Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

sarahvma said:


Little note to say that a re-run of CSI beat a new episode of the very popular drama House by one million viewers last week. The episode? The finale, of course. :D

That's awesome. :)

*clears throat* Hi, my name is Dani and I'm have WPHS. It was the cover of TV-Guide that pushed me over the edge, I swear I was perfectly fine before yesterday when I hadn't seen that cover. Now... now... I can't control it. (Not in a sick way that crossed through my mind the first time I wrote that too.) I'm glad I got that off my chest.

I really didn't think that TV Guide was going to GSR for the ENTIRE layout. I knew they might have a little blurb in there when talking about the show in general, but not the entire article devoted to GSR. Way to go TV Guide, way to go.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I really didn't think that TV Guide was going to GSR for the ENTIRE layout. I knew they might have a little blurb in there when talking about the show in general, but not the entire article devoted to GSR. Way to go TV Guide, way to go.

Agreed. I was rather surprised that they went that in-depth. I thought they would ask a couple of GSR questions and then be like "So! What's up for the next season" and maybe that would be a page and a side-line snapshot on the front cover.

I'm not saying that TV Guide covering GSR "makes" the ship or "makes" the show for me, but it's nice to see some akowledgement that we weren't the only ones who saw it coming, and that the fanbase is so crazy over it.

Plus? I imagine that the ratings reflect that sudden interest in wanting to know what's happening with the ship, which can't hurt.


Thought I would post some comments from Billy during a recent interview with the Chicago Tribune (note, these are only comments referring to GSR, so to read the whole thing, go here:

"I believe that we [Grissom and Sara Sidle] have had a relationship since I met her before the series started.

“Obviously there was some sort of mentor-protégé relationship that was developed at the very beginning, that Grissom was tenuous about and has been and whatnot. I don’t know exactly when this thing started."

“All the scene was last year was, the audience gets to look through the keyhole for a minute, and go, ‘Oh, [these characters] go home."

"I think they’ve been very careful, because it’s obviously a very dicey situation at work if this was a relationship that was uncovered. And yet, they found themselves together on some levels. We don’t know what levels for sure, you know?"

"But they obviously always have been interested in each other. And there’s an intimacy there. We just thought it was time for the audience to see that there is an intimacy there. We don’t know what it is, I don’t think. I mean, I don’t think anyone knows exactly what’s going on."

“Oh, I do[have an idea of how long it's been going on] I don’t know that the people who are perceiving it do [know], you know? Sara and Grissom know. And they’ve been very careful to avoid anyone else knowing."

Interesting Q&A Bit, so I'll just fast-quote it:

Q: Do you think they’ve been together since she got to Vegas, or do you not want to say when you think this happened?

“Well, does it matter, really?’

Honestly, I would have said, for me personally, no, it doesn’t matter, but for readers and fans and people who’ve emailed me, they’ve really wanted to know.

“But if you invite all your friends to a barbecue and this couple shows up together, don’t you go, ‘Hey, are they together? We know they’re friends? What exactly is it?’ Jorja and I have our ideas about it as actors, but again, the show needs to spool this out. If we’d gotten into this relationship in the second or third year of the show, we’d be done now."

"“If you want a lot of the audience to come with you and be part of the journey, then you have to trust the creators to take you there. And if I say, this is what happened and this is where it’s been and this is where it’s going, then, [the audience might] watch ‘Grey’s Anatomy’!

I’ll give you an example – TV Guide desperately wanted to do a cover of me and Jorja, for the premiere week. I was a little against it, but then we decided we’d do it, but we wouldn’t do it as if there was some sort of other thing beyond what we do [for a living]."

AAK. There's just WAY too much, he goes on about his feelings on GSR for buckets and buckets. My advice? Skip the article and just go straight to the Q&A. It contains all of what was said without the interviewer cutting in with other comments of his own, or quotes from the other CSI crew people (Naren, CM from older interviews)

PS - it sounds like he's not coming back next year, guys.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I cliked on the article but it didnt go thru :(

sarahvma said:
PS - it sounds like he's not coming back next year, guys.

So i guess Jorja is not coming back either right? :(
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Big welcome to Sirius_Hope :D

I'm stoked at the number of icons and banners that have popped up from the TV Guide spread we have. Adzix especially has done a great job on them. Even I have rehashed my LJ layout because of it
*sob* thanks ts!
Excellent, excellent. Now for these viewings, should the subject be restrained a la Clockwork Orange, or should we allow them to view them freely, even when WPHS is starting to have a resiting effect?
physical restraint as a way to convince the host about the WP's hottness, might result in a contradictory effect. thus, this procedure should be omitted. the only exception, this kind of treatment is allowed, is when the host gets into first level of convulsions that in most cases follow the realization of WP's hottness, his sexy body, his beard as well as his clean shaven face.

in the next step, after reaching the 5/6 stage of WPHS, the subject should decide if she prefers TB (The Beard) or TD (The Dimple).

note: the host may find both of these, equally hot.

session 3 completed.

i'm gonna read the article now ... 'bout him leaving, he says it since season 5. i don't believe him anymore, he might be still around ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Oh! OH! I turned on Friends the other night and I swear to God, TOM was the first thing I saw. It was fantastic.
Tom will be with you always, my child.

Oh, and EB = Electronics Boutique? We have that here, too, and yeah they sell movies. Only a handful in comparison to all the gaming stuff, though.

Yes. The eighth season spoilers include: Pregnant with their fourth child, Sara contemplates her life as a housewife and wonders if it's time to return to the lab while her full time Nanny cares for the children (SPECIAL GUEST FRAN DESCHER).

Grissom, happily married, is like Santa Claus around the lab, being nice to everyone and giving everyone the case they want.

Warrick and Catherine, newly betrothed, are now on the Dayshift, and a cast of energetic young newcomers (including Hayden Christiensen and Kiera Knightley) join the team!

Okay, maybe not.
You scare me. As does your name-misspelling. Shame on you! After all you put that jordan through back on 24 for misspelling your name. Tut-tut-tut.

No you dont have to worry, grissi is playing theatre and will only be away for some episodes, everthing will be fine
It's true. He's playin' me. I know I shouldn't be a playa hater, but DAMNIT :( Broke my heart...

it sounds like he's not coming back next year, guys.
Not necessarily. As it's a Chicago-based paper, they're bound to want to sound as pro-Chicago (and Chicago-theater) as possible, which could be a little misleading. We ought to just wait and see. They're not ruling anything out, so nor should we. But I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the idea of CSI without Grissom and Sara (as I know Billy's wish is that when Grissom leaves, however he leaves, that Sara goes with him [props to mystery ;)]). Unless Keira and Hayden take their place...*cough*

I cliked on the article but it didnt go thru
That's because Sarah accidentally didn't put a space between the link and her closing bracket. Just delete that in the navigation bar after you click the link, and try it again (or right click and press 'Open in new window' or whatever)

"...a new forensic psychologist who will “throw Grissom off his game,”" - I thought the Doc was cut? Maybe he's showing up in another ep or something...

Anyway, it looks like Tongues Cost More is probably going to win - though I do wonder why we were all allowed 2 final votes as opposed to one. Ah well, only a handful of posts left before we make the move now!

Oh, and I love that people are still using the 'WPHS' phrase even after Sarah called all the users really lame :p
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Thanks for the heads up ^^ i read some of it already i abosolutely love this Q&A:

But she seems very persistent. She doesnt give up

WP: "And thats what he loves about her. Shes's a bulldog. And he always saw that in her. And he always knew that subconsciously the only person the only person who'd be able to give him a second look is someone who's not willing to take the first look for granted."
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Well I see that the new conversation from cheating is now, The TV guide. Which I don't have yet because the stores have decided to torment me and not have it out when I go to the stores...

But I will have that TV guide soon! And then I will read it over and over. Cause that's how obsessed I am. Hopefully, I get it before the new season starts, which is only 29 hours away.

My friend yelled at me today, I said something like '34 hours until CSI!' and he said 'You're counting down hours now?!?' cause I was counting days, until now, in which case, I'm counting down hours.

I liked 'Under the covers and on to the Cover', just cause it suited what I want. lol, I'm too lazy to explain fully why I wanted it, so blah.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

That Chicago Tribune interview is lovely, just... lovely.

We all joke about WPHS and the like, and the man certainly is attractive, but seriously... that's the first time I've ever thought that I would like to sit down and have a real conversation with WP. I think he's the kind of person I could have been friends with.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

So i guess Jorja is not coming back either right?

Well, supposedly Billy has always wanted his character to leave with Sara's. But at the same time, he kind of said that he definitely wanted to do a play next year, that was his main priority, but he was sort of saying that they'd have to "accomodate" it on CSI. So perhaps he's just giving out a general warning in case such accomodations just won't work.

physical restraint as a way to convince the host about the WP's hottness, might result in a contradictory effect. thus, this procedure should be omitted. the only exception, this kind of treatment is allowed, is when the host gets into first level of convulsions that in most cases follow the realization of WP's hottness, his sexy body, his beard as well as his clean shaven face.

Of course. Are we then, to assume, that subjects such as Cincoflex may have been restrained during their "sessions", thus leading to a surprising fetish of a combination of Billy and bondage?

By the way? Billy said "babes" - which means I've just gone back a notch in my WPHS. Add "gal" to that, and I'm afraid I'm back to the "Grissom only" stage. Sorry, ladies.

You scare me. As does your name-misspelling. Shame on you! After all you put that jordan through back on 24 for misspelling your name. Tut-tut-tut.

Fran doesn't deserve my spelling.

I have a feeling that you're right - they must have moved him to a later episode. Apparently "Iced" used to be two episodes, then it was going to be one with the themes of "Secrets and Flies" AND "Iced" (hence why Grissom goes to Court, but we never see it) and then they canned the rival entymologist storyline altogether and saved it for season 6. So it's possible that they just shifted this scene to another episode, doing a reverse of what they did with Iced.

Not necessarily. As it's a Chicago-based paper, they're bound to want to sound as pro-Chicago (and Chicago-theater) as possible, which could be a little misleading.

Well, that's true - and besides, for Chicogoans, it doesn't really matter if he does theater or TV, because his 'fans' there can see him in both.
So they have no need to sugar-coat it.

though I do wonder why we were all allowed 2 final votes as opposed to one.

Because often people say, "Well, I voted for this one, but I wanted it as much as this other one" and we often end up with a title we don't like because of it.

Well I see that the new conversation from cheating is now, The TV guide. Which I don't have yet because the stores have decided to torment me and not have it out when I go to the stores...

It's out Thursday. People who subscribe to TV Guide got it early.

We all joke about WPHS and the like, and the man certainly is attractive, but seriously... that's the first time I've ever thought that I would like to sit down and have a real conversation with WP. I think he's the kind of person I could have been friends with.

Well... I think he's bad at expressing himself. Because as I said, he uses a lot of cliches I don't care for, but then you do hear those stories about him putting money into a theater so it can have basic set-ups, or working his ass off for a part, so I guess actions speak louder than words.

But babes? Seriously - babes?
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Is the interview in hard copy too? I can check it out and amybe copy it at the library next week.

I got my TV Guide today *squees* love it, love it *drool*

I think Billy also said though that there were things he might do on CSI next year, I guess it's still a wait and see game.
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