Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Another page, another poll. Back to the original analysis of each episode!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I went for the third one. Why? Because it's a nice thought. And I could. So there. Nyah.

I'm.. in a really weird mood tonight, folks.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. Go Lia .

I picked number 2- I think it was Sarah throwing in that scene was her way of still giving a small hint, and also giving a hint TO the scene, but I don't think that at that point the phone call was necessarily that engrained in canon, but yes. It is a nice thought.

And y'all love naked dancing Billy. Don't pretend like you don't.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol, it's always you who supplies the disturbing Billy pictures. Shame on you.
*hangs head* I'm sorry.

As for the poll, I went with the in a relationship one. I don't think the hotel room scene happened off-screen though, because he was off somewhere else, right? Like, DUH Sarah. But I definitely think that him calling HER and not anyone else meant something.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

By the way, maybe I'm blind, but where is this naked dancing Billy I hear so much about? Not to be a perve or anything. ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I'm.. in a really weird mood tonight, folks.

Yeah, we pretty much all our, Lia. It's the gutter, what do you expect?

And what the hell, Lia? Don't you have like, a radar for when What Not to Wear is on? I know I do. Tsk tsk.

And y'all love naked dancing Billy. Don't pretend like you don't.

I don't, but you do.


I hope you're dying inside, Sarah.

Gum Drops (aka. George Eads was AMAZING... but oh, what could have been) Grissom calls Sara. Significance?

I picked the second answer. The Gum Drops scene was so publisized they couldn't just drop it suddenly. I can see Sarah Goldfinger dropping us little actions like that; little reassuring hints. But who knows? It could of just been for the sake of the plotline.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I knoww! I used to, but the radar like.. faded. WNTW was the reason I did the treadmill for another hour. It's aaaaddictive. I kept giggling at Stacey and Clinton and the dude next to me gave me weird looks. All I did was smile and point to the screen. I'm sure he thought I was insane.

and LMFAO DANCING BILLY, I can't stop watching it, it's hypnotic. All I can say is, good thing he doesn't look like that in real life or I'd steal Sara for myself. Tahahaha.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Because Fogi is going to MURDER us, can I say that we now 86 the Dancing Naked Billy please? Partly because it's scaring me, and partly because you can find it in my YTDAW avatar right now. :D

I agree, though - part of Goldfinger's shout-out in that scene may have had something to do with how highly publicized the scene was GOING to be. It gives an explanation for Grissom's whereabouts and it establishes Sara as his first contact, which admittedly is odd. Warrick was always his favorite, Greg is the junior and should be informed and Nick is the key. Technically there was no reason Sara should've been the one contacted.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Mwahaha. I can just imagine Sara (and Sarah, for that matter :p) saying: "shake it baby, yeah". :D :lol:

The Gum Drops scene was totally a clue for us, I think. She said "Grissom called me from the airport"...Yeah, right. How about he said "I'm too tired after what you did to me last night, can you go and check on the boys, babe?". ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Reeble, you might be the coroner, but I... I am the executioner! :devil: (BTW? If I were ever to become a moderator, akin the the idea of me being President, I would want that as my subtitle. :lol: Not, of course, that such a travesty will ever occur...)

Sorry. I got sidetracked ranting. Open the Find window and search for Crysthala to find me. Well, in a while, because thankfully they skim through the things before letting them be posted.

The beard? (bring it baaaack!!!) Or they could always shoot the scenes in order and we can watch it groooowwww... o_O oooOOOOoooh the live-action beard!

Oh, screw the waiting for the approving! This is my rant to those pholks at the URL above...

"Oooh, goody.
William Petersen never said, to my knowledge, that he was against GSR. Actually, I believe he was encouraging it to some degree ("I'd like to kiss her before the show ends," about Sara/Jorja). It was Grissom who was awkward about it, Grissom who was hesitant, not Billy. Don't confuse the two.
As for all you "anti-shipper, anti-GSR-er"s out there, there's nothing I can say that will change your minds.
Calleigh, two characters can be in a couple of scenes together and not be "perfect matches." And I find it hilarious that you know what YTDAW is, let alone that you regularly check its members count.
[Yatta, yatta, yes, I am a psycho. I'm also very mad about some people for being so... unbearable (tee hee!). Thanks, Fogi.]

I apologize in advance to the real moderators for such a lengthy post.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Just thought I'd drop in to say that I read the thread title and almost died laughing. XD

That shirt made me angst for a week over "how could anyone let Grissom wear that shirt?". Now I know it doesn't even matter.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Crysthala said:
I apologize in advance to the real moderators for such a lengthy post.

Crysthala, I have no objections to the length whatsoever. I do however object to some of the content.

While it's perfectly fine to state your opinion, can you tone down your sentiments towards other ships & shippers while posting here at TalkCSI? It will only serve to offend other shippers and lead to arguments. Linking to the article, etc, is one thing, but lets leave the endless debate out of this forum, okay? In the GSR thread, it is taken as read that GSR is a good - neigh, great - thing. We don't need to defend it - just enjoy & celebrate it. So lets leave the other shippers and anti-shippers alone with their own beliefs while posting here – they are entitled to them.

I will say this, however...

Calleigh, Sofia is not in fact a perfect match for Grissom, because she's pregnant with somebody else's third child (unless I'm mistaken about whom Brass was referring to in A Bullet Runs Through It)

Yeah, you are mistaken. Brass was talking about Officer Bell's widow - she was pregnant with their third child, not Sofia (boy, now would THAT ever be a Soap Opera plot...)


Welcome to the gutter (or bedroom, depending on who you ask) screamingpoet. Help yourself to chalk and duct tape and the fresh batch of cookies I just baked in honor of Independence Day :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

as for the poll i didn't vote at all ... i actually have no opinion on that. or i just maybe have to rewatch gum drops, i have it on dvd but i watched it only once couple months ago.

oh, and i have one last thing to say:
YAAHOO, The Dimple!!! :D :D :D *cough* sorry for that, i couldn't help myself ... *turns around whistling "Dimples" by Animals*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Mwahaha. I can just imagine Sara (and Sarah, for that matter ) saying: "shake it baby, yeah".

The Gum Drops scene was totally a clue for us, I think. She said "Grissom called me from the airport"...Yeah, right. How about he said "I'm too tired after what you did to me last night, can you go and check on the boys, babe?".

*sighs* Oh Grissly , you complete pervert. lol.

Oh yeah, I can see that conversation.

[Sara's phone rings while she's driving. Naturally she answers it, which is part of the reasons our generation is doomed, but not part of this scenario]
SARA: Sidle
GRISSOM: Grissom.
SARA: Grissom?
SARA: Yes?
GRISSOM: I'm super fatigued from our wild time last night. Just tell the guys that I'm in some kind of seminar. Make it sound important.
SARA: Anything else?
GRISSOM: What hotel room are you staying in?
SARA: Why?
GRISSOM: Because off-camera I plan to come to your hotel room so we can have mysterious non-expository dialogue that will mean nothing and yet everything.
SARA: Okay.
GRISSOM: Good. Bye.

Reeble, you might be the coroner, but I... I am the executioner! (BTW? If I were ever to become a moderator, akin the the idea of me being President, I would want that as my subtitle. Not, of course, that such a travesty will ever occur...)

Would part of your duties include converting the masses to the Church of Billy worship?

William Petersen never said, to my knowledge, that he was against GSR. Actually, I believe he was encouraging it to some degree ("I'd like to kiss her before the show ends," about Sara/Jorja). It was Grissom who was awkward about it, Grissom who was hesitant, not Billy. Don't confuse the two.
As for all you "anti-shipper, anti-GSR-er"s out there, there's nothing I can say that will change your minds.

Actually, WP is VERY in favor of GSR. He ad-libs a lot of pro-GSR lines that we've taken as gospel (Since I Met You, Honey This Doesn't Look Good, We've Come a Long Way, Baby, We'd Like to Be Alone, the Butterflied Speech) and apparently in Playing With Fire TPTB wanted to end the GSR relationship completely and he said No.

He's also (according to sources) said that if he or JF leaves, the other will as well, because he wants the show to end with GSR intact in some form.

So... yeah. He's pretty far from anti-GSR.

Just thought I'd drop in to say that I read the thread title and almost died laughing. XD

That shirt made me angst for a week over "how could anyone let Grissom wear that shirt?". Now I know it doesn't even matter.

Isn't being enlightened fun?

YAAHOO, The Dimple!!! *cough* sorry for that, i couldn't help myself ... *turns around whistling "Dimples" by Animals*

Church. of. Billy.
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