Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Fabulous pic. Reeble ;) very nice- and I choose on the one poll- "other" no fighting and no "angst" :( just have fun and get along ;)and on the other "beard" so sexy" but either way- he's handsome and that's a fact :p


Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey, just so all y'all know, my latest batch of icons is up at my LJ (link in my profile), gsr_gutterflied, csicons, and nicnkngreg (all LJ communities). I have LOTS of GSR ones this time round.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Not true. There's this one store at Guildford Mall with this 7 foot tall gold spinning.. THING that tries to pass itself off as home decor.. that thing makes Sarah pretty speechless with horror.

lol, I can just imagine her looking up at the gold spinning thing with her jaw dropped.

Damn you guys for living close to eachother.

Don't lie. you loved it.

*points to the Coroner label under her name*

I think that they gave GSR a shot this year in case Billy decides 7 is enough for him. Which he might - the contract has not yet been signed. And what it does is give him a real, solid stab at an Emmy if the write it well enough.

Yeah, that's true. WP is an amazing actor, and Grissom is an amazing character, but they haven't really given him any strong material to work with. Hopefully this season we'll really see Grissom shine.

I soldier on in the face of creativelessness. Yeah. That's a word.

So is irregardless. Who was it that was telling me in the chat before that it wasn't a word? Psht, it so is. You all are just in denial.

Right, Reebs, Sarah, I demand that you guys start writing this as a fic. I look forward to reading it over on ASAP ;)

*rubs her chin* I'm back after like ages

BEANY! *hugs* I've missed you!

Now I came home to find out that WP is clean-shaven and my first thought was "nooooo" but then I started to think about it and I realized I really missed Grissom's chin..(come on it's really cute and cool) plus it's WP he's sexy anytime... except maybe in Young Guns2(that was just scary).

It's not cute. It needs the beard, god damnit. >.<

And the Young Guns 2 beard? Yeah, that? Never remind me of that again. Ever.

I just mean that a little bit of the "Ecklie won't let us" or "it'll affect our jobs" angst will be an interesting dynamic.

Me too. A problem that isn't as much about them as it is about the other people. It would give of the feel that they're not questioning how compatible they are or if they love eachother.

But like I said, I would love creativity. TPTB, can you hear me? Something unique!

Let's make an official SEASON 7 WISHLIST!!

Ooooooo! Okay!

1) A kiss. Any kind of kiss. I need to see that the geeks aren't afraid of physical contact!
2) Cute smiles and the like
3. I agree with Sarah. Some YoBling lovin' would be great
4) A little less Cath!Drama, please. I know, I know, she has the whole thing with Lindsey and Sam but please... If I see another case where Sam Braun is the prime suspect I think I'm going to explode
5) Background stories. Personal stuff.
6) Some angst would be nice. And maybe a little sexual tension to remember the good ol' season 4 days
7) More Warrick!
:cool: Greg to show a bit of his classic quirky side. I love Hodges but Greg is the king and seriously needs to win his crown back
9) Continuity, continuity, continuity

I'm sure I can think up some more wishes I have for season 7, but I'll stop there.

Zigler - Awesome icons, Dayna! You're getting better and better with each batch. I especially like #23. And, of course, all of the fabulous Gir icons. I can never get enough of Gir. He's just too cute.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol, I can just imagine her looking up at the gold spinning thing with her jaw dropped.

Damn you guys for living close to eachother.

Dude, you have no idea how hideous that thing was. It was, like... if Al and Peg Bundy bought a house and made a ton of money and needed to furnish that house... that is where they would go. If they were asian, I guess. There are no words.

Yeah, that's true. WP is an amazing actor, and Grissom is an amazing character, but they haven't really given him any strong material to work with. Hopefully this season we'll really see Grissom shine.

Agreed. I hate how two-tone he comes off as well, it's like "It's sweeps time, Billy, so you get to yell at someone today".

So is irregardless. Who was it that was telling me in the chat before that it wasn't a word? Psht, it so is. You all are just in denial.

Dayna or Fogs. I believe that Miss Jorja said it after Way to Go.

It's not cute. It needs the beard, god damnit. >.<

And the Young Guns 2 beard? Yeah, that? Never remind me of that again. Ever.

It was really more of a moustache... that extended to where a beard would start... but did not finish. I think they call it the Handlebar.

Me too. A problem that isn't as much about them as it is about the other people. It would give of the feel that they're not questioning how compatible they are or if they love eachother.

But like I said, I would love creativity. TPTB, can you hear me? Something unique!

Well, just to give you guys an idea of something being totally different on paper, Gibby from YTDAW just said that when she and Mystery first heard the spoilers for the final scene with the dialogue, they thought it would play like Grissom being tired of his job and Las Vegas and wanting to take off before he dies, and Sara either asking him to stay with her or telling him she was staying and he could leave if he wants.

My point simply being that even with spoilers, not until we actually SEE the scene does anything necessarily "work" or not.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Dude, you have no idea how hideous that thing was. It was, like... if Al and Peg Bundy bought a house and made a ton of money and needed to furnish that house... that is where they would go. If they were asian, I guess. There are no words.

That's hilarious. I'll buy it for your birthday.

Agreed. I hate how two-tone he comes off as well, it's like "It's sweeps time, Billy, so you get to yell at someone today".

Yeah. I mean, he's the main character but the last plotline Grissom got was the hearing-loss one and that was barely anything. He didn't have to give it all he had.

His mom should die or something. lol.

Kidding, kidding. I love Grissom's mom even though we've never seen her or know anything about her except that she's deaf.

Grissom just needs something to happen to him, and I believe with Sara in his life, he'll become more outgoing and happy and fun, and maybe even show some emotion. It seems like TPTB are setting him up for something.

Dayna or Fogs. I believe that Miss Jorja said it after Way to Go.

Right. Like I said, they're in denial.


Aaaaaaanyway... Moving on.

My point simply being that even with spoilers, not until we actually SEE the scene does anything necessarily "work" or not.

I agree. But they usually do a pretty good job of making things "work" in scenes. I think it was you that I was talking to about how I though there had never been a bad GSR scene. They've all been done pretty well.

There's also the ad-lib factor. Billy Peterson is the unoffical king of ad-libs, and his added or changed lines usually make the scene better without completely straying from the original point of the scene.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

That's hilarious. I'll buy it for your birthday.
Dude. I'd price it at about $500. It was HUGE. And terrifying. We just ran by it every time we saw it. I'm so going to try and score you a pic of it now.

Yeah. I mean, he's the main character but the last plotline Grissom got was the hearing-loss one and that was barely anything. He didn't have to give it all he had.

His mom should die or something. lol.

Kidding, kidding. I love Grissom's mom even though we've never seen her or know anything about her except that she's deaf.

Grissom just needs something to happen to him, and I believe with Sara in his life, he'll become more outgoing and happy and fun, and maybe even show some emotion. It seems like TPTB are setting him up for something.
What's wrong with that plan? I mean, dude is like what, 300? His mom must be ancient. She could kick it and it would be a great, great, great storyline and really open him up a bit. I want to know sensitive!Grissom better, and I think Sara does too.

Sort of...
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

That's hilarious. I'll buy it for your birthday.

It will look SO elegant in the foyer.

Yeah. I mean, he's the main character but the last plotline Grissom got was the hearing-loss one and that was barely anything. He didn't have to give it all he had.

It pretty much consisted of him looking confused occasionally while special effects faded out the sound. There was never a scene where you could tell it had really, really gotten to him, not that WP hadn't tried to create that, but they never WROTE a scene where you really felt that it was all coming crashing down. Even the finale didn't seem that earth-shattering in terms of where he felt he was headed.
The only indication we got was his cold treatment of Sara being his best way of keeping her away so he didn't have to explain. That, at least, coupled with the Butterflied speech, let us know that he'd felt his job and his life really coming to a close. But even then it was just like "No, Sara. I'm going to a doctor's appointment, but I can't tell you that. So instead I'll just be rude and in the next episode we'll pretend it never happened".

Him calling her "honey" was, of course, a very important slip-up. Perhaps he was kind of letting himself slip a bit with that as well, wondering how hard it would be to really throw everything away instead of letting it spiral out of his control.

His mom should die or something. lol.

Kidding, kidding. I love Grissom's mom even though we've never seen her or know anything about her except that she's deaf.

I really don't think they could cast anyone as Grissom's mom, so yeah - she needs to die. lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Hey fans-here's that article about Grissom/Billy shaving off his "beard" and a not so nice comment about our girl Sara- this guy is a jerkface- :( and who cares what he thinks?why say crap about these people- :mad: just thought you'd like to read it-it's quite a ways down so schroll away- ;)

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Dude. I'd price it at about $500. It was HUGE. And terrifying. We just ran by it every time we saw it. I'm so going to try and score you a pic of it now.

Doooo it. I can sort of imagine what it looks like.

What's wrong with that plan? I mean, dude is like what, 300? His mom must be ancient. She could kick it and it would be a great, great, great storyline and really open him up a bit. I want to know sensitive!Grissom better, and I think Sara does too.

I really don't think they could cast anyone as Grissom's mom, so yeah - she needs to die. lol.

I agree with you, Zig. I'm sure Sara wants to see Grissom open up, and hopefully she'll be the one giving him support. Maybe another sign that the table have turned. But unlike season 6, it won't matter as much because they're together.

Ok, I think I'm slowly starting to lose my sanity again.

Damn, I had this really cool animation I found of Gretchen from Mean Girls saying "irregardless". What? Whaaat? I liked Mean Girls.

It pretty much consisted of him looking confused occasionally while special effects faded out the sound. There was never a scene where you could tell it had really, really gotten to him, not that WP hadn't tried to create that, but they never WROTE a scene where you really felt that it was all coming crashing down. Even the finale didn't seem that earth-shattering in terms of where he felt he was headed.

Exactly. It was supposed to be this whole shocking story when really we really didn't see it have any effect on the guy. Where as now, with Sara, I think he's going to let more things in, thus leaving him available for angsty plotlines.

Bring on the sexy disturbed looks, Grissom.

Oh, and thanks for the link to the article, desert. I hope he grows it back. It's just not Grissom without facial hair. And no. Not the handlebar moustache he sported in Young Guns 2.

Ew. Ew. Ew.


I just want to show you all the amount of cruelty Sarah shows towards me. She is a mean person.

I'm scarred for life. Seriously.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I agree with you, Zig. I'm sure Sara wants to see Grissom open up, and hopefully she'll be the one giving him support. Maybe another sign that the table have turned. But unlike season 6, it won't matter as much because they're together.

Ok, I think I'm slowly starting to lose my sanity again.

lol. Nah, I think we definitely saw the switch of their dynamic this year, even if we weren't aware of why. I mean, the Bite Me scene was probably the last scene where Grissom was the one who was making Sara feel vulnerable. Not that vulnerability is a "good" thing, but it's more that now that they're together, it's like he's... submitting. Only not that word because then we get back to his possible control issues and fetishes. But yeah, submitting. lol.

It comes back to the feel of the speech in Butterflied - essentially he does feel like he's at her mercy now. And slowly we saw her basically telling him, "I like you the way you are (Grey hair) and I'm not going anywhere (I'm not ready...)"

Damn, I had this really cool animation I found of Gretchen from Mean Girls saying "irregardless". What? Whaaat? I liked Mean Girls.

Everyone liked mean girls. You could still see Lindsay Lohan when she turned to the side then. It was a magical year.

Exactly. It was supposed to be this whole shocking story when really we really didn't see it have any effect on the guy. Where as now, with Sara, I think he's going to let more things in, thus leaving him available for angsty plotlines.

If they want Emmys, yeah. I think that storyline taught them that they actually had to DO something about a big shift. Even at Lady Heather's, it wasn't that clear what his feelings were. She was interpreting for him, but he never flat-out said: "I'm scared, I need someone to understand me right now" or anything. And while I didn't think that him freaking out during Committed would've worked for the scene, who knows? But it would have gotten him a LOT closer to some recognition. Throwing fits, crying and dying gets you Emmys.

Bring on the sexy disturbed looks, Grissom.

Who's obsessed now?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Doooo it. I can sort of imagine what it looks like.
We tried to find a pic online, to no avail. Next time we're at Guildford we'll take one.

I just want to show you all the amount of cruelty Sarah shows towards me. She is a mean person.
I must confess, darling, that I am the one who gave it to her in the first place. I'm very, very, very sorry. But not really. Because it amuses me.

lol. Nah, I think we definitely saw the switch of their dynamic this year, even if we weren't aware of why. I mean, the Bite Me scene was probably the last scene where Grissom was the one who was making Sara feel vulnerable. Not that vulnerability is a "good" thing, but it's more that now that they're together, it's like he's... submitting. Only not that word because then we get back to his possible control issues and fetishes. But yeah, submitting. lol.
It's true. I like it. I like to see her in control and in charge of things for once. I may have never thought he treated her poorly, but I definitely think it was her turn to run the show.

Everyone liked mean girls.
I loved Mean Girls!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

So, I was watching Dr. Phil at the YMCA today [shut up, I have 6 channels to choose from and only halfway through my workout did I realize What Not To Wear was on.] and there was this couple that were in a VERY similar situation to Grissom and Sara. I didn't even notice the fifteen, maybe twenty minutes I was on the treadmill because I was daydreaming so much.
Thank you, GSR, for preventing obesity!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

We tried to find a pic online, to no avail. Next time we're at Guildford we'll take one.

4 sho. I think it would go great with a blue Hawaiian shirt. OH! Blue Hawaiian! That WAS a shout-out to Greg!

I must confess, darling, that I am the one who gave it to her in the first place. I'm very, very, very sorry. But not really. Because it amuses me.

What in the hey now?

It's true. I like it. I like to see her in control and in charge of things for once. I may have never thought he treated her poorly, but I definitely think it was her turn to run the show.

Agreed - and I think a lot of his power toward her came from never having to admit his feelings. It gave him a bit of a shield behind which he could leave her in the dark. I believe maybe it was the fact that he didn't know she'd heard his speech in Butterflied that caused that big separation with them for the rest of season 4 and most of 5.

So, I was watching Dr. Phil at the YMCA today [shut up, I have 6 channels to choose from and only halfway through my workout did I realize What Not To Wear was on.] and there was this couple that were in a VERY similar situation to Grissom and Sara. I didn't even notice the fifteen, maybe twenty minutes I was on the treadmill because I was daydreaming so much.
Thank you, GSR, for preventing obesity!

lol. You should do a CBS Cares ad.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Agreed - and I think a lot of his power toward her came from never having to admit his feelings. It gave him a bit of a shield behind which he could leave her in the dark. I believe maybe it was the fact that he didn't know she'd heard his speech in Butterflied that caused that big separation with them for the rest of season 4 and most of 5.
But do we know if she has now told him she saw it? No. That's actually an interesting concept, I wonder if he knows she knows. I would assume so, but it would definitely be something they could let us know when they give us our long overdue: "CSI: The GSR episode." I'm ranking that one right up with "CSI: The Musical."

What in the hey now?
I originally provided you with the hideous picture of the hideous dancing Billy thing.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Everyone liked mean girls. You could still see Lindsay Lohan when she turned to the side then. It was a magical year.

'Twas, Sarah, 'twas. And yes - Mean Girls was an amazing movie.

Throwing fits, crying and dying gets you Emmys.

I can't help but wonder how Jorja Fox didn't at least get an Emmy nomination. She did a hell of a job breaking down in "Nesting Dolls".

Ok, this is sort of off topic but I can never, ever see Grissom crying. I'll read in fics and stuff how Grissom started crying It's just weird,

Who's obsessed now?

I'm not the one who looks at dancing Billy animations. So there. *shudders*

We tried to find a pic online, to no avail. Next time we're at Guildford we'll take one.

You better.

I must confess, darling, that I am the one who gave it to her in the first place. I'm very, very, very sorry. But not really. Because it amuses me.

lol, it's always you who supplies the disturbing Billy pictures. Shame on you.

It's true. I like it. I like to see her in control and in charge of things for once. I may have never thought he treated her poorly, but I definitely think it was her turn to run the show.

I completely agree. He pulled her around for 5 years, and in season 6 she finally started to grab the bull by the horns and show Grissom that it was up to him, and that virtually left him powerless.

He might of been in control, but once she said "that's enough" he had nothing left to do but plan a course of action.
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