Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lmao! when you said ribbed, i wasn't thinking of something else *rolls eyes*
hha really funny :p
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Good one, Zupa_fly.
tee hee.
Grissom: Dammit.
Sara: What?
Grissom: The Gutterflies are watching us yet again.
Sara: What do we do?
Grissom: Don't make any sudden movements... just say something funny, and they'll go away.
Sara: Uhhh... squishy?
Sara: That was appropriately random.
Grissom: Yup. Wanna make out?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yes, the beard is gone. If you look on the website for the new play he's doing, a drawn picture of his character is, in fact, clean-shaven. So it could be for that part, or it could be to beat the summer heat, or it could be to better establish the idea of the "new" Grissom or it could be because he felt like it. lol.

Either way - I've been morbidly curious about what he looks like without the beard now for a while.

As for the poll, I picked option 3, but I'd only ever want that to happen once if they want to do a really GSR-centric episode.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey everyone,
I've been away for the better part of the last month for work and I've been going through some serious GSR withdrawal. I hate it when life gets in the way. But anyway, yipy for the new thread and here is a here is a little gift from me.

The Looks

And if I may chime in on the whole beard issue, I always thought he looked much better sans beard myself.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I think the beard issue is as follows: those who are big Billy fans will pretty much say "I love the beard!" when he has the beard and "I love him clean-shaven" when he's clean shaven.

After all, GSR has always been about canon, and I don't mean because we ARE canon, but I mean because our ship has always gotten mentioned, therefore we needed solid evidence to really get excited about anything.

But more that we'll take what we get, and in this case we now get to make all these fanfic ideas where he secretly shaved it off for Sara because she loves his chin dimple or he's giving her beard burn, so on and so forth. lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I love the beard and hope it's coming back by showtime.

LOL love the skits.

LOL about the collar....I have a thought inspired by another board's 'bout, could she get him into a thong? <ggl>
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Rarely do I double-poll, but since this is such a "hot" issue at the moment... lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the first poll i went for the third option because i dont want and dont think that TPTB will do an eppy about them getting in fights that much. However i do think that they will do an eppy about the co-worker policies rules about no relationships betweeen co-workers blah blah blah. Is it even illegal/legal in Nevada to do that? Because in some cases it is legal and husband and wife do get to work together in cases and stuff. But who knows. I do believe that Ecklie will cause them problems cause he doesnt like Gil and know for sure that he doesnt like Sara either. It will be an interesting eppy.

For the second poll i went for BEARD! He looks much hotter with it and thats how i developed my little crush. Because in the first 3 seasons i didnt think he was all that and when season 4 came around i thought he looked hot. So hopefully he will still have his beard next season! Although it will be intersting if he doesnt have it. Is going to get everyone talking that Sara had something to do with it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I LOVE his beard. EEEK.
He needs to grow it ba-aaack. :9
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. Poor Lia . I chose the beard as well, but because that's "Grissom" to me. I even sometimes find it odd watching season 1-3 because of the lack of beard. But this is the "new" Grissom, so to speak, and I've really preferred the character after the hearing problem issue, so it'll be strange if it isn't there any longer.

WELL, to bring the topic of the beard back to GSR, what do you think Sara's opinion would be?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I think Sara's gonna kick some ass. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I've been thinking about the beard so far as the character goes, and I do think Sara is a fan of the beard... Mostly based on what she told David a few seasons back about growing some scruff... However, I think her smooth skin will feel much relieved if the beard is gone for a while.

Some are speculating Mr. Petersen removed the beard temporarily so he could feel at home in his own skin again, which I think he deserves. Being Grissom 24/7 has GOT to be unnerving at times. Therefore, he may grow it back for the new season...

If he does leave the beard off for Season 7, I'd love to see a conversation between Cath and Grissom, or Cath and Sara about the beard.

I think that Cath knowing about Gris and Sara at the beginning of the season would be great for so many reasons.

#1: The writers don't have to come up with some insane plot to reveal it to Cath, since, for many, that's the biggest reveal

#2: Gris and Sara would have someone there to help cover for them... I mean, if they continue to have Eyesex while at work, they need a watchwoman

#3: It could allow Sara and Cath to get past their cattiness of season 5 (which I feel HAS been avoided in season 6, and that has been a relief) and go back to that tentative friendship they were working on when Cath took Sara out after the Hank ordeal

#4: Going out with two of your subordinates instead of one is less likely to grab attention of others

See, one of my theories on why Gris has been going out with everyone else more lately is because he goes to be with Sara. I mean, at the beginning of the season (6), he was perfectly content to go out with everyone to celebrate Warrick's marriage and condemn his elopement... Why? He could be in public with Sara without raising eyebrows.

Another convo I'd love to see is when Nick finds out. For some reason, now I think he'd be second to figure it out... I didn't before, but something about Greggo being the last to find out really tickles me. Anyways, I'd love for Nick to ask Sara something like, "You didn't pull a Warrick, did you?" Teehee! Continuity and a funny line. I'll take it.

Also, watching Committed again:

Grissom: "Why would Robbie have a picture of Adam?"
Sara: "Well, they were having sex."

I know this sounds totally bizarre, but think about that line in the context of Gris and Sara and the possibility that they could have been together at that point... I mean, chills!

I really would love to pin one of the writers against the wall (or all of them, heck, why not) and ask when the decision was made to push Gris and Sara in the direction of a resolution... because, I'm having a lot of fun looking at the end of Season 5 with new eyes!

Personally? I love Mr. Petersen WITH the beard... but that's partly because it reminds me of my husband to be. :) Matt wears glasses when he doesn't have his contacts in, and he has an incredible beard. Though, when I met him, like when CSI started with Grissom, he was clean shaven. I didn't even LIKE men with beards then... Matt changed my mind, which allowed me to be completely open for Mr. Petersen to have one in season 4 while others were roaringly angry about it. :) Teeheee.

Ah, Geek Love.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

This is an old article, but I still thought I'd share a quote from Carol M. in the Chicago Tribune on Billy's reaction to the idea of doing that scene in the finale:

You talked about consulting with Billy on that scene. Has there been a desire on his part to show more of who Grissom is, show more of his personal life?

"After the hiatus, you should get in touch with Billy, he will definitely have insights on that. When Naren Shankar, the co-showrunner, and I went to Billy and said we would like to do this, he got so excited. I think it felt natural for him. It felt natural for Grissom to be going to this place. And Billy enjoyed the idea of portraying a mature, adult relationship. It's not people falling into bed. It's real life. He was excited, excited down to, he picked the shirt he wore. Billy and Jorja were really excited about it".


For those who want me to "cite my source" this comes from the William Petersen Appreciation page, and the whole article can be found here:

I kinda just skimmed the article last time, but I still like the whole thing with him picking the shirt.

I think Sara might, unfortunately, relate a clean-shaven Grissom to the mentor and teacher, while bearded Grissom is, well, that is the way he looked when they first, um... uh... you know... lol.

But who knows? If he DOES keep the beard off, then I want there to be a handful of throwaway lines making fun of it, even if it does look okay.

Another convo I'd love to see is when Nick finds out. For some reason, now I think he'd be second to figure it out... I didn't before, but something about Greggo being the last to find out really tickles me. Anyways, I'd love for Nick to ask Sara something like, "You didn't pull a Warrick, did you?" Teehee! Continuity and a funny line. I'll take it.

Yeah, I really want to see the trio of boys finding out. And I want money to change hands afterwards. Like they all pretend to be shocked and then it's: "Okay, who had today in the pool?"
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any


Wow, I can't believe we've finally reached the big 2-0. I know, I know, I should of been saying this on page 1, but hopefully you'll forgive me. Why? Because I have a welcome present, of course.


A big woot woot for thread 20, gutterflies!

I've finally caught up on the tenant list, but I need all of you newbies' help. There's no way I could of gone through roughly 15 pages of posts scoping out new names in a day, so if you see that your name isn't on the list, just tell me and I'll fix it up for you right away. Also, if there's any mistakes (typos, repeated names), let me know and I'll get that done too.

It's starting to get full again; it's almost time for another gutter clean up. Or is our home known as the bedroom now? Anyways, here it is:

Wow, you guys have been on a posting frenzy this week! Lots of good points, and lots of good discussions. That kept me busy for a while.

Ok, beardless Billy? Dear God, WHY! It was so perfect, it suited him so well... *sniff* Oh well, hopefully he grows it back. It was shexy. And damn it Sarah, why did you have to go about telling everybody about my obession with Billy? Cause it's so not true! We both agreed Grissom was our lover, and not Billy. WP is for Adzix. :p

Looooooove you.

Actually, you know what? Give me George Eads. He is mine. That's right.

And Crys, I've been reading your posts and I might I just say that you are completely insane? I love it! I think maybe you should think up a scenario involving Sara and Grissom wearing nothing but their smiles.

This Ship Was Built on Angst - How Would You Like it Served?

You know I love my angst, but too much in Grissom and Sara's case now would be a little annoying. So for the poll I voted for "nothing big", though I would love to see a side-plot line to GSR. Something like what they had in season 4 with the whole "promotion" thing, but less cliché. And I don't mean that kind of idea, but just the amount of GSR we got and how there was a sort of story incorporated and not just a "pull me, push me" type of deal.

Am I making sense? It's 3:00 in the morning so I apologize for anything that sounds insane.

In a nutshell, I want a side-story, but I don't want it to take over the show, and I want it tastefully done. If we get another GSR dry spell I swear I'm going to go crazy. Season 6 had nothing new in the GSR department until the end so I expect a bit more next season.

lol. I'm so demanding.

I think Sara might, unfortunately, relate a clean-shaven Grissom to the mentor and teacher, while bearded Grissom is, well, that is the way he looked when they first, um... uh... you know... lol.

Played baccarat?

Another convo I'd love to see is when Nick finds out. For some reason, now I think he'd be second to figure it out... I didn't before, but something about Greggo being the last to find out really tickles me. Anyways, I'd love for Nick to ask Sara something like, "You didn't pull a Warrick, did you?" Teehee! Continuity and a funny line. I'll take it.

Yeah me too. I can't wait for the gang to find out. I would love the "pulled a Warrick" line. I would say I see Catherine finding out first, but Marg said herself that Cathering basically already knows, so she's already gone. After that: Doc, Brass, Nick, Warrick, Greg, Hodges.

Hodges would find out after they were married or something.

But yeah, like you I hope for continuity, or maybe a comment from Nick being like, "So that's what I heard from Grissom office!", followed by a swat on the arm. It would remind me of the good ol' days, where they joked and had lives.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

“This ship was built on angst” © Sarahvma, 2006. However, now the geeks are a couple, I don’t want internal angst. What do I mean? Well, I don’t want any angst to be the result of any of the following:

1) One of the geeks having doubts about the relationship
2) One of the geeks worrying about whether or not the other geek will grow tired of them/leave them
3) One or both of the geeks becoming insanely jealous for any reason (everyone may have the jealousy gene, but if this is expressed in anything more than a brief look, followed by a collective sigh of relief from the gutter when it turns out to be nothing, then I’ll be greatly annoyed)

So for the poll, I voted for the third option – if we’re going to have angst as a result of this relationship, I want it to be as a result of an Outside influence, not coming from within the relationship at all. I think, most likely, it’ll be from Ecklie and/or the Sheriff, worried about the political repercussions of Grissom having a relationship with one of his subordinates. I don’t want the plot line to take over the season – maybe if we get a hint of it once or twice early on in the season and then, towards the middle, it blows up in one ep. Maybe a defense attorney finds out? Maybe the fit hits the shan within the department only? Maybe its why Grissom ends up having some time off so that WP can go off for 5 weeks and do A Dublin Carol?

What I’d LOVE to see if Ecklie going on about the ethics of the lab and that he can’t be a supervisor and date one of his CSIs. And so Grissom shrugs and says ”Fine”

ECKLIE: What do you mean, fine?

GRISSOM: Well, if I can’t be a supervisor and date one of my CSIs, then I guess there’s only one thing to do…

ECKLIE: I’m glad you’re being rational about this.

GRISSOM: So I guess I have to quit.

ECKLIE: WHAT!?!? --- No, Grissom, I thought… You’d quit? Are you… are you crazy?

GRISSOM: No. But I’d be crazy to walk away from the first good thing to happen in my life in years. If it comes down to a choice between Sara and this lab, there’s only one way it will go.

ECKLIE: (backpedaling rapidly) Gil, I believe I’ve said in the past that… your position in this lab elevates its status in the eyes of the entire country. If you leave… Well… um… maybe there’s another solution…

Regarding the beard situation – I’m a beard girl and I’m living in hope it’ll make a re-appearance by the season premiere…

In saying that, I do love the scenarios you guys are coming up with for people making comments about the lack of the beard, and the idea of Cath saying something to him or she and Sara having a conversation about it… :)


Alyssa, I love your idea for Catherine already knowing about the relationship – I’d love to hear a running commentary from her during season 7 – just little quippy comments, thrown in the direction of the geeks, with a hint of sarcasm, a whole lot of humor, and quite a bit of affection for them. Because no matter her own feelings about office relationships (given how her romance with Warrick hasn’t gotten off the ground (yet – again, I live in hope)) I doubt she’d begrudge Grissom & Sara their happiness, given how long she knows its taken them to get here.

Alyssa said:
Anyways, I'd love for Nick to ask Sara something like, "You didn't pull a Warrick, did you?" Teehee! Continuity and a funny line. I'll take it.

You are AWESOME :) I would love some good natured teasing to happen between Nick & Sara regarding the relationship. Doesn’t have to be a big long scene – just a line or two that lets us (and Sara) know that Nick knows, and if we get funny in the mix as well? So much the better. The only way to make it EVEN better than that is something like…

NICK: (Smirking) So… you and Grissom, huh?

SARA: Mm-hmm…

NICK: Mm-hmm? That’s all I get?

(She raises an eyebrow mysteriously)

NICK: That whole enigmatic thing is really starting to rub off on you, isn’t it.

(She doesn’t say anything. Silence for a moment while Nicky thinks)

NICK: You didn’t pull a Warrick, did you? Cuz if you two got married without telling us…

SARA: Oh please. This from the guy that’s been living with Greg for three years!

NICK: (spluttering) That’s… It’s not… How can you… We’re not… Who told you?!? What… We’re NOT talking about me, here…

:lol: :p

Sarahvma said:
Yeah, I really want to see the trio of boys finding out. And I want money to change hands afterwards. Like they all pretend to be shocked and then it's: "Okay, who had today in the pool?"

God, if they don’t all have money on these two, I will be SO shocked. :lol:
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