Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Cath knowing from the start of the seventh season is a very good idea. I think that she'll support Griss and Sara for the fullest.

I think that Warrick, Nick and Greg will all be startled with the news. Greg will probably make a Hank-joke like: 'What does he got that I don't?' :p
I don't think that they'll show us a hurt Greg, which I find kind of a shame, since I'm a supporter of the Greg/Sara crush. It would give Greg some kind of emotional play, but on the other hand, I wouldn't like to see Greg upset.
So mixed feelings about that.

Anyhow, I think that the only one who will have problems with the relationship to be Ecklie and maybe Sofia. Though I don't know if they are really gonna revisit the Sofia/Sara tension again. But I guess that there'll be at least some kind of episode where Ecklie looks into the relationship and sits down with Grissom to discuss the matter.

Ah damn it, season 7, where aaaare you?!!! :(
Can you start already!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I can see the beard being the way their relationship becomes public at the beginning of season 7:

Sara walks into the breakroom.
Warrick: Hey Sara. What happened to your face?
Cath: Looks like a bad case of beard rash!
Gil walks in clean shaven.
Cath and Warrick together: Hey, wait a minute...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the beard poll I chose the 3rd one. I love him without his beard, but also love him with. Which do i prefer *rubs chin* ermm probably with the beard...slightly. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

MUST HAVE BEARD! *whimpers* aww.. why? WHY? WHYY!? Billy.. you better have a good explaination...

By taking away the beard, he could always re-pay us by a kiss between Gil and Sara as a season opener. :D I can see it now...

-The camera looks at CSI HQ from above..-
-The camera lowers to the parking lot-
-We see Gil lean in and kiss Sara-

That would be the most amazing season opener!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

SaraSullivan said:
MUST HAVE BEARD! *whimpers* aww.. why? WHY? WHYY!? Billy.. you better have a good explaination...

By taking away the beard, he could always re-pay us by a kiss between Gil and Sara as a season opener. :D I can see it now...

-The camera looks at CSI HQ from above..-
-The camera lowers to the parking lot-
-We see Gil lean in and kiss Sara-

That would be the most amazing season opener!!

I sooo agree. I voted for 'I love both' But Grissom having the beard does make me think of him as more romantic with Sara.

Yay for thread 20 sorry I haven't said that yet *hangs head in shame*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

i voed that i love both! but if i had to choose i would still choose him shaved :D i'm thinking that he actually may stay shaved b/c of that Dublin Carol play he's being part of. i mean, he would be bearded in the beginning of the season, then he'll have to shave it off b/c of the play, so he will be shaved on csi only for 2 eps?? naah, i don't think so. i guess he'll have it either shaved all season or he'll just grow it back and stay like this. but i'm really curious to see how he looks like right now :D

oh and that season opener is a remarkably great idea! hey TPTB - consider it!!!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Grissom's beard does give him an edge, but beards generally become less attractive when you find yourself going through concealer at three times your normal rate. Still it's an expenditure worth making I feel.
I wonder which cast member will be graced next with facial hair? GD occasionally sports a goatee and GE grew a thing on his top lip. Maybe Greg will come flaunting a beard down to his knees next season?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ok, beardless Billy? Dear God, WHY! It was so perfect, it suited him so well... *sniff* Oh well, hopefully he grows it back. It was shexy. And damn it Sarah, why did you have to go about telling everybody about my obession with Billy? Cause it's so not true! We both agreed Grissom was our lover, and not Billy. WP is for Adzix.

True. But I so just called bearded Grissom. Ha! From Season 4. And Invisible Evidence . Dayna gets Jackpot Grissom. And I think we all know why.

Played baccarat?

Yep. Naked baccarat.

In a nutshell, I want a side-story, but I don't want it to take over the show, and I want it tastefully done. If we get another GSR dry spell I swear I'm going to go crazy. Season 6 had nothing new in the GSR department until the end so I expect a bit more next season.

I think all I really want is the usual number of "GSR scenes" that we always get. Only now that they're together, obviously it won't all be the angst or pre-relationship fluff. But the same amount of GSR with the same amount of weight it carried before. Just in this new "realm" of it.

Poor, poor deluded Fogs . Shakes head. lol.

I just remember all of the writers wondering if they'd still be able to come up with good storylines without the angst. A month later and Kristen Elizabeth is creating her own. That's all I mean - on screen we don't necessarily need cheating and scandals, but I think that for the pure GSR world of fanfiction, "The geeks love each other so much" will get old.

NICK: (Smirking) So… you and Grissom, huh?

SARA: Mm-hmm…

NICK: Mm-hmm? That’s all I get?

(She raises an eyebrow mysteriously)

NICK: That whole enigmatic thing is really starting to rub off on you, isn’t it.

(She doesn’t say anything. Silence for a moment while Nicky thinks)

NICK: You didn’t pull a Warrick, did you? Cuz if you two got married without telling us…

SARA: Oh please. This from the guy that’s been living with Greg for three years!

NICK: (spluttering) That’s… It’s not… How can you… We’re not… Who told you?!? What… We’re NOT talking about me, here…

MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. I love it. I just adore it. I can see her having that conversation with Nick (tragically sans the Greg comment), only because I think she can really open up to him, partially because other than Grissom, Nick was the most welcoming member of the team when she first arrived.

God, if they don’t all have money on these two, I will be SO shocked

[after the money has changed hands in front of her]

SARA: You bet that I'd get together with Grissom?
WARRICK: Yeah. This was one big pool.
SARA: So... who got the winning time?
WARRICK: Nick. I bet June 2002, Greg was August, and Nick was 2003.
SARA: ...the winning time was three years ago?
WARRICK: We thought we were being generous. This was set up the day after you arrived.

Sara walks into the breakroom.
Warrick: Hey Sara. What happened to your face?
Cath: Looks like a bad case of beard rash!
Gil walks in clean shaven.
Cath and Warrick together: Hey, wait a minute...


SARA: I scrubbed my face with a Brillo pad by accident.
GRISSOM: I, uh... um... I can fire all of you.

I wonder which cast member will be graced next with facial hair? GD occasionally sports a goatee and GE grew a thing on his top lip. Maybe Greg will come flaunting a beard down to his knees next season?

I'm all about Greg stubble this year. Fingers crossed, y'all.

I'd like him to grow it to emulate Grissom and then be really disappointed when Grissom shows up clean-shaven.

Besides - since filming's going to start soon, I'm sorry guys, but it looks like the dimple-chin shall grace the premier.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

WOOHOO!! THE DIMPLE!! YAAAAYYY :D *jumps from joy*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Guys i love your scenarios! I don't want cheating and scandals either.

I don't care if WP will be bearded or not, he's always good-looker.

What is Brillo pad? sorry but i'm not american. Btw Happy Indipendence Day to all you!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Sarahvma said:
Poor, poor deluded Fogs . Shakes head. lol.

What? :confused: Why am I deluded? :( I mean, I know I am delusional, generally speaking, but why, specifically, this time? :p

I just remember all of the writers wondering if they'd still be able to come up with good storylines without the angst. A month later and Kristen Elizabeth is creating her own. That's all I mean - on screen we don't necessarily need cheating and scandals, but I think that for the pure GSR world of fanfiction, "The geeks love each other so much" will get old.

I have to say, all the angst thats currently in GSR fanfics is killing me - but in a really good way - sort of... (confused? you will be ;) ) I mean, I was about ready to hand KE a sledgehammer to finish me off, and then the last chapter happened and I'm all *blink blink* - what the hell is she gonna do to me next??? (If anyone hasn't got a clue what we're talking about, then why haven't you read "All I Have To Do" yet? Huh? What are you waiting for? - All I Have To Do

I have to admit, though, I'm having troubles writing non-angst myself at the moment. Which is fine when it comes to Retribution, because it is an angst story, but I'm trying to write a fluffy smutty one-shot for Geekfiction's Summer Sizzler (due tomorrow - shame on me for not having it finished yet :( ) and I'm having a hell of a hard time. It seems to have been easier for me to write fluff when we didn't know Griss & Sara were a couple... weird...

MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. I love it. I just adore it. I can see her having that conversation with Nick (tragically sans the Greg comment)

Nooooooooooo! It must be WITH the Greg comment. Cuz ya gotta love the Love, ya know? ;)

So, from what I hear, writing has already begun for the new season and filming will begin next month - exciting times :) I'm guessing we'll start having our first spoilers fairly soon, for those weak people like me who won't be going spoiler-free :p

Who thinks we'll get a GSR-tidbit in the first episode?

Edited to add
jofod said:
What is Brillo pad?

Its a scouring pad, made of steel wool used to scrub pots & pans - Brillo Pads
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

forensicsgirl said:
Who thinks we'll get a GSR-tidbit in the first episode?

First episode? I was thinking first 10 seconds! :p I doubt it, but I can dream :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

WOOHOO!! THE DIMPLE!! YAAAAYYY *jumps from joy*

only you, Adzix - only you.

What is Brillo pad? sorry but i'm not american. Btw Happy Indipendence Day to all you!

It's called "metal wool" as well - it looks like a sponge but made of wound metal. Needless to say, it would not feel good on your skin.

What? Why am I deluded? I mean, I know I am delusional, generally speaking, but why, specifically, this time?

The hope for an angst-free GSR.
Silly goose.

I have to say, all the angst thats currently in GSR fanfics is killing me - but in a really good way - sort of... (confused? you will be ) I mean, I was about ready to hand KE a sledgehammer to finish me off, and then the last chapter happened and I'm all *blink blink* - what the hell is she gonna do to me next??? (If anyone hasn't got a clue what we're talking about, then why haven't you read "All I Have To Do" yet? Huh? What are you waiting for? - All I Have To Do

Yeah - that's good angst, but it's also a storyline that can be devoted 100% to GSR. That's the problem with CSI in general when it comes to ships - it can't devote all of its time to a sub-plot like that, nor would I want it to, but that means that any angst they do can't really be that long-developed. I mean, Warrick's marriage is a good example of that. It's angsty, but it's barely there.

I have to admit, though, I'm having troubles writing non-angst myself at the moment. Which is fine when it comes to Retribution, because it is an angst story, but I'm trying to write a fluffy smutty one-shot for Geekfiction's Summer Sizzler (due tomorrow - shame on me for not having it finished yet ) and I'm having a hell of a hard time. It seems to have been easier for me to write fluff when we didn't know Griss & Sara were a couple... weird...

Because before they came out of the shippy closet, people were tired of waiting for it to happen. Therefore the mass majority of fics were fluffy because that's what people really wanted to see. Technically now that the pressure is off from 'waiting' for them, we have much more of a carte blanche than we did before, because the audience isn't just going "Shut up and put them together like Barbie dolls and make kissy noises".

As you saw with the problem with the end of your last fic.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

True. But I so just called bearded Grissom. Ha! From Season 4. And Invisible Evidence. Dayna gets Jackpot Grissom. And I think we all know why.

Now who's the Grissom obessor, hm?

Yep. Naked baccarat.


I think all I really want is the usual number of "GSR scenes" that we always get. Only now that they're together, obviously it won't all be the angst or pre-relationship fluff. But the same amount of GSR with the same amount of weight it carried before. Just in this new "realm" of it.

I'm not saying I wouldn't mind that, but it would be kind of cool if they gave GSR a plotline. Bring on the Ecklie angst. I am a certified angst-whore.

What I’d LOVE to see if Ecklie going on about the ethics of the lab and that he can’t be a supervisor and date one of his CSIs. And so Grissom shrugs and says ”Fine”

ECKLIE: What do you mean, fine?

GRISSOM: Well, if I can’t be a supervisor and date one of my CSIs, then I guess there’s only one thing to do…

ECKLIE: I’m glad you’re being rational about this.

GRISSOM: So I guess I have to quit.

ECKLIE: WHAT!?!? --- No, Grissom, I thought… You’d quit? Are you… are you crazy?

GRISSOM: No. But I’d be crazy to walk away from the first good thing to happen in my life in years. If it comes down to a choice between Sara and this lab, there’s only one way it will go.

ECKLIE: (backpedaling rapidly) Gil, I believe I’ve said in the past that… your position in this lab elevates its status in the eyes of the entire country. If you leave… Well… um… maybe there’s another solution…

Have I ever told you how much I love you, Fogs? I'm sure I have, but I'm just making sure because maybe the fanstastic-ness of KE's All I Have to Do fic has distorted your memory. I know it's screwed mine up.

Le sigh. Love the scenario, Fogi. Now maybe you could turn that idea into a fic? Pretty please? *bats eyelashes*


You know, I'm hoping for some stubble on Greg this season. It would appeal to his new "grown up" look he's got going. His style in season 6 reminded me of what Tom Hanks was wearng in The Davinci Code.

So yeah - stubble for Eric, stubble for George, it doesn't matter with Gary, and Billy, freaking keep the beard.

SARA: I scrubbed my face with a Brillo pad by accident.
GRISSOM: I, uh... um... I can fire all of you.

lol. I love it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Now who's the Grissom obessor, hm?

Still you. Fool.

Is there any other way to play?

I'm not saying I wouldn't mind that, but it would be kind of cool if they gave GSR a plotline. Bring on the Ecklie angst. I am a certified angst-whore.

The latter is certainly true.

I wouldn't mind a minor GSR angst that stays 99% of the time in the background and only shows itself in a Marjorie Westcott sort of way, but I don't want something that would HAVE to take over the plot of the show, like a pregnancy or wedding. Even a working scandal with Ecklie can be kind of ongoing or a one-time thing.

Have I ever told you how much I love you, Fogs? I'm sure I have, but I'm just making sure because maybe the fanstastic-ness of KE's All I Have to Do fic has distorted your memory. I know it's screwed mine up.

Honestly, I think Ecklie would be tempted to keep it all under his hat, because of what Grissom said about quitting in Nesting Dolls if Sara was ever fired. However, you never know. Drama is drama.

So yeah - stubble for Eric, stubble for George, it doesn't matter with Gary, and Billy, freaking keep the beard.

I do believe it's too late. I think they start filming pretty damn soon. It probably won't be that bad. And he can regrow it during the winter hiatus. Like Santa. Or a polar bear.
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