Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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do believe Adzix is going to kill me now, people. So goodbye. I love you all.
no worries, i won't. i ship Kessom.
You never know. Sara strikes me as the kinky type.
you're right. You never know. They both might learn something. ... sorry, it's ts's fault - she reminded me of T42.
You know what? I don't doubt that
yes, thank you.
OR that his feelings run so deep that he doesn't want her to know, so he PRETENDS not to like her
True. It was a stupid poll.
this is a memorable moment everyone.
I knwo that CSI has trouble with making us feel for the victims. It's a constant downfall of the show, but I love my show, and I love Canon GSR. I love being able to look at an episode and wonder if the other characters are going to pick up on it, and I still want to know who the first to figure it out will be. My fiance and I always say it makes the most sense to be Catherine, but there could be a curveball thrown in there. I could honestly believe Greg figuring it out, first.

As could I. I think it would be nice on a few levels - yes, he's had that crush on Sara, so he's the most observant, but also he's one of the most observant and likely people who would talk to SARA about it, rather than Grissom. Catherine, Doc and Brass? All Grissom.

And his perspective is important, obviously, since he was the one who was trying to push it away for so long. I think that getting him to confess about it would open up a good dialogue about why he "could" do it all of the sudden, but I still want to know about Sara.

Yes, she has what she "wants", but what does that really mean for her? Is it what she expected, etc.

These aren't questions I really expect to get answered, but it would be nice if they do.

One thing I LIKE about the fact that GSR is canon? We're no long just waiting. So I don't spend the whole episode going, "Where's the GSR?!?!"... I can just enjoy it. I can enjoy the cases. Does anyone get what I mean?

Like, Gum Drops would've been SO much better, as great as it was, if the first time I'd seen it, I hadn't been sort of blindly hoping that the hotel room made it by some miracle anyhow.

The Unusual Suspect, Roshomama - both spectacular episodes that, on first viewing, got marred because I waited for Grissom to show up or for him to "notice" her like he was supposed to in the latter.

this is a memorable moment everyone.

Bite me.
I think that the serial killer case is a great measure in what Sara knew she was getting herself into. I mean, when she mentioned his obsessive nature in a joking manner, it was obviously something the two of them had come to terms with. I mean, we tore apart Grissom's obsession, and whether he wanted to control Sara, etc. Remember those long posts? I don't think we've ever had more consistently long posts than we did during that debate!

When Sara asked Grissom, at the end of BTK2, what he wanted "us" to do about it, she was wondering where her place was in all this, and he replied, "I'll deal with it." It's something he feels like he needs to handle himself, and you can tell she already has a sense of where this could go, of just how much this could eat at him, and I think that her face in that final shot of her says a lot about her understanding of the man. I do think, however, that this will be tough on them, but that, in the end, they'll be a united front.

Since we've seen evidence of his obsession, and obviously given him something to feed that obsession, I'd love to see a moment where we get to see Sara's emotions almost get the best of her, and watch him pull her back from that edge. I know we're only two episodes (not counting tonight) into this new season, so I'm not expecting it immediately, but I've love to see them actively balancing one another out. That's such a huge components of any relationship, and I'd just like to see it in here a bit... :)

Ah. Geek Love!
Well, this poll, is a bit off the wall- :eek: those are the choices- well, then "fire them both", Ickly Ecklie, is such a nasty, mean cruel indiviual, I wouldn't put this past him, and thus bye-bye to Billy and Jorja- :(have we seen any news if they'd signed on for S/8? NOPE, not yet, and here's another letter from the TV Guide, I missed before

After the bombshell that was dropped last season on CSI, the past four months have gone by very slowly!! I can't wait to see how they met, and more important how long their relationship has been going on!! (US TOO) :confused:
Shane Mayborn, Franklin, N.C.

Yeah, you guys talk really fast. :)

I think that her face in that final shot of her says a lot about her understanding of the man

Oh, I agree. I think that scene was meant to be a real setup for this whole emotional thing that happens to Grissom. I even think Sara is going to be the one that tells him he should take a break because she knows that it's really gonna eat at him. I liked her reaction to his sarastic comment "it could be anyone in town, etc, that's a lot of suspects" duh, she knows that, but she didn't get pissy or anything. She kinda shrugged it off. That scene was actually a lot more powerful than at first glance it seems.

Since we've seen evidence of his obsession, and obviously given him something to feed that obsession, I'd love to see a moment where we get to see Sara's emotions almost get the best of her, and watch him pull her back from that edge

I so want to see this. Not like another Nesting Dolls scene, but something more intimate. I mean, in Nesting Dolls, it was a stretch for him to even grab her hand. That seemed to be a little hard for him. Now that they are a couple, we should see a bit more intimacy in a case like this. One where he really comforts her.

But really, I look more forward to a scene in which she comforts him. We hardly ever, in 7 years, have seen him in a vulnerable state. We have seen Sara in plenty.

It's in prepraration for tonight's ep which, for our east coast people, is 2 hours away. Lucky bastards.

Ha. Ha. An hour and a half, now. :p
Heellooo?? ? Is anyone in here? :rolleyes:

I missed the episode again! :( I really want to know what happened between our geeks!!... im ready to get spoiled :eek:..... anyone?...:(
Well, when Gris and Sara were working their scene, there was a nice little moment, before they started talking the crime out, where Grissom gazed lovingly at his woman. Then, they talked, and she remarked on how this case reminded her of the first time they met. And, on how she had heard he was "dull" as a speaker. Apparently, the lecture was on two bodies in a garage, and that's what they're dealing with. She paraphrases the topic, and Grissom corrects her, remembering exactly. She's really flirty and adorable, he seems to still be reeling from her suggesting he was dull. Later, the two reenact the chain saw masacre, and it's adorable, because she comes at him with the saw, and his little eyes bug out of his head. Hilarious. Subtle, but sweet GSR this week. I think part of why it wasn't as thick as the last two weeks was because the actors were easing back into it, deciding where their characters stood as far as how lovey their relationship was. Also, you could attribute Grissom's more muted mood to the last few moments of last week's ep regarding the eye in the diorama.

The background stuff was kinda interesting. When Gris said the line about "if the evidence changes, change the theory" did anyone else think he was also referring to them? I soooo did. What do the rest of you think about the SF info?
I think it was all pretty perfect. Subtle, but there. Reffering to the San Fransisco comments, I thought it was adorable. It just seemed comfortable. But, I will say this: if she hadn't mentioned him being "dull" then we might have gotten an, I dunno, softer reaction from him about the whole "them meeting for the first time." That seemed to shake him a little. Instead he kind of splits hairs. But I think he was reffering to them when he corrected her. I loved it when she came at him with the chainsaw and his eyes kind of bulged. If he had done that with anyone it would have been funny. It was just cute.
It is my experience that men tend to latch onto a single aspect of a conversation and obsess over it. Given Grissom's obsessive tendancies, I can definitely understand him latching onto her "dull" comment!

I've said this at YTDAW, but I'll say it here, too. I like the parallels being drawn between Warrick and his unhappy marriage, and the loving couple that are Geek Love. In this episode, we saw Warrick choose work over his wife. For Grissom, one of his greatest fears of being with Sara was the threat it would be to his work, to everything he's built his whole life towards. By being with Sara at all, he is putting his foot down, making a decision. He's with Sara. That's his stance. If he has to choose, his choice was made for him the moment he became involved with her. I just love that Gris and Sara are happy because they chose each other, while Warrick has yet to learn that key to a happy relationship...
Ok, so this episode was... alright. The subtle GSR was cute and I liked the San Fran background, but Im over the little scenes. I want PROOF! I mean I know they dont want to rush anything but they are really pushing these little comments. I dont know, I guess it might just be me but i prefer action over comments anyday. Althought I did quite enjoy Grissoms look of panic when Sara came at him with the chainsaw. I almost fell asleep waiting for their moments. I guess I really shouldnt complain, at least we are getting something. :)
Now that the episode has aired everywhere, can we just say it aloud?

I'll assume no. So anyway...
GREAT episode. Just based on the merit of the episode itself. I won't lie - I was definitely waiting for them to get to Grissom and Sara, but Nicky's man cry? LOVE IT. Every time. Love it. Greg in the Eagle Scouts, Warrick's ruining marriage, the SuperDave finally has a date! Didn't that whole part feel very early season - just little tidbits about each character thrown in? Okay, so: to our geeks: I originally thought the first blush line would be shippier. Grissom, in fact, looked almost annoyed. But then... well, she just admitted that she expected him to be dull, and she didn't remember the title of his lecture. His revealing that he still remembers the entire title, and her, kind of says that that particular memory is somewhat lodged in his brain. Therefore? GOOD geek moment. And Grissom's bugged-out eyes when she comes at him with the chainsaw was really cute. Liked Jorja's delivery of the "dull" line, and I liked that you got that sense that they both sort of separated the moment Brass came in the room. Yeah - Brass's going to be the first to crack it. Either way - they work well together, and there's a real domestic sense of comfort there that I like. Plus? VERY first scene, he's checking her out AGAIN. When he's on the ladder. I tell no lies. He gives her an up-and-down-and-up-again. I watched Grey's as well, and... it's melting into a sea of absurdity. Anyway - I liked that just about ALL the cases were about broken relationships or trust, and then we have our geeks just being... happy.
Wow, they are so comfortable with one another, Geez, Sara sure has a good memory, remembering his first "lecture", what 8 years ago---in San Francisco :eek: and his killer expression, when she said "dull" and he needs to grow his beard back, and his hair is way to short (geeky) she just accepts his kinda of cold demeanor, likes him just the way he is- but this eppy really sucked to me- not anywhere as riveting as last week's
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