Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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So does anyone really know if they really did kissed in the season finale and edited it out? :confused:

Because i remember George Eads commenting on it on "The early Show" that they had make out and they were like "eeeewww!" and took it off or something like that.
well, i think they'll give us neither only a peck nor a full make out session. IMO they'll balance it. i think it's possible if we'll have a longer version of a goodbye (or whatever the occasion) kiss on the lips. not a full make out, but containing parts that will allow us to categorize it as a slight make-out, if y'all know what i mean.

I could see that, but the problem lies more in logistics - are they likely to kiss in the lab? I'd hope they weren't that stupid. Likewise, after Sara's brush with Marjorie, I don't think she's incabable of learning from her mistakes, and she probably wouldn't show any kind of PDA at a crime scene, either.

Then we have their homes, but the problem there is that how often do we go home with the characters for non-case-related reasons?

Naturally, his LoA does open up some doors for this.

Yeah... did anyone else think Georgie was higher than a kite? lol.
I could see that, but the problem lies more in logistics - are they likely to kiss in the lab? I'd hope they weren't that stupid. Likewise, after Sara's brush with Marjorie, I don't think she's incabable of learning from her mistakes, and she probably wouldn't show any kind of PDA at a crime scene, either.

Then we have their homes, but the problem there is that how often do we go home with the characters for non-case-related reasons?
i don't think it's an issue. if TPTB decide to give us a kiss, they'll just do it, and figure out an in-character way to show it.

in the lab seems kinda out of character, yeah. the same goes to a crime scene (heck no, they SO wouldn't do it there), but after work in some quiet place, or maybe after a dangerous situation acting impulsively.

oh, i've got an idea. what if an episode started with a standard intro to the case etc, followed by a clever transition to Grissom and Sara being somewhere together, talking, finally kissing. then Grissom's beeper receives a message. he makes a one-liner, the opening credits start. GSR takes no more than 30 seconds. after the credits they arrive to the scene and we have a normal ep.

i can see that happening, and i don't think it would be out-themed, really.
I totally think the veggie burger thing was a nod to BOP (I mean, hello RamGold?) which is why, Sarah ("Raw Meet", btw?) I think our new variation-on-veggie-burger thread title should be just this:

"Is this about that veggie burger thing?"

Because veggie burgers are so the new hamburgers. Nice li'l combo there, maybe ;)

As far as the kiss thing goes. First, I thought George was damn adorable in his Early Show interview. First the comment about going to bed/sleep in his CSI vest, and then his "*smushing hands together* Ewwww!" comment about makeouts? So much love for that man. Seriously.

Secondly, the kisses we'll see on the show? As my boy Georgie said, I can't see us getting a makeout, but I can't make any guesses as to what we will see, or what we'll see first for that matter. But,

While Grissom's LoA may seem to open doors for more at-home stuff between Grissom and Sara, we must remember this is also a LoA for WP, so we probably won't see him at all, sadly enough :(

And while I loved Adz's idea about the kiss-beeper-oneliner moment pre-credits, it does seem a bit soapy and possibly shark-jumpy, so I really can't see it happening :( Not on a real episode anyway. Ones we write ourselves, however... Ehehheheh :devil:

Oh, and Zig? Don't MAKE ME throw in a topless-Tom sig banner, too!


YOU KNOW I'LL DO IT! *weeps at your icon*

PS: I already have it on VHS, but I totally bought The Big Chill on DVD this afternoon. Good ol' GSR rationalisations ;)
oh, i've got an idea. what if an episode started with a standard intro to the case etc, followed by a clever transition to Grissom and Sara being somewhere together, talking, finally kissing. then Grissom's beeper receives a message. he makes a one-liner, the opening credits start. GSR takes no more than 30 seconds. after the credits they arrive to the scene and we have a normal ep.

i can see that happening, and i don't think it would be out-themed, really.

That probably would work, actually. Almost in a "look, Grissom has a real life now" sense. But it would be a nice little "shock" moment. Maybe even instead of the opening one-liner or something.

Only problem I see (I'm not playing devil's advocate, I swear) is that that was how they pretty much opened CSI:NY with Mac in bed with his new girlfriend and then receiving the usual call.

I know we won't see him at all, but according to WP, he'll only miss two episodes, and it seems that they're putting a real rush on filming right now so that he can be in as many as possible before the winter hiatus. So I was thinking that perhaps when he takes his LoA, we might even hear him say something about it and saying goodbye to Sara. Having said that, he's not in an upcoming episode and according to Gibby, no mention of a LoA has been made, which might mean that the episodes he misses aren't actually in complete conjuncture with the LoA, which might mean some "hometime" scenes
And while I loved Adz's idea about the kiss-beeper-oneliner moment pre-credits, it does seem a bit soapy and possibly shark-jumpy, so I really can't see it happening Not on a real episode anyway. Ones we write ourselves, however... Ehehheheh
yeah, you know i can't think of anything else b/c it's SO hard to put a kiss between the two characters into a show like CSI, which was always about the cases not character development. one thing though, i think a GSR kiss will ALWAYS be considered OCC, no matter the situation.

Only problem I see (I'm not playing devil's advocate, I swear) is that that was how they pretty much opened CSI:NY with Mac in bed with his new girlfriend and then receiving the usual call.
didn't know it. which means that i'd be a great writer for this show. and less expensive.
hey guys, i'm back again, after two long days of boring school... :( :( i'm really driving my friends crazy with my GSR stuff, but well, i just keep going on, i know when they really want me to stop, so i'm not losing them or anything. ;) they can also laugh about it sometimes, and my best friend does listens sometimes when i tell her about another GSR moment :p :p

important: i saw over at groups.msn GSR Gutterflied, that our chat will be gone!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :( that is soooo not cool!!!!
sarahvma said:
Okay: I know this is REALLY early, but do we just kind of want to decide that the next thread title should just be some variation on "Veggie Burger"?

I'm accepting variations on using that in a GSR-related term now!


Here's mine:

Cause Veggie-Burgers are romantic.


Anyway, today at school we got our yearbooks and for some odd reason CSI was in it, like a picture of csi, and at first I was freaking out just because it was in there, but then I noticed Gil & Sara were beside each other..

about the kiss discussion-i think it'll happen, and i dont have a problem when or how it happens, as long as it does happen. i just wanna see them really affectionate, even if its only one time.

anyways i have a question:

after the discussion on snakes, i was thinking, that its interesting how, 1 day, shes opening up in his office, telling him hes always been a little more than a boss to her, and thats why she moved to vegas and its probably her fault their 'relationship' is so complicated etc. and hes stone walling. first he completely changes the direction shes taking the discussion which is personal, and changes the subject mid speech asking how her counseling went etc. probably thinking he was on safe ground then, and she replies 'Let's just say that ... I sometimes ... I look for validation in
inappropriate places.' and hes back on shakey ground again, and he really couldnt string a sentence together, he tried, and two times, they lapsed into complete silence. which i thought was interesting.

do you think he just found it too hard to discuss and couldnt or he was trying to maintain some sort of professionalism between them and wouldnt? oe do you think he was just taken by suprise?

also she was referring to grissom wasnt she there? validation in inappropriate places. that was about him yeah?

and then in nesting dolls, the ep straight after that one, we have sara getting really angry and losing her temper at catherine and Ecklie on a domestic violence case. and getting suspended. then Grissom comes and shes the one stone walling at first, but hes more tender this time around, and she opens up to him, and starts crying, so he holds her hand.

anyways you all know that, but i was thinking, maybe the result of the snakes convo was part of the reason for her losing it in nesting dolls. not the whole reason, because she was pissed at the case for personal reasons, and we find that out when she has the convo with grissom. but i was thinking, she really seemed to want to open up and talk and confide to him in snakes about everything, she seemed desperate. but he was majorly reluctant and wouldnt let it happen. she wanted to, but saw it was useless. perhaps if they had had a convo then, she might have not lost it in nesting dolls. but i think that everything from the convo with grissom and then the case, built up all this anger and hurt and she exploded. i think if they'd had a heart to heart earlier, because she clearly wanted to get it off her chest, she might have dealed with it better, perhaps. and so after grissom sees she needs help, and someone to listen to her, otherwise shes in danger of ruining her carrer-he knows he cant sweep it under the carpet and sorts it out.

and that line, ' have a problem with authority. I choose men who are emotionally
unavailable. I'm self-destructive. All of the above.'

the choose men who are emotionally unavailable-that was her talking about him too, yes. i know it was, i just wanna make 100% sure. so she opens up twice to him in two days. interesting. and i liked how at the end of that ep, after he'd refused to fire her, he said she was a great criminalist and he needs her, i thought that was so cute :)
I have nothing to say, at all...Which is really odd, because I usually have something to say...Just not today.
No, today I come with "Veggie Burger Titles", most of which (if not all), quite frankly, suck.

"Veggie Burger Love"
"Veggie Burger For My Love"
"I Got You A Veggie Burger"

Alright, I'm done...Call me need me. ^^
Which will be pretty much never, but whatever.

- Alexx
yeah, you know i can't think of anything else b/c it's SO hard to put a kiss between the two characters into a show like CSI, which was always about the cases not character development. one thing though, i think a GSR kiss will ALWAYS be considered OCC, no matter the situation.

Agreed. I think what the conversation we had earlier about the anti-GSRs kind of proved was that it really, really doesn't matter how well GSR is written, how subtle it is, how clear that it's good for both of the people - they just won't like it.

So... will a GSR kiss by OOC? Why? It wasn't OOC for Grissom to tell Sara that he thought she was beautiful, nor that he found said beauty intimidating, nor when Sara suggested that the two didn't have to share a room to get it on.

So... I guess what I'm saying is... I take back the earlier stuff. lol.

We want to kind of protect the ship from flaming, but ultimately, what relationship IS canon that doesn't have any physical contact between two characters?

Anyway, today at school we got our yearbooks and for some odd reason CSI was in it, like a picture of csi, and at first I was freaking out just because it was in there, but then I noticed Gil & Sara were beside each other..


Was it one of those "This year in the news" things about the CSI affect? Cuz if so, they used it in our yearbooks, too :D

do you think he just found it too hard to discuss and couldnt or he was trying to maintain some sort of professionalism between them and wouldnt? oe do you think he was just taken by suprise?

I think changing the subject is just Grissom's way. He could see where the conversation was going, and he tried to divert it, to not have to deal with the situation. Which is why I'd be willing to back Committed as a jumping-off point: it's him saying, "Screw it - Sara's life is more important than the case", and ultimately, I think, kind of permanently sticking to that.

also she was referring to grissom wasnt she there? validation in inappropriate places. that was about him yeah?

I honestly think she was hoping to say what he wanted to hear - because, of course, the whole point of the Butterflied speech was him insinuating that once the thrill of dating the boss was over, she'd leave him.

And since, as Dayna pointed out, Snakes is almost a direct answer to Butterflied, I think they were both just a chance for the two of them to justify why they shouldn't be together. But all of it was surface value stuff, I think.

and then in nesting dolls, the ep straight after that one, we have sara getting really angry and losing her temper at catherine and Ecklie on a domestic violence case. and getting suspended. then Grissom comes and shes the one stone walling at first, but hes more tender this time around, and she opens up to him, and starts crying, so he holds her hand.

And even here we see him putting Sara above the case, or above the work. He even basically says "Fire me if you fire her", but I think once he's done that, he realizes (from Ecklie's "I'll bet you do") that it's only going to screw up their jobs even more if Ecklie and Catherine suspect them of dating, so I think he tries to back off in the next episode. Give her space, but also kind of protect both of their reputations.

the choose men who are emotionally unavailable-that was her talking about him too, yes. i know it was, i just wanna make 100% sure.

If I'm not mistaken, I think she even gestures to him when she says it. But like in Snakes, and even more so with her "All of the above" crack, she's saying what he wants to hear - what'll make it "text book" for him.

I have nothing to say, at all...Which is really odd, because I usually have something to say...Just not today.

BOOOO. Oh well - I love your titles.
you think she was hoping to say what he wanted to hear? as in, say the things that she thought were holding him back from a relationship with her?...i wonder if she told him about hearing that speech in BF, now that their together. i dont think i could if that was me.

now im confused though, if you think the validation in inappropriate places remark in snakes was her trying to justify why they shouldnt be together, and Grissoms in BF, justifying why they shouldntr when he was insinuating once the thrill of dating the boss was gone, it would be over, then i really missed the point of those scenes. that flew right over my head. i thought BF was about the fear ge felt for professional reasons, and that in snakes, she was kind of trying to incourage him rather than the opposite. but i think if what you think is true-it kinda makes sense, then i think they were in denial and kidding themselves. anyway she knew with grissom that wasnt the case, and she asked him out in season 3, and so i dont understand why she'd discourage him. im lost.

and i always thought that last scene with grissom, Ecklie, and catherine was risky for him, cause Ecklie mentioned something about being attached to people and trying to solve their problems, and so i thought it sounded like he was saying, he was not firing her for personal reasons rather than professional ones. but im not sure. but im glad he did, cause he needed to make a stand for her, otherwise, bye bye job.

i dont understand what you mean by 'All of the above" crack, she's saying what he wants to hear - what'll make it "text book" for him.'

could you explain?

and yay one day till more GSR scenes hopefully. :) :)
sarahvma said:
BOOOO. Oh well - I love your titles.

Hehe. Yes, but I have something to say now. Which is good?
Glad you liked them. ^^

Anyway, today at school we got our yearbooks and for some odd reason CSI was in it, like a picture of csi, and at first I was freaking out just because it was in there, but then I noticed Gil & Sara were beside each other..


Was it one of those "This year in the news" things about the CSI affect? Cuz if so, they used it in our yearbooks, too :D

*gasp!* That makes me want to have a year book, darn it. So I could go up to my folks and say, "Hey, guess what, I'm not the only one who cares." :p

Anyway, on to what I actually had something GSR-y to comment about.
Sara_Grissom_Fan said:
..i wonder if she told him about hearing that speech in BF, now that their together. i dont think i could if that was me.

I'm not quite sure if she would or not. Sara has always kept so many secrets in the past, even if she did share a large handful of them with Grissom. Something like hearing that confession might be something that Sara would keep to herself 'til the grave. It is a lot like Grissom not telling her about Lady Heather. Some things are just better off kept secret.
Telling him that she was listening to that confession, which, quite obviously, Sara was meant never to hear in the first place, could put a slight damper on the relationship, don't you think? I mean seriously, how would you feel if your lover said, "Oh, by the way, I heard what you said about me." and it was something in which you said that you couldn't really love them? ...of course, that was years ago, and now I'm just babbling...

Yes, alright, quite.

Oh, and just so you know that I haven't totally forgotten about GSR, last night when I had a veggie burger I put it down in front of me and said "I got you a veggie burger"...
Because I'm that cool...*coughlamecough*

- Alexx
yeah im the same, i wouldnt be able to say it, but perhaps if i was together with that person for a very long time, years and years, i might, or i probably would i should say-it wouldnt be as big a deal. but at the beginning of a new relationship-when its new and fragile and youre just starting to get to know that person in a romantic light, i couldnt. hell no. i wouldnt be able to even force myself to tell him.
you think she was hoping to say what he wanted to hear? as in, say the things that she thought were holding him back from a relationship with her?...i wonder if she told him about hearing that speech in BF, now that their together. i dont think i could if that was me.

I doubt she has. Only because it was such an unintentional invasion of privacy, and also I think because in Snakes she's telling him that their tenseness is her fault - again, what he wants to hear - but it has more to do with the fact that she's heard that he does like her, she knows it, and technically she can't move on, but at the same time, she knows that currently he's not willing to do anything. So I think Snakes was Sara offering Grissom an out. And she has, in essence, sort of accepted things.

now im confused though, if you think the validation in inappropriate places remark in snakes was her trying to justify why they shouldnt be together, and Grissoms in BF, justifying why they shouldntr when he was insinuating once the thrill of dating the boss was gone, it would be over, then i really missed the point of those scenes. that flew right over my head. i thought BF was about the fear ge felt for professional reasons, and that in snakes, she was kind of trying to incourage him rather than the opposite.

I think Butterflied was Grissom going, "Ah, here is one example of a younger woman who dated her grey-haired boss and it went badly. Thus, all my fears are confirmed". Which is why Sara looks pissed, rather than surprised or happy when she finds out that he's basically been fantasizing about her since they met.

Snakes is (again these are ALL my opinions and I don't believe anyone has ever solidly confirmed what the speeches were about in the long-run) Sara going, "Okay, here's how I feel - it's only fair since I know exactly how you feel - and here's why I don't think we'd be good together. Nevertheless, I still like you". Which is why the two speeches mirror each other, except that Grissom's is sort of a final wording, and Sara's leaves it more open-ended.

Sort of like, "I can't" vs. "I shouldn't".

and i always thought that last scene with grissom, Ecklie, and catherine was risky for him, cause Ecklie mentioned something about being attached to people and trying to solve their problems, and so i thought it sounded like he was saying, he was not firing her for personal reasons rather than professional ones. but im not sure. but im glad he did, cause he needed to make a stand for her, otherwise, bye bye job.

Right. Ecklie was expecting to receive Grissom's paperwork that confirmed she'd be fired, and I think Ecklie was just more pissed that everything didn't go the way he thought it would. Also that Sara stood up to him and called him on his crap. In a normal job, she would've just been fired, but this is TV, and they're allowed some drama. Anyway - I do think that Ecklie is insinuating that Grissom is too close to Sara, which is, again, why I think he backs off for a few episodes.

i dont understand what you mean by 'All of the above" crack, she's saying what he wants to hear - what'll make it "text book" for him.'

could you explain?

I meant that she was rattling the options off as though she were reciting from a textbook, for his benefit. Rather than get to know her problems, I think she's trying to say that he's hoping that it can be explained by a quirk or a fault that's fixable. Instead, he makes her sit down and explain her past. But the "all of the above" is supposed to mirror, like, "Patient is irritable. What are the possible causes?"

aka. She feels Grissom would rather have things be neat, orderly and professional.
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