Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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so basically, if her contract isnt renewed, hes gonna walk. if it is, the chances are he will stay. i like that idea. i wouldnt want sara there without grissom. it would feel like the whole show was missing something, id prefer them to leave together.

i wonder why a lot of people are very negative towards this pairing. i love them, but it seems quite a few arnt fond of the grissom/sara pairup, (which is the only pair up on the show, and therefore means the only one ever probably-yet other threads are far more popular.)

is it the age? that people dont want sara with grissom and vice versa, that because their relationship is the way it is (him the boss), and so people dont like its happening, that they worry it might ruin the show? ..

i dont get it, they have a beautiful chemistry together, they get on well, like each other and have many similar interests. they have a lot in common....their a lovely couple i think.

anyways its cute that Jorja and WP are so close on and off set, because i get the feeling he'd have walked earlier if it hadnt been for her.
Spoilers have to stay in spoiler tags!

It's not really a matter of them "walking" - it's not like it's a money issue like last season, but both Jorja and Billy have said they want to try other things, and both of them come from theater backgrounds, so in order to do other things, I think they expect to be really, really involved in them. Billy has said for a while now, according to mystery, that when Jorja goes, he goes. Not because the two actors are so close, necessarily, but because he wants his character to end up with hers'. So, in essence, if she is going to stay, he still won't be in all of Season 8, but he will return.

I think that while people want to hide behind the age difference argument, it really comes down to a simple truth - they don't like Sara, and they do like Grissom.

So they try to justify this by saying "She's too young for him!"
"It's inappropriate because he's the boss"

but really - they just don't want him to be with her, no matter what the scenario.

Which, again, I understand - if a character I liked ended up with one I didn't, I wouldn't support it. I guess what I dislike is that so many slanderous names get thrown out at GSR simply because they're trying to say, "It's not just because I don't like her, it's because of this very important reason".
I think that while people want to hide behind the age difference argument, it really comes down to a simple truth - they don't like Sara, and they do like Grissom.

So they try to justify this by saying "She's too young for him!"
"It's inappropriate because he's the boss"

but really - they just don't want him to be with her, no matter what the scenario.

Which, again, I understand - if a character I liked ended up with one I didn't, I wouldn't support it. I guess what I dislike is that so many slanderous names get thrown out at GSR simply because they're trying to say, "It's not just because I don't like her, it's because of this very important reason".
i very much agree to this. but i think most of the people either don't care that much about it, or they just favor the ship. and i've got a proof - there was still those 22 mln people tunning in the premiere. if this parining was so disastrous in its effects like many anti-GSR people on this board implied after last season's finale, the rating would loose againt other CSI shows, that accomplish only 16 mln people a week. and we forget about one more major thing - GA. i don't think we had ratings a little less than average b/c of GSR, but simply because of marketing, and GA.

when a show is original, incredibly successful, runs for years, has a huge number of fans, and has its own formula, there is no way that everybody will agree to even a slight change in it. and, how inadequate it sounds, GSR is a minor change. that's why even if someone doesn't ship or just doesn't like the pairing will still end up watching the show, b/c solving crimes is what primarly hooked him on.
my friend is against this ship, her stated reason is that sara is too dull (would you believe it!) for grissom.

ok, i can accept she may well feel like that, but when she states she'd rather see gris with sophia i dispare...
Welcome csitelma glad your here, have fun- and on the WP leaving, he's bought a new home in Chicago, and is nogtiations with a director in Chicago- for doing more theater, next year, and will Jorja leave? time will tell :( I hope if and when he leaves, she'll do the same, their not leaving the planet, just CSI, so we can still follow their careers, and won't that be great ;)7 years is a long run- and they're both so talented, on to big and better things- ;) so I just want to enjoy this last season, for sure, and soak up every moment with them- :p

i very much agree to this. but i think most of the people either don't care that much about it, or they just favor the ship. and i've got a proof - there was still those 22 mln people tunning in the premiere. if this parining was so disastrous in its effects like many anti-GSR people on this board implied after last season's finale, the rating would loose againt other CSI shows, that accomplish only 16 mln people a week. and we forget about one more major thing - GA. i don't think we had ratings a little less than average b/c of GSR, but simply because of marketing, and GA.

Yeah - I found it interesting that the news blurb on this site said that the spin-offs had performed better when neither got the same amount of viewers. I know they meant "Did better for their night", but... I dunno... does anyone think that second or third place is really SO awful?

Especially when they have CANON? lol.

I suppose the good news is that if they decide that Grissom and Sara will leave this season, they're going to have to give us a Why, meaning we'll get some real relationship development
Hi everyone! I haven't been able to get online in a really long time because of personal stuff.
I've heard that people are boycotting CSI just because of GSR being canon... Can't they just be happy for us who support them and just let it take a while to see what happens before they judge it?!
I have a friend who isn't into anyone being together on the show, but she says that she would never stop watching CSI just because of the fact that Grissom and Sara are together and that she actually needs to see how they all treats it before she can say if it is so horrible as she thinks it will be (I think she's scared that CSI will turn into a soap opera).
yeah, also the age difference argument is ... gotta say this - completely without sense. WHAT age difference? 15 yrs? pleeease, give me a break. if i was to hook up with him, that'd be an age difference, 30 yrs, lol. but 15? i just can't believe people can be so two-faced, ya know? on one hand asking for tolerance for certain sexual preferences, and on the other discriminating a 15 years age difference.

and yeah, saying GSR's wrong b/c of AD and saying Gofia, Kessom are ok, when both of the women are approximately the same age as Sara, strongly suggests that the argument is missed, and is just a lame excuse to bash a ship.

okey, i touched a very sensitive topic. so i'm going on a less risky ground now.

Yeah - I found it interesting that the news blurb on this site said that the spin-offs had performed better when neither got the same amount of viewers. I know they meant "Did better for their night", but... I dunno... does anyone think that second or third place is really SO awful?
heck no. but i think they can still reach first place again especially with GSR in it. i also think a "kiss" ep would be able to get 30 mln viewers, if well promoted.

OT: got a question, anybody knows what is The Most successful scripted show on TV? i mean, the most watched over the years? x-files, er, friends? or maybe CSI?
Adzix said:
yeah, also the age difference argument is ... gotta say this - completely without sense. WHAT age difference? 15 yrs? pleeease, give me a break. if i was to hook up with him, that'd be an age difference, 30 yrs, lol. but 15? i just can't believe people can be so two-faced, ya know? on one hand asking for tolerance for certain sexual preferences, and on the other discriminating a 15 years age difference.

and yeah, saying GSR's wrong b/c of AD and saying Gofia, Kessom are ok, when both of the women are approximately the same age as Sara, strongly suggests that the argument is missed, and is just a lame excuse to bash a ship.

okey, i touched a very sensitive topic. so i'm going on a less risky ground now.
I agree. I also think that the writers did just as any good writer should do. Let the character talk for themselves about where they were heading and I think it was pretty obvious where exactly that meant for Grissom and Sara.
how do i insert a spoiler box? :)

anyways, i agree with everyone, the age thing isnt the real reason so many are against them, i get the feeling some just dont want grissom with sara. and for sara fans, some dont want her with grissom, and would prefer her with someone like greg. i love sara, i cant believe she isnt the most popular, but im just glad their together, her and grissom. i watched some more of season two, and she for sure has a tenderness towards him, when gregs asking her to have break with him, shes clueless to what hes suggesting and why, and she jokes on a lot and laughs with others, but i noticed tenderness in the scene where she touches his cheek. the way she was looking at him. it was adorable. you could tell she cared. and i guess we must enjoy this season, and they'll most likely still be together when one or both leaves csi. :)
You insert a spoiler box like this:

<spoiler=this is how you insert a spoiler box>Now, you put the spoiler in here, but make sure not to make any paragraph breaks (read: press the enter button) because if you do, the tags will not work and EVERYONE WILL BE SPOILED (and not in the good way your grandma spoils you, or cookies do before dinner). You just have to write the whole thing in ONE BIG CHUNK. Lol.</spoiler>

Except replace the < > tags for [ ] tags. And that ^ will look like this:

Now, you put the spoiler in here, but make sure not to make any paragraph breaks (read: press the enter button) because if you do, the tags will not work and EVERYONE WILL BE SPOILED (and not in the good way your grandma spoils you, or cookies do before dinner). You just have to write the whole thing in ONE BIG CHUNK. Lol.

Anyway, I think the old "age difference" argument is STUPID. Both on the show and IRL. And it doesn't warrant me putting anymore of my valuable effort into thinking/fighting about it :)
Anyway, I think the old "age difference" argument is STUPID. Both on the show and IRL. And it doesn't warrant me putting anymore of my valuable effort into thinking/fighting about it
i actually don't understand why people are so obsessed over age difference
i mean, i think all that matters is that the people have feelings for each other
by the way, aren't Billy and his wife about 15 yrs apart also, or something like that?
by the way, aren't Billy and his wife about 15 yrs apart also, or something like that?
i actually wanted to make the same point in my previous post, but since we're not discussing actors private lives but only the characters, i erased it. but yes, i believe Gina, Billy's wife, may be actually even younger than Jorja/Sara or at the same age.

right now, there is so much people that are together despite AD, that i seriously can't understand why people see something wrong in GSR. so yeah, it's definitely not a real argument. it's just, when someone asks anti-GSR person "why you don't like this ship?", AD is a better answer than "just BECAUSE" or "cuz i don't like sara/grissom".

but if somebody doesn't like this ship or another it's his/hers only decision. everyone is free to comment on what's going on in the show, and choose their favorite couple. that's why we've got our beloved shipper central and separate threads for every pairing. cuz if we didn't ... boy, i'm scared to think what would happen, lol.
And I shall have you KNOW that when certain people showed up in the credits, certain other people grabbed my particular pile of throwing tissue and tossed it all. So certain people are far more guilty than I.
*cough* I don't know what you're talking about.

yeah, also the age difference argument is ... gotta say this - completely without sense. WHAT age difference? 15 yrs? pleeease, give me a break
I think part of the problem is that people who object to the age difference just see it as so foreign that they can't accept it.. people whose husbands or wives are close in age to them or whatever. Another thing is, an age difference of 15 years is really not all that uncommon amongst the intellectual elite. Really intelligent people in the top 5% and upwards (such as Grissom and Sara) often gravitate to older or younger people of similar intellect, because they are so rare that if you connect with an equal on a romantic level, you snap them up. Likely those that object GSR so strenuously because of the age difference are just not familiar with such circumstances.

Oh, and Sarah, of course you're welcome to come back for part two this Thursday. If you want to make it a regular, or semi-regular thing that's fine too. It's up to you, but you're always welcome on CSI day- we'll just be slowly driving poor Malcolm nutsoid :devil:

ETA: Sporter, you know you love my Mrs. Grodenko icon. Don't deny it. I might just have to put it up as my Talk icon so she can show up evil Tom.!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!

Oh well. I am spoiler free this season. I am spoiler free! *repeats into oblivion*

By the way, the thread name is great. I haven't been on the GSR threads recently, and didn't know about it! I must keep up with you people!

Gillian Sara Grissom
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