Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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Hello everyone
I am new to this forum but I have been a GSR shipper for quite some time
Actually I am part of what we call GSR Club at another forum
I would usually look through this forum once in a while and I have finally decided to sign up

I totally loved the veggie burger scene and the "according to my supervisor" scene
It wasn't too over the top or anything, it was subtle so that it wasn't shoved down anyone's throats (like other shippers', i mean)
Oh, and who else thought that when Sara was checking her beeper, Grissom was totally checking out her backside?
Maybe it was just me but i like the thought of it :D
CSI season premiere was very good, and marketing wasn't stalking everyone who opened any medium, like in GA case. GA premiere was probably average, and people are dissapointed by it now, that's why i share sarah's view that next thursday it's gonna be CSI that will win the battle.

Sorry, 1CSIMfan - I'll tie this into GSR, believe me.

Here's the thing - TPTB at GA pimped the shit out of "Meredith's choice". Really, other than TV Guide and all of the newspapers who reported on the internet backlash, has TPTB of CSI really talked about GSR at all, other than when asked about it?

My point is: SHOULD CSI become about GSR? Of course not - but it's like Golffer said. A LOT of people watched GA because they made Meredith's "choice" seem so urgent, so desperate. Whereas they thought, "Meh, CSI is CSI - I can catch it next week"

And in that sense, they're right - but I think marketing CSI as this big musical review also did them no favors, nor did talking SO much about Cirque when it was really more a backdrop than anything else.

Should CSI become about GSR? No, but if they want to establish that there are important running storylines in the lives of the CSI characters, and really start to make this a "don't miss an episode" show, it might bring back viewers who don't feel that its cases are enough to force them to watch every Thursday.

In other important news - yes, Grissom was totally checking Sara's ass.

Cuz he's seen it naked.




I'm so rude - big WELCOME to csitelma


AND: Grissom and Sara are working the case with the mini crime scene within the big crime scene, no? I barely caught the scenes from PART 2.

From the promo, it looks like they share significant screentime together on that case. However, I still don't know if the "first blush" conversation is in that episode or Toe Tags, which is the one I'm really looking forward to.
In other important news - yes, Grissom was totally checking Sara's ass.

Cuz he's seen it naked.
More than once I might add :lol:

imagine this
Sara: Why do you keep staring at my butt so much?
Grissom: It looked better last night
Sara: Better how?
Grissom: It was naked
More than once I might add

imagine this
Sara: Why do you keep staring at my butt so much?
Grissom: It looked better last night
Sara: Better how?
Grissom: It was naked


Picture another, if you will:

It's a hot summer's day, Sara's lounging at Lake Mead, Grissom comes out of their rented cabin to take in the view. Sara looks over.

SARA: Grissom, what the hell?
SARA: That shirt.
GRISSOM: I traded a local indigenous person in the jungle for this. It has history.
SARA: Grissom, somewhere an indigenous tribe was laughing at you.
GRISSOM: *Glare*
SARA: Besides, it looks better on the floor.
Wow, sleep for an entire day and you miss so much...

Um, first off, the poll.. I went with 'boring but I loved the GSR'.. I don't really think I need to explain beyond that, I've already mentioned that I found the episode lacking but the GSR faaaantastical.

But I think we would've seen a Catherine eye-flick between the two of them, rather than a distracted "Where's the love" (MON???? - that one's for Zigs)
*snigger* mon.. heh heh heh... *rolls on floor*

I'm sick as a frigging dog and I don't want to miss the Desperate Housewives premiere, so I'll talk more later.. but A BIG WELCOME to all the newbies!
Um, first off, the poll.. I went with 'boring but I loved the GSR'.. I don't really think I need to explain beyond that, I've already mentioned that I found the episode lacking but the GSR faaaantastical.

Dude. We, like, hazed through that entire episode. I don't remember a single thing about it other than veggie burgers and sesame seeds.

I'm sick as a frigging dog and I don't want to miss the Desperate Housewives premiere, so I'll talk more later.. but A BIG WELCOME to all the newbies!


Anyway - I really do have to go back at re-watch that premiere at some point. The GSR was great, and of course we both automatically shut up and sobered up for those parts, but it seems the episode itself was good from what I keep hearing.
LOL I love the quotes...y'all are funny :) The only thing I have is a funny one picked up from somewhere else. "Hey many polyesters died to make that shirt?" lol. I still say she should make him burn it. He'd look much better out of it anyway :devil: Like our old topic..."who cares, the shirt's coming off anyway" hehe.
OK guys, BACK ON TOPIC. If you wish to discuss CSI vs Grey's Anatomy or anything else that's not related to Grissom/Sara, please take it over to the CSI:Crime Scene Investigation forum.
sorry for that 1CSIMfan.

ahoy Da Newbies :D with little luck this thread will become your second family, lol. WE won't sink, b/c we're already in the port.

your dialoques crack me up. "it's better on the floor" LOL.

uh, i forgot to mention that i voted for the first option on the poll. i think i explained my motives enough in previous posts. gotta go now and do my business homework.
Dude. We, like, hazed through that entire episode. I don't remember a single thing about it other than veggie burgers and sesame seeds.
What about sesame seeds? This is true. I remember nothing. I will be sober next time, I swear.

Just so everyone knows, our beloved mod TuesdayMorning has passed away. There's a condolences thread set up in the Fan Art section, for those who knew her to say goodbye. She was great fun and will be missed. :(
uh, i forgot to mention that i voted for the first option on the poll. i think i explained my motives enough in previous posts. gotta go now and do my business homework.


Nah - I think that the polls were kind of starting to wear thin over the summer, so until we can freely discuss certain spoiled topics...

Still not sure what to make of this, but Mystery at YTDAW says that she's 100% (or almost) sure that WP will not be there for all of season 8. Which we knew, because he wants to do the play. However, because he actually plans on being more involved in said play, he probably won't be there for even half of the season. Now, somewhat bigger news: Jorja's contract is not up yet for renegotiation (Mystery was hazy on the why) and word is that whether or not WP comes back at ALL is hinging on whether Jorja signs her contract. aka - the old rumors about WP wanting to leave the show with Grissom and Sara together are true. But if both actors decide that it's enough for them, this could very well be our last year of GSR. Bad news in a sense - no more GSR, but good news in that they DID get together, and they would be leaving together. And way too many shows just went on a couple seasons too long. So it might encourage them to go out with a bang. Here's the real unfortunate part: CBS is determined to go on with or without WP for season 8 and maybe even season 9. Which means that if the show turns to crap with the potential loss of GSR... CSI is just going to fall to pieces much like Buffy or Angel or X-Files. So bad news, good news, but any way you look at it, good news for the ship.

What about sesame seeds? This is true. I remember nothing. I will be sober next time, I swear.

Next time?
I totally agree with you on that
I think what is really important, is that the writers let g and s stay together till the end. If both of them should leave the show than they should leave as a couple happy ever after. If just Gil leaves than he should still be together with sara and vice versa. It doesnt ment if one of them leaves the show that GSR must be over because of this. The writers could say that they are still together but working in different jobs or maybe gil is tired of working as an csi and takes some time off to write a book or something like that. I doubt that gsr will end badly because why then bringing it up anyway after such a long time. And I can fully understand that wp wants to do something different, he is on the show now for nearly seven years. I think its better to end the show with an ending that really bangs but in a positive way than to let it turn into something boring.
And I think that at the very least it means that if this IS our last season, we can kind of just sit back and enjoy it. I have a feeling that if neither of them choose to renew, they're going to have Ecklie "fire" them both, or both will quit, and go off somewhere. I also get the feeling that if that happens, they'll probably bring them back a couple of times for a ratings boost. But anyway - my instinct right now is that Jorja WILL renew and WP will sign for half the season.
You said season 8.. as in he won't be around for half of season 8.. but this play is being produced this season, is it not? So is he not going to be around for half of THIS season then? Ugh. I don't like the sound of this one bit.

And yeah. Next time I watch CSI. You're not invited to my house EVER AGAIN. It has to do with the toilet paper that was scattered all over my living room. *scoff*
No, no - the play he's doing THIS season will cause him to miss two episodes, according to... well... himself. But he wasn't that involved in it. He's just acting, rather than producing or just being around for the whole process. He said that NEXT season he's in talks to do another play, but one that he wants to be really really invested in, causing him to miss half the season. However, because Jorja's contract isn't up for renegotiations, WP is going to wait and see what she does before he signs to come back at all.


And I shall have you KNOW that when certain people showed up in the credits, certain other people grabbed my particular pile of throwing tissue and tossed it all. So certain people are far more guilty than I.
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