Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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LOL. I have a feeling that between Catherine's cliffhanger, and people realizing that GSR is there, but not taking over the show AND the fact that it seems like they have their old dynamic back... (and the fact that there is no sexual tension left at Grey's and no one left for them to have sex with) that the ratings are going to bounce back.

In Canada CSI bested Grey's by about a million and a half viewers. Pretty good considering that Canada's population is one-tenth that of the US, and Grey's entire ratings was 2 million.
Sara_Grissom_Fan said:
can someone tell me in what ep she says "You know, by the time you figure it out, you really could be too late."

i saw it under someones banner and i havent seen that yet or i cant remember it at least, could someone help me out, thankyou in advance :)
the episode is "play with fire" 3x22 i hope to have help you ;)
about the grey always i think that csi is more similar to house that G.A , grey is more soup-opera and house is case +personal life how csi .
i think that the relathion gsr is´t the problem about the rating how some people say :eek:
I'm mad at my friend now. Wanna know why? Cause she watched The Show That Must Not Be Named, instead of CSI... HOW DARE SHE!

Woo! I'm buying a GSR hat! lol.

haha so apparently I'm starting the 'Kill All To Be Continued Signs' Cult eh? Yeah.. go me!

So I decided to watch the Built To Kill Pt.2 promo.. do I need spoiler boxes for this? Meh.. I'll put them there anyway..

So I was happy cause at first, Grissom and Sara were talking and I was going 'hehehehehe' uncontrollably. But then, Catherine got into the car accident and its at the part where she says 'they took my daughter', and I'm gasping!!!!!! She's not having a very good week is she? Anyway, after the promo, I screamed. My brother and twin came running down the stairs going "WHY WERE YOU SCREAMING?!" and then I showed them the promo.. my twin screamed, but my brother didn't see the big deal.. Anyway, I CAN'T WAIT!

IT'S A CULT!? WOW! DO WE HAVE HATS! BADGES, AND TEESHIRTS?! The Sara thread has teeshirts.. :p But you know all about that.

I haven't seen the promo. It is true that..

That Sara s going to say to Grissom, "I want to wake up next to you so that when I have nightmares you can remind me it's not real." Roka4CSI told me that she says that to Grisosm during the next eppisode.
Aww! I think that is one of the sweetest things I have ever heard my life... but it reminds me a little too much of the time Sara asked Griss to sleep with her.

I want the hats, t-shirts, all that fun stuff! All I have is a shirt (that my uncle got in Vegas) that says, "Whatever happens in Vegas can be photoshopped out". That's my 'Thursday Shirt'.
Im not gonna lied i was a bit shocked that GA beat CSI. I seriously thought that CSI was going to be at the top and they warent. But i dont care i mean as long as im not among the 3 millions that aren't watching CSI im cool with it cause the season premiere cliffhanger was just like WoW!! :eek: :eek: I mean first what happened to Cath i wasn't all into the Cath!Drama but after seeing this episode i was just like Wow is gonna be goood! And then that other very MYSTERIOUS kind of weird(in a scary way) case looked goood and i just cant wait till this Thursday!!

So i've read some rumors that this particular case (the one with the mini crime scene) was going to be one of those like Paul Milander or aka Blue Paint Killer and is going to go throughout this season :eek: And by Grissom's POV he already seems very amazed. Im guessing this killer is really going to get under his skin :rolleyes:
i dont know how to set up that spoiler thing, so ill be vauge so i dont spoil it. that is SO cute, i agree with the last poster too, that does remind me of that convo, but the situations totally different now. and i assumed that what she is supposed to say to him, would be already happening, is she saying she wants it to be every night?....

anyways thankyou Sidlreiana_15! :)

i loved how in the ep, when her hand was hurt, that he said it didnt look good, and called her honey. awwwwwwwwww thats just the cutest!

and in season 1, or at least at the moment, even tho the lovely couple have had a few very cute/flirty scenes, the one i just watched, he asked that bones lady out to dinner. *tut* and Saras been flirting and happy with a few people too, so the connection they share, it wasnt there at this point, it grew. first it was flirty fun. i always assumed sara liked him like that from the get-go.

what was saras first hint, she liked him like that?
sarahvma said:
theatre - here's the thing, though. In the early seasons, it seems like they always had little tacked-on scenes when it came to character interactions, and that's always something I liked. Was it necessary for Grissom and Warrick to be playing chess while doing an experiment? Did we need to watch it? No, but it established their quirks and personalities.
Actually the chess game was a device (I'm not saying it didn't establish their quirks etc. but it was primarily a device). To indicate the length of time it was taking the bus tyres to wear down (everyone knows chess games are supposed to take forever) and to a lesser extent, to show Warrick get the call that required him to leave (which I don't suppose they need have showed for this reason - they could have just showed him arriving at the lab - but even so, they were working it into furthering the story in that way).

Can you think of any other scenes from earlier seasons that you felt were tacked on? It's like 6am here - thinking is a struggle :p

So the scene was really about them watching Brass's medal of valor and during that, he comes in. So it was furthering the plot, and then adding to character interaction - which was sorely lacking last year.
But they could have easily watched Brass on TV and cut straight to Warrick talking about the case, rather than going TV - Burger - Case. The moment with the burger itself did nothing to further the plot whatsoever.

I agree that it would be good to have more character interaction, but there are better ways to do it. They needn't further a case, but even furthering a character arc would be good. I don't feel the veggie burger scene really did either. Yes, it showed the audience where Grissom and Sara are 'at' right now, but they kinda already knew that, and it felt kinda...random. Essentially they did the same (or a similar) thing, but in a MUCH better way with the later "Bye" scene.
I'm really excited for next Thursday to come. It'll be here pretty fast to, since I'm working on the homecoming float with my class all week. I'm taking Thursday off from working on the banners and float and stuff, just so I can watch CSI and go to my soccer practice. That's dedication, if you ask me. =P

Also, I've been hearing from a couple people I talk to on "" that WP is going to do S7 and then leave.=[ Anyone got a yes or no answer for that?
Mini_Catherine said:
IT'S A CULT!? WOW! DO WE HAVE HATS! BADGES, AND TEESHIRTS?! The Sara thread has teeshirts.. :p But you know all about that.

I haven't seen the promo. It is true that..

That Sara s going to say to Grissom, "I want to wake up next to you so that when I have nightmares you can remind me it's not real." Roka4CSI told me that she says that to Grisosm during the next eppisode.
O.M.G this phrase is real :eek: is so sweet, i want to see this episode now, and it´s face ...lovely sure
Mini_Catherine said:
IT'S A CULT!? WOW! DO WE HAVE HATS! BADGES, AND TEESHIRTS?! The Sara thread has teeshirts.. :p But you know all about that.

I haven't seen the promo. It is true that..

wooo!! I should make them!!! HAHA! I think I will! :p

Guys.. I know you are all gunna be disappointed, but.. I READ A SPOILER! :( I was quotting someone and I read it.. but I'm not gunna read any more spoilers...

Just been catching up on my reading...

Obviously, I've only seen the little clips on the GSR site, but I didn't get the impression that "veggiegate" was a tacked on scene. I thought it was to show the viewers how far Grissom has come on with his feelings for others since he's being seeing Sara. His interaction is usually either blunt or educational. This appeared personal to me. He can share and do things for other people now.. It's a sort of character development.

I think that was the reason for the 'bye' too.

If Grissom, like William Petersen suggests, hasn't been in a relationship for 10 plus years, then maybe he is playing a role. He thinks this is how loved up men act, bringing dinner in for their partner. The smiles between them over Warrick's head show Sara is grateful for the food and the gesture.

It needs contextualising, which sadly, I won't be able to do for a while, but that's just what was suggested to me.
I don't think it was 'tacked on' and even if it was, who cares? Stop whining, we've got our GSR, why complain about the form it takes? :)
Re: Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

Couldn't agree more. :D. Just responding to what I'd read! I'm just glad GSR wasn't forgotten. God Bless 'Em at CBS!
BIG APPLAUSE on that one-Crysthala NO "GA" won't even spell it out, on here- good anaylazation of that "other" show- :(as Grissom said in "Feeling The Heat" "I don't get people" traitors- :eek: how did that happen?- I was so shocked, :mad: and on the "veggie burger" little scene, Warrick doesn't get it, went right over his head, he just wanted to know "hey where's mine" the "soy sorry" cute Gris, you little rascal :lol:pic. from days gone by- "matching clothes"

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