Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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You guys are getting good. That's exactly where it should go.

Also, I think I've already mentioned this before, but please keep talk about the Grey's Anatomy ratings vs CSI in the CSI:Crime Scene Investigation forum. It really isn't relevent to the ship and as long as you guys love the show, it shouldn't matter where they fall in the ratings.

Thanks guys.

Agreed. I'm sorry it carried on so long!

Okay: I know this is REALLY early, but do we just kind of want to decide that the next thread title should just be some variation on "Veggie Burger"?

I'm accepting variations on using that in a GSR-related term now!

Anyway - upcoming GSR... do we need angst to stay tuned in?
OMFG, ziggy what is THAT??? *silence* *chokes and transforms the noises into laughter* *laughes my butt off, but then realizes the horridity of this THING, and silences again. freaked out, runs away in FEAR*

i agree with everything stated before by everybody and i have nothing else to say. i need to close this window. NOW.

Anyway... it's good to see that Adzix has a new, perverted GSR banner. Every time I worry about foreign affairs or the over-Christianizing of our children, I think of the contribution Adzix has made to Grissom/Sara-Billy/Jorja perversions and smile a little inside.

Okay, my entries:

1) Veggie Burger=Love
2) Making Up For Raw Meet One Veggie Burger At a Time
wow they didnt like each other at the beginning? i didnt know that! you couldnt tell thats for sure in their acting in early eps. im glad they became friends pretty quick tho. if they went from not really liking each other to WP wanting his character to end up with hers and them both wanting the sara/grissom relationship to happen, id say they did a 180 pretty quickly.

i agree about the testiment to their acting thing, although i still dont understand how saras character is unpopular, i saw whiny mentioned in that least fav csi thread. i dont get it, everyones whiny at times, she isnt perfect, but her positives way outnumber her negatives, and make for a very interesting, inspiring, and complex character. i cant believe people see no chemisty. i guess its just something ill never understand just like the people who think they have zilch chemisty will never understand how some think they have chemisty in spades.

and oh man, thats why they call it a ship, well it seems so obvious now. damn haha! i didnt get the figment reply tho, i think im tired. :)
Anyway... it's good to see that Adzix has a new, perverted GSR banner. Every time I worry about foreign affairs or the over-Christianizing of our children, I think of the contribution Adzix has made to Grissom/Sara-Billy/Jorja perversions and smile a little inside
LOL. you mean AVATAR? or was it an irony cuz my banner is everything BUT perverted, for the first time i registered on this board. anyway, thank you for appreciating my perverted work. i'm trying to change the world for better. for a perverted better.
anyways, back to happy topics..
do you guys think we'll ever get a make-out scene between Grissom and Sara?
i personallly am not too sure we will be given that delight but i am hoping for at least a little peck or something of that sort
and besides, to quote George Eads on the Early Show, "I don't think the audience will ever get this big make out scene. They think they want it but when they see it they go 'Ewwwwww'...." sorry i just found that funny, the way he said it
but i'm still hoping for at least a little kiss, even if it's on the cheek :)
Age difference- stupid, has nothing to do with anything- and his real life wife Gina is 32 he's 53 so that's 21 years :eek: I can't even believe that this is discussed- it's so irrelevant :( Love has no age- there's so many show biz personailities, as well as real life couples- that have great age differences that work fine ;)

Billy and Gina-quite striking couple-and don't they look fine :p
i agree about the testiment to their acting thing, although i still dont understand how saras character is unpopular, i saw whiny mentioned in that least fav csi thread. i dont get it, everyones whiny at times, she isnt perfect, but her positives way outnumber her negatives, and make for a very interesting, inspiring, and complex character. i cant believe people see no chemisty. i guess its just something ill never understand just like the people who think they have zilch chemisty will never understand how some think they have chemisty in spades.

I think some people come to TV shows to escape "complex". I, personally, like it. I like that Sara isn't sunshine and daisies (points to the person who gets that reference) or that she's not... I don't know. I guess, relying on her looks, or playing dumb. The furthest she goes, when I really don't like her, is when she's catty - but again, her negatives turn her into a more complete person.

LOL. you mean AVATAR? or was it an irony cuz my banner is everything BUT perverted, for the first time i registered on this board. anyway, thank you for appreciating my perverted work. i'm trying to change the world for better. for a perverted better.

I meant to say avatar, but I was testing to see if you knew what it was called. So there.
yeah i want a kiss between them, and WP said he would too, so it might happen. who knows. i just want any type of affection between them, i loved when he held her hand when she started crying, and when she touched his face that time, etc, i like those scenes, cause im a bit of a romantic, but some people wouldnt, but i dont care, i do. a cuddle next perhaps. i dont know. im sure the writers will handle it well.

when is sara catty? i cant recall? i kind of even like her negative points too. i like that she is very opinionated and vocal and emotional at times, and wont let people walk all over her, i like that she loses it at times, and goes crazy...i dont like watching perfect people. that sucks. ...Grissom is a lot more controlled than her, im excited to see if he has an influence on her this season.
I think that while I would want to see some real PSD's from our ship, at the same time they would really have to justify it.

Like if the reason for Grissom's leave of absence is something medical-related or just the two of them relaxing at home, or something - showing why he might need the break.
true. and thats what a lot of fans were worried about, that it would take over the show and turn soppy and soap opera like. id still like some affection tho before they leave. it doesnt even need to be justified for me personally, it wouldnt ruin the show to me.
I agree. I don't think that seeing two people in a relationship kiss will ruin the show. And I would be pretty surprised if they never allow them any phsyical contact whatsoever.

I think the line is drawn more in the execution than the intention. A kiss "goodbye" is far different than a half-naked make-out session in his office.

And despite the fact that I ship them, and because Adzix would die, I'd rather see the first than the second. As a fan of CSI, not as a shipper.
id rather see the 1st cause that would seem more in character. i cant see Grissom been ok with romping in the office. plus the 1st sounds more tender and romantic, and thats the kind of relationship they seem to have. im sure its passionate, but there seems to be a mental and emotional connection and understanding moreso. which im glad about. lust never lasts.
well, i think they'll give us neither only a peck nor a full make out session. IMO they'll balance it. i think it's possible if we'll have a longer version of a goodbye (or whatever the occasion) kiss on the lips. not a full make out, but containing parts that will allow us to categorize it as a slight make-out, if y'all know what i mean.

right then, like sarah said, i'd be already sniffing flowers from below. picture that.

we forget one thing though. they don't have to kiss only ONCE.
I agree. I do hope the writers will give us little nuggets and tidbits. I'm totally for GSR, but I don't want soapy. That wouldn't be true to the show. However, I would like to see minor interactions that remind us that behind the scenes there's a little something-something going on. ;)

Oh and thanks for all the warm welcomes. :)
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