Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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ziggystarduzt said:
ETA: Sporter, you know you love my Mrs. Grodenko icon. Don't deny it. I might just have to put it up as my Talk icon so she can show up evil Tom.

Isn't that person from 'Spy Kids'? I love that movie. :D I own it too.

*starts repeating 'I am Spoiler Free' with GillianSGrissom*

I don't care about the age difference, at least Sara isn't like 16, and then Grissom is like.. 50! Apparently there was a celebrity couple like that..

Love is love, with no boundaries..

that totally sounded wrong... but I didn't mean for it to be wrong!!
I think part of the problem is that people who object to the age difference just see it as so foreign that they can't accept it.. people whose husbands or wives are close in age to them or whatever. Another thing is, an age difference of 15 years is really not all that uncommon amongst the intellectual elite. Really intelligent people in the top 5% and upwards (such as Grissom and Sara) often gravitate to older or younger people of similar intellect, because they are so rare that if you connect with an equal on a romantic level, you snap them up
good point zigs. i agree.
Likely those that object GSR so strenuously because of the age difference are just not familiar with such circumstances.

another thing is, 15 years can mean a lot things. for example if they were in earlier stages of their lifes, let's say - Sara, 19 and Grissom, 34 - it's a bigger issue to object. but now, it doesn't have such an impact, and the difference is less visible.

my english today was everythin but intruiging. i found myself daydreaming and thinking about GSR. this is what my tired mind came up with:

i was thinking about the impact of Butterflied on Sara. and i came to conclusion that if she didn't hear it, Snakes wouldn't have happened.

first, she didn't go straight away to him with the Snakes talk cause a) she wanted to consider their relationship herself and b) she didn't want him to know that she heard him, so he would be, in his mind, exposed, and therefore would close himself even more. she didn't want to take such a risk, so she decided to wait.

In Suckers ... delicately speaking - she was Confident. she wouldn't have said all that if she hadn't heard his confession. nah uh. i would never go to a shy guy not knowing a thing of what he thinks and feels, and tell him "you're the reason i'm here, i have feelings for you". and his expression a la IE spoke for itself.

i've got an impression that i already wrote a whole essay on this some time ago. did i? hmm, naah, never mind. it's just that my english teacher almost killed me with the amount of boredom she poured into my system.
Isn't that person from 'Spy Kids'? I love that movie. I own it too.
Yep, she's the character Teri Hatcher plays. The OSS agent who turns out to be evil and ends up having her hair burned off. I love Spy Kids with all my heart and after I watched it last night I was moved to create a brand new creepy icon of partially bald Teri Hatcher :D

^^Thanks, Adz.. not that I was implying anything with that comment... *shifty eyes* ;)

I totally agree with you on the Snakes/Butterflied connection. The Snakes confrontation almost felt like she was "letting him off the hook".. like 'I get it now, I understand you can't do this, and it's okay. I'm sad, but it's okay.'

ETA:There you go. My Mrs. Gradenko icon is now up. heh.
Hi everyone! I haven't been able to get online in a really long time because of personal stuff.
I've heard that people are boycotting CSI just because of GSR being canon... Can't they just be happy for us who support them and just let it take a while to see what happens before they judge it?!

Firstly, I'm sorry to hear that you have personal problems. If you want to talk them out, my PM box is always open.

Secondly... just like it's irrational to like a pairing (hear me out) it's irrational to dislike one. I mean, do we get any tangible satisfaction from shipping? And is it about liking that two people are together, or is it truly about "winning" - backing your "team", in a sense? Now, of course, I ship, so I'm not bad-mouthing it in general, but I think that for the people who saw it as a competition, now that they've lost, they can't watch the show the way that they used to when all options were relatively open. Generally, I think, the people who are more interactive in viewership, want to feel like they're a part of the show. We feel validated in that the show "chose" to go with our ship, and they feel betrayed - because they spent the time and the energy posting, discussing, etc.

So... yes, they could just be happy, but I think you're asking it from a group of people who feel emotionally hurt, or at least have had their pride wounded in a strange way.

And this is why I think the average viewer, even the one who didn't like Grissom and Sara together, just didn't care that much. Maybe they watched GA because they wanted to see the resolution to the cliffhanger, and I'll bet even pro-GSR people watched GA instead. Such is life. They don't feel the need to "back" CSI the way we might because, again, they don't feel committed.

yeah, also the age difference argument is ... gotta say this - completely without sense. WHAT age difference? 15 yrs? pleeease, give me a break. if i was to hook up with him, that'd be an age difference, 30 yrs, lol. but 15? i just can't believe people can be so two-faced, ya know? on one hand asking for tolerance for certain sexual preferences, and on the other discriminating a 15 years age difference.

It would be a bigger deal if there were a couple of variables - first of all, what age they both are. If you're 65 and your boyfriend is 80... who cares? If you're 19 and your boyfriend is 34... I think it raises a few more eyebrows. But really - emotional age is the bigger factor, and neither of them seems all that immature or unable to cope with a relationship. There are people who are the same age who are emotionally incompatible.

and yeah, saying GSR's wrong b/c of AD and saying Gofia, Kessom are ok, when both of the women are approximately the same age as Sara, strongly suggests that the argument is missed, and is just a lame excuse to bash a ship.

Precisely. Which is why I keep coming back to it being about a dislike of Sara.

i actually don't understand why people are so obsessed over age difference
i mean, i think all that matters is that the people have feelings for each other
by the way, aren't Billy and his wife about 15 yrs apart also, or something like that?

Twenty-one, actually. So I really, really doubt that he - pardon my french - gives a fuck.

That's the other argument I find great - someone like Grissom would never be attracted to someone like Sara.

Yes, I mean - can you guys imagine Billy with a younger, thin brunette woman? It's laughable. Ha. Ha... *cough*

I think part of the problem is that people who object to the age difference just see it as so foreign that they can't accept it.. people whose husbands or wives are close in age to them or whatever. Another thing is, an age difference of 15 years is really not all that uncommon amongst the intellectual elite. Really intelligent people in the top 5% and upwards (such as Grissom and Sara) often gravitate to older or younger people of similar intellect, because they are so rare that if you connect with an equal on a romantic level, you snap them up. Likely those that object GSR so strenuously because of the age difference are just not familiar with such circumstances.

Right. I think that's another good point - if you really want someone who's intellectual, I think the physical just factors less. People, through media and culture norms, have been taught that couples should "look alike" or at least seem to 'fit' with each other. Mentally, they do fit, and that, to people like them, is more important.

But Ziggy's only saying this cuz she's shacking up with an older man. Cough. Jail bait.

Oh, and Sarah, of course you're welcome to come back for part two this Thursday. If you want to make it a regular, or semi-regular thing that's fine too. It's up to you, but you're always welcome on CSI day- we'll just be slowly driving poor Malcolm nutsoid

HUZZAH! Well, I just figured, part one is only like half an episode. And it would be rude to get up halfway through an episode and leave. *Nods*. Plus I have a hard as hell Spanish exam this week and I need some fun time.!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!

Oh well. I am spoiler free this season. I am spoiler free! *repeats into oblivion*

By the way, the thread name is great. I haven't been on the GSR threads recently, and didn't know about it! I must keep up with you people!

Yes you must, young lady! I won't allow you not to post! BAH! BAH!!

I'm not okay.

Anyway - spoiler-free? I suppose it's a little easier now that they're together, and I'm wishing more and more I had the will to do so.

I totally agree with you on the Snakes/Butterflied connection. The Snakes confrontation almost felt like she was "letting him off the hook".. like 'I get it now, I understand you can't do this, and it's okay. I'm sad, but it's okay.'

Well, they both seemed to be saying, "I really like you, but it's cool that you don't". I never realized the connection between those two scenes, but it's interesting. They're both so clueless *huggles my geeks*
Yes, I mean - can you guys imagine Billy with a younger, thin brunette woman? It's laughable. Ha. Ha... *cough*
lmao, rock on dude.

But Ziggy's only saying this cuz she's shacking up with an older man. Cough. Jail bait.
Shut up, ho. He's only 2 years older than me and you know it.

Anyway, I really don't want to get into the whole anti-GSR thing. Suffice it to say that I think it sucks and I get sick of the negativity.. but this is a HAPPY place, and here we should speak of why we enjoy GSR, not go on about those who don't.. it's just an exercise in futility :)
Shut up, ho. He's only 2 years older than me and you know it.

Truth. And the man wants to be a pirate.

Anyway, I really don't want to get into the whole anti-GSR thing. Suffice it to say that I think it sucks and I get sick of the negativity.. but this is a HAPPY place, and here we should speak of why we enjoy GSR, not go on about those who don't.. it's just an exercise in futility

True - but I do think it's kind of fair to say, "Why are they doing this" and talk through it. I think we have, though - so yes! HAPPY PLACE!

I thought that the veggie burger was a nice nod to Burden of Proof - very much saying, "He's really in-tune with her now". Who knows what Burden of Proof was trying to prove, though. Were they saying he pays no attention to her, or that he actively is trying not to get too involved in her life? Because Strip-Strangler and Bloodlines prove that when she's in trouble, he runs to her side.

And so perhaps it was his way of dis-engaging himself from her life.
Truth. And the man wants to be a pirate.

True - but I do think it's kind of fair to say, "Why are they doing this" and talk through it
Agreed, but I don't wanna get modslapped, so I figure it might be best to just keep it to the Great Ship Debate thread. *shrug*

I thought that the veggie burger was a nice nod to Burden of Proof
Oh hardcore agreed. It was so blatant it wasn't funny. They might as well have stuck the "I'm a vegetarian" scene in the "Previously on CSI". I thought it was so totally nice in that regard. Continuity is our friend, ladies and gentlement. Am I the only one who gets a total warm and fuzzy feeling whenever continuity in any respect pops up? Yeah? Darn. Oh well.
Agreed, but I don't wanna get modslapped, so I figure it might be best to just keep it to the Great Ship Debate thread. *shrug*

lol. True.

Oh hardcore agreed. It was so blatant it wasn't funny. They might as well have stuck the "I'm a vegetarian" scene in the "Previously on CSI". I thought it was so totally nice in that regard. Continuity is our friend, ladies and gentlement. Am I the only one who gets a total warm and fuzzy feeling whenever continuity in any respect pops up? Yeah? Darn. Oh well.


Yes - and what's really nice about that is more that it shows that unlike what a lot of the detractors thought (sorry) they really ARE paying attention to the past in respect to what's happening now. So in a small way, that scene made me feel as though there is a good chance that they're very aware of timeline.

But then... it WAS a RamGold.
i like all these points. i only asked why there was such a dislike for the ship or why people thought there was (i dont understand why people call it that, but seems they do so i will.. anyways) because it seems very apparent here at this place, and on any other forum you go to, i was in the sara/jorja thread and the dislike was mentioned, and it just confuses me, but thats obviously because i do like them. and this is the only place dedicated to talking about the couple, so i think its ok to discuss it here, negative or positive, because only fans of the pairing come here i think. so its meant in a nice way, not in a nasty way. and its something im interested in so i cant be the only one, confused at times about it.

anyways, i find that talk about BF confession and snakes interesting, i never thought of it like that. its interesting cause that was the first time she probably saw the whole him, not the real him, because who he is, is who he is, but she saw the open him, the side he hides, and i think up until then, she was unsure, or maybe she wasnt, it was very obvious at times, but after season 2, he treated her all over the place, so she might have been unsure, but then she knew for a fact. and it gave her the confidence to open up in snakes etc, cause she didnt hear it from his own mouth till mid season 4. but she isnt stupid, people say he flirted with her a lot, she did him too of course, but he was always trapped by his job position. you get the feeling that apart from him not been an open book to start with, the fact he was her boss, didnt help. that if there was any chance he would open up sooner than he did, he stopped cause of the position he was in. in snakes, and in the pin me down scene, and the one where she asks him why hes telling her to get a life then punishing her for getting one, that its confusing her, etc etc, all those scenes, when she opens up emotionally to him, he cant/or wont speak, he either changes the subject like in snakes, (gah) or waits till she buts in and changes the subject out of awkwardness, like in the pin me down scene. or maybe he used his job position as an excuse not to get close to her because he wasnt ready to...who knows, its all very interesting.
I also got the feeling that people are against the GSR-ship.Why, I don't get. It's like the only ship the cast and crew have ever really talked about. Or, as I've heard...
I think I even read in the CSI Companion book that Sara got to be a regular cast just because she fitted so great with Grissom...
but, she did ask him out in season 3, so she basically put herself in a vulnerable position with him way before she heard him open up about them. so she knew, but then he rejected her when she asked him out for dinner, but he showed interest, when he was like, 'i dont know what to do about this'. so he was acknowledging there was something between them, but he held back. i do think that when she heard his confession it made her have confidence to tell him in snakes though. he held her hand after her DUI, and after her weeks suspension when he came to see her and she started crying, so he was there for her supporting her, when she needed him, which is cute. when another poster mentioned how higly intelligent people often end up together regardless of age, i think i agree, being smart is a huge turn on, and if youre smart, you often look for a partner with similar interests and stuff to yourself, someone who can stimulate you mentally, who interests you, and who you can learn off. thats a great partnership. i think sara is totally blinded by what she feels that she hasnt even considered the age, and neither would i. i think their a cute fictional couple. it might be just me, but when i have a big crush on someone, i eat/sleep/and wake up thinking about them, thats why i find it intriguing, that for years, their relationship slowly grew and they could work around each other without for the vast majority it interfering. they got more will power than i have. i cant wait for thursday!!!!! more scenes between them hopefully.
yeah i read they brought her onto the show as a potential love interest for grissom, but then writers backed off the storyline, if WP and JF hadnt been so keen for the storyline to develop, i bet the writers would never have let it happen. thankgod the actors at least can see a good thing when its there.
yeah, both Jorja and Billy seems to be great shipper and seems to enjoy it.
I write a little myself and I always "listen" to my characters where they want to be headed and in Sara and Grissom's case I think it's pretty obvious.
i like all these points. i only asked why there was such a dislike for the ship or why people thought there was (i dont understand why people call it that, but seems they do so i will.. anyways)

If you mean "ship" it's because it's a short form of relationship

and its something im interested in so i cant be the only one, confused at times about it.

Well, you could, but then we'd all be figments of your imagination. And I don't want to be a figment.

because it seems very apparent here at this place, and on any other forum you go to, i was in the sara/jorja thread and the dislike was mentioned, and it just confuses me, but thats obviously because i do like them.

it's always, to me, been a testiment to their acting - first of all, if you don't care about the character, then clearly the writers and actors didn't do a good job with them. So technically hate is as good an indication of talent as love. Next, though people claim a lack of chemistry, if there truly was, then would people care about the ship?

I think it follows the same rule as the character like or dislike.

yeah i read they brought her onto the show as a potential love interest for grissom, but then writers backed off the storyline, if WP and JF hadnt been so keen for the storyline to develop, i bet the writers would never have let it happen. thankgod the actors at least can see a good thing when its there.

Actually it was the other way around - Jorja and Billy really didn't like each other when the show started, so they backed off the storyline, and then Jorja said something "snapped" midway through season 1 and now she loves working with him.

But if you mean the Playing With Fire scene - yeah, we have Billy to thank for all the GSR in that episode, especially because he said "No" to stopping the storyline after it.
Agreed, but I don't wanna get modslapped, so I figure it might be best to just keep it to the Great Ship Debate thread. *shrug*

You guys are getting good. That's exactly where it should go. ;)

Also, I think I've already mentioned this before, but please keep talk about the Grey's Anatomy ratings vs CSI in the CSI:Crime Scene Investigation forum. It really isn't relevent to the ship and as long as you guys love the show, it shouldn't matter where they fall in the ratings.

Thanks guys. :)
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