Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Still you. Fool.

Hey, hey. *points to the coronor label under her name* Watch it - I own you.

Is there any other way to play?

Nope. Unless you count naked geeks as a way to play but, you know, that's a given.

I wouldn't mind a minor GSR angst that stays 99% of the time in the background and only shows itself in a Marjorie Westcott sort of way, but I don't want something that would HAVE to take over the plot of the show, like a pregnancy or wedding. Even a working scandal with Ecklie can be kind of ongoing or a one-time thing.

Exactly. That's why I want them to get a little creative. I mean, the whole work thing has been done. It would keep the viewers on their toes if it turned out Grissom's long lost brother Gus moved to Vegas and wreaked havoc all over the crime lab.

Too much drama? No!

Ok, so I don't have another idea for them to do, but they have tons of writers who get payed to come up with these things. I just want them to change it around a bit, do something no show has ever done before. Give the Emmy-voters something to vote for, you know?

I do believe it's too late. I think they start filming pretty damn soon. It probably won't be that bad. And he can regrow it during the winter hiatus. Like Santa. Or a polar bear.


That's it. I'm moving to Albakerky and getting a job at the nearest Hooters.

Look what you've done!

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey, hey. *points to the coronor label under her name* Watch it - I own you.

Bows. Yes, master.

Did anyone read the current article interviewing Jorja Fox? She said that at the moment she most admires Robert David Hall (Doc Robbins) which I think is fantastic, I really really heart that man.

Nope. Unless you count naked geeks as a way to play but, you know, that's a given.

Well, that and naked shuffleboard. But again, a given.

Exactly. That's why I want them to get a little creative. I mean, the whole work thing has been done. It would keep the viewers on their toes if it turned out Grissom's long lost brother Gus moved to Vegas and wreaked havoc all over the crime lab.

Maybe Gus can have a curly moustache. Or the handlebar that WP sported in Young Guns 2 .

Too much drama? No!

Ok, so I don't have another idea for them to do, but they have tons of writers who get payed to come up with these things. I just want them to change it around a bit, do something no show has ever done before. Give the Emmy-voters something to vote for, you know?

Precisely. And if integrated correctly into the plot, that really could put WP up for a somewhat overdue Emmy nod. The reason Marg was nominated and won was because... they actually give her personal storylines.

Now of course the joke with Grissom for a long time was that he didn't HAVE a personal life, which was fine, but there should be a way of doing this relationship so that there's still a healthy sprinkle of angst, fluff and outside fear. They still love their jobs, and their jobs are still at risk because of it.

I just don't need a SUPER stereotypical "sneaking around" type of thing.

That's it. I'm moving to Albakerky and getting a job at the nearest Hooters.

Look what you've done!

There are no words.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

fogi: For the record, I love you in a platonic way. You are awesome. :)

BTW: Mr. Petersen could always grow the beard back... I think our first hints of which way they're going with it this season, unless a spoiler maiden finds out, would be the promotional pictures for season 7... *crosses fingers for a beard*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Bows. Yes, master.

Did anyone read the current article interviewing Jorja Fox? She said that at the moment she most admires Robert David Hall (Doc Robbins) which I think is fantastic, I really really heart that man.

Damn straight.

I haven't read the article, but I completely agree - Robert David Hall is an amazing person. He deserves more credit than he gets. I, too, heart the man very much.

Well, that and naked shuffleboard. But again, a given.

Naked shuffleboard, naked ping pong, naked chinese checkers... They're all givens.

Maybe Gus can have a curly moustache. Or the handlebar that WP sported in Young Guns 2 .


Yeah, no. No one should ever have to witness the curly moustache ever again in this generation. It's just too ugly for words.

Precisely. And if integrated correctly into the plot, that really could put WP up for a somewhat overdue Emmy nod. The reason Marg was nominated and won was because... they actually give her personal storylines.

I never thought about it like that, but you're right. Every year we're wondering why CSI never gets any actor awards. It's true, CSI is an amazing show, but let's face it - people like to see shows get up close and personal, and not just with the fingerprints and dandruff flakes.

They opened up a chance to get to know the characters. I'm sure it would get the Emmy-voters' attention, and it seems like CSI truly wants a statue this year, what with their real-life crime scene and Gary Dourdan look-alike.

But who knows? They just might keep it the same and let two private peoples' lives be private.

There are no words.

Gasp! I've left Sarah speechless! You might not be able to tell, but I'm truly shocked. This is a great achievement. Sarah never has nothing to say.

Aww, I miss the Just the Facts list. And Gutterflied in general. It's been pretty dead lately. :(
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Dayna gets Jackpot Grissom. And I think we all know why.
Ewwwwwwwwww. I've reserved Nathan. I want no part of Grissom. For this, I am SO dunking you tomorrow at (angel chorus)Whiiteee Rooocckk..

Sarah never has nothing to say
Not true. There's this one store at Guildford Mall with this 7 foot tall gold spinning.. THING that tries to pass itself off as home decor.. that thing makes Sarah pretty speechless with horror.

Aww, I miss the Just the Facts list. And Gutterflied in general. It's been pretty dead lately
Agreed. But I think it's just for the summer. Everyone has stuff they have to do. I, for example, need to stop my kitten from chewing on that ruler... okay, back. Damn kitten. Anyway, I think that once the show starts up again Gutterflied will too. And in the meantime, there's always THE BOX to contribute to.. *hint hint*

Anyway, I didn't vote in the polls (gasp, shock), but I'm all for bearded Billy.

Also, can I just say? Malcolm has had a beard every one of the 6 years we've been together and I have NEVER, EVER gotten "beard burn" anywhere on my body. I think Jorja (who has, apparently kissed many bearded men..?) would agree with me when I say that it's not an unpleasant experience, and is certainly not reminiscent of Brillo pads (*tries desperately to keep a straight face whilst saying 'Brillo' and fails miserably, dissolving into a fit of giggles* Sorry. ij.)

I need to go see if anyone's voting for my Scully icon over on the misc thread now so I shall take my leave.

Oh, and please go see my delightful movie: "Love Knows No Bounds" starring myself.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I have been away from the PC for a while and come to catch up and find .... NO BEARD !! WHAT ARE THEY MAD? :eek: :eek: :eek:

He looks ***SOOO**** distinctive and sexy with the beard. :devil: It is so manly. It marks out his character from ALL other detectives - HE IS NOT A COP BUT A BRAIN.

It has runined my day. :(I am now going to fret about no beard.

PS My lovely scientist hubby has a sexy Grissom-like-beard (mind you a few greys appearing nowadays but then he does not have the makeup artists on hand like WP) I would NEVER want my man to shave the beard. *Trim* beards are SO HUNKY :devil:

Those guys at CBS do not want to chop and change in order to try and out do Greys A!
Mind you if 'House' was opposite CSI I would definitely havde to make sure I had enough video tape/DVDs!!!

Hummmm Hugh Laurie has a rather smashing 2 or 3 day beard?
I never fancied him clean shaven like in Blackadder!!!

Come to think of it. The House character owes ALOT to Grissom don't you think??? :confused:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

BTW: Mr. Petersen could always grow the beard back... I think our first hints of which way they're going with it this season, unless a spoiler maiden finds out, would be the promotional pictures for season 7... *crosses fingers for a beard*

Apparently Marg Helgenberger once jokingly said, "Billy got tired of shaving, which meant Grissom got tired of shaving" so I think that if he does go beard-free, we can work that into some kind of analysis. Beards are generally a man's way of "hiding" himself from other people, and Grissom is an intensely private person.

So again, analysis gallore could be in store, which wouldn't be a bad thing, but until it's canon, I won't theorize.

I haven't read the article, but I completely agree - Robert David Hall is an amazing person. He deserves more credit than he gets. I, too, heart the man very much.

I think she spoke particularly about how much she admired his confidence and his ability to work through his diability. Which is absolutely true - Doc Robbins is hands-down my favorite secondary character on the show, and I never realized that the cane had anything to do with RDH. It just doesn't matter.

Naked shuffleboard, naked ping pong, naked chinese checkers... They're all givens.

Canasta, too.


Yeah, no. No one should ever have to witness the curly moustache ever again in this generation. It's just too ugly for words.

Don't lie. you loved it.

I never thought about it like that, but you're right. Every year we're wondering why CSI never gets any actor awards. It's true, CSI is an amazing show, but let's face it - people like to see shows get up close and personal, and not just with the fingerprints and dandruff flakes.

They opened up a chance to get to know the characters. I'm sure it would get the Emmy-voters' attention, and it seems like CSI truly wants a statue this year, what with their real-life crime scene and Gary Dourdan look-alike.

But who knows? They just might keep it the same and let two private peoples' lives be private.

I think that they gave GSR a shot this year in case Billy decides 7 is enough for him. Which he might - the contract has not yet been signed. And what it does is give him a real, solid stab at an Emmy if the write it well enough.

According to people at YTDAW who do have sources at the show, there has been a feeling between JF and WP that when one leaves, so does the other. So at the very least, there's a good chance that GSR will end happily if it has to end so soon character-wise.

Gasp! I've left Sarah speechless! You might not be able to tell, but I'm truly shocked. This is a great achievement. Sarah never has nothing to say.

It's actually more that I never have anything NEW to say. I soldier on in the face of creativelessness. Yeah. That's a word.

Ewwwwwwwwww. I've reserved Nathan. I want no part of Grissom. For this, I am SO dunking you tomorrow at (angel chorus)Whiiteee Rooocckk..

Yeah. I'm gonna be washing my hair tomorrow...

but not in sea water.

Not true. There's this one store at Guildford Mall with this 7 foot tall gold spinning.. THING that tries to pass itself off as home decor.. that thing makes Sarah pretty speechless with horror.

We do not speak of that.

Agreed. But I think it's just for the summer. Everyone has stuff they have to do. I, for example, need to stop my kitten from chewing on that ruler... okay, back. Damn kitten. Anyway, I think that once the show starts up again Gutterflied will too. And in the meantime, there's always THE BOX to contribute to.. *hint hint*

lol. Well, it's like I said before - we were fed a healthy diet of angst and canon. When we have neither new angst nor new canon, we don't really have a lot to talk about, sorry to say. We can only say what we expect of the new season so often. Having said that, the spoilers are due any day now, so... FINGER CROSSED, y'all. lol.

Come to think of it. The House character owes ALOT to Grissom don't you think???

Yes and no. I really love the way Hugh Laurie portrays House, I think it's more the fault of the writers, but House definitely goes above and beyond Grissom's snarkiness. So: writers, yes, Hugh no.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Reeble said:
Have I ever told you how much I love you, Fogs?

Alyssa said:
fogi: For the record, I love you in a platonic way. You are awesome.

*fogi blushes* Awww, you guys

sarahvma said:
Precisely. And if integrated correctly into the plot, that really could put WP up for a somewhat overdue Emmy nod.

Exactly. If the actors are to get the Emmy nods then they need more emotional (read: personal) storylines. So if what we’re hearing with regard to this is true, then next season (fingers crossed) some of our beloved actors will get the nod they so richly deserve.

Exactly. That's why I want them to get a little creative. I mean, the whole work thing has been done. It would keep the viewers on their toes if it turned out Grissom's long lost brother Gus moved to Vegas and wreaked havoc all over the crime lab.

Maybe Gus can have a curly moustache. Or the handlebar that WP sported in Young Guns 2 .

Right, Reebs, Sarah, I demand that you guys start writing this as a fic. I look forward to reading it over on ASAP ;)

Also, can I just say? Malcolm has had a beard every one of the 6 years we've been together and I have NEVER, EVER gotten "beard burn" anywhere on my body.

I have to second this, actually. My last boyfriend was bearded (quite a similar beard to Billy’s, in fact) and I never had a rash/burn problem. I have, however, suffered stubble rash on other occasions (ouch, painful) Beards are a lot softer that stubble and much less troublesome, so I don’t think that Sara would have problems in that department. Not to mention the fact that they’ve been together for quite some time already, so if she was to suffer beard burn, it would have been back in the early stages of the relationship… *is a dork* :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any I'm back after like ages(well actually 9 days..)(i was in Germany and when I came back talk wasn't working...the horror!)
So first of all I have to have you guys been took me hours(literally) to read all the stuff I missed.
Btw-Hurray for us on thread 20(yes I'm a bit late but never mind)and whoever made up the thread title is god...seriously, I love it.
As for next season I would like some angst(I'm an sue me I can't imagine gsr without ansgt..I love the fact that it's canon but I somehow miss season 3and 4 where it was all about angst... well actually it was almost always about angst).
Now I came home to find out that WP is clean-shaven and my first thought was "nooooo" but then I started to think about it and I realized I really missed Grissom's chin..(come on it's really cute and cool) plus it's WP he's sexy anytime... except maybe in Young Guns2(that was just scary). So really beard no beard..who cares it's still Grissom.

And i'm loving all of your scenarios.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Exactly. If the actors are to get the Emmy nods then they need more emotional (read: personal) storylines. So if what we’re hearing with regard to this is true, then next season (fingers crossed) some of our beloved actors will get the nod they so richly deserve.

And no one throw anything, but I would LOVE to see Evil Ecklie return. Even if it was in the passive-manipulative way that Miss Dee showed with her theory on the "keep the little investigator in your pants" dialogue.

I think that Billy and Marc really like playing off of each other in that black hat/white hat role, as does Jorja like playing off both. Or at least it comes off that way.

There was a really great dynamic with the inner-office problems and I do love Happy GSR, but I think it's naive to believe that especially these two are going to be given congratulations by Ecklie and told to arrive at the galas together at 8 sharp.

Right, Reebs, Sarah, I demand that you guys start writing this as a fic. I look forward to reading it over on ASAP

We should. And I can use my favorite beta!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

You know, I don't want angst. I'm sorry. I just don't. I want happy geeks. I want angst that involves like. Who's on top this time. Whether to share the shower or get to work on time. Stuff like that. If this is the last season of GSR, I want it to be a fantastic, lovey dovey, geeklove filled one. *prances off to watch The English Patient* no, not really. But Ralph Fiennes is in my new movie.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Well you know what, Dayna ? I want a Joaquin Phoenix-Eric Szmanda sandwich but I just don't think I'm going to get it.

And Sara is always clearly on top... of the situation. What? There wasn't anything dirty about that. Nothing at all...

Agreed, I want a fantastic last season of GSR if that's what this turns out to be, but you really can't just have it be "Now that we're together, everything is SO wonderful!". I want a little bit of angst. Not FROM them, I don't mean like "Sara, I saw you looking at a man your own age. This means you hate me. Blah!"


"Grissom, 30000 women flirted with you last month. Our magic is over because I need marriage and babies."

I just mean that a little bit of the "Ecklie won't let us" or "it'll affect our jobs" angst will be an interesting dynamic. Technically speaking, last season went really smoothly for them around the second half if you, and of course you do because it's what I think, believe that they've been together roughly since last year.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay, yeah, that kinda angst is okay, I suppose. *sigh*

I will now steal an idea from Talk.

Let's make an official SEASON 7 WISHLIST!!

What does everybody wish for in season 7, in terms of geeklove? I will keep a list. And put it in the box. Damnit, love the box! LOVE IT!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I remember someone asking, a while ago, if we were 'In the Bedroom' and not 'In the Gutter' anymore. I was thinking about this before I fell asleep last night and I got the picture of all of us huddled around Grissom and Sara's bed. Gil kinda looks around and attempts to shoo us out of the room. Sara is laughing, and we won't budge. :D

Well, I would be huddled around the bed, most of us probably would :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay, yeah, that kinda angst is okay, I suppose. *sigh*

I will now steal an idea from Talk.

Let's make an official SEASON 7 WISHLIST!!

What does everybody wish for in season 7, in terms of geeklove? I will keep a list. And put it in the box. Damnit, love the box! LOVE IT!

I feel like you're hinting at something... if only I knew what that was...

I remember someone asking, a while ago, if we were 'In the Bedroom' and not 'In the Gutter' anymore.

Nah, we just slid a bed into the gutter.

Okay, my Season 7 wishlist:

1) Sara and Grissom at least once driving in together or driving to a scene together with domestic dialogue
2) At least one kiss, any kind of kiss
3) Less fetish, more regular murders that are psychologically interesting
4) YoBling!
5) Lindsey's issues being a little less stereotypical
6) What's going on with Sam and Lily?
7) Nick and Greg! Nick and Greg!
:cool: Stubble for Greg, the usual for Nick. BAD Nicky for changing his hair the past two years. Very BAD. Greg will have to punish you :D
9) More information on the childhoods of Grissom and Sara
10) Ecklie finding out
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