Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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^YAY! We'll have to find like. Crime scene tape to hang abouts my living room. And we'll print out pictures of Grissom and Sara and tape them up places and.. *ponders* hmm.. I HAVE FAKE BLOOD! We could make ourselves up like corpses! *twitch*

Dean looks more Asian than Keanu though, don't you think? And yeah, I just noted that Adz was referring to Sara, not Grissom.. which would make more sense, considering that (unless you're reading Cinco) Grissom has no brother, while Sara theoretically does. Hm. Regardless. I don't care. I want to see Dean on CSI. We should write and beg him. If we can get Wil Wheaton, Dean is the logical next, says I.

If Sara has such terrible taste, shame on her.

ETA- Sorry MiniC, I missed your post up there! Yeah, my vocab stems from being a child of the 80s and early 90s. 'whack' and 'phat' just don't compare with words like 'tubular' and 'radical' imho ;)
YAY! We'll have to find like. Crime scene tape to hang abouts my living room. And we'll print out pictures of Grissom and Sara and tape them up places and.. *ponders* hmm.. I HAVE FAKE BLOOD! We could make ourselves up like corpses! *twitch*

In that case, I think I'll be washing my hair that evening.

Dean looks more Asian than Keanu though, don't you think?

Psssh - naw. I think Dean looks far more whitewashed than Keanu.

And yeah, I just noted that Adz was referring to Sara, not Grissom.. which would make more sense, considering that (unless you're reading Cinco) Grissom has no brother, while Sara theoretically does.

Sadly I think that may be a plot point that the writers have forgotten. I say that not because it's never been brought up again, but because when she was talking about her experience in Nesting Dolls, she sounded very much like she was dealing with it as an only child. It was the same in No Humans Involved.

Having said that... that case WAS about siblings and the attempt to keep them together, something she did seemingly identify with. Also, she gets along much better with boys, Nick and Greg, than girls.

But who knows?
^Ah, but even in No Humans Involved, at the end of the ep when she's looking up the case, it's "Laura Sidle 2" or something, indicating 2 children, is it not? I really want Sara to have a brother. Even if he's estranged. the fanfic "Halfway to the Moon" dealt with the whole brother thing beautifully, as did yours, which you never finished.. biotch. I just would like to see that interaction.
sarahvma said:
...if Grissom or Sara dress in a way that is seemingly out of character, it causes a commotion. Hence the robe and the shirt.

I don't think Grissom's shirt was out of character. It was just a bad shirt. A really bad shirt. The kinda shirt my mate Nook used to wear simply to offend our eyes (now his girlfriend doesn't let him - under the thumb!). Anyhoo, back to my point...
I didn't find either Gris's bad shirt or Sara's robe out of character. If anything, they are very in character for many of the reasons you stated, sarahvm. That doesn't stop the shirt being ugly though.
I'm just upset by it because I love using the clips from WTG in my wallpapers and as a result, I keep having to look at that ugly shirt! :p
^Ah, but even in No Humans Involved, at the end of the ep when she's looking up the case, it's "Laura Sidle 2" or something, indicating 2 children, is it not? I really want Sara to have a brother. Even if he's estranged. the fanfic "Halfway to the Moon" dealt with the whole brother thing beautifully, as did yours, which you never finished.. biotch. I just would like to see that interaction.

I just can't work against canon!

So blah!

Anyway... as far as the brother goes. I would HATE for them to make him her foil. In other words, "Look how wonderful Sara is that she could've been like her brother, [insert possible biblical name]. Look at how most of these kids turn out!"

I've known a lot of foster kids, and only a handful are really that bad element. And these were high school kids. While my experiences may have been unique, and they certainly felt alienated or unwanted in their homes, they weren't shooting up heroine.

The comment about finding his pot was also inferring while they were both still at home. Also, the fact that she didn't know what it was might suggest that there is a significant age gap between them.
I've just wet myself laughing at this page. Zigs, if I hop on a plane watch CSI then hop on the return flight, can I watch with you? I LOVE fake blood and crime tape and I'll bring beer and cookies and I can see the opener before January... so can I invite myself over?! :D I'm house trained... just...

I just got the impression that their WTG bedroom items were to show how comfortable they were with each other... am I just being a little bit simple?? 'Cos unless I was really comfy with a partner, I would never wear the granny gown Sara sported. :eek:
^rotflmao.. yeah, brit, go right ahead. So long as you're cool with my brood (3 dogs and 3 cats). I'm a big fan of cookies and beer ;)

I've been with my partner 6 years now, and I would never wear the granny gown- not cause I care what he thinks of how I look, but cause it's fug-lay.
I've just wet myself laughing at this page. Zigs, if I hop on a plane watch CSI then hop on the return flight, can I watch with you? I LOVE fake blood and crime tape and I'll bring beer and cookies and I can see the opener before January... so can I invite myself over?! I'm house trained... just...

Sure! Y'all come on down. I'm sure, like, a dozen of us could fit in her basement suite. Right, Zigs?

I just got the impression that their WTG bedroom items were to show how comfortable they were with each other... am I just being a little bit simple?? 'Cos unless I was really comfy with a partner, I would never wear the granny gown Sara sported.

No you di-int!

No you di-int!

lol. That was a robe, yo. How many robes look really good on people?

Anyway - I much preferred Sara in the robe than if she'd waltzed out in sexy lengerine. Only because... not that it's "not Sara", but because I think it would've been excessive. The shirt and the robe showed that they were comfortable and intimate with each other, but they weren't still trying damn hard to impress one-another.

A sign that they'd been that way for a while.

Which also goes to my theory that they were *so* already doing it in Time of Your Death.


Obviously a lot of people wear lengerine just for themselves or because they like it. That wasn't quite what I mean, but rather that in the context of that particular scene, when he's talking about the way he wants to die, if Sara comes out of the bathroom in a French maid costume, it would just be too much like "Shut up and do me now".

From purely a visual standpoint, rather than what people actually do.
sarahvma said:
as far as the brother goes. I would HATE for them to make him her foil.
The comment about finding his pot was also inferring while they were both still at home. Also, the fact that she didn't know what it was might suggest that there is a significant age gap between them.

I'm with you on both those points. I would like for her brother to be in the army, special forces or something that would explain large absences with limited communication hence why Sara doesn't talk about him much.
Personaly, as I've no idea who this "Dean" character is - I'd like him to be played by Joe "sex-on-legs" Flannagan (mmm...). I'd also like for him to appear unannounced and have Sara rush over and they hug and stuff and Gris is like "wtf! who is this sexy hot guy with his arms all over my woman!" until all is quickly explained. Later we can have the "don't hurt by sister talk" because I agree that would be a cool scene.

BTW - I'm afriad I've been awfully impolite which is very rude considering I'm Britsh, wot ho. ;) I jumped onto this discussion board a few days ago and I never did introduce myself. I'm Gem, aka csi_fan_uk, and I'm also a child of the 80s (and also the late 70s but I really don't remember the first 4 years of my life with the exception of that concussion incident - never swing on the back legs of your chair, children - especially not when said chair in placed infront of interior stone features...)

Anyhoo, Hi! and bye... off to watch brand new CSI Miami and deny my ginger fetish...
Zigs, you are a goddess... and dogs and cats are great. I'll bring them cookies too. :)

Got to agree with you too, Sarah... they were SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO at it when we caught the CSEye sex! :devil:
I'm going to have to go with false suspect with the brother - have him come in, Sara seems wary, maybe he's claiming to be cleaned up, but she's not sure. Then a crime hits, he's being blamed, it turns out to be a set-up, blah blah blah.

But that's how every plot charater comes into the episode. I just wish they wouldn't have to be a suspect in order to be included in the episode. I think it would be cool if Brother Sidle just came to the lab and asked for Sara, taking her out of an interrogation or something. Then bam, we see shocked Sara/some continuity. I guess that would work better with Grissom's mother or something.

And cleaned up? Since when did Sara's brother need to be cleaned up? He was a teenager, it's not like he got hooked to weed and carried his habit all through his life. No, I got the feeling from that scene that it was just her older brother being a teen. Unless you mean by "cleaned up" that the foster thing hit him harder than Sara. Then, yeah, I agree.

WELCOME csi_fan_uk! :D You're gonna love it here. *throws confetti*
Sure! Y'all come on down. I'm sure, like, a dozen of us could fit in her basement suite. Right, Zigs?
By "y'all", you mean open invite? Cos, if so, I'm on the plane outta here to. Britfan - meet you at Manchester airport. ;)

Anyway - I much preferred Sara in the robe than if she'd waltzed out in sexy lengerine. Only because I think it would've been excessive.
Absolutely. Sexy lingerie would have made the scene tacky. As it was, it was beautiful regardless of distressing wardrobe choices.

my theory that they were *so* already doing it in Time of Your Death
Totally. Those looks were nudge, nudge, wink, wink *knowing* looks if ever I've seen them!

OK - I'm really going to go watch CSI Miami now. The joy of Sky+ (like Tivo) is my programmes all record for me and I can skip the ads. Yay. Leaving now... Exit from the discussion board... stop typing...
We're booked in. First class, obviously, with CSI re-runs as on flight entertainment!

Just hope there's some GSR shipping going on. I won't be flying over every week otherwise... :D
But that's how every plot charater comes into the episode. I just wish they wouldn't have to be a suspect in order to be included in the episode. I think it would be cool if Brother Sidle just came to the lab and asked for Sara, taking her out of an interrogation or something. Then bam, we see shocked Sara/some continuity. I guess that would work better with Grissom's mother or something.

Wow, we're like, one mind. While I think that making him a suspect is more likely, my imaginary scenario always had him in the lab, asking for Sara, and Grissom regarding him sort of suspiciously. Namely because, of course, it's a man asking for Sara. Remember the whip-lash double-take he did when Hank asked about Sara at a crime scene?

Anyway - I think it would be interesting to see Grissom and her brother interact. I'd probably want that far more than an appearance from either Mother.
Hey GSR fans- the new TV GUIDE , just got mine today- talks about our couple ;) I posted the whole scenerio in the 'BUILT TO KILL" spoiler thread- here's a brief run-down- on our awesome/twosome--what p----me off, was the cover was a pic. of "GREY'S ANATOMY' please :mad:

The ardor between Grissom and Sara took fans by suprise, and exec producer Carol Mendelsohn promises "their relationship will continue , but it's a secret to everyone but the audience" and in the third eppy, Sara will allude to the first time she met Grissom-- in San Francisco, before joining the Las Vegas team--WHOO-HOO-HOO
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