saraXsullivan said:
I noticed at the end of the Fannysmackin' episode, when everyone was in the locker-room discussing the case, Sara was sticking up for the parents mid-conversation. I think it was because she felt that Warrick and Nick were saying that the kids are mirror-images of their parents, and Sara didn't like that. She rolls her eyes when she says 'your parents are on drugs', and I think there was a meaning in between the lines, as in, refering to her mother being put in a mental hospital, and being on anti-psychotics.
I think she was trying to say that it isn't the parents fault, because her parents weren't great, and she isn't in all the stuff the gang was. So basically, the parents could have been perfect, and it was all the child's decision.
Then Grissom speaks, and says 'The truth is, a moral compass can only point you in the right direction, but it can't make you go there', (at this point I think that Grissom is sticking up for Sara : ).) Then the camera turns to Sara, and shows her thinking about his words, so I'm thinking that Sara's childhood started out well, and she was pointed in the right direction, but then stuff happened between her parents, and her life fell apart, but she's fine, because it was her choice. Her moral compass pointed her in the right direction, and she decided to go there.
Maybe I'm over-analyzing the scene, but it could be a possibility.