Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

OOooHhhh ook so she was the one that was referring to Lady Heather not him. Dumb me i kept on thinking about the episode "Slaves of Las Vegas" and "Inside the box" for some clues but never nothing so now i know ^ thanks.

Right. Because chances are that all Sara knows about her is that she's a dominatrix. Having never visited the Dominion or talked to Lady Heather, she wouldn't necessarily be aware of what it is that Lady Heather specifically caters to. So far as I've seen, corsettes don't appear to be a big part of that, at least not the traditional ones meant specifically for binding - more decorational, I believe.

I think that WP played the scene a bit more ambiguous, though. He is holding the books, and in the stage directions, he's supposed to kind of make an eye flick to them, and also he says "sources" as in a plural, and he is holding more than one book.

But either way, LH was never going to be said by name, so I do think all the writer was saying was that Sara hasn't been blind to the rumors surrounding Grissom.

I always thought she sounded Californian. That kind of drawling bored tone. You know. Like yours. Yankee ho.

Forgive Dayna. She's Canadian and unaware that during the Civil War, while California supported the Union, it was not technically labelled a Yankee state. Fool.

Nerh It was a reference to an upcoming s7 episode called "fannysmacking". Now the word "fanny" alludes to a completely different area of anatomy in the UK.

Dirty birdie.

Anyway - I picked "GD wouldn't have been a full reveal", which is most likely true. I mean, I do think that the scenes in Bite Me would've seemed more obvious, as would ABRTI, had that scene happened.

More obvious to the majority of the audience, I mean.

Because at that point people know something's going on, but they can't definitely say that they're together or that anything happened.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

No, it wouldn't have been a full reveal, but as viewers, it would have made us sit up and go HELLO! Grissom being Grissom would have given a lot away by going in her room. He is so private, it would have shocked us, that he was confident enough to bunk up with her in the same room. And he wouldn't have worn that shirt with a bit of luck ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

No, it wouldn't have been a full reveal, but as viewers, it would have made us sit up and go HELLO! Grissom being Grissom would have given a lot away by going in her room. He is so private, it would have shocked us, that he was confident enough to bunk up with her in the same room. And he wouldn't have worn that shirt with a bit of luck

*Snort*. Because I know nothing gets me in the mood more than a hawaiian shirt.

But anyway - agreed. It would've been, like, the "WTF?" scene, but I think that because they don't kiss or they don't wake up naked next to each other in any given scene, it would've been more "What is going on here? Are they together? Was that a one-night stand? Shouldn't an incredibly intelligent forensics expert have been able to come up with a better excuse for wanting to sleep with his subordinate while in a hotel during a case?"
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

You make me laugh so much, Sarahvma! :D Too right. Totally agree with you. Even intelligent people struggle when their hormones are rampaging! Control it, Grissom!

I've just seen your corsets (not literally - behave!) and LH post. I so didn't get they were refering to her. Completely over my head. But now you mention it, he does look away a bit too quickly and does look a bit guilty...
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

You make me laugh so much, Sarahvma! Too right. Totally agree with you.

Everyone does. Because I'm fantastic in all ways. *smug*

Even intelligent people struggle when their hormones are rampaging! Control it, Grissom!

Well... my only point was... "Greg snores"?!

If they were not in a relationship, which we now know that they were, but if they were not, I can see Sara just sort of cocking her head to the side and saying, "WTF?"

"Mr. Grissom, hotel staff saw you enter the hotel room of a female work colleague. Are the two of you engaged in a sexual relationship?"

"No, sir. My roommate snored and I thought it would be appropriate to share her one-bed room."

As it was, the stage directions just have Sara opening the door, inviting him in. Which sort of suggests that she's saying, "Uh-huh. Whatever. Just get in here and take your pants off."

I've just seen your corsets (not literally - behave!) and LH post. I so didn't get they were refering to her. Completely over my head. But now you mention it, he does look away a bit too quickly and does look a bit guilty...

Yeah, but I think it's because he did comfort her while he was technically with Sara.

I have to say, though, that I do like that they're implying that Sara hasn't been in the dark. She hasn't been sitting there imagining that he's essentially had eyes only for her this whole time and sits at home torturing himself with the thoughts of not having her.

So... she understands that he's human. And it would be rather hypocritical for her to have dated Hank and at the same time to have expected him to save himself for her.

While the nature of the ship is in wanting to believe that the two characters could only truly love each other... it's just not realistic. So did he have feelings for "other women"? Yes. But I wouldn't ship GSR if I didn't think that a) they were the best match for each other, as unconventional as they are and b) if I thought that either of their past relationships could come back and permanently dislodge them in a very soap opera way.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Okay, well I voted and I chose option 2. Most GSR shippers know that the flirtation has been around ever since the show started, BUT there were a ton of scenes in season 6 that needed to happen before we saw the two as a couple. So I stand in between #1 & #2.
I think Grissom did change after Grave Danger, but if it depended on that episode (which I'm still not sure about where I stand with the GSR timeline) Neither of the two would have been the type to rush into it. I think. That was Warrick's job, right? What qualifies at a rush....?

Ugh, the many unanswered questions of GSR...
But mystery is what keeps me coming back. :)

7 DAYS!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

sarahvma said:
"Mr. Grissom, hotel staff saw you enter the hotel room of a female work colleague. Are the two of you engaged in a sexual relationship?"

"No, sir. My roommate snored and I thought it would be appropriate to share her one-bed room."
:lol: He totally has to use that line at some point. Gris could pull it off. :D
sarahvma said:
While the nature of the ship is in wanting to believe that the two characters could only truly love each other... it's just not realistic. So did he have feelings for "other women"? Yes. But I wouldn't ship GSR if I didn't think that a) they were the best match for each other, as unconventional as they are and b) if I thought that either of their past relationships could come back and permanently dislodge them in a very soap opera way.
I totally agree with you on that point. I never had issues with his attraction to Lady H and the whole LHB episode because it's perfectly normal for people to be attracted to more than one person. Biologically, its a given.
I also never had issues with his attraction to Sofia although I would have found it a tad irritating if he's started a relationship with Sofia whilst she worked for him, after all he "said" about risk and work in Butterflied. If he was ever gonna take that risk, it had to be Sara. Hurray - it is!

Up until reading this thread though, I thought Sara and Gris probably got it together near the end of season 6. However, I like your interpretation - a lot of the scenes do make more sense from that perspective. Although, why the writers wanted to continue with the whole Sara/Sofia jealousy thing is beyond me. I like your (sarahvma's) interpretation of ABRTI2 but the Werewolves scene just makes no sense unless you ignore the Gris element and presume they were both suffering PMS that day!
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

lol. I am SO glad, and I can't say this enough, that they ditched the bitch-fights.

Do Sara and Sofia have some temper problems? Yes, but they don't need to jump down each others' throats.

As for their attraction to other people (before we get modslapped, and I'm sorry that I was the one who started this, we should probably censor any names due to other ships, but anyway)... you're right. It's normal.

And also... I think that they were both trying to find different ways of dealing with the fact that they just didn't think they *could* be together. Sara recognizes this in Invisible Evidence when she's asking for a promotion. Grissom gets a little too involved, and at this point she's thinking, "He's always going to keep me close enough so that it's awkward, so that we have this tension, but he'll never make a move, and I'd rather waste the moment when he might finally kiss me to point that out".

Which she was right to do. She was right to say, "At the moment, I have to think about work, especially if I know that you're not really stable enough to be with me right now."

Which is how I read that scene. She's not manipulating him, she's not inviting him to pounce on her. She really did mean to re-inact the scene, and I think they both just got caught up in it.

But if you watch it, Grissom is really the one who looks like he's not aware of what it is, he's just kind of going with the moment.

And until she says something, he doesn't even recognize how far he was into it.

They just weren't emotionally ready at that point.

And so I think that's where the "other" people kind of come from. It's perhaps even them saying, "Do I really like this person, or do I only want them because I think I can't have them? If so, might I not want to try dating other people?"

Again, that's not saying the other attraction wasn't real, but perhaps their reasons for persuing it might have been coming from ulterior sources.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I think that WP played the scene a bit more ambiguous, though. He is holding the books, and in the stage directions, he's supposed to kind of make an eye flick to them, and also he says "sources" as in a plural, and he is holding more than one book.
You know, when I saw it, I didn't necessarily make any LH connection. It seemed more like a flirty joke than anything else. But you know what? If he was into weird corset play sexing with LH, then I genuinely hope that it was him, and not her in the corset.

As it was, the stage directions just have Sara opening the door, inviting him in. Which sort of suggests that she's saying, "Uh-huh. Whatever. Just get in here and take your pants off."
Oh, but only because she didn't want to experience the unpleasantness of khakis chafing her bare legs during their completely platonic and by no means even remotely sexual night together in her one bed hotel room. Khaki chafe is a bitch, yo.

My website is done now, and my new icons are up, including a bunch of GSR ones.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

sarahvma said:
She's not manipulating him, she's not inviting him to pounce on her. She really did mean to re-inact the scene, and I think they both just got caught up in it.
But if you watch it, Grissom is really the one who looks like he's not aware of what it is, he's just kind of going with the moment.
Yeah. I agree. Actually, I listened to the DVD commentary on that scene and apparently Jorja didn't want to play that scene at first because she didn't want to flirt near the dead girl's bloody sheets. Then the writer convinced her that Sara's not flirting - she's genuinely re-enacting the scene... up until it hits her just how differently it could be interpretted and then she feels awkward and backs off. Then she hits Gris with the promotion request and, as you pointed out, only after she spells it out does Grissom actually suddenly realise what just happened (or didn't happen) ;)

sarahvma said:
And so I think that's where the "other" people kind of come from. It's perhaps even them saying, "Do I really like this person, or do I only want them because I think I can't have them? If so, might I not want to try dating other people?"

Again, that's not saying the other attraction wasn't real, but perhaps their reasons for persuing it might have been coming from ulterior sources.
I agree there too. I've always felt that Sara's reasons for dating Hank were that she wanted someone less complicated at that time. The girl had needs and Hank the Plank was a likely specimen to fill them.

Of course, that ended badly...

Which prompted her to "go for it" with Grissom. Which (at that time) ended badly...

Which prompted her to throw herself into her work and attempt a promotion. Which ended badly...

Let's hope that the Sara-angst-fest the writers were enjoying at that time is finally over. I like my favourite science nerd to be happy. :D Happy, happy, happy! (Joy, joy, joy!)
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

You know, when I saw it, I didn't necessarily make any LH connection. It seemed more like a flirty joke than anything else. But you know what? If he was into weird corset play sexing with LH, then I genuinely hope that it was him, and not her in the corset.

You frighten me. Or... was that supposed to be the other way around?

Oh, but only because she didn't want to experience the unpleasantness of khakis chafing her bare legs during their completely platonic and by no means even remotely sexual night together in her one bed hotel room. Khaki chafe is a bitch, yo.

Right. Right. As they lay above the covers and did not touch at all, because that would be wrong. And didn't even look at each other. Or breathe.

Yeah. I agree. Actually, I listened to the DVD commentary on that scene and apparently Jorja didn't want to play that scene at first because she didn't want to flirt near the dead girl's bloody sheets.

Which I agree with. That scene could've very easily come off as Sara trying to seduce Grissom. And it didn't. Like the director said, it simply felt like they were two people who daily had to work through being attracted to one-another and still working together, and they slip up every now and then.

I agree there too. I've always felt that Sara's reasons for dating Hank were that she wanted someone less complicated at that time. The girl had needs and Hank the Plank was a likely specimen to fill them.

True. The great irony, of course, being that at the moment when she seems to give in and genuinely starts to like her, she finds out he's been tricking her all this time. But really, she was having an affair of her own. Mentally she was using him as a Grissom substitute anyway.

lol. Yay for Happy Sara!
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much

lol. Yay for Happy Sara!

Word. Lol. I feel so out of the loop now since I can't get online all the time to talk to you guys... =[ But I'm sure I'll live, considering the fact that CBS is replaying the ENTIRE season 6 finalie tonight from 9-11<333
I'm so hyperrr for it. =P
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much

You frighten me. Or... was that supposed to be the other way around?
No. That's exactly what I meant. Come on. Grissom in a corset! You KNOW you wanna see it. You're thinking of it RIGHT NOW and drooling. I know Adz is. Beautiful icon, btw. Where could you possibly have found such a stunning example of beauty?

Which I agree with. That scene could've very easily come off as Sara trying to seduce Grissom. And it didn't. Like the director said, it simply felt like they were two people who daily had to work through being attracted to one-another and still working together, and they slip up every now and then.
I also agree. It would have been totally inappropriate for them to start making out on the bloody sheet. You'll note that for the personal convo, she stepped away from the sheet and it was no longer prominent in the background. Respect for the dead is a good thing, and it's nice to know that working around death all the time hasn't hardened them to a point of tactlessness.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Sarah killer icon- nice job-- I just went online to try and see about photoshop or paintshop-YIKES :eek:really expensive- :mad:do any of you know any other programs that are less expensive- and ziggy always talking about Dean :lol: funny----and on the pic, there are different angles, that do show the painting and there are many little things on the her "nitestand" and is Sofia really not gone :( geez-crap--- will stop now-no bashing- but you all get my drift-and with Melinda Clarke on the O.C. what actual chance of her returning are there? but a Sara/LH scene would be interesting :cool: "WAY TO GO' on tonite-how apropriate with the new eppy starting next week ;)

Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

^desert, I made Sarah's icon, so thank you :) Check out my website for a bunch more.

As for photoshop, PM me. I can. *cough* help.

I'd love to see MC back on the show. I am hardcore GSR, but I think that LH really adds a dimension to the Grissom/Sara relationship that keeps things interesting. I wouldn't want to see him cheat, of course, but Heather has always been able to get him to open up.. maybe a scene where he tells her all about his love for Sara? I'd like them to find closure.
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