Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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I wouldn't get too upset, desertwind - I have a feeling our GSR article is going to be up next week, seeing as that's the week of the premiere.

It IS nice to see them taking such a positive light on it, and to see that the relationship, so far, is being shown to have few, if no, bumps along the way for the time being. Because I think if there was going to be high drama, they would probably want to give that out as a blurb, to draw in fans of a more relationship-based sort of show.
oh. my. gosh. Do you people live on your computers? I've been gone for what, two, three hours tops, and I can't keep up with y'all.

p.s. I'm NOT drunk. High, maybe, but not drunk. And high on oxy..gen, at that .. :lol:

p.p.s. To Ziggster: I so dig you're radtackular shit, dude. It's totally floatin' my boat. Werd. Ouch, worst "gangstah" slash hippy impression on the history of the world. I't so .. mm.. phat. :D

Uhm, I'm pretty sure if I was Sara, I would have picked something a little more.. how shall I say this, sexy. Yes, ma'am. Sexy indeed, 'cos we all know she can SO wear sexy, and well, at that! And please, WP. You're shirt was snazzy and all, but I'm going to have to feed it to my goat. *calls to goat* HHHHHHEEERRREE, HUGHBERT! HEEERE BOY!

Okay. I'm.. looped. But, not enough NOT to agree with you, sar I think that it would def. not have been Sara, or Jorja, for that matter, to walk out in superduperly sexy lingere, but something a little more sexy, like.. embroidery? Or maybe an open front. It was like, OH NO! I have BOOBS! Hide me. And I had that same robe when I was.. nine. Yep, I'm givin' yah options, wardrobe. Please, c'mon! :lol:

p.p.p.s. HAPPY ALMOST BDAY SARA ( not jorja, sara ) SHE SHALL BE 35 IN 4 DAYS :D Party in the Jorja thread :) Ooops.. not s'posed to say that. Uh - oh. Btw, it's b.y.o.m. (bring your own mallows :lol:)
Nah - I'm just bored in-between classes (2 freakin' hours) at school, and all my friends have blocks set right now.

Plus the club day orientation ended while I was in Lit.

PS - y'all, whatever MiniCatherine is on, I want some.
Sara's mother. I am just most curious about her. I defenitely would like to see interaction between her and Sara, not to mention interaction between Sara's mom and Grissom. I am so curious what this woman would be like. I actually don't expect her to be very bitter. I guess we could say that she killed her husband after being abused for so long. Maybe there is hardly any harm in here.
Sara's mom- would give us some insight to her inner workings, and why she's the way she is- maybe- :eek:so what actress would play her well- how about Sally Field- round face-brown eyes, similiar in look's-and just about the right age- and she's a fantastic actress-what do you all think any other ideas? ;)

Sara's brother. I don't think we need the parentals, and I do not believe Grissom has a sibling (aside from them never having brought it up, I mean, it just never ever seemed like any kind of possibility/probability to me).

Now, I haven't been around since the days of 20 pages being to totality of our threads, but now that we're there on this one...just curious as to when the time comes these days to start thinking up new thread titles - nominating and voting etc.?
Sure! Y'all come on down. I'm sure, like, a dozen of us could fit in her basement suite. Right, Zigs?
Sure! And I really doubt that Malcolm would mind, hey? He'll probably delight over a bunch of squealing fangirls! Yay!

And cleaned up? Since when did Sara's brother need to be cleaned up? He was a teenager, it's not like he got hooked to weed and carried his habit all through his life.
I agreed. I mean, I for one have had.. *cough* FRIENDS who
smoked some pot in high school and those *cough* FRIENDS never touch the stuff anymore. Anyway, regardless, I think it would be nice if they hadn't seen each other in years and years and seek each other out and he turns out to be a nice, well-adjusted man with a good job and a loving wife and kids so him and Sara can chat together about how they got over a rough childhood and look at all the love and joy they have in their lives! But since we're talking CSI here, and tptb have fun torturing Sara, it's unlikely. sigh.

By "y'all", you mean open invite? Cos, if so, I'm on the plane outta here to. Britfan - meet you at Manchester airport.
Sure! Just. Like. You know. All you people flying into crash our nice party, make sure to bring something nice for the GSR box. *haughty face* ;)

I voted for Sara's brother in the poll, cause that'll rule.
hello, I am still in ko samui thailand but soon on my way home! I voted for saras mother, think of how dramatically that would be!! Her mother killed saras father, but i think that maybe it would be good for saras mental health to face her mother and talk to her about how hard it is to deal with the demons of her childhood. And I think grissom should be there too to meet saras mother, he is probably the only one who knows what had happend to sara and it would be a big sign that they are in a serious and loving relationship if he were be by saras side when she meets her mother.
Sure! And I really doubt that Malcolm would mind, hey? He'll probably delight over a bunch of squealing fangirls! Yay!

He absolutely would. I think it's just a natural part of his sunny, upbeat attitude regarding guests in general. AND his highly social interactions.

I kid - Malcom's awesome. We're having an affair, Dayna.

Okay, not really.

I'm... rambling.

Anyway -

I picked brother. Only because I think that he's the most obvious person to show up and be able to really relate to Sara, rather than her Mother where you know 100% that there will be issues an angst, the brother at least has a wildcard ability of being anything.
I really don't want to bring in family members. I don't mean to sound contradictory, but it just doesn't seem practical. It feels too... "Dawson's Creek." Joey goes to see her father in jail...

I would rather see our characters show knowledge of each other's lives. I think that's why I'm such a pusher for a "sign language" reveal. It shows intimacy for them to connect on that level, to share those little things. If Grissom can burst out at a crime scene to Catherine how his father died and his mother was affected, I'm sure he could tell Sara in the comfort of their bedroom.

I would just like to see little moments, where a sexual abues case is hitting Sara hard, and we see Grissom watching her, aware that something is wrong. Their eyes connect, and she forces a smile to let him know she's ok... little things like that would be wonderful to me. I love those little moments of connection where no one else knows what's going on besides the two of them.

They've had these "mind meld" moments since the very beginning, "Think outside the box," Grissom grins... I don't see why the moments shouldn't be a little more intimate now that they are an established couple.
theatersport Grissom is an only child-he told Cath in the eppy with the little kidnapped boy-"STILL LIFE' when he started talking about his dad dying-remember? so no siblings for this poll on him-- :( a brother would be ccol that look's like him :p
:eek: have you all fallen from a bull? or is it just me? well anyways, a freakin' bunch of posts since i last came here, which was like, what, 6 hours ago? i read them all though. my 2 hour tennis practice in 90 degrees heat, 40 minutes of running at 7 am, a couple of classes, two business homeworks and a trip to walmart won't discourage me to read everything on here. even if i'm exhausted like never, which is so very today.

okey, about Dean, yeah i was talking about SARA'S bro, zigmaister dear. c'mon, don't tell me you don't read my posts carefully.

the clothing topic, i have really nothing more to say, i feel like we interpreted every dot on Grissom's shirt and came to conclusion he's got to have a bro. am i overtalking or what? guess i'm VERY tired.

anyways, what's next? oh, family members: i voted for ... *trumpets* sara's bro, duuuh. i followed my primary instinct which is the only thing working in my brain right now, and voted for a possible new sexy male to come, steal my heart so i can hope i'll meet him in person and he'll love me back and buy me a pony. ..?.. uhh, nevermind. so, um, yeah - sara's bro. i'd like to see a little "don't hurt my sis" chat too. that'd be pretty awesome. won't happen though, cuz i doubt the character will appear (unless it's K-Fed to play'im - hey i don't read spoilers, how am i supposed to know?).
Okay... re-watched the final scene. I would've seen the whole episode, but the new one of House was on, and they TOTALLY ripped off Bloodlines, but it was still pretty good.

Anyway - the final scene. It's the same as it's always been, but it kind of jazzed me up again for the season to start. More because... I think in the great hype of "Canon Night" as Zigs calls it, we were just kind of like "YAY THEY'RE TOGETHER".

Now I see... well, I still see that hideous bedroom and shirt, but now I just sort of see a lot more tenderness to the interaction, and to the way he's talking to her.

It just feels so... normal.

And I do like his smile at the end. At first I thought it seemed like he just wasn't putting that much into it, but now it holds a little bit more... resonance.

Perhaps also because when the spoiled of us were watching, I know I at least was waiting for this great cliffhanger that mystery seemed to foretell, or this trouble they were going to have.

Long story short, she thought the final scene would play as Grissom saying he wants to leave LV and Sara saying she didn't want to.

And them kind of just like "Well, what do we do now?"

But, of course, not knowing that it was interpretation instead of actual dialogue, I was just kind of thinking that maybe the writers still had some DOOOM planned.
Sorry, Zigs, for gate crashing and I would LOVE bring something for the GSR box... but I have absolutely no clue what it is! Can you, erm, explain... I might have something in the wardrobe or under the bed somewhere, that's suitable? :)

And Sara's mum should be in it. Released, not a suspect either, to find Sara and ask her to listen to her POV. Griss would be all manly and heroic and supportive and hot and... * thud *
He absolutely would. I think it's just a natural part of his sunny, upbeat attitude regarding guests in general. AND his highly social interactions.
The really scary thing is that he LIKES you. You should see how he is when forced to interact with people he DOESN'T like. *sigh*

I kid - Malcom's awesome. We're having an affair, Dayna.
I'll be sure to let him know.

okey, about Dean, yeah i was talking about SARA'S bro, zigmaister dear. c'mon, don't tell me you don't read my posts carefully.
I'm sorry. I saw Dean and everything else went out the window. Oh Dean, how my heart beats only for thee!

Sorry, Zigs, for gate crashing and I would LOVE bring something for the GSR box... but I have absolutely no clue what it is!
Oh GOSH, I get to be PROMPTED before I start off on a rant this time! *excited face* Okay, well, the GSR box is an idea that we came up with back in the spring to let tptb know how happy we were with GSR. I'm collecting a bunch of letters, art, stories, small gifts, etc, and mailing them off in a wooden box carved with butterflies. If you'd like to contribute (even an email is better than nothing!) please go RIGHT AHEAD, I'd love you for it. Contents are still pretty sparse at the moment. I blame Sarah. Anyway, if you need more info or would like to include an email of something, it's Or, if you'd like to send a hand-written note (which would be preferred, if possible) or small gift or something, PM me for my snail mail addy :D

I can't WAIT until next Thurday. Argh. After September 21st, almost ALL of my regular shows will be back. *dances wih joy*
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