Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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Yeah. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm really really looking forward to the Cath storyline next week. And I love that it looks like our geeks are getting quality time together. I'm not sure if the "first blush" conversation is next week or Toe Tags but I believe it's Toe Tags. Oh well, every Grissom and Sara moment is now a GSR moment. My mom's like, "Why doesn't Catherine call Sara? Oh. Right. She's probably in bed. With him." I love my mom. lol.

Hey - I don't want to burst your bubble, but I haven't heard that spoiler before. I Could be wrong, of course.

Actually the chess game was a device (I'm not saying it didn't establish their quirks etc. but it was primarily a device). To indicate the length of time it was taking the bus tyres to wear down (everyone knows chess games are supposed to take forever) and to a lesser extent, to show Warrick get the call that required him to leave (which I don't suppose they need have showed for this reason - they could have just showed him arriving at the lab - but even so, they were working it into furthering the story in that way).

Right. And that's my point - they just used to have more "transitions". I think now that they just tend to do so many multi-cases (remember when the B-storylines were, like, 5 minutes long?) that they just don't have as much time for that stuff as they used to. Now it would be like... they start the test, tend to the other storyline, and Grissom comes in for answers.

But they could have easily watched Brass on TV and cut straight to Warrick talking about the case, rather than going TV - Burger - Case. The moment with the burger itself did nothing to further the plot whatsoever.

Agreed, but what purpose did Greg and the Swami Hat bet serve? I'm just saying they used to have little throaway scenes all the time.
I've only seen it once, but it had something to do with Sara saying she wanted to wake up next to Grissom when having a nightmare? To me, it sounds like someone got mixed up by old clips being shown. Remember the episode where Sara asked Grissom if he wanted to sleep with her? It wasn't anything romantic, it was about him explaining to her that she had empathy for the murdered Kay Shelton, and her explaining that if he stayed in her bed, and was there when she woke up in the middle of the night covered in sweat because she was hearing Kay's screams, then he could dare and try to tell her it was nothing, just empathy. It's a classic scene, but I think Grissom's new lack of beard is throwing some people off who may not have seen all of the earlier seasons.... I know that, besides GSR moments I've seen online, I'm STILL behind on some season 3 episodes....
Agreed. I think it had more to do with the fact that CBS showed a GSR over the years highlight reel, which included the "Will you sleep with me/nightmeres" speech. Perhaps because Grissom is now bare-faced, it was confused with a spoiler.
Loved it- perfect- sweet and subtle-, I have a friend , who's not nuts like we all are, over this, (she is nuts over WP) but thought that moment was her words, "just right" that the writers are really perfect, not shoving it down our throats, just a tad, but got the point across
I agree. I'd much rather see these little domestic scenes rather than the two making out on his desk.

I do think we'll get a kiss eventually, but I don't want this to just become another workplace romance copycat show.

And there's real affection, real longevity, to a show that's willing to throw in such a small little scene.

And the "according to my supervisor" - a nice nod that they were having a bf/gf moment.
One thing that I noticed about the promo pictures is that the body language.

The picture on the right has Grissom turned away from Sara and the one on the left has both of them looking equally looking at the camera. I know I could go in to great detail about the body language and everything, but it's late and I'm sure everyone here is smart enough to gather where I'm attempting to go with this.
Sirius_Hope - which promo pic? Abbey Road or the one in TV Guide?

Edited by 1CSIMfan to correct the subject line. Not sure what happened to it. :(


Thanks! lol.

Anyway - although GSR was anything anyone could talk about all summer, I found it odd that their ads (the few that they ran) contained none.

Notice that next week's promo was, like 60% GSR interaction and 40% the very important Catherine scenes.

In the end, the ratings sytem is flawed and it's pretty well-known. I think so long as CSI is hot news because of GSR, CBS isn't stupid enough to end it.
About veggie burgers, my husband and I both agree that if Catherine had been there, alarms would have gone off for her. She definitely would have been on the road to suspicion.

Heh. I think this might be my first post. GSR will do that, I guess.
So, I was debating what to eat for a midnight snack, and opened up my freezer. There, staring at me, were my Morningstar Grillers. Translation? Veggie burgers. I've been eating them for years since I can't eat a lot of red meat, and I just started smiling.

It was such a small moment, and I've watched it a thousand times since, but it was really what we needed to see how much more considerate he has gotten. He got her lunch without her asking. He brought her a veggie burger, knowing that's what she'd like.

There is one thing that I find amusing. Someone on another board mentioned how Gris didn't know Warrick was there, and probably wanted to eat with his woman, and I think that is definitely accurate considering he was still carrying his own meal. I'm amazed he didn't use his death ray eyes to burn Warrick into a puddle for taking his seat!

Seriously, though, I can't believe Warrick didn't pick up a single thing, especially from Sara's looks. I know he couldn't see Grissom's face, but he could see Sara's, and to me, she looks like a woman with a secrete. :)

As for the poll, I was bored to tears with most of the episode. It picked up in the last ten minutes, but, mostly I was excited about the GSR until then. My father watched with me. He's not a shipper at all. He was really bored until those last ten minutes. He kept remarking on how "Slow" it was. However, my dad, the noromo, thought nothing of the GSR moments. In the past, he'd roll his eyes and make snide comments, but, I think it was a good balance.

And, welcome Dharma! You're definitely right. Catherine has a sixth sense when it comes to Gil, and she would've picked up on the love vibes going from Grissom to Sara in that moment! :)
ziggystarduzt said:
I don't think it was 'tacked on' and even if it was, who cares? Stop whining, we've got our GSR, why complain about the form it takes? :)
Whining? ...Are you f'n kidding me here?!

Aaaaanyway *peels eyebrow off ceiling* ... desertwind, I totally made/put together that matching clothes love pic. Yes, that exact one. I am amused by things like that popping up over the net (in places other than where I posted them). Like a comic-y type thing I did for The Love turning up in one of the Fort threads over here, posted by some random :p

Right. And that's my point - they just used to have more "transitions". I think now that they just tend to do so many multi-cases (remember when the B-storylines were, like, 5 minutes long?) that they just don't have as much time for that stuff as they used to. Now it would be like... they start the test, tend to the other storyline, and Grissom comes in for answers
Agreed. I miss the transitions :( I'd be happy for them to have a big A, a pretty small B, and some good ol' transitions. What do you reckon?

what purpose did Greg and the Swami Hat bet serve? I'm just saying they used to have little throaway scenes all the time.
All the better to process evidence with, my dear. Heh. Is that lab tech still around, btw? God, I feel bad for having forgotten her name right now...Anyway, she was great.

But no, I see what you mean. I guess the reason it felt out of place is because, as you say, yes, they USED to do stuff like that all the time, they just haven't for ages, so maybe I've gotten used to it not being there? Who knows.

Either way, I enjoyed the scene regardless. You know that :p But I stand by my hope they'd work things in more. I mean, even with the swami hat it was involved with the work they were doing (not the hat itself was, but I mean the bet had to do with them racing on processing their evidence, which was of course [again] furthering the story).

You don't have to come up with more examples, though, Sar. Heh. I know what you mean.

ETA: A big welcome to Dharma!


Enjoy your time here, girl, and if you ever need to know anything, don't hesitate to ask any one of us :)
I must say that I enjoyed the season premiere.

First off, the Cirque du Soleil scenes were as magical as I thought they would be. Their productions always have such a gorgeous and demented "organized choas" feel to them; it's like a 7 course meal for the eyes.

I thought the first two cases were good. Not amazing, mind you, but nice.

"Soy sorry"?? Hee! Adorkable!

Damn, it just wasn't SuperDave's night was it? Loved the fact that he got so over-enthusiastic talking about his work that his future in-laws stopped eating. Ha! Hope it wasn't cold cuts!!

Thoroughly enjoyed the Hodges scenes; "...I cook them with Herbes de Provence, drives the ladies wild...well, mom." Snort.
Oh and his "retaining water college friend" bit cracked me up.

There wasn't nearly enough Greg in the eppy but then I always say that.

I loved Sara's reaction when she realised that the partners were actually Partners. The way her hand briefly covered her mouth was touching. Good acting choice there, Jorja.

When Catherine started to get woozy from her drink, I yelled " F**k! Date rape!" As the seconds rolled by, I kept hoping I was wrong, that she was being kidnapped or framed for murder or something. Alas.

I usually don't like Catherine as a character, but watching her processing herself broke my heart. Nobody should EVER have to go throught that. Sadly, 1 woman in 4 will. Every so often,I really hate men. I think the Amazons had the right idea. Or maybe the praying mantis. :p

Grissom's diorama(is that the right word?) murder really grabbed my interest. Love it when they get a tottally f**ked up case like that. Crazies are fascinating. Can't wait 'til next week!

P.S. Can somebody explain this "Tongues cost more" thing to me, please? Not getting it.

"I was sleeping the other night, alone, thanks to the exterminator." Emo Phillips
Woo, look at me, I'm back! ...Yes, the new season has brought be back out from under my rock. But, once more, my return will be met with def ears, so yeah. Woot for me. ^^

jadzia911 - Not to be rude or anything, but I'm not sure your thoughts on the episode itself really belong in the GSR thread. They should probably be kept in a thread about the episode. I'm just saying. ;)

Though, to answer your question about the thread title, I believe it is a quote from the latest issue of TV Guide, in which GSR was the headline. I'm pretty sure it was William Petersen who said something about tongue costing more, when questioned about a Grissom/Sara kiss in the show.

But yeah, seeing as everything else has pretty much been covered about last week's episode in this thread, I'm going to return to my lurk-mode. :p

- Alexx
desertwind said:
BIG APPLAUSE on that one-Crysthala NO "GA" won't even spell it out, on here- good anaylazation of that "other" show- :(as Grissom said in "Feeling The Heat" "I don't get people" traitors- :eek: how did that happen?- I was so shocked, :mad: and on the "veggie burger" little scene, Warrick doesn't get it, went right over his head, he just wanted to know "hey where's mine" the "soy sorry" cute Gris, you little rascal :lol:pic. from days gone by- "matching clothes"


Those where the pictures I was talking about. But the Abby Road one (the newest I imagine) could also work with the body language. It seems to be completely opposite of the one on the right. Sara is no longer "chasing" Grissom, Grissom is now "chasing" her.

Who the heck knows, I'm probably reading way to much in to things. (I just find the body language of the promo pics over the seasons to be really intresting in terms of GSR)

ETA: I'm not sure why the pictures won't show up. :confused:
I'd like to extend the welcome to Dharma

About veggie burgers, my husband and I both agree that if Catherine had been there, alarms would have gone off for her. She definitely would have been on the road to suspicion.

Agreed. Even Catherine getting up from the table in Time of Your Death seemed... I dunno, like she was trying to get Greg to move his ass? But maybe not. Maybe she was oblivious at that point. They weren't flat-out staring at each other, and technically Sara and Greg were flirting harder.

But I think we would've seen a Catherine eye-flick between the two of them, rather than a distracted "Where's the love" (MON???? - that one's for Zigs)

Translation? Veggie burgers. I've been eating them for years since I can't eat a lot of red meat, and I just started smiling.

I wasn't even thinking about it, but I had a veg. burger the next evening for dinner. Course, I'm vegetarian, so there aren't a lot of choices, but still. Unconscious GSR. lol.

There is one thing that I find amusing. Someone on another board mentioned how Gris didn't know Warrick was there, and probably wanted to eat with his woman, and I think that is definitely accurate considering he was still carrying his own meal. I'm amazed he didn't use his death ray eyes to burn Warrick into a puddle for taking his seat!

I didn't catch that the first time because Zigs and I were drunkenly yelling 'VEGGIE BURGER LOVE!!' but we re-watched it after the episode was over (thanks to gglovebug and yeah - considering he a) didn't know Warrick was there (maybe Warrick walked in a little afterwards) and b) had his own lunch, I think he'd been intending to eat with her.

Or maybe they were going out to eat, and then she had to finish something up, so he brought something back.

Who knows?

Agreed. I miss the transitions I'd be happy for them to have a big A, a pretty small B, and some good ol' transitions. What do you reckon?

Well it seems to me that they're dispensing with a LOT of the equal B cases so far. Either that, or Gibby just isn't posting them. I like the quad cases, though, which is what Toe Tags is. But when they do two or three... they all just seem to get lost. Quad Cases pretty much set you up for vignettes. But yeah. Other than Toe Tags, I can't remember hearing about a secondary case.
All the better to process evidence with, my dear. Heh. Is that lab tech still around, btw? God, I feel bad for having forgotten her name right now...Anyway, she was great.

jackie, i think that's her name... fingerprint tech, played, i think by romy rosemont or something similar, not sure if she's still there or not though.

love those scenes... her tone of voice when refering to greg was classic. :)
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