Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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No need to rant... just have calm thoughts of Billy ... in a tux... ahem...

Yeah, I'll email you something. Are you really going to send it? What a cool idea!
The really scary thing is that he LIKES you. You should see how he is when forced to interact with people he DOESN'T like. *sigh*

Sure. SURE! You're just saying that! *Sniff* Emo moment. Sorry, y'all - my massive black eyeliner is running. I have to go listen to some Simple Plan.

Speaking of the box, this is a little note telling Adzix that for the LAST time, she cannot mail herself in the box so that she can be delivered to Billy. It's a) creepy and b) you'll be scanned by the CBS mail department anyway.

That goes for you, too, britfan - don't think your charming accent will get you out of this.

I'll be sure to let him know.


"Oh really! I had no idea..."

I'm sorry. I saw Dean and everything else went out the window. Oh Dean, how my heart beats only for thee!

*Cough* - and Malcom. And Nathan Fillion. And that guy in White Rock whom you bummed the light off of. And men in general. Ho.

Contents are still pretty sparse at the moment. I blame Sarah.

I blame me, too.

Anyway - since it appears that Sara's brother is winning, and we already kind of discussed that to death before I posted the poll, I'm going to do a follow-up.
Speaking of the box, this is a little note telling Adzix that for the LAST time, she cannot mail herself in the box so that she can be delivered to Billy. It's a) creepy and b) you'll be scanned by the CBS mail department anyway.
lmao.. plus, we all remember what happened in Nesting Dolls with the girl trying to mail herself to America...

*Cough* - and Malcom. And Nathan Fillion. And that guy in White Rock whom you bummed the light off of. And men in general. Ho.
Well, Malcolm and Nathan are givens. And that dude I bummed the light off, I didn't like, WANT him, I just wanted his fire, and I TOLD you it's best to go for hot young men who are physically attracted to you, so as to best accomplish your GOALS. *haughty sigh*

As for the poll, I went with 'random visitor' even though it's an obvious reference to your fanfic. Snob.

So we've got 1 week and 1 day now folks! YAY!
Um... excuse YOU, but it is NOT a reference to my fic, it was a response to Reeble. Are you trying to get on my shit list, Dayna? Cuz you're getting there. You are GETTING THERE.


I have a Spanish test in, like, 10.

Anyway - random visitor for me. Mostly because I want a little "jealous Grissom" moment to come out of it.

LOL @ the Nesting Dolls reference.

You just see CM bury britfan out in the desert somewhere.
You mean she'd bury Adzix, not britfan.

You know you love me. I am immune to shitlist status.

Yo no parlos Espanol!!!

Aside from Hank, we've never really seen a 'jealous Grissom' moment, have we? I would indeed like to see that. Like, if some suspect was flirting with her hardcore ala Rashomama, except with Grissom present. He could be like "bitch WHAT?" and get out his uzi.
BH standing for... Blue Hawaiian?
you got it right :D
Speaking of the box, this is a little note telling Adzix that for the LAST time, she cannot mail herself in the box so that she can be delivered to Billy. It's a) creepy and b) you'll be scanned by the CBS mail department anyway.
lmao.. plus, we all remember what happened in Nesting Dolls with the girl trying to mail herself to America
to be honest i was already taping myslef up in the box; using my blunt scissors to make holes for oxygen, and preparing the same items that the guy in Suckers used to have in that fake japaneese armour. but now you reminded me of ND, and though i'm already in the U.S. i resigned to complete my mission. Billy, you sexy beast, do you see in what state i'm in b/c of you?

*clears throat* about the nu poll. i voted for the third option for the same reason sarah did. i just want to see jelaous Grissom. but if they won't bring the bro in, it's nothing really cuz there are like a zillion other ways to make G jealous (but i don't want any major jealousy moments of course, just something tiny, to finally see that the geek cares).
i want her brother to be a random visitor, i don't like the idea of him being dead... :( that would be just too much for sara, i guess.. :( and as a suspect, that would be too much for her too, cause she will only be angry with him, while infact, she wants to hug him, tell her everything that happened to her, and more stuff like that.. :) so yes, a random visitor would be really great! :D
britfan said:
We're booked in. First class, obviously, with CSI re-runs as on flight entertainment!
Excellent. Now, let's not forget our "fannypacks" ;)

The GSR box does sound kinda cool. Is there a deadline for sending stuff?

I also voted Sara's brother random visit event. Because jealous Grissom would be so cute. I really loved that "wtf" face he pulled after he overheard Greg and Sara talk about their mutual shower in 4x4. And the look he gave Greg after he mock-smothered Sara in a flirty way in Committed. However, I don't feel he was ever really threatened by Greg. Some hot guy from Sara's past turning up should
give us some excellent faces - until all is revealed. I still vote Joe Flanigan for the role but then I still have no idea who "Dean" is.

Nathan Fillion
Mmmm... Nathan Fillion... They should totally get him to guest star this season.

I mean, it's not like he's doing much since the evil powers-that-be axed Firefly (heretics!).

Anyway, I should studying organic chem write now. It's not enough that I was at work at 7:30am till gone 5pm. No, now I must study. It's my own fault for wanting to be a proper scientist.
The GSR box does sound kinda cool. Is there a deadline for sending stuff?
Yes. Yes there was. It was July 29th, my birthday. But I didn't have near enough stuff to send it, so now there is no deadline, I'm just waiting until I have enough stuff in it.

Mmmm... Nathan Fillion... They should totally get him to guest star this season.
Nathan Fillion is a sex god. He should be on everything all the time. And those who cancelled Firefly are forever on my shit list.

I still have no idea who "Dean" is
Dean is Dean Cain, who played Superman on Lois and Clark in the early-mid 90s. He could definitely play a hot guy from Sara's past! Her college lover? The guy she was dating when she met Grissom? How gorgeous would that be... he could feel totally threatened by this hot and sexy man, closer to Sara's age and muscle-bound.. and then she could assure him that while Dean is MUCH sexier than him, he always has been and always will be her first choice. *dreamy sigh*
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Hi there everyone. I gotta new keyboard that works so I can now talk without backspacing all thew times it enters. ^__^

Oh, and I totally voted Suspect of the Week for the poll. I think it would be cool to see how, not only Sara, but Grissom reacts to Sara's brother being a suspect. It would be simalar to the times before where she got emotional, but it would be soo much different because it's her brother this time. I also think that Nick, Catherine, Warrick and the rest of the team's reactions would be worth seeing.
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Dean is Dean Cain
Oh that Dean! I must admit, he never really did it for me. Please don't put me on your shit list though. I'd still be up for him playing Sara's sexy ex-lover to make Gris jealous. :p

(I know I said I was off studying but one of my cats came and sat on my knee and she's so warm and cute - I don't have the heart to move her... That, and I'm skiving obviously.)
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

I was never big on DC, but my problem with Nathan is always associating him with Caleb from Buffy S7. I was rather glad he got whacked eventually.

I voted random visitor but suspect would work too. If they did corpse, there couldn't be interaction with him. Perhaps something like him being wrongly accused would be cool, and then they clear him.

*loves jordan's siggy*
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

csi_fan_uk, just a quick reminder of the board rules about banners. A banner cannot be bigger than 220x75. Please adjust accordingly. ;)

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Please keep this in mind when posting. :)
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

H-whell! I never. So many posts, so little time to read. I, personaly, went with the random vistor. Hehe, Grissom getting jealous. Hmmm. That would be gold.

*coughs* Ma-han! Am I ever feeling sick! Maybe I'll *cough* get the day off tomorrow and stay here all day! *cough, cough*

Uhm, does anyone remember in the eppisode (can't remember what one) where Eddie is a suspect in a rape charge? Where Catherine says, "I'm Catherine W.. - Just Catherine," would Sara end up doing the same thing if her brother was a suspect? I mean, she's never been married (we hope) so, here name's still Sidle, as his would be. And even though he hasn't seen her in God-knows-how many years, and shes obviously chnaged in that time, he'd know her name. That's why I chose random visitor. As for him being hot - Yummah. All the Sidle's have to be good looking if Sara looks like that. Wahm! *thud*

And if her mom was there, I agree with desertwind, Sally Feilds would be great! She was in a lot of movies that I've seen, like 'Forrest Gump' (love) and Mrs. Doubtfire :O And she wss really good!

gone for my supper (last meal of the day, :lol:) Talkee laters!
Re: Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Coo

Yo no parlos Espanol!!!

Eso es claro.

Aside from Hank, we've never really seen a 'jealous Grissom' moment, have we? I would indeed like to see that. Like, if some suspect was flirting with her hardcore ala Rashomama, except with Grissom present. He could be like "bitch WHAT?" and get out his uzi.

There was the first time when he saw Greg and Sara interact - Greg gave Sara a little wave, and Grissom glared at him and told Sara to stay put. Then the pillow incident in Committed... and when Grissom vengefully smothered Greg with the dummy for admitting he had sexual fantasies about Sara...

Yeah, Greg is pretty much on his shitlist.

And speaking of the Roshomama incident... I don't know - isn't it possible Sara amped up the flirting so no one would suspect she was already seeing someone? Like, I'm not saying Mikey didn't flirt with her - because he later asks for her when Catherine comes in, but it seems that she views interactions in a very one-or-the-other way. ie. The Gibberish Barbies.

But yeah... I do wish Grissom had been there for the part where Nick ribs her about flirting. I guess it would've been a touch too obvious, though, no matter what his reaction.

to be honest i was already taping myslef up in the box; using my blunt scissors to make holes for oxygen, and preparing the same items that the guy in Suckers used to have in that fake japaneese armour. but now you reminded me of ND, and though i'm already in the U.S. i resigned to complete my mission. Billy, you sexy beast, do you see in what state i'm in b/c of you?

Did anyone else back away from their computer? I thought so.

The GSR box does sound kinda cool.

AND dirty.

Excellent. Now, let's not forget our "fannypacks"

Was... was that supposed to be a reference to American fashions? Cuz you're, like, 20 years off.

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