didn't. and all the time until they finally got together, he was in process of getting ready. it's hard to say if he was realizing it.

about the job thing, i think WP confirmed in the interview, that fraternizing is not allowed in CSI, especially with a subordinate.
thankyou SO much for these replys. i was getting so confused and had no-one to talk to about it. i feel a little clearer now. its a lot to take in though. but the replys are a huge help.

sarahvma -i tried replying like 3 times, but youre full up, so i cant. i wasnt been inpolite :)

first, i am glad someone else noticed that out of nowhere grissom all of a sudden started looking very old. in season 1, particularly, the piolt, i was struck by how young he looked, then im watching season 2, and when hes with her, im feeling, oh wow, it could almost look like the daughter and dad. i have read a few people saying, they are yuck-ed out (thats not a word, i just cant think of how to explain it at the moment) by the grissom and sara relationship because they felt it was a very father/daughter relationship-him the mentor, her the whatever. thats possibly a reason why, age. but even tho he does look older (he looks younger in the newer seasons) he still looks cute and i love them together so im not bothered by that. he probably was i agree. maybe thats part of the reason he held back. that and fear etc.

anyways im suprised to hear fraternizing is not allowed in CSI, especially with a subordinate.

that actually makes me really happy. because he is risking his job therefore, and her most likely her own too. and that means, this isnt some unimportant fling thing, their serious. they gotta be.

hm this means all sorts of things could happen this season, perhaps after this ones done, at the end, they'll get found out, and both leave, together.

anyways ah i didnt know the since i met you was ad-libbed. thats cute. im glad WP is for this relationship-it makes it much more likely to finish off with a happy ending when he leaves.
i noticed he had producing credits when i was watching the first season. so he seems to have a sway with the writers maybe?

i agree when he found out about her 'relationship' with hank he was secretly hurt. i dont think he was hurt she hadnt told him, id assume thats not a subject she would talk to him about. and he wouldnt expect it, but hurt she was dating someone else.

i agree though, if she likes him, and she does, she does see past everything, and must like him, for who he is. they do share a lot in common too, their jobs, but interests. they both seem more loners than the rest of the cast. i didnt realise sara was till she was like, nothing, i dont do anything outside of work, i listen to the scanner, read crime books, i dont like anything. so she seems to be married to her job as much as he is.

see i think what confuses me, and this never happens with any other show and thats probably why, is that i found it hard to pin-point times when the relatiionship was changing and growing. because for a lot of the time, they would be very professional and on case. and that would flustrate me cause i wanted more cute scenes between them, but they wernt regular, they could get on with the job at hand and you'd never guess they had feelings for each other. but i love that about the show too, its different and so is the way the show handles its romances, unlike like 99% of shows, where potential couples get together almost straight away.
theater "peels eyebrow off ceiling" :D :D :D cracked me up- your so funny- and that is a great pic, huh? here's the latest of them- FINALLY YIPEE, on the friggin' cover of a hugh national magazine- where they should be- I loved it when I was at my local supermarket, and it was on every checkstand, meaning scads of people had to see it, and of course buy it ;)


AND big welcome to all the "newbies' have fun, glad your here ;)
i think in the beggining of the series, TPTB didn't want to close any doors for the next seasons in terms of relationships between the characters.

Exactly. I mean, to a certain degree, they DO want to hear what fan reaction is on certain things... now. But then, they probably were just like "Well, what happens happens"

They leaned towards Grissom and Sara as being more than flirtation, but they didn't really dead-set on it.

Also, as WP said, what would have happened if they got them together in the beginning? They'd probably be divorced by now. That's how TV relationships work - nothing remains in stasis.

sarahvma -i tried replying like 3 times, but youre full up, so i cant. i wasnt been inpolite

lol - yeah, I know - I'll delete some PMs later. Sorry!

but even tho he does look older (he looks younger in the newer seasons) he still looks cute and i love them together so im not bothered by that. he probably was i agree. maybe thats part of the reason he held back. that and fear etc.

Well, the problem I always had with that argument was that when Sofia was introduced, a lot of those same people were saying, "All right - someone new for Grissom". Sofia is either the same age, or younger, than Sara.

So... I think when you dislike something, you'll find a lot of "reasons" for it - but the main one seems to be that Grissom is just a better-liked character than Sara.

I'll admit, if they paired a character I really liked with one I didn't, I'd probably be upset, too.

anyways im suprised to hear fraternizing is not allowed in CSI, especially with a subordinate.

That's never actually been established. Even if it is a law in real life, there's no way of knowing if, for dramatic reasons, the writers themselves would employ that as a law as well. So... until it comes from someones' mouth? I think at worst it's just "frowned-upon".

The only thing I can really see them doing would be someone accusing them a la Hank and Sara, of changing the evidence for one-another.

that actually makes me really happy. because he is risking his job therefore, and her most likely her own too. and that means, this isnt some unimportant fling thing, their serious. they gotta be.

Yeah, and forgetting GSR as a couple for a moment, it's nice that two work-a-holics are putting something else first as well.

I agree that the progression of their relationship wasn't that obvious episode-to-episode. Probably for a couple of reasons - the first being that some of the writers didn't want to include it, but also... if you like someone, is EVERY moment with them an awkward pining moment?

It seems that way on various TV Dramas, but I don't really find that to be true in the real world.
i feel like a heathen to this GSR thread. ive been away for so long i think im beyond catching up.

but i did pick up a copy of TV GUIDE with Fox and Petersen. i was in line at vons buying some last minute stuff for a party and i saw it and just had to get it. so i actually understand the title of this thread! imagine that. :lol:

anyways on Built to Kill...very nice, subtle GSR. im liking it so far.

Downside to the new season - 1) louise lombard in the credits. i have nothing against her. but i just dont like the character, sofia. i dont know why. i think its because i still havent been able to figure out her accent.
2) ABC putting Grey's Anatomy up against CSI. that has got to be the most savage form of face stabbing ever.

On the plus side, I am now absolutely in love with "Waiting on the World" by John Mayer.
You ARE a heathen, csi_sk8rgurl.


Anyway - as for the addition to the credits... well... *shrug*

I would've preferred Wallace to have made the credits, but beyond that, I don't particularly dislike her that much anymore.

As for Grey's - I have a feeling that CSI and Grey's will be going back and forth all year. I really expected one to win and the other to lose by a MUCH bigger margin - this shows that the two programs really don't share that many fans. In total, in the same timeslot, they got around 48 million viewers combined. The most CSI ever seemed to get was 30. So CSI has lost somewhere from 2-8 million in its premiere...

A girl on YTDAW says she asked some people, and they said that they watched Grey's instead because the cliffhanger had been bigger, and because CSI is so island-like with its episodes that unlike Grey's, if they missed the opener, it wasn't like they wouldn't understand the rest of the season.

From what I heard, CSI fans were much more pleased with their premiere than Grey's fans were with theirs.

So... my theory is that with the hype of individual episodes, we're going to see a pretty consistent see-saw all year.

And I really don't think that GSR, the thing that gave CSI pretty much the only press it had all summer, affected the ratings. If CBS had shelled out more cash to let the average viewer know that the premiere was happening that day, the numbers may have been different, but... meh.

The re-runs to me were more telling - MANY more people would rather have gone back to examine older CSI episodes than Grey's - which proves my theory that it's a bit of a fad show.

However, last season seemed to lose a lot of its drive, and if a competition makes the writers strive a bit harder, then I say bring it on.
So i finally picked up the Tv guide today. Yeah i know im late but hey i couldnt find it Thursday :p

About GA and CSI i agree with ya'll that say that they are going to be back and forth all year. And also i dont know how they been promoting CSI throuhgout the years but since it was my first CSI season premiere i didnt see a lot of promotions for CSI except for the billboard and Tv guide which doesnt really count cause it was out the day of the premiere. So what im trying to say is that they didnt promoted a lot. I heard GA in the radio a whole buch of times and on the tv a lot. CSI only on the internet. All im saying is that they should of promoted a whole lot more. Or maybe is just me making excuses cause i was a little upset. Hopefully they dont be saying that it was cause of GSR the ratings went down.
I agree that the premiere problem lies completely with the marketing (or lack thereof), but what with these fans and those fans are saying clifhanger-wise, apparently GA had a better finale last season. Its understandable that there were a number of CSI fans that dropped because of the now public GSR, but I do believe that CSI as a forensics show lost some of its juice this past season. I really did enjoy seeing a "classic" episode Thursday night, without it being over played or whatnot.
I like to think of it as a new laZboy. Comes with slight damage to the wallet, will take a while to break in, but once it does it will shine like no other. and it will be more comfortable than ever before. well, that be my forecast for this season. (inspired by my laZboy calling my name from across the room)

but as far as marketing goes, ive always seen CBS, and ABC as the most stable networks. NBC is getting there if not already present. but FOX on the other hand. well i still havent gotten over the dumba$$es that cancelled "Arrested Development". but thats a different thread.

AND: Grissom and Sara are working the case with the mini crime scene within the big crime scene, no? I barely caught the scenes from PART 2.
about the whole marketing thing, i have to disagree. i don't think overadversiting episodes is a good idea, b/c when the episode is not "the greatest ever" but average good, the viewers are dissapointed and instead of thinking it was ok, they think it was terrible in comparinson to the expectations. just look what happened to S6 finale. it was a good episode, really. what am i saying, both episodes were great. BUT the expectations made by overadvertising it, and pumping up the expectations, caused much worse reviews that those eps deserved.

CSI season premiere was very good, and marketing wasn't stalking everyone who opened any medium, like in GA case. GA premiere was probably average, and people are dissapointed by it now, that's why i share sarah's view that next thursday it's gonna be CSI that will win the battle.

i don't know about GA, but we also have a huge cliffhanger, so i think there is no doubt that this time, it'll be a closer tigh.

but i don't worry about all this that much. for us, it doesn't really matter, as long as CSI is one of, or the best show on TV. what matters though, is solving crimes and GSR.
I still can't find the TVGuide in my area. They all have pics of Dempsey. I'm going to broaden my search tmra since Mondays are my light days. I know it sounds stupid, but I want that proof of GSR in the press to keep forever and ever! I don't usually buy magazines, etc, but this is one that needs to be kept!

I, along with everyone else, am curious to see what GSR we get across this season. Even spoiled, I'm fairly clueless. Viva la GSR! :)
OK guys, BACK ON TOPIC. If you wish to discuss CSI vs Grey's Anatomy or anything else that's not related to Grissom/Sara, please take it over to the CSI:Crime Scene Investigation forum.
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